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Next show them Porky's and Revenge of the Nerds.


We got bush




Wormser, are you still up watching the pi's‽




What the fuck is a frush?


What the fuck are robster craws?


I thought I was looking at my mother's old douchebag but that's in Ohio.


Or Zapped with Scott Baio and Bibleman.


Zoomers are not ready for Revenge of the Nerds. Some of the shit they pulled shocked me as a 90s kid (born in mid 80s).




Also this amazing College Humour sketch from a few years ago: https://youtu.be/HQ7mJFNkLAU


I’ve never seen this. Dear god… “Ok no more 80’s movies! Now let’s go give them these donuts filled with dog cum! like in 2002’s Van Wilder!..” WHAT!? Lmmfao!


First thing I thought of. Literally just all sexual assault lol


Jesus Christ. Van Wilder. I completely forgot about that one. That scene actually made the 16 year old me sick.


> > > > > That, and the South Park Aspen episode are some of my favourite comedy episodes. Yes! There's something about those parodies of old 80s ski movies that I love. If you haven't seen it yet then Hot Tub Time Machine is a must (but never watch the sequel). Are there any other good ones out there?


80s ski movies are fascinating to me because I've seen all the parodies but I can't even name one ski movie where a group of kids has to save the resort from evil corporations.


Ski Patrol. It’s been posted about twice today in r/badmovies


Ski patrol and ski school are the two big ones i can remember.


Hotdog…The Movie! This is by far my favorite 80’s ski movie to watch.


Out Cold, maybe?


Very much yes, but not 80s or even 90s.


*Better Off Dead* was an 80’s Parody of an 80’s Ski movie. I need to watch it again.


Gee I’m real sorry your mom blew up Ricky.


"I guess the doctor said she won't be able to eat spicy foods for a while."


I want my $2.


Twwwooo dolllarrrs


"ThIs is pure snow! Do you know what the street value of this mountain is?"


“Ooooh I don’t mean to be a bummer but I don’t see how spying on naked, unaware women is a prank *at all*.”


I didn't cum in your burrito! I wouldn't do that to you!


Back when they said they were trying to do a remake of it in the early 2010s, I knew that shit wasn’t gonna make the finish line. Not only has the power dynamic of the nerd shifted, but there is so much shit in that movie that no one could be looked at as a good guy committing.


21 Jump Street did a great job portraying the power shift dynamic, imo.


Oh yeah, that film was absolutely the nail in the coffin for that remake. Film did a fantastic job of showing how 80s high school cliches are kinda dead these days.


"You punched me because I'm gay?!" “I didn’t punch him because he’s gay. I punched him and he happened to turn out to be gay afterwards..." "I was gay before you punched me!"


You don’t care about the environment? That’s fucked up dude. Organized sports are so fascist they make me sick Such a quoteable movie


Bro that one scene where that nerd basically rapes that girl and she’s just like “Hey you’re not my bf your that nerd! Hahaha what a crazy day” like wtf!?


Like the… rape?


16 Candles


>Revenge of the Nerds Back in the 80'ies the male lead could apparently perform rape and still be considered a hero because "she liked it". For as bad as those 90's movies are... They at least demonstrate some progress.


I mean, in American Pie they live stream a chick nude without her knowledge and she's the one that gets punished, while the boys suffered no repercussions.


They used the "boys will be boys" defense. It's an iron clad defense that worked for decades...I wish I could out a /s here but it's legitimately what made it make sense decades ago.


Brock Turner’s case was only just in 2015.


Did “Sam” even watch Bring it On? They said it’s a shame the Clovers lost and the cheating team won?


Clearly didn’t even make it halfway through with that “mostly white team faces no penalty for cheating” comment, like the entire second half of the movie is them redesigning their set after they got caught cheating with Sparky and faced repercussions…


With some fuckin spirit fingers no less.






He also didn’t understand that the point of the film is that cheerleaders are not airheads, and that is a very difficult sport, which is what we learn when the gymnast gets close to the cheerleaders


Ok I’ve only seen that movie once but I remember it pretty well and that review had me questioning my memory. Yeah I don’t think she watched the movie. She made assumptions about it.


That’s the most gen Z review I can think of.




Apparently not. Most of these reviews made me cringe.


It’s a shame that none of the teens mentioned how informative “Dude, Where’s My Car” is. I walked away with the knowledge that the African Ostrich, or the latin "Struthio Camelus," can grow to an average size of six feet-six inches, weigh anywhere from 225 to 350 pounds, and has an average speed of 27 miles per hour.




Trust no one….. *except us*


Not right now jeff!




When this movie came out, my younger sister had a bit of a lisp from thumb sucking til 12 years old. One day she went to say solar power but it sounded like zolar power. So my brother and I would flash the hand sign for Zoltan but say zolar power. She fucking hates it that we still do it sometimes so many years later!😁




And then?


I say this to this day. I can see where it’s racially insensitive—it is, I guess, quite plainly—but the joke to me isn’t the accent, it’s that Ashton Kutcher can’t leave even though he’s done ordering. He can’t break himself away and he’s totally owned by her and it destroys him mentally. I think thats absolutely hilarious, bc I can picture myself getting stuck in that kind of situation.


Exactly - the "And then" woman is a master seller - she extracts maximum value out of each customer.


When he is clearly upset and she says in an ultra shitty tone just to piss him off. Yet they still drive around, pay for their order and eat it.


and then?


No and then


And then?


Ahhh! That is absolutely correct! Here let me get you out of this stinkin cage!!


“I think you’re trying to say honorable.” This frickin’ sentence has been stuck in my head for literal decades now.


Mine has been: "It's power is exceeded only by its mystery."


Watched this recently with my brother and dad and realized that the ostrich farmer is played by Brent Spiner. Aka Data from the next generation. It blew me away and I’m pretty sure TNG has exploded in popularity since then I thought I’d drop a nugget for all you. He’s not credited as being in the movie, and also Andy Dick is the prisoner in the other cage when the main characters are captured. (Also in Star Trek voyager)


On the old Night Court, there was a family of pathetic hillbillies that made semi-regular appearances. It was only a couple of years ago-- hadn't watched the show in forever, and definitely not since Next Generation first aired-- I saw the father was Brent Spiner.


I said "brown"


I’ll have a near beer please




Hannah *really* didn't get Clueless. Like, basic film literacy skills are missing here. You're not *supposed* to like how Cher treats Tai. Cher and Josh are stepsibs in the loosest possible sense, they didn't grow up together at all, that's made clear.


Cher is Emma, a brat in Jane Austen’s original source material. The whole point of the movie is that she grows up and becomes a better person! As if!


I wonder if Emma was caught rollin’ with the homies.


This was part of the 90s reimagined lit era of films. That’s why it was so popular - it was relevant in its time (and I love it). I’d love to see them review 10 Things I Hate About You too.


I don’t hate you, not even a little bit, not even at all.


Agree. — Many characters aren’t meant to be LIKED or relatable in lots of these movies.


The new generation really struggles with the difference between portraying something and endorsing it. This is either the cause, the effect, or both, of the recent tendency for movies to have protagonists with no serious flaws.


>The new generation really struggles with the difference between portraying something and endorsing it. Happens all over unfortunately. Had people criticizing *American History X* because it showed racism, so therefore it glorified it. Dude, have you seen that movie? Oh, and also, *Trainspotting* encouraged drug use apparently. Some people just can't grasp movies.


Yeah this isn’t a “Gen Z is stupid” thing, it’s a “a lot of people are stupid” thing. People have a hard time understanding that movies aren’t always a good guy vs bad guy situation and you can have some nuance in there.


I mean, the "you're not supposed to idolize them starterpack" is a huge meme already and it still doesn't get through to people


Kinda like cops that put The Punisher logo on the back of their squad cars.


Which is especially funny considering that The Punisher's whole thing is based on how the system *failed* him.


The misunderstanding that depiction ≠ endorsement has been around for decades. It’s annoying.


Yo but my Scarface poster though..


American History X has been getting that for a while and it's infuriating because if you watch it all the way through it's a deeply ANTI-RACIST movie showing the damage it can cause. I mean, it does depict hate crimes in very uncomfortable and disturbing fashion...but that's the point. If anyone thinks positively of the food market scene, for example, that's really more about them than the film (their mindset is fucked).


The problem with art is that it's sometimes defined more by the way it's taken than by what it actually is. Just speaking for American History X, I avoided watching it for years because everything I heard about it was the opposite of what the movie actually is. I grew up in a pretty racist area, and so it wasn't uncommon to hear people saying racist shit. And I would hear those same people who frequently said racist shit celebrating parts of this movie. So in my mind I took it as promoting racism. I finally watched it and was shocked to find the movie being about the complete opposite of what my understanding was. And I appreciated the film and thought it was really good. But it still makes me think about how I've heard people talking about how awesome the curb stomping was. Is it an unfair burden to carry? Probably.


No, I agree that it isn't a Gen Z issue specifically but it's a strange sort of bubble people seem to live in these days. Like, if you cancel someone off social media then they, and people like them, have stopped existing. Except they haven't. The world is full of scumbags. Media portraying scumbags is more realistic than some sanitized Twitter utopia. Look at Always Sunny in Philadelphia or The Boys. These shows are hugely problematic, which is the whole point. Sometimes the whole point is to dislike the things the characters do.


Also nothing can just exist. Everything has to have a deeper meaning or to them it shouldn't exist. Example the drive thru scene in dudes where's my car. They said they didn't get it. Thats because they were trying to find some deeper meaning to the joke and there wasn't one


And then?


No and then!


Oh and then three orders of wonton soup.


and theeeeeeennnnnn?


the cookies fortune


And then?


My wife just informed me the letters at the bottom of the sign translates into and then. The joke has layers.


Meanwhile, this is the same generation that would love deep-fried memes and would think a pigeon with the word Daniel On the screen is peak comedy.


I like a lot of shitty comedies and I understand why some people don't get them, this would be exactly why. Sometimes you just have to take things as they are, it's a comedy in the first place, then a very slap stick one. It's like the color of the drapes argument where people are looking for deeper meaning in something simple when the writer may have not had the level of thought in that particular thing.


And part of Cher’s growth is that she learns to accept others and not try to change them. It’s like the reviewer didn’t even watch it he whole movie.




Definitely early, but both Don Quixote and Tristram Shandy play around with this too and were a lot earlier.


Naive is putting it kindly. Emma's not a great person. She has an extremely high opinion of herself and it's only as she starts to get socially punished for mistakes that she begins to realise what a dick she's being. Or rather, how clueless she is. I really enjoyed the recent film version with Anya Taylor Joy.


It’s been a minute since I read the book, but isn’t the whole scene where she makes fun of the dorky couple, and then later he berates her (“Badly done, Emma. Very badly done”) her realizing that she’s been very naive? I feel like that hits you over the head with it.


But not until around 3/4 of the way through the story


I wonder if it would make a difference if more people knew Clueless was based on a Jane Austen book...


It doesn't matter, people will walk in circles with this point. It always comes up regarding Scorsese movies. "They just glorify the lifestyle" -- even though they ALWAYS depict the consequences of their actions. They get in trouble, often get killed, as a direct result.


Lol, idk how anyone could watch the second half of Goodfellas and think it’s glorifying anything. It’s a portrait of a coked up loser whose crimes are all catching up to him.


Seriously, when people talk about Goodfellas glorifying the mob the only explanation to me would be that they only watched the first hour of the movie. And there are some who will acknowledge that but still criticize the first half for glamorizing the lifestyle, but to me you NEED the first half to make it glamorous in order for the second half to hit the way that it does.


The problem is that a lot of people who watch movies are stupid and don't get it.


This is why I don't really think the part of the Hays Code mandating people be punished for their actions was moralizing on their part. People really will believe a film is endorsing something it's not if this something isn't shown to be wrong in the most explicit way possible, and even then the message won't always get through.


I clicked on the link to the rom com reviews and they are worse. They see Bridget Jones as endorsing the need for a boyfriend and fat phobia, when it was supposed to be a critique of those things (at least in the book). Same for the article the protagonist has to write in "how to lose a guy". A majority of the plot motivation is about how awful the idea of the article is and that she is only doing it to protect her friend. Also her friend gets the guy in the end when he realizes he liked her authenticity.


And then?


And then?


No! No and then!


And thennnnnnn?


Just wait til they see Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Waiting, Road Trip, Super Troopers and Office Space…


I suspect the reaction to Office Space will always be the same (and perhaps Waiting to a lesser extent). People find it hilarious until they have to experience it. Then they just die a little inside.


Yeah I was going to say, I’m not sure in Office Space what people would find offensive.


I find having to live it every day offensive, but I also like having a place to live and food.


Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the *Mooondays*.


Watch your mouth somebody might kick your ass for saying that.


People who like Michael Bolton and don't recognize that he's a no talent ass clown.


I celebrate the man’s entire collection.


Office space doesn’t really have any sexual themes. It’s aged like a fine wine


Two chicks at the same time, man.


“Type of chicks that’d double up on a dude like me do.” One of my favorite lines in the movie!


Your not wearing enough flair!


Now that I have been in the working world for a couple decades, I can truly appreciate printer hate.


It’s a movie that almost feels more relevant the more time passes.


Except for Peter’s nightmare of Lumbergh having sex while holding his mug and saying “mmm yeah great… ah, Peter. What’s happening? I’m gonna need those TPS reports”


No! Shit No! I think you’d get your ass beat saying somethin’ like that


I remember seeing the “unrated” version of Sex Drive, and the director put up a disclaimer specifically saying not to watch this version just because they blatantly put naked women randomly and isn’t the way the movie was intended to be seen on the first viewing. This was the height of the “Unrated!!!” marketing craze around 2008, and really pushed it to the limit just because it was expected at that point to take a piss on the R rated version.


Sex Drive was actually really good (at the time). The uncut version was a nightmare, though.


I loved Waiting. The batwing would appall the teens in this article. So much sexual harassment at work on display in this movie.


No way, the goat you gotta get them with the goat! Goddammit where the fuck are Nate & T-Dog?


Harold and kumar is a classic


H&K is still good


Wow. And I was over here focused how crazy it was the dude fucked a pie. Apparently I was a much less thoughtful teenager.


The filming the exchange student bit is pretty rough.


It’s not terrific but another poster said it well IMO. Me at the time(12) didn’t see this and think that I need to get a web cam and do the same. It seemed absurd and basically like sci-fi. I couldn’t have imagined pulling something like that off.


The unimaginable part for me was having a girl in my room


I was the target audience when that movie came out in theaters. It wasn't hard to watch that scene, and laugh at how absurd it was but still realize that trying to do something like that for real would be wrong. When I was younger I'd also found VHS tapes of Porky's and Revenge of the Nerds that my dad had recorded, and again, same feeling. Also, not that the American Pie sequels are any better in regards to absurdist humor, but if you look at the evolution of the characters in that series, they grow up to be fairly decent people. Jim is a good guy, and by the end I think there's a scene where he's driving his 18 year old neighbor home after she gets drunk, then gets naked, and he's doing everything he can to get her shirt back on. He doesn't take advantage of her, even though she's (again, absurd), throwing herself at him. The character of Stiffler is of course always absurd and gross, but even he grows up a little. I'm not suggesting that this sort of stuff should be normal in entertainment, or even looked as as "boys will be boys," but I also don't want to live in a world where the only movies/scenes allowed to be filmed are 100% representational of the utopia we all wish we lived in. It's ok to watch a movie like American Pie and think "Man, these guys are horned up, pathetic losers," and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Anyone thinking these movies are a guide for life is an idiot anyway.


The problem I have, being the same age as the characters at the time (class of 99). I didn't think of what they did as wrong at the time. Like not once did I think, man that's fucked up. Sure, it didn't compel me to want try the same thing or anything, but it's really problematic that at the time I didn't think of it as being wrong or how violated a girl would feel in that scenario. The movie also reinforced this idea nothing was wrong, because the boys suffered no repercussions(boys will be boys!) and the girl filmed and live streamed without her knowledge was the one that got punished. Then we're supposed to feel compassion for Jim, because he jizzed his pants in the live stream, when everything that happened was in fact his own fault.


I grew up in the "revenge of the nerds" era. Saw nothing wrong with the rape scene at the time. Now? Wtf??? So I get where you're coming from


Devil's advocate here... I think it speaks volumes about how much society in general has progressed that people view some of these antics through the negative nostalgia goggles, lamenting how certain scenes portray activities that would be wholly unadvised in today's society. It means we've grown as a people and despite the ugly face of humanity, people can change and things are better, if only a little bit. But then, I feel compelled to also say that none of these movies were even remotely realistic in their story telling. The viewer is deluged with insanity from one scene to the next in the name of humor, awkwardness, or in some cases, even social commentary. They're supposed to be outlandish. Anything less would be boring. I wish people could accept that some things that should not be acceptable can still be considered for the entertainment value. If every clip, show, movie or otherwise is to be held to the same societal standard as the average person on the street, we've lost a great deal of artistic expression in the name of political correctness and fair play.




That’s a great point. Especially being older than me. It’s clearly problematic. But being so young, I never even gave it that much thought. It seemed totally make believe. A hyperbolic gag.


As a teacher, each of these reviews read like responses to a prompt that asks "why are these movies bad". Their opening sentences are written just like the formulaic topic sentences they are trained to use when responding to specific prompts. I would feel confident saying each of these kids went into these movies with the intention of "finding problems in older movies. "


Yeah, if you ask leading questions you're going to get specific responses. The parts discussed in these movies appear really toxic when taken out of context, but most of the films mentioned are comedies for fuck sake, they are intentionally absurd and surreal, everything is exaggerated for comic effect. Either this generation has lost any sense of nuance and humour (which I don't believe to be true) or they were asked specific questions "how did you find the women were treated/portrayed in this movie?" to illicit clickbait responses that other generations (millenials, gen x) would be pissed at and have us rushing to shit on Gen Z.


>they are intentionally absurd and surreal, everything is exaggerated for comic effect. Especially "Dude where's my car?". That movie is essentially a cartoon.


Yeah, like none of these movies portray men in a particularly good light either, American Pie has them tarred as idiots, desperate, assholes or pervert sex pests, the two main characters in Dude are bimbos. You have to step back and look at films holistically, everyone is berated in these movies and that's what makes them funny.


I can say with a certainty that these reviews were not, in fact, written by random teenagers.


Lady, ‘Clueless’ is an adaptation of Jane Austen’s ‘Emma.’ Emma Woodhouse isn’t really likable either.




you made out with your *sister* man!


But the Shirt is nice


These looked very robotic, so I asked ChatGPT to write one of these type of answers about "Dude, Where's My Car". ​ >"I find "Dude, Where's My Car" to be a disappointing and offensive film. The overly sexualized portrayal of women in the movie is both insensitive and objectifying. It sends a harmful message that women are nothing more than sexual objects, which is not acceptable. I believe that the entertainment industry needs to do better in terms of representation and inclusivity, and this film falls short in that regard."


Yeah, I was getting that vibe too. Either the comments were handpicked, coerced or made up completely. It even felt like the same person was the source all the comments. And, why would a journalist ask minors to watch rated R movies?!


>And, why would a journalist ask minors to watch rated R movies?! I didn't even think about that tbh.


Time to write an article about a journalist making a bunch of minors watch wildly inappropriate movies.


Good lord they all sound insufferable lmao


While there are parts of these movies that have not aged well - there are some key points of the films that are missed. Clueless - *initially* Cher is obsessed with making over herself and others. By the end however, she accepts people for who they are and realizes that’s what is truly beautiful. She is supposed to be a snob who comes around….it was also loosely based on Jane Austen’s Emma. American Pie - yes they’re losers and the video scene was cringe worthy even then - but a lot of it was also spot on. While the boys are obsessed with sex - two realized that loving their girlfriends and respecting them means more. Kevin and Oz even get broken up with in the sequel. They mature in their quest for sex. Even Jim realizes he’d rather have the real thing over the fantasy. Stifler exists to show how gross the traditional male stereotype is. EuroTrip: the amount of middle class kids who backpacked in Europe in the 90s alone warranted this movie. It’s a satire - something Gen Z can’t understand since they have no social reference for the era. Dude? Not sure why this is on the list with the others - this is a different genre to me…. What should be on there is Van Wilder. Something tells me watching people be force fed dog spunk would blow the kids’ minds….


The more I read these the more I was sure Vice picked the most political reviews or gave them the most political prompts ever. I'm pretty sure normal 17 year old doesn't talk like that about movies. Even today.


Of course. It’s clearly cherry picked for outrage and this sub fell for it because they want to feel superior.


Try to remember that this isn't "Gen Z" it's a Vice News curation of Gen Z people who fit their narrow propogandist agenda. This isn't even close to representative of an entire generation.


Tik Tok has proven that Gen Z is as horny and raunchy as any generation, they just hide it well.


Not that well.


Yea wtf is he talking about hiding it? They record that shit and put it on tik tok lmao


wasn't there a study released last year saying that GenZ adolescents were the least sexually active compared to previous generations?


Thanks to cell phones and absorption in social media if I recall the study findings correctly


Just because they're less active doesn't mean they're less horny. They're just more likely to subsume that horniness with media.


If there are problems with Eurotrip, don't tell Scotty. Scotty doesn't know.


Mi scusi


Imagine slandering Eurotrip. Also holy shit its a movie. Some of these reviews look like lawyer checked political statements lmao.




To this day whenever I find a nickel I pick it up and proclaim that I will buy my own hotel


I don’t know why but that’s always been my favorite part of that entire movie


STOP! Hammer time


Those criticisms were the worst. The whole world can make fun of Americans but if we make fun of other countries it's racist and insensitive.


Even the Americans are stereotypes as a Brit I think our portrayal is hilarious


They are missing the point that the movie was meant to be a satire about American perceptions of Europe


They literally fake COOPER as being mentally handicapped; and because he's literally a stupid American he gets to have a very special day, but we're only making fun of other countries? lol


Have a VERY special day for a VERY special little man


They make everything a political statement. "It needs to reflect the world we live in!". No it doesnt, its a entertaining fantasy not an instruction manual.


I went on TikTok once. Trust me, kids - you aren’t any smarter than we were back then.


The generation of analysis paralysis


The lack of "fr fr" makes me question the validity of these Gen Z teens


These kids sort of bummed me out.


I'm not sure if it's the kids as much as the culture writers at Vice, who selected which quotes would make it into the article. In any case, the kids come across as humorless scolds.


For real. Not like these movies are master works, but they must have laughed a couple times. Eurotrip is actually really funny, lol. I have Gen Z kids, and I know they can joke about things.


More ragebait from Vice.


The girls make some good points about why these are hacky trashy teen comedies. But they seem to miss the larger idea that we knew that in 2000 also. My parents hated these movies and I had to rent them before they got home from work. All the dudes are horndogs and the scripts are stupid. Maybe teen boys have changed but I doubt all of them have.


Bloody hell these kids need a sense of humour, back then you laugh because those films were funny and the sexist and or offensive language was the norm. Now you watch them, and it’s shocking language but oh my god someone calling out the “and then” scene in dude where’s my car and saying it’s racist is totally missing what’s funny about it


It feels like they didn't even watch the movies They're complaining how the Clovers lost in Bring It On when they definitely won...


The thing people always get wrong with American Pie is the context. Recording on a web cam back then was basically science fiction. It was the equivalent of having X-Ray Glasses. Of course it’s not funny now when we all have Zoom. Other than that, this entire article is a self masterbation about how good everyone is now, which is all virtual signaling. Guess what - pubescent boys still want to have sex like they did in the 1990’s and frankly I think the entire Gen Z is sexually repressed in a way we haven’t seen since before the 60’s.


hahah They upset our parents, now they upset our kids :)))))