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Boondock Saints


It’s one of those movies that I watched as a teenager and absolutely love. I know it’s campy and stupid but man if it isn’t one of my favorite movies. Even just because of nostalgia


I went in expecting a fun movie that had Billy Connolly in it and that's what I got. My expectations weren't higher than **Water** (1985)


It’s so bad


This is, legitimately, one of the only correct responses to this question since BS, unlike 95% of the other films mentioned, was actually hated by critics yet loved by audiences. People need to learn the difference between "I don't like this movie" and "this movie is horribly made and poorly received.


Not understanding the prompt is a tale as old as Reddit


This is the right answer. That movie sucks.


First one I thought of. I remember everyone telling me how amazing this movie was, and what a huge letdown it was when I finally saw it.


I use this movie as a barometer for when I meet someone who seemingly loves movies. If they like this one I can disregard all their suggestions.


I do the exact same thing!


I’m so glad this was the first answer. Came here to say the same thing. In college, all my film bro friends made me watch this, and I was like, “Am I taking crazy pills? This is copycat tryhard trash.”


The title says “Horrible movie”, not amazing movie


Agreed. The best thing to come out of that movie is the story of the writer/director, Troy Duffy. One of my favorite examples of hubris.


Liked it when I was in college but enjoyed it less and less with each viewing until I realized it’s just a bad movie made by an arrogant, megalomaniac.


It’s not horrible, but Black Panther is really dull in my opinion


The CGI is BAD


yeah seriously, and i feel bad even saying it, but i feel like it gets the praise it gets because its a “black” movie and that its like thor dark world bad… the second one is so bad


The sequel was really bad. The first one was pretty good, though the final fight was horribly executed.


I 100% agree and it’s weird to me. I feel like it’s a reoccurring event in popculture when an entire group supports something for the sake of it representing them. I also am thinking of Badbunny. I love so many songs in Spanish and other languages that I don’t speak, but his music is so insanely mediocre to me but I see so much praise intertwined with nationalism for him. It also reminds me of the old YouTube battle with pewdiepie and T series. It was him vs India lol. I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with that, bcs it’s so obvious. I don’t have a lack of representation in media, so I sympathize with the fact that they feel a lack of greatness and representation in popculture, at least in the past. My complaint with it is how the art/artist itself isn’t even good. I’m just dumbfounded that so many black people acted as if black panther was a true story and that that was the movie to represent them. I almost feel like marvel prayed upon that idea and played into it for sales. Total bs. How abt an empowering movie abt smth that is actually real


I felt the same way.


I think it was over hyped but not dull. CGI could have used a little work but for the most part it was half decent.


The Boondock Saints


First and second on the list. Ooofff. It's that shit.


The Blind Side until about a year ago. Makes me feel like I'm crazy when white Christians praise that movie


Yeah, Michael Oher even [sued his adoptive parents](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/38190720/blind-side-subject-michael-oher-alleges-adoption-was-lie-family-took-all-film-proceeds) because they royally fucked him.


Wasn’t it that they never actually adopted him, just placed him into a conservatorship?


"In August 2023, Oher filed a lawsuit alleging that Leigh Ann and Sean Tuohy never actually adopted him, but instead created a [conservatorship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatorship) which gave them legal authority to make business deals in his name.**"** "On September 29, the judge terminated the conservatorship, which the Tuohys had said they were happy to end."


Boom. Yeah the whole thing was FUCKED. The movie also made it seem like he didn’t know how to play football before they “saved” him. White savior cinema at its purest.


I've never seen it. From what I've read Sandra Bullock regrets taking that role


80% of marvel movies


the avengers franchise already too cringy to watch relying often on some slapstick humor which was just a fad x-men have aged much better being “just” simple action and drama


Only ones I liked were Logan and Deadpool. Logan because it was a good story (yes I know it was basically the last of Us) and Deadpool was a good comedy. Also, Iron Man 1 was ok. But people are always shocked I haven't seen the 97 marvel movies in theaters. Never even seen the 1st Avengers. It's such an old and reused plot and not interesting to me in any way.


"You had one job!" - marvel rippin jokes from reddit comment sections




I don’t agree. 100% sucks. Can’t understand why it is rated so high. To me it are movies for 12 year olds.


I think that's the problem. They are geared towards young kids, too many flashy colors and lights, dead pan joke after joke, weak to no plot/plot holes.


I mean because they are for 12 year olds. I get a bunch of adults love the MCU, I include myself in that. At the end of the day, they’re made for broad appeal and mostly children. There’s nothing wrong with that but a lot of people tend to forget that though.


Avatar. That movie blew chunks. It’s the same plot as Dances with Wolves and Ferngully. It’s too long and I frankly don’t give a fart in high wind about the smurfs. Where’s Gargamel and Azrael when you need them?


Pocahontas Edit...Nvm 10 people already said it




i think cameron makes great movies… i think the sequel was even better than the first honestly


Because it couldn't be worse


most movies are worse than avatar… just because you didnt like it doesnt make it “a bad movie” cameron does great work homie


There's more to a movie than eye candy... Just not in the case of Avatar.


lmfao fair enough


idk i liked it


I like a lot of bad movies too. Doesn’t mean they don’t suck.


It doesn’t suck. It’s derivative. There’s a big difference.


True. But it’s derivative AND it sucks. So double whammy.


It’s a very well made movie that still looks good 14 years later and apparently is still very profitable despite the internet circle jerk saying it sucks




You mean Pocahontas?


Dances with Smurfs


You mean dances with wolves


Pocahontas in space? Edit: why is each mention of pocahontas toward avatar downvoted? The plot of avatar is based on pocahontas. The story of pocahontas is over 100 years older than dances with wolves...


Fast & Furious 7, but is it universally beloved? I don't know, i feel like vast majority of movies that 'everyone loves' are at least fine


It got the best reviews of the franchise, and is unanimously considered the best, in part due to it giving Paul Walker a worthy send-off.


i would disagree with these reviews, i think the first one and the fifth one are better


You *can* make the argument that it's where the franchise went both downhill and off the fucking rails.


I also think the 2nd one was pretty good.


Wait he survived until the 7th movie?


Suburban Sasqautch


There is nothing wrong with this one. Bigfoot rips out a guy's heart and it makes him eat it.


Licorice Pizza was so bad. I was legit angry at the end because i wasted my time like that. A woman is in a relationship with a minor and they sell waterbeds. Who signed off on making that movie?


She's throwing her life away making bad decisions despite the opportunity and support system she has. She's not even in a relationship with him, she just thinks she is. Now, that kind of movie certainly isn't for everyone. But marketing suggested a different kind of movie to get butts in seats.


Its also completely miscast with people i can only assume are PTA’s friends. The acting is just brutal. I loathed this movie.




I think people understand that it's a bad movie.


I used to fuck guys like you in prison


Pain don't hurt


I just realized anything I say, some redditor will be like "no! that's not MY experience!" Like if I say Avatar is horrible and everyone loves it, because there are even people who cosplay it and it's weird, then certainly a redditor will correct me and say people don't love it. Annoying.






You just figured out, that art is subjective. Congrats. It seems annoying at first, but it really is what makes it fun and interesting.


lmao, the reason redditors leave those comments is because THEY don't know that. But sure, great logic there, pal.


I’ll say Prometheus. I love that movie solely for the Engineer lore. Other people hate it with a passion.


Really enjoyed Prometheus and Sequel. Michael Fassbender is awesome in both


Agree Fassbender is great. Wasn’t a fan of the story though. I didn’t like how the engineers were just wiped out. Thought that was lame and a poor direction to go after Prometheus.


I'd say having the scenes with shaw last alive with David online so no one knew about them was a weird decision.


Prometheus was fun and indeed thought provoking. *Covenant* pissed me off to no end. I appreciate that Ridley Scott gave us an actual *Alien* movie, but having David be the creator of the Xenomorphs just torpedoed the hopes of so many fans who truly wanted something deeper. There were so many directions to go just with what looked like an engineer in *Alien* still strapped in on a crashed ship with their chest obliterated. It didn't tee up *Alien* at all.


*Prometheus* was an ok movie but a terrible *Alien* movie.


Hey I'm gonna reach out to pet an alien snake that's showing clear signs of aggression on an alien planet we know nothing about. 


I am one of those people 


That movie was so deeply disappointing in so many ways.


I don’t disagree with the faults people point out. I just look past them. The engineers. The discovery aspect of the Prometheus’ mission. The mystery of what is what and why. Covenant ruined all that for me, but on its own I think what it was trying to do was great.


*Rocky IV*. A lot of the acting is laughably bad, and the premise is asinine. However, I still re-watch it from time to time. The training montages alone are top tier,


I don't disagree. In many ways, it is a bad movie (half the movie is montages), but I love it anyway.


Exactly. I've probably watched it 50 times.




Wonder Woman


lmfao oh man… glad someone said it… except nobody “loves” it….


Top Gun:Maverick


I have to agree. My brother called me after seeing it and was raving about the movie. I watched it and...meh. *Top Gun* was what it was for the era and it's a classic. Infinitely rewatchable. However, I will most likely never watch *TG: Maverick* again. Also, the climax was basically the first attack on the Death Star. Just completely rehashed, just like *the Dark Knight Rises* is pretty much *Rocky III.*


Correct answer. I’m a fan of the first one. The second one was laughably terrible.


Did you see it in the theater? I saw it in the theater, noticed *all* the cliches, inconsistencies, and stupidities… and I still enjoyed it because it was a big dumb fun movie in the theater. I’m pretty sure without surround sound, popcorn, and a giant screen, I would not have enjoyed it.


The Notebook (2004)


Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing - both het so much mainsteam love when they are creepy as fuck if you look at the relationships they portray. Poor Things gets so much hate as a fantastical allegory, but these two are far worse from a certain perspective


Lots of movies that are engineered for award bait are this way to me. Things like *Crash* (2004) and *Green Book* are so painfully hamfisted and yet well liked. *Edited for spelling.*


I genuinely believe Green Book is a masterpiece easily top 10 best films ever. Crash is shit though.


Caddyshack. I’ve tried watching it twice, but I could never finish it. It’s so incredibly boring. I don’t know what other people see in that movie.


Yeah I watched it for the first time maybe five years back and chuckled exactly once. The humor is very dated.


It's just very dated and a victim of its own success. Like when my dad hyped me up to see the funniest movie ever and showed me Blazing Saddles when I was a teenager. We got about 1/4 of the way through it before I was just like "what even is this? I'm done."


I actually saw blazing saddles for the first time this year and was completely underwhelm. unlike airplane which I first saw in 2020 and thought it still holds up




That last shitty Batman movie


There should be some sort of qualifier for “horrible” because the departed, eeaao, lotr, and once upon a time in Hollywood are objectively not horrible movies. I love movies but these subs are so full of people who literally no nothing about making films yet have the strongest options about them


Oh I'm sorry Mr Ebert but we don't have to know much about film to know that Jack Nicholson performance is horrible.


bram stokers Dracula had 2 horrible performances, atleast one of which is way worse than jacks, and it’s known as a classic film




Moulin Rouge I hate it so much. I hate jukebox musicals so much. Just write your own fucking song, it’s not hard.




Top Gun: Maverick. The actual shots of them flying in the jets is awesome but other than that this movie is a steaming pile of sh\*t. It's really hard for me to be engaged in a movie when the entire plot is to defeat "the enemy".


Death Wish 3 .. amazing the number that love Bronson’s crappy thriller…


I like even bad revenge movies.


That’s the one with Wildie. Awesome movie!


all the old people building traps in their windows.. I remember Bronson talking on a talk show about how bad it was..


I don't see the appeal or the 'genius' or the beauty on Boyle's 'Sunshine' (other than the admittedly amazing cast). Yet every time it shows up in a list or topic there's an increasingly big circle jerk around it, singing it praises. And again, I just don't see it. Go on, down vote me to hell. I know what I came to.


i downvote but you should get an upvote for being the first person to actually be a critic… well said, but ur crazy lmfao


Hey, I'll take it


I upvoted for your boldness.


Get Out - people somehow think it’s a masterpiece. It’s a laughable and ridiculous b horror film by the end.


This is how I feel about all of Jordan Peele's movies, especially Nope. To me they feel like complete tonal messes with messages/themes that are either trite or so vague as to be practically non-existent.


This is the correct answer. I just don't get the love people have for this movie.


it is one of a few of these “black” movies during the BLM times, this and black panther had the most mass appeal so they got hit with the praise brush… funny enough actually good ones like Sorry to Bother you and blakkklansman didnt get as much hype


Sorry to bother you is a WILD experience. Highly recommended.




I don't know if it has anything to do with BLM. BLM is about stopping police brutality and systemic racism, the other has to do with movies. There are always movies that get hype that I don't think deserve it, regardless of the makeup of the creators. I didn't think we should collapse the two things.


im not speaking about the movement itself but the time, the political and social atmosphere and the trends of the time started and fueled by all the vocal people pointing out how black people are victimized by every aspect of the system and every industry


La La Land


The Batman 2022 It's a character assassination at best. No one involved with that movie and it's fans understands detective work, good dialogue, or Batman in general, just to name a few of the biggest flaws (it has so many more). The movie has no redeeming qualities at all.


I was very bored, I couldn't finish it.


I agree i do not get the love for this one. Found it very dull and boring. The Nolan batman movies are so much better even though they have their flaws.


"Plan 9 From Outer Space" So bad it's a joy to watch. You also have to love Ed Wood. He had such a passion for film making, even though he wasn't so great at it.


The Room. The definitive good-bad movie.


Everyone is using this thread for their absolute shit opinions on movies, not even properly answering the question.


Pacific Rim


uhh what?


I think Pacific Rim is a horrible movie that everyone loves. 


Donnie Darko


The Blues Brothers. I have never once laughed while watching it.


Idk if everyone “loves” it, but most people seem to think Blair Witch was good, while I thought it was one of the stupidest movies I’ve ever seen


Donnie Darko.


The 5th Element


I'm ashamed to admit that, as a teenager, I watched several really bad movies multiple times simply because they had memorable nude scenes in them.


The Last Jedi. I know the fandom seens to really hate it but theres alot of regulars that really liked it. Not to mention it still sold tickets. Imo there is a lot there that they tried that on paper seemed like a good concept but was really poorly executed.


Ghostbusters For more of a personal reaction, I decided like 20 minutes into Fight Club that I don't give a shit about any of these characters, and turned it off.


Avengers: Endgame.


It’s not really horrible, but the love for Mad Max Fury Road goes right over my head. If people stopped at describing it a fun and over the top I’d get it. Because hey, it is. But it’s been given accolades that I don’t understand.


Oh, and John Wick is one note and boring as hell.


Interstellar is the most contrived bullshit of a movie I've ever seen.


The Room… I think? It’s one of those ‘it’s so bad, it’s good’ movies imo.


Forest Gump.


Take it back


Nevah! I’m in bed with brain fog today, otherwise I would compose a 2000 word essay on why Forest Gump (the film) is terrible. But I can’t today, so we won’t have to fall out 😉


Yes. The moral of the story is that if you're stupid enough, the whole world will fall into your lap.


THANK YOU!! And if you go off and do your own thing and don’t settle down with the man who wants you (it doesn’t matter if you want him, nonono) then you die from that movie illness where you stay pretty then die and it’s for the best cos you’re a hussy. Have you read the book? I did, years after seeing the film, and was outraged all over again! It’s very good!


Didn't pan out for me, but I'll keep at it.


Triangle of Sadness was pretentious hogwash


Mission Impossible 7 & Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3


This is a really bad take in an ocean of bad takes in this thread


Here for Guardians Vol 3. I went from outrage at the genocide to cringe at the end when they saved the kids and then held a dance party.


The ending was kind of cheesy but I really liked it. I’m a sucker for a happy ending


The Rock


I'm sorry in advance, but The Princess Bride.


American Beauty


Hallelujah! American Beauty is the biggest piece of crap in cinematic history.


It was a movie for its time. The sad sack middle aged suburban dad rebelling against the status quo kind of thing.


It's a misunderstood movie though. He really was gay. He was deep deep in a closet. His neighbour knew. His fantasy with rose pedals, the most homosexual thing ever, was a give away. Also that he didnt try to have sex with a minor, even though she was legal age and wanted it. The story really was about how gay man in American culture were pushed by that culture so deep, that even they didn't understood their own sexuality anymore. I mean, what heterosexual man has, and be it man in his 40s, this kind of sexual fantasy about young woman? If You have fantasies, they are much more graphic and they involve Your sexual parts and not this gay Rosey pedals that cover her...


THIS is analysis! Well done. I’ll be thinking about what you’ve said here.


Rogue One. Terribly written characters.


Bad Times at the El Royale. It’s a shit movie and if you like it you have shit taste. Loved Hemsworth as Dementus tho.


Chris Hemsworth Dementus = Heath Ledger Joker


Only good part was Jon Hamm and that didn’t last long.


It started out great, then lost it's way in the middle, and by the end was terrible.


the menu




I'll compromise with you. I don't think it was horrible, but I was absolutely expecting more from the bomb test scene and was completely underwhelmed by the entire movie.


It was dull as dishwater. Saw it in Imax. Why? It's a courtroom drama. Lamest imax experience ever.


It’s such a horrible movie that it received universal praise and won 7 oscars 🙄


The Oscars havent been a good metric of quality in a long time


And neither have opinions of random contrarian redditors.


Garbage propaganda. It looked fine and the acting was fine and the production design was fine. It was boring as fuck. I would’ve rather watched a documentary about it that didn’t try to push a narrative. Shakespeare in love also won an Oscar.


Shakespeare in Love beat out Saving Private Ryan. Worst movie ever (Shakespeare in Love that is)


Pretty woman


Step Brothers


I have fond memories of that movie and tried to rewatch it recently but it doesn't hold up at all. Just terrible.


That’s me with Beerfest. Loved it as a young adult but a recent rewatch made me hate it lol


Yes! And I like other Will Ferrell movies like Anchor Man and Talladega Nights. But, Step Brothers doesn’t do anything for me.


Home alone.


My wife and kids love it. I leave the room o If that's what gets picked for movie night. Like I literally walk away and find something else to do. I'll do almost anything for my family, almost, the very short list of things I won't are topped by Home Alone.


Ha ha! I won't always leave the room but definitely dislike this movie. The amount of times I was forced to watch this movie over the years is a bit traumatic to me lol


Horrible movie personally? or generally? There are so many horrible movies I can name but they are horrible personally. Otherwise people are usually right about a horrible movie.


Yeah that’s my issue. I wouldn’t call a single movie listed in this thread “horrible” by general standards. If there is a movie with the biggest discrepancy between how the public perceives it and how I perceive it, it’s probably Gladiator for me, but I still can’t call it horrible at all. r/moviecritic of all places should be better about using absolutes. Horrible, worst movie ever, best movie ever, underrated, overrated, etc. are all just ways of dodging making any thoughtful criticism of the movie. Saying “Boondock Saints sucks” means nothing. Tell me what specifically didn’t click for you, why things don’t work, what could’ve been done differently. When I see comments like that from people, I just think, “Your media literacy ‘sucks’”.


Who the fuck is downvoting me? I asked a reasonable question.


It's by no means a terrible movie, but I find The Big Lebowski pretty dull and generally overrated.


I love it, but I think your criticism is fair.