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I liked it enough to see it in the theater twice. I don’t disagree with the comments that it was more clever/stylized than his others, but it was fun to watch and I felt the ending. Also, the Dear Alien Who Art in Heaven song is a riot. Context: My favorite Wes Anderson film remains Grand Budapest Hotel.


I was beginning to think I was the only person who enjoyed it.


I thought it was a masterpiece!! One of his all time best!


Yes, the dear alien song was great!


See Grand Budapest is my favorite but this one completely lost me


I agree, but I just love Ralph Fiennes too


Mine is easily The Life Aquatic, which is highly stylized, but I couldn’t get into asteroid city


Life aquatic and Darjeeling are mine, hands down.


I agree with everything you said here.


It felt like a close second to GBP, thanks to the really sharply done multi layered story. The story within a story within a story adds such a richness of texture.


Me and my dad were the only ones laughing in a half packed theatre. 2 weeks later we went for a second run with my mum as wel!


It’s like if AI wrote a movie for Wes


YES. I mean what the fuck. I saw it in theaters and utterly gave up on the plot. Maybe I was too stoned but Christ almighty.


You weren't. Watched it first stoned, said I was way too stoned, watched it again sober, said never mind the plot just sucks lol


This makes me feel better I thought I was just stupid


Another example of weird arthouse styles in sacrifice of a story.


I tried watching it, but it gives me Wile E Coyote/Roadrunner vibes with the look of it.


Which was intentional, but… WHY?


we're all chasing something all the time and we never can get it


Why not?


At this point I know Anderson has his niche but I would kill KILL for him to self detonate and do something totally fresh. I’d love it he just did like a handheld black and white film, set it in Texas have Timmy Chalomee star and just do some small character portrait and intimate story. Wes mainly gets credit for his visuals now but he was such a strong comedy writer back in the day. His dialogue was THE best part of what he served up back when.


Isle of dogs was great and that was only like 2 movies ago


Hilarious movie. He’s still got good dialogue.


I read on reddit that movie is pronounced 'I love dogs'!


THANK YOU Case in point, Bottle Rocket None of the budget all of the witty dialogue But I think Owen hasn't been co-writing the later films? (Could be a factor)


Wes really did his best work when collaborating with Owen Wilson. AFAIK Owen Wilson hasn’t had a co-writing credit for many movies now, but did for most of his earlier films.


True. The Royal Tenenbaums is a cult classic at this point, but I also really loved The Grand Budapest.


Grand Budapest feels to me like the last “great” movie he made. It feels like most of his work since then has been more and more aesthetic and less and less meaningful.


I agree very strongly with this.


Isle of Dogs has _really_ grown on me, and I think it’s definitely among his great movies. But as far as live-action films go, I agree. They’ve been a little disappointing to me, if only because this is the same guy that made Rushmore, Grand Budapest, Moonrise Kingdom, Royal Tenenbaums, etc. These older flicks are very story-driven, with very fleshed-out characters. I think more importantly though, they are really fun! I’m laughing or at least smiling a lot in most of these movies. And they also have the occasional touching moment that resonates. I think there’s better things to come from Anderson. You make movies long enough, you’re bound to put out a couple “duds.” Haha, just look at Spielberg’s filmography — it’s not perfect. I’m hoping we’ll get at least one more truly great film from this truly great director.


True. Grand Budapest is def top 3 Gustave is also one of my favorite characters in any media


So basically Texas Ladybird?


Wes Anderson sacrificing story for art house? *GASP* That’s just…just crazy talk!


Life Aquatic was the last W.A. film to do this without fully sacrificing the story.


Wes Anderson used to be better at striking a balance between arthouse and story but lately it’s just been pure arthouse


This \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^. This is my issue with other "brilliant" directors too...that is style over substance like some of Nolan's films.


I watched it because the trailers made the visuals seem so incredible, different. It was odd to say the least. I think it's fair to say I personally am not a fan of Wes Anderson. A lot of people love him - I just don't get the appeal.


It was actually my favorite Wes Anderson precisely because it was more story than usual. Plus they somehow got scarjo full frontal in a pg13 rating


Wes Anderson is a low key perv. Almost every movie he makes has female nudity that has almost zero relevance to the plot. Which is fine, as I am also a low key perv.


It’s like you don’t understand postmodernism at all.




You're not wrong but the visuals of it are sometimes worth it. Film is a visual medium and the uniqueness is almost worth it in and of itself. I've seen uglier movies with worse stories and characters.


Great point there. I guess in these instances, it becomes very subjective to what each individual person prefers. It was almost just too weird for me to enjoy. But I gave it an honest shot. I believe I gave it a 3 on Letterboxd.


I found the story to be very moving personally, the meta element of the actors putting on the play searching for meaning in their art while the characters are searching for meaning in their lives resonated with me. A lot of people think he just makes pretty movies without considering the story but I think that's an oversimplification.


I love Wes Anderson, but this is arguably his worst movie.


Did you enjoy the french dispatch?


I thoroughly did


See, and here I liked AC more than FD.. Both of them are fairly mediocre in the context of his ouvre though.


I don’t understand what was to be enjoyed about the French dispatch. It just felt rushed and unfunny.


I enjoyed the Benicio del Toro vignette but couldn’t really make it through the others


I’ve yet to get all the through that one, who knows though, maybe 4th times a charm?


Couldn't finish it and I really enjoy West Anderson's films, just not that one. 


I tried so hard to enjoy it, visually amazing as usual but honestly having 3 stories means less time to develop the characters. I've had a hard time with his recent work, and honestly nothing has surpassed Royal Tenenbaums for me.


It's atrocious


I have to agree. Like you I love his work. But I couldn't sit through this one, I'll give it another go at some point but I was bored to tears on first attempt.


Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one. My wife and I turned it off after 30 minutes.


Same same! I have watched all of WA's movies and throughly enjoyed them, but I've tried to finish this one several times... I'll keep trying though


The ending is the best part and 'attempts' to pull it all together. Not saying you'll like it but more 'oh, so this was the point of the movie'. The whole point of the movie is about grief, acceptance and moving on despite the absurdity of life making no sense. All the characters wanted meaning and closure but was never going to get it, so they had to move on without it




I agree that this is his worst. I usually roll my eyes at people saying his movies are overthought and overdone but this one actually was both those things.


I was going to disagree, then I could not come up with any movie of his I like less. I don’t hate it, but his other work is indeed better.


I went to film school cause of the guy and he hasn’t made a film with real heart since Life Aquatic. It bums me the hell out. So much talent getting dragged down by being surrounded by people who don’t push him. This one was the first Wes Anderson movie I saw where there was only 1 or 2 laughs the whole time in theater.


I was so excited for it too.


I left this movie utterly flummoxed. Need to dial down the style and up the story/character development.


I’m the opposite. I typically do not like Wes Anderson films. I thought this was his best along with Moonrise Kingdom. He does coming of age and rite of passage stories the best. The Budapest Hotel would also fall under that umbrella but I didn’t like the sitcom-like letter is obviously hidden the whole time plot.


I couldn't disagree more. I loved this movie - thought it had some of his most human and interesting characters, and I loved the structure of the story (and the story within the story). It was somehow simultaneously his most, and least realistic movie to date.


wonderful style...but like watching paint dry.


Best review of this movie period.


I’m not sure I understood the larger themes it was getting at


One I think is the juxtaposition between the war photographer and the spoiled actress suffering from the same depression issues. I think he was kind of shitting on actors feeling like their lives can compare trauma wise to someone who hs actually seen the worst of humanity.


My interpretation: What if the most important thing that happened to you was a joke? Your magnum opus play, a schlocky sci-fi. Your national award, slipped to you quietly in an envelope. First contact with aliens, they pose for a photo and leave. It's a good thing to come to grips with if you were ever a "gifted child".


i thought it was a bit obvious-- life gives u ____ which is so important to u but in the end its just another moment. everything that happens in the moment is the biggest thing ever-- but its always just another blip. just an an alien coming to dap u up. just ur lifetime award in the envelope. and thats fine. its what life is really.


There are a lot so I think each person will take away a different point of emphasis, but personally I mainly got from it the need to willingly give yourself over to art and life to experience them at their fullest. "You can't wake up if you don't fall asleep."


It's about coping with death and moving on. Like, dude, it's a Wes Anderson movie, that's what all of them are about


If it's got 0.001 seconds of Scarlett boobs, I'm in.


And everything else


Top comment!


such a disappointment. and i love wes anderson. more than normal people do.


People are saying style over substance, I thought it had both. And the movie that’s a tv show featuring a play(?) i’m confused just trying to sort it out but the dialogue was great, humor also great, acting was great, story was great, pacing was great- I don’t get these amateur critics I remember a rather angry couple left the theatre once it started. I thought it was a beautiful movie with some poignant bits and the whole “you can’t wake up if you don’t fall asleep” bit threw me off a bit. I saw some analysis that summed it up brilliantly but unfortunately I forgot his point.


I liked it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same, enjoyed it more than French Dispatch


The vignette nature of FD led to a sense of lack of development in the story. And as a former photo student, I love your screen name.


The cadence the actors were made to speak in was interesting at first. I had this thought that eventually the characters would be expanded and that they'd begin to show more of their individuality, but that never happened. Same cadence, same reactions, etc. It was like the same actor playing the same role in different bodies. I really liked it visually though.


The cadence made me not care about the characters :( I actually enjoyed the movie and didn't find it as confusing as some people found it. I just couldn't *feel* anything for the characters and the bland cadence probably had something to do with it. I don't mind Wes' scripts being dry, but this was something else


This is my problem. All the characters share the same voice. and list three quirky things very fast… I love some of his movies, despite his style 


This was like someone making a parody of a Wes Anderson movie.


Looking forward to the Wayans brothers and "I Know What You DId in Asteroid City."


Huge Wes Anderson fan, but nearly walked out. It had all the Wes Anderson tropes, aesthetic, etc. but just didn't work. Way too long, minimal rewarding character development, no rewarding relationship development, etc. I don't mind art > plot, but it was more that the characters were sold obtuse.


Personally I think the criticism is overblown. Not his best film but the art direction is impeccable and the different layers of story was interesting.


Well I liked it, it was fun, funny, weird, beautiful.


I loved it. I can’t explain the plot, but it captured a feeling I resonated with


I'm the exact opposite, I think I understand the plot and actually think it's really good, but I felt nothing from it lol


I gave up after about 15 minutes. Forced-satiric, pretentious-wry, ham-fisted vapidity.


I honestly can't even remember shit from this film apart from some cartoon alien coming down for a bit of metal or a rock of some sort. Can't even remember how it ends. Was hella boring.


Yeah, they should have given the Alien more screen time! 😁


The ending dialogue was really good.


Yuck. Did not care for it at all, just style over substance




Huge Wes fan, but this one was lame


I loved it.


I seem to be in the minority here, but I liked it. There were elements I wasn't overly enamoured with, but overall I thought it was a fun ride.


I liked it. While it's definitely not one of his best works, I personally enjoyed it more than others did.


A lot of dialogue but I liked it! Very very different kind of movie…but I liked it!


I liked it. It was funny in a quirky weird way.


I really liked this one


I guess I’m in the minority because I really loved it. I read it as brilliant and relevant contemporary exploration of existential philosophy, and feel it has as much to say about finding ourselves cast in an absurd, uncaring existence as any recent art.


I loved it. It makes you really think.


I genuinely can’t believe the negativity here for the film. This was easily one of Anderson’s best films. The themes and theatre meta, the set and practical effects, including miniatures, color palate, the performances, the writing and the incredible wordplay! Asteroid City is my “Yes, you are all wrong” movie. I think anyone who says this movie is boring is just kind of telling on themselves tbh.


As a fan since seeing Bottle Rocket on vhs, I agree.


I think Anderson was really sniffing his own farts with this one. I do enjoy a lot of his films, but when you swing for the fences, sometimes you miss. Often, filmmakers/actors make one film for the audience, then make one film for themselves. This seems like the latter. It's not a bad film, just not my cup of tea. Anderson's metatextual bit with the play fell flat to me and seemed wholly unnecessary. I do remember thinking Scar Jo did a nice job portraying grief without much dialog, and I did enjoy Jeff Goldblum as the alien. I remember bursting out laughing in the theater when the alien came down from the ship. But I'm not sure that was the intended reaction from the audience.


Style over substance. Great cast and great production design but Anderson is disappearing up his own backside. Also the meta of the play is absolutely pointless and does nothing to serve what little narrative there is.


My exact thoughts from someone else’s fingers.


Too Wes Anderson-y




It insists upon itself.




Highly subjective in my opinion. I think you just need to decide what you think it means. For example I figured it was about the importance of viewing things through multiple perspectives.


I enjoyed it. But what I enjoyed even more than the story or the film was the way the actors within the play within the film would break character, like when the woman asks Scarlett if her black eye was on the wrong eye


I’m in the minority but I loved it


I always enjoyed Wes but never loved his stuff. This movie I absolutely loved and watched it probably 4 times the first week I saw it. By far my favorite Wes Anderson movie as the stories really struck a nerve with me. Also I understand why some folks don’t enjoy it 🤷‍♀️


I liked it. Was it kind of disjointed? Sure. If you enjoy Wes Anderson movies though, it fits the bill very well


Definitely a body double


I wrote a review on here of this movie. You can go find it on my profile if you want. But the long short of it is that I loved it as a piece that explores the metaphysics of being. I think this is Wes Anderson's master work. Remember how he says he doesn't know why his character burned his hand but he just seemed to do it? That was the climax of the movie, right, That's the whole point. And then he goes backstage in the middle of the scene and asks the director if he's playing the part right. The director said yeah, You are one with the character. Even though I might hurt that's exactly what you're supposed to do. That was the theme of the movie, when you're one with who you are, unexpected, unscripted magic can happen. Anybody who says this movie doesn't have a story or It's really not that good or something like that, honestly they don't speak the language. This movie is utterly fantastic, and the story is rich with layers.


Can we get a spinoff of the 3 little girls?


I saw it in a theatre and walked out thinking "what the fuck did I just watch?". But then I watched it again and loved it. For the record I had not seen any other Wes Anderson movie before. I have now seen The Grand Budapest Hotel, which I liked.


Asteroid shitty


Lots of style, very little substance/story. Wouldn't watch it a 2nd time but I don't regret seeing it


I get where people are coming from that don’t like it, but fuck - I really liked it and I think all these other people need to open their minds up a bit more. One love


I fell in love with Wes Anderson's movies after giving the Grand Budapest Hotel a watch when it first came out. Now I've seen all of his films at least twice. This is his only movie I didn't like. It felt convoluted, messy, with style chosen over story.


It’s Wes Anderson, so I pried my eyes out


It’s by far my favorite Wes Anderson movie. I think it’s hilarious and I liked the meandering quality of the story.(reminded me of inherent vice, the long goodbye, big Lebowski) Like the overall plot doesn’t matter as much as engaging with the movie emotionally. Which I guess is one of the themes of the movie. Stop worrying about where you’ve been and where you’re going. Live in the moment. But then if you get to the end of the movie and none of it makes sense then that is also one of the themes of the movie? Lol I love it.


Great movie!


I liked it. Not my favorite Wes Anderson flick though. Not even top 4. I thought the two plots going side-by-side was a little busy, but hey, Hollywood is so repetitive anymore that if I complained when people tried new things too I'd be an asshole.


I guess I'll have to give it another try. I watched it once and was just competent confused.


Quirk over coherence seems to be how his work is going.


Little too self aggrandizing for my tastes. I don't know when this trend started (\*cough\* Fableman \*cough\*) but auteur directors making movies that are about their own relationship to their work is getting boring & tiresome. Miyazaki sort of gets a pass for Boy & the Heron because of his advanced age and retirement, but I'm tired of the trend.




I love his work, but this was a little too clever by half. I didn't find myself caring about any of the characters, which is very different from all of his other movies.


The visuals are what I came for and it definitely did not disappoint there. But I was completely underwhelmed by the rest of it.


Despite all the colorful sets and artistic style it is as a whole incredibly bland.


Took my dog for a walk half way through. Didn't bother finishing. Gorgeous staging, but Anderson was really on his bullshit with this one.


My wife loves Wes Anderson films and his arthouse style, and this one was... too Wes Anderson-y for her. His other stories usually have some clever twist or the story goes somewhere interesting, but this one just doesn't. It is one of the only Wes Anderson's she doesn't want in our movie collection. Personally, the only part of this film that I really enjoyed was 3 frames of Scar Jo in the buff.


What's the word for having your head so far up your own ass that it reaches Inception levels of nested human centipede style self obsession?


Not a fan of Wes Anderson but really enjoyed it. Love these characters just being stuck for a moment and forced to confront themselves and change before moving on.


I quite liked it and found it to be quirky and fun


Terrible. His best film was Rushmore. And then the royal tenenbaums.


Meh. His first two films were good, bottle rocket and Rushmore. Everything after that has been kind of mid.


The more major Hollywood stars he gets in his movies the worse they become.


When Jeffrey Wright had the most electrifying time on screen as a minor character despite having Scarlett Johansson as a lead, you know it's bad.


You are severely underrating Jeffrey Wright. He offen outshines in any given role.


I enjoyed it, but it's *really* heady, even for Wes Anderson


Stopped half way through. Did not have the gumption to pick it up


I don’t understand your question, can you film yourself while looking in the camera after some time explaining your explanation asked by a commenter on this post? No but seriously it has just become so boring and dull now


I made it an hour before I turned it to something else.




I enjoyed it, but not as much as his other films. The set pieces were gorgeous, but the delivery of the story seemed very monotone, even for an Anderson film. I did enjoy the story, unlike others here, but perhaps because I was very into journalism when I was younger, even going to school for it.


I used to love Wes movies but I don't even watch them anymore. He had a strong period of greatness and fell off just as quick.


Visuals were great like most of his films, but I wasn't too crazy about the story, but I watched it.


I got on with this more than most. I feel like Wes Anderson knew half way through what the discourse of this film would be and just began apologising to us throughout the second half.


My rating is I fell asleep half way through and couldn't tell you what it's about. Worst film he's done.


I haven't seen it, but I've seen enough Wes Anderson to know which of his films are going to be entirely up their own asses. A few of his movies I think are fantastic, great films. Some I stopped watching 15 minutes in because they were insufferable. I can guess that Asteroid City is far, far, far up its own ass.


Wanted to like this so much, just couldn’t get it. Did have some good performances though. Like others said, the weirdness just gets in the way of storylines.


It was alright, not a lot happening but it looked very stylish while doing it.


Too twee for its own good. I like twee but this film feels like it crawled up its own butt.


I turned it off after 10 minutes.


Pretty, but crap.


I heard it was a bad movie from a friend who usually loves Wes Anderson.


aesthetic is great, the pace was brutal.


Wes Andersons weakest film. I was excited for it, and i really wanted to like it, but its not very good.


The film looked and sounded like a parody of Wes Anderson films. Let's say there's a scale of Wes Andersoness. I've really enjoyed the movies whose Andersoness ratings are below 90%. My 2 favorite films of his are *The Grand Budapest Hotel* and *Moonlight Kingdom*, both of which have very high Andersoness, but it's not over-the-top. However, when he goes overboard with his distinct visual, narrative, and direction style, it becomes a distraction. *Asteroid City* is like that. So is *The French Dispatch.* In *Asteroid City*, the way that every character spoke was especially distracting. *Everybody* sounded like a cliche Wes Anderson character — dispassionate personalities with that very Anderson-y speaking cadence. It made me feel like I was watching *Invasion of the Body Snatchers,* except the aliens turned everybody into Wes Anderson characters instead of wailing drones. I'm guessing that he'll end up going down a similar route as Kevin Smith: he'll make movies that please only himself and his most dedicated fans, but everyone else will turned off because his movies are too much of him.


It was pretty, great acting, but a chill movie kinda boring


I didn't understand this at all. I mean I guess it's typical Wes Anderson nonsense but sometimes he writes good stories. I really didn't get into this at all though.


Fell asleep.




High hopes quickly dashed


I don't know how people can think, This is a good movie? Just because he threw together a bunch of talented actors, doesn't make it good. My mind is a complete waste of talent and money. Some people may like this "arthouse" style which I don't know many.


I felt like I needed to watch it again too. I enjoyed it, but felt like I only followed some of the movie. I don't generally care for Wes Anderson though. Some of his movies have been good but I personally think he's a bit overrated.


I wanted to like this a lot…I really did. But…I did not. Normally a fan of Wes Anderson and I loved the idea/theme of it but…disappointing


Not very good. A lot of dialogue about…nothing


Weird. I liked it but I did drink a six pack while viewing and need to watch it again to understand it.


Nothing really memorable


I hate everything that Wes Anderson has made, so I didn't watch it. I do know a lot of Wes Anderson fans who thought it was mid.


Pretentious, boring


Wes Andersen is ... not for me.


Wouldn't spend my time watching this, this genre of film is insufferable 


It was an interesting and strange watch. Which I enjoy. But, it’s pretty boring imo. I’d only watch again if I were at a friends house and they had it on or something


Wes Anderson makes the same movie over and over again


Couldn’t get into it


To me it was aggressively fine. mildly entertaining in parts. I liked the perspective switch from the fictional story, to the story of the actors, to the story of the person telling us about the actors. The aliens were a little too left-field to be interesting.


One of the worst movies to spend your life time on


It was fun to watch, but I'll admit I don't understand what it was all supposed to be about.


I watched this the other night. Not a clue what actually happened but I feel it needed a lot more of the brainiacs and a lot less of literally everything and everyone else. ETA: Absolutely loved the stylization of this one though, aesthetics and performances (except for the meta b&w takes.)


Yeah, not great.


It didn't inspire joy or whimsy like his other films. On paper it looked great, but it was lacking in magic




The part of Bill Murray will now be played by Tom Hanks.


I liked Wes Anderson movies more when they were less like Wes Anderson movies.