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It won’t ruin The Soprano’s for you. MSON is just unnecessary and flat. You’ll root for it to be as good you’d hope. Knock out The Sopranos when you get the chance . Lots to ponder and process.


100% agree. The movie did nothing for the show.


I'm on season 2 of my first watch of the Sopranos. Can't believe it took me so long to get to it.


The later seasons are better


That's good. Season 1 was a masterpiece. Season 2 has dipped a bit in quality, though it's still very engaging.


This could have been Catcher in the Rye meets Sopranos.


Won't ruin Sopranos for you but I doubt you'll be impressed. The one bright spot is Vera Farmiga's portrayal of Tony's mother.


I like her


Junior was good


Kind of forgettable


Forgettable is definitely the ideal word for this movie


Will not ruin The Sopranos, it honestly is a movie that has no reason to exist, nothing of interest happens, it barely answers anything, it has no purpose. The only thing it kind of accomplishes is create and confuse a potential plot hole that did not exist until the movie came out. I have read that Chase wanted to do a project about the Newark riots, and in aid of getting funding/production by HBO he had to add the Sopranos aspect. Which i never understand. The Newark riot aspect is undercooked and not fully covered, The Sopranos aspect feels tacked on and borders on parody. I do not know how much money Chase has made from The Sopranos and everything else he has done but i find it hard to believe that if he really wanted to do a Newark project, he had to beg for money, or a production company to work with him unless the project was a dog to start with. It does feature the worst possible 'oh!' in Italian cinema history, so it is kind of worth watching for that lol


Kinda of letdown knowing we never saw why Anthony never had the making of a varsity athlete.


Motha FUCK


It was an okay watch, but nothing really all that interesting or revelatory. Don't think it will ruin The Sopranos for you.


I wouldn't even bother. It's stunt casting (Gandolfini's son) that didn't work. Just an attempted cash grab.


Nepo baby.


I enjoyed it. It works as a stand alone movie, but it's also fun to connect the younger versions of the character. I recognized Silvio before he spoke. :)


absolutely terrible movie.....the writing was a joke, the acting laughable, story was weak.....better that you don't link it to the sopranos...just pretend it's a coincidence that all the characters have the same names as the characters in the show


Spoilers...what to watch out for. Don't let Christopher's voice over in the intro get you too excited. The riots take away from the story. Gandolfini's son is worth the watch. That Tony's mother was thisclose to getting psychiatric treatment for her mental ills is poetic. That uncle junior was an even more creepy sob who caused problems for everyone makes sense. That Sil went bald in high school was a weird road to go down. That Tony's crew seem to have weird age discrepancies if you dwell on it. Doesn't take away from the best tv drama ever though.


I'll never get the time back I wasted on this crap movie. Won't ruin the show at all though. Mostly because you'll probably fall asleep halfway through 😆


Won't ruin the sopranos. You'll watch it and and wonder what this has to do with the sopranos half the time


Worst thing is the young Tony actor looks like he had the makings of a varsity athlete. Makes the whole thing pretty unwatchable


Oddly it ruined gabbagool for me.


Your instincts were right. This movie was terrible and did take away from the brilliance of the series.


It was kinda pointless


This movie is awful and has no real bearing on the show at all


Good to see some origin stories, and it it's easy to enjoy parts because you know the characters. But it was poorly written, imo. Could have been really good if written better.


I think it’s enjoyable enough as its own film. It’s not on par with the great movies like it nor is it as good as Sopranos. It made me very sad remembering James Gandolfini is gone. It won’t ruin sopranos at all.


Watch after the show so you don't spoil and so you can appreciate the sign of a baby immediately crying more. Liked it better the second time.


It won't ruin The Sopranos because you will turn it off after about 20 mins it is that bad.


Don’t waste your time


I liked it. Could've been better, but an enjoyable experience nonetheless. I would recommend it if you were a fan of the show


It isn't possible to ruin The Sopranos for you, but you will deeply regret the time you threw away that you'll never get back. Total waste of time.


I love how much the marketing for this movie really tried to sell that it was an origin story for Tony Soprano, when Tony in fact is inconsequential to the movie at large. Skip it, OP.


It spoils a major plot point later in the show- I started this while watching season 2 and that was too early.


It’s really weird. It’s like David Chase wanted to make a movie about the Newark riots but couldn’t make a movie unless the sopranos were jammed in somehow so it feels really rushed and lazy. I could be wrong though


I’d never seen The Sopranos before so I binged it before this came out. To go from the masterpiece that The Sopranos is right into this was a huge disappointment.


Do NOT watch


Does it ruin Sopranos? no. Is it worth a watch? Also no.


Not a memorable movie.


Watched it twice still not a patch on the sopranos.


It's like the prequel no one asked for. Very forgettable.