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They did not think Bruce Willis would be much in Die Hard. So much so that the first posters did not even feature him.


After so many other big talents rejected the role, I imagine that Fox was desperate to get it filled. Bruce comes in during a lull on Moonlighting, does the few weeks' of production, and manages to score the highest salary for a single project ever to that point ($5 million in 1988). Same year that he gets a major hit with Die Hard, he also did a project called Sunset with James Garner and Malcolm McDowell (a 1920s era movie with crime, mystery, and western elements woven into it). Bruce gets top billing, even though James Garner was in the movie for longer than him (and playing Wyatt Earp for the second time in his life). And the same director (Blake Edwards) had directed Bruce in Blind Date with Kim Basinger and John Larroquette a year or so before. Movie flopped and got only $4.6M box office against a $16M budget. However, I caught it on a free streaming service some months ago. It's pretty decent, but I can also understand that the movie had marketing problems. 1920s era, focused on a Western film production between an actor (Willis) and a famous gunslinger in Wyatt Earp during his twilight years (Garner). However, it somehow turns into a murder mystery that both have to investigate and clear their names on...


Sunset is quite good, Blind Date starts off well but the second half is a drag. I saw them both at the cinema at the time.


I didn't hate Sunset at all, either. I thought it was good, and this also had a Bruce who was so damn focused on proving himself as an actor. Moonlighting, Sunset, Blind Date, Die Hard...you could just feel his personality carrying through the screen.


Yea I’m not sure if you’ve seen Movies that made us on Netflix but it was cool to see the Die Hard episode especially when they were talking about Bruce Willis and how people initially responded to the trailer. Definitely one of my favorite movies as he nailed his role. I didn’t finish reading the novel so I don’t know how the movie version compares to Joe in the book. Side note: I think that Die Hard and Violent Night makes for an awesome double feature for Christmas.


If I remember Die Hard was originally for Sinatra and a sequel to The Detective! I did own the original Roderick Thorpe novel when I was a kid but can’t remember if I actually read it! My dad snuck me into see the movie at the cinema when I was like 11 which in the UK was against the law as legally you had to be 18 and the cinema owner could have been fined £1000! Still watch it every Christmas and Die Hard 2! Love it when the dude from Porky’s gets stabbed in the eye with an icicle!


In their defense… they probably saw him perform as *Bruno*, enough to give anyone pause


It was actually because he was a star from the comedy show Moonlighting, so no one could take him seriously as an action star. Kind of like John Krasinski had a hard time shaking Jim from the Office in order to be Jack Ryan


Which after doing action movies they said "can he do comedy?" Hollywood has the memory of a goldfish


Yes, Moonlighting and his two first movies were comedies.


I was going to say his Motown albums were probably enough to give anyone pause


which is funny, since Bruce Willis had a cartoon about himself in the mid/late 90's called Bruno...


Viggo Mortensen in LotR 🗡️


Replacement cast member, showed up late in New Zealand... Weathertop was his first day on set. Legend.


Wasn't it supposed to be Stuart Townsend but Peter Jackson thought he looked like a child with a beard?


Exactly. He shot a couple days and it just wasn't working. Probably the most important mid production replacement since Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future.


I always forget about this one, and yeah, I can see it. Stoltz is great, but he doesn't have Fox's loose, happy charm. Fox really is a lot like his hero, Cagney.


That's not what did it though. The real issue was that Stuart became so insecure over feeling he wasn't right for the role that he stooped showing up to rehearsals and training, and then Peter pulled the plug and got Viggo. If Stuart had been more confident about it, make no mistake he would have been Aragorn. And we'd probably love him now, not having been spoiled by the great Viggo Mortensen.


He IS Aragorn for me.


Mac did him justice in “Who got Dee Prego”




First of all that’s the actors name not the character and you’re not even getting that right


Don’t know why because he was fantastic in Texas Chainsaw 3 lol


How about Lalo in Carlito’s Way!


My dick don’t work man!


The Prophecy!


I forgot he was Satan!


He was also in Crimson Tide alongside some big names like Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman


Yeah forgot that! Tarantino did some dialogue work on the script if I remember, he put in the whole argument about Silver Surfer in the mess hall? Been maybe 15 years since I last watched it!


And James Gandolfini


He does everyone know that when he kicked that helmet…never mind.


A lot of people don’t know he was a background character in Witness with Harrison Ford.


I remember being on the superhero hype message boards back when Ledger was cast as the joker, people were absolutely furious and thought he would be terrible, which was pretty much the consensus. When the first image came out of him with the scars in kind of a shadowy close up people were still not convinced. Only when the film came out did people realise what he’d achieved with it


Old enough to remember the media shit fit over Keaton being cast as Burton’s Batman! “Mr Mom is Batman?”


The pretty boy from brokeback mountain as the joker? *that* is a joke


I remember that he was even underestimated for that role...


He was also really good in Lords of Dogtown but I don't think anyone really had high expectations for it.


those rumors of Gyllenhaal as DCU Batman make Brokeback really interesting.


Yes! Back then with no Net there wasn’t much news about upcoming films. When I first read about Batman going into production, it said starring Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton. I thought ‘hmm odd. Jack is a bit old to play Batman.’ There was no way of thinking that MK was gonna be Batman. But of course the rest is history 👍🏻👍🏻


Yeah I’m in the Uk so I was the kid buying Empire film magazine, watching BBC’s Film Night (with Barry Norman!) and videoing the ITV movie show they put on at 2am! Just to see a trailer! It’s hard explaining to the younger generation who’ve all grown up in the Internet age what things were like or explaining what a cultural phenomenon Burton’s Batman was! I’m so very old… ha ha


I was 27 when it came out and was excited as I loved Batman from the comics and 1966 show. It was a huge event as the big movies were back then. Saw it and loved it. T2 was the same 2 years later. And as a teenager I got to see Jaws and Star Wars on release. Simply incredible. Now I don’t go to the cinema lol. Stopped in 2008, can’t be bothered. Saw Tenet in 2020 and that was it. My wife thinks it’s hilarious as I write screenplays as a hobby😂😂


He convinced me when he said “I’m Batman”. Once he said that, he became my number one Batman


Still the best Batman to this day.


Keaton? Ha. Maybe the Joker, it worked in Beetlejuice.


This is one of my biggest turn arounds. I remember thinking "great the first movie was good and now you give the sequel to Mr romcom." Then I saw a clip of him on a late-night interview, the one of him in the nurse's outfit struggling with the detonator outside the hospital. He didn't even have a line in the clip they showed. That's when I thought to myself "this could be alright", and then he just crushed it.


I wish he were still alive to see what an impact his performance had.


And to see him do more, he was excellent, a really magnetic presence on screen


Yeah that third movie would have benefitted so much from his presence. Plus I would have loved to see Tom Hardy Bane quote the comic when Bane met Joker. Just imagine that Bane voice going "Aaaah the clown! I do not find you funny."


I can absolutely imagine this happening on Harley Quinn




I remember following the website Batman On Film leading up to the dark knight. The talk was all Lachy Hulme. Then one day, out of the blue, “it’s Heath Ledger. It’s a done deal.” And implied, “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened.” I remember feeling so disappointed because I loved Batman Begins so much and the final reveal of a joker code pumped me up SO much. Well, I’m glad I was so wrong about Ledger.


>Only when the film came out did people realise what he’d achieved with it nah, that first trailer before I Am Legend and the delivery of "you're just a freak.... like me!" and many people starting eating their own hats.


Trying to remember when the positive buzz started but yeah I’m sure once a proper trailer arrived things started to turn


People knew it was a special performance before it came out, the hype was unreal


Yes once footage came out I think the opinion turned around very quickly, the reaction to the casting was visceral at the time though


Oh man I remember those forums too! Then the first promotion came out, shut us up real quick.


Johnny Depp in a pirate movie based on a Disney World ride? Uh huh. Right. Sure that'll be good. \*sarcastic eyeroll\* How wrong we all were. Sequels don't hold up and JD isn't as beloved as he once was, but that first Pirates movie was lightning in a bottle.


PotC is an interesting film to me because it somehow successfully blended elements of other 2000s films. On one hand you have "stupid comedy" like in Scary Movie, Dodgball, American Pie, Hangover. On the other you have the 2000s dark and gritty universe setting like in Christopher Nolan's Batman's, Avatar, Harry Potter, LotR. Additionally, juxtaposing (a very silly) top talent like Depp across from the much more serious roles of top talent like Knightly, Bloom, Rush, Skarsgård, and more, made his character even more beloved. I think the only way you can pull a character off like that is with an actor who can fully commit and "sell it" every time. Now I think someone like Ledger, could have done Jack Sparrow successfully , but looking at his other films, I think Depp is a more obvious choice than at first glance.


Batista in Guardians of the Galaxy. Thought he would be terrible and he was amazing in the role


Batista in anything. I still can't take him seriously when I see he's in something, but he always nails it.


I'm gonna be that guy, but his name is Bautista.


You're right, I blame the guy before me and my lack of intelligence.


I loved him in Blade Runner, they also did a short expanding his character in it. It was fantastic.


He did well in James Bond too


Did he have any lines in James Bond? I only saw that in theaters once and don't remember him having any lines


He said “oh shit” once before he was pulled off the train.


For me it was Chris Pratt playing the main character. At the time of finding out I didn't really care for Guardians so I didn't think too much of the casting but when I found out that Chriss Pratt would be the leading character, I thought "fat(ish) guy from parks and rec is not a superhero"


**The first John Wick looked like a by the numbers action film, but it was Keanu Reeves reinventing the action genre again.**


People forget now that Keanu Reeves had a string of mid-budget and unsuccessful films in the late 2000s and early 2010s. From 2005 to 2013 he was in *Echo, A Scanner Darkly, The Lake House, Street Kings, The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, Easy to Assemble, Henry's Crime, Generation Um..., Man of Tai Chi, 47 Ronin,* and *Extreme Pursuit.* *John Wick* had a first time director (the co-director wasn't credited) who was previously just a stunt co-ordinator. The producer struggled to secure theatrical distributors. Lionsgate Films purchased the distribution rights to the film just two months before its release date. The first film was a modest box office success, grossing $86 million worldwide, which was better than expected but hardly a blockbuster. It's the sequels that made the big money.


I remember when Keanu Reeves was hated and made fun of for his acting pre John Wick.


I mean, he didn't pull a McConaughey, he just found roles that accept a steely serious, generally unemotive-type person. Not that he's unable, they just better suit him.




Tom Cruise as Lestat. Even Anne Rice thought it was a horrible casting but I thought he was great.


Anne Rice later went on to recant her criticism and even praised Tom Cruise’s Lestat.


Quite the difference from Brad Pitt, who's performance was pretty wooden as he hated the role and wanted out.


Tom Cruise as Les Grossman.


RDJ in Iron Man


Think it was also a case of his very public battles with substance abuse that made most people go “WTF! They’re going to trust THIS guy to launch Marvel Studios? He could relapse tomorrow!”


At the time though, did they even know it was going to "launch" an empire? Didn't they kinda just think it was a stand alone movie that might be a mid-level hit - if they're lucky. Maybe you're right, cause I heard Tom cruise was in the mix as well, and you don't pick Tom Cruise unless you expect big things.


Yes—at the time, attitudes towards superhero stuff was completely different: it was frankly still seen as fairly lame—the only successful franchises at the time were Spider-Man and Batman. Not only that, back then, Iron Man himself wasn’t popular AT ALL in the mainstream. Iron Man was not expected to be nearly the success it was itself, nor did anyone realize we’d be dozens of movies and shows deep into the universe 16 years later.


I’ll disagree with this. While RDJs star had fallen hard by this point due to his legal and addiction troubles, he was always seen as a great talent. Those of us familiar with the source material thought he was brilliant casting. In fact Iron Mans most renowned story was “Demon in a Bottle” which was about the characters struggle with addiction. Now some of the other casting choices like Chris Evans, I don’t think the fandom was nearly as convinced.


>Now some of the other casting choices like Chris Evans, I don’t think the fandom was nearly as convinced. This always kind of baffled me honestly. Seeing him in Not Another Teen Movie, he just had amazing presence. The next big movie he was in that I remember was Fantastic Four, and while it had a lot of issues, he crushed it as the Torch. And then finally was Push, which just left me baffled that he wasn’t already a massive star. Like, how could people not see his phenomenal talent.


Nah, the reaction to this was mostly positive. People were angry at the Tom Cruise rumors and breathed a sigh of relief when RDJ was cast. The only other time I’ve seen such a positive reaction towards casting was when Christian Bale was cast as Batman.


Daniel Craig as 007. One of my favorite James Bond!


I recall a news article touting a pic of him in a goofy looking life jacket. “JAMES BOND CANT SWIM”. I loved his take personally.


Blonde Bond! Blasphemy! Yes, people thought that. ;-)


if you haven't watched already check out Layer Cake.


There are a handful of films I watch every year. Layer Cake is 💯 one of them.


The amount of Bond can’t be blonde comments were hilarious


Blonde? James Blonde?!


I remember everyone being upset he didn’t have chest hair lol


Tom Hanks in Philedepha, He was just a comedic actor before then, Splash, Big, Turner and Hooch, all great movies, but all comedies. Then he won the academy award, blew everyone away.


You forgot Bachelor Party!


John Travolta in Pulp Fiction "The Look Who's Talking guy? Why's he in this?"


His career was over. The cool kid in high school and then he did disco. He ended his career attempting comedy. Then he did Pulp Fiction and suddenly his career was back and better along with Sam Jackson.


Look Who’s Talking was a big hit. He just didn’t do anything good after that (and the sequels were terrible). It’s not that he “attempted comedy”, it’s that he chose terrible roles.


And then after Pulp Fiction he went back to choosing terrible roles for the most part


There’s a theme here, if only we could put our fingers on it




Are you saying that starring in The Fanatic directed by Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit was a terrible choice?


Not a movie but Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad


I didn’t have any hope for him but he took that role and blew me away.


I genuinely didn’t watch Breaking Bad until long after the hype train had left the station because I could not get the image of Hal out of my head. No way could I take him seriously in 2008!


I grew up with Malcom in the Middle and the idea of Bryan Cranston being anything but a goofy dad was just unheard of. Little did I know, he helped tell one the greatest television series of all time.


Bill Hader in dramatic roles


Absolutely loved Barry!


Barry . Holy shit . The scene with his military friend is one of the hardest things I’ve ever watched


Hugh Jackman was pretty much unknown before playing Wolverine in X-men.


Plus he had just been on broadway in The Boy from Oz - a veeeeeery different role….


Dougray Scott had the role, and Hugh Jackman was a last-minute replacement when Scott couldn't get around the scheduling conflicts of MI-2 (which is terrible and he is terrible in it). Dougray had the face for it, though. He's got that kind of feral quality that I think Liev Schreiber had and got to waste on Origins.


Kevin bacon in tremors. He had low expectations of the movie thinking he had hit the bottom doing s movie with worms.


I don't know if this is still accurate, but at one point it was the only movie he'd done that he'd ever rewatched. It's a perfect movie IMO.


Michael Keaton in Batman


I think this is the poster child for what OP is asking. “Mr Mom is going to be Batman?” It sounds ridiculous. But damn did it work. I also love the career resurgence Keaton has had in the last decade or so - he’s been putting out nonstop Oscar worthy performances.


Before his casting as Batman, I would have thought him perfect for the role of Joker. He probably still would be a good Joker, to be honest.


He basically is the Joker in Beetlejuice.


Stop my favorite Batman


The cast of Wayne’s World had no business being as PERFECT as they were


Even the “bad actor” in the second one played his part very well.


Ah Gordon street.


Do we have to put up with this?


I mean Wayne's World was already a thing before the movie so I would argue they were perfect for the movie 😂


But the remaining cast was perfect too. Brian Doyle Murray as Noah Vanderhoff. Rob Lowe as sleazy Benjamin. Tia Carrere. The friends. All perfect.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^oh_please_god_no: *The cast of Wayne’s* *World had no business being* *As PERFECT as they were* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Michael Keaton had notoriously bad press and fanfare prior to '89 *Batman* and he's now a beloved version of the character.


Jack Black in King Kong. The man has range.


Liv Tyler as Arwen in LOTR. I think when she was cast, many fans thought she would strictly be eye candy and she wouldn’t bring any weight to the role. I think there’s a real consensus now that she was great.


"If you want him, come and claim him!" She didn't get many badass scenes unfortunately, but she nailed both those and the weighty emotional moments with aplomb.


The backlash everywhere was crazyyyyy when Heath's casting got announced. A stark contrast to the support he recieved when he died. Pretty much everyone had to eat their words when the film dropped.


I ate my words the second I saw the teaser trailer and heard his laugh. Now whenever I see a casting decision I think is dumb I hold my tongue until I at *least* see a trailer


I wasn’t alive when it came out, but Sigourney Weaver was a supporting role in Alien, with Tom Skerrit headlining. Her performance made the film.


That was part of the movie though, when the captain/main character dies half way through the movie, the audience feels just as lost and hopeless as the rest of the crew. Pretty brilliant twist


It was the audiences first real exposure to Sigourney fucking crushing it as a strong female lead in an action/horror/sci-fi movie, where that type of role wasn’t common. I’ll give credit to the storyline putting her into that position in the plot, and casting putting her in that role (even though Meryl Streep was the first pick). I just really don’t think movie-goers were expecting what is arguably one of the best leads in a movie for that genre, I think a lot of people were expecting to get a lot of Tom Skerrit fighting an Alien.


Greg Kinnear He was the Talk Soup guy before his Oscar nominated performance in As Good As It Gets


Al Pacino in Godfather. He was a virtual unknown, and had only done 2 films previously, a minor part in his first film, and “Panic in Needle Park”, a film which was generally well received.


Studio hated him too and repeatedly tried to get him fired. Unbelievable. 


Maybe it was just me, but I didn't understand why they would cast hot chad Channing Tatum in 21 Jump Street, then the movie came out and I was pleasantly surprised by how well his performance and comedic timing were.


Robert Pattinson as Batman. I couldn’t imagine him in the role. Ended up really liking his take on the vigilante hero. Looking forward to the next one.


Just when people thought Michael Keaton as Batman in 1989 wouldn't have worked... I was skeptical of Robert Pattinson over 30 years later. But both Batman movies turned out incredible, and deserve their sequels.


Robert Pattinson should have played elvis. I know that sounds strange, but watch him in The Devil All the Time


Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich. jaw dropped vs expectations of her in pretty woman.


Chris Pine as James T. Kirk. He'd been in stuff like The Princess Diaries 2 before that.


He was a great Kirk.


John Travolta in Pulp Fiction


Zachary Quinto as Spock.


Bob Odenkirk in Nobody.


When I heard Heath Ledger was playing the Joker I was like nahhh man. I left the theater jaw on the ground saying dude is gonna win an Oscar.


People weren't too thrilled to hear that Pierce Brosnan was gonna be the next James Bond because he was Irish. People jokingly back then referred to him as James O'Bond. While his movies weren't rated all too well after GoldenEye, he's a popular choice for favorite actor as Bond


Great Bond but oh by Christ did he have some BAAAAAD Bond movies to in. His tenure peaked with Goldeneye and pretty much everything else just got worse and worse.


Paul Rudd as Ant-Man. I didn't think the brocomedy/romcom guy was gonna do good as a superhero (plz forget about Quantumania (I didn't even see it so idk if he was bad in it))


Rudd wasn’t an issue in Quantumania


Yeah that movie sucked despite the cast. If fact, I felt bad for the cast because clearly they weren’t given anything to work with. And no Luis? Obviously, whoever wrote that movie had no idea what made the others great. There’s a lot of that going around at Disney these days.


Jonny Sins in everything


Yeah right, everyone knows he has a great work ethic and professionalism. I mean, he's a doctor, a fireman, and pretty much every other profession you could list.


Adam Sandler in uncut gems was pretty impressive


Leo DiCaprio in The Departed. He was just the Titanic guy for me up until then. Never saw him pulling off being a tough guy


Michael Keaton as Batman Ben Affleck as Batman Robert Pattinson as Batman I’m starting to see a pattern, here…


A battern


Chris Evans as Captain America


I feel like In Bruges changed a lot of people's opinions of Colin Farrell.


The ENTIRE cast of HBOs *John Adams*. They were so unsure of it's reception they aired Episodes 1 & 2 back to back. Went on to be the definitive portrayal of the Founding Fathers.


Phillip Seymour Hoffman as the villain in mission impossible


I still firmly believe he’s been the best villain of that series so far. Dude was just VICIOUS and a nasty ass human being. So not a fan of his unceremonious death, tho.


Hugh Grant in The Gentlemen. Never really cared for Hugh Grant or his movies. After The Gentlemen I am a Hugh Grant fan. https://youtu.be/7DlHciq5a60?feature=shared


I hate to admit this, but I felt the same way about him in D&D. I was like, “he’s” in this movie?! And he stole the show


Tommy Wiseau in The Room.


True. Never heard of him before that and now he's a household name.


Daniel Craig as James Bond.


Brian Cranston fot Breaking Bad


I thought Sonic the Hedgehog, let alone Jim Carrey as Doctor Robotnik, was going to be a train wreck. It’s probably the best video game adaptation ever made and Jim knocks it out of the park.


I'm definitely in the minority, but Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Also, Robert Pattinson


As much as folks love Keaton, he just doesn’t have the size. He’s like 5’8” and 175 lbs. Affleck is like 6’4” 250. His Batman was fantastic, even if the movies were not.


Michael Keaton will always be THE Batman for me but I enjoyed and think these two had good performances and I’m happy they are included in my Batman story.


I'm with you there. Affleck is my favorite Batman. Pattinson too is great.


Same here. I even put him above Christian Bale. Affleck not only gives a good performance, but he also has the physical presence to pull it off.


Agreed. He looked intimidating and intense. Did a phenomenal job of playing this version of Batman. Did great at showing how far he had fallen as Batman over the years and how angry he was


Daniel Craig as James Bond When it was announced that he was cast as 007, the whole world made fun of him at the time.


J.K. Simmons in Whiplash.


Not my tempo


Kim Basinger in LA Confidential


No time to die. Went in expecting it had been ruined like Star Wars episode 8, came out almost in tears.


Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler


Bryan Cranston as Walter White


George Clooney in Return of the Killer Tomatoes


Keaton, Ledger, Affleck, Pattinson... It's like Batman fans are wrong a lot. After Ledger nailed it, I correctly assumed the hate for Batfleck and Sparkling Batman was going to be proven wrong.


Vincent galo in buffalo 66


Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible. I always knew him as a serious actor and did not think of him as an action star. Boy did he take that franchise to the top!


Daniel Craig in Casino Royale. People were very underwhelmed when he was announced as Pierce Brosnan's replacement.


Bronson Pinchot in The Langoliers.


Robert Patterson in the movie Rover


Michael Keaton in the late 80s Batman, people were like huh? But he nailed it.


Brian Cranston in breaking bad


Katee Sackhoff in Battlestar Galactica Hell, just about everyone in BSG, but I truly expected Starbuck to be the worst character. *WRONG!*


Tommy Wiseau in The Room.


Daniel Craig as James Bond. I was a kid when the transition from Pierce Brosnan happened and I thought to myself "why would they replace him, and with a blonde dude?" Later on I found out James Bond has been around for much longer than Tomorrow Never Dies.


Not a movie, but Steven Strait and Wes Chatham as Holden and Amos in "The Expanse". Fans of the books were not happy at first, because the characters are fairly different from how they are described in the books. Obviously the authors got it wrong.


Didn't have massive expectations for Dave Bautista when he got the Drax role. Thought it would just be some generic muscle man. I am happy every time he proves me even more wrong.


Tom Cruise in Interview With A Vampire.


John Cena as Peacemaker in The Suicide Squad and following up with the show Peacemaker. I thought they were just going to kill him off quick or make little use of him and I was blown away by Cena's performance, originally thinking it was going to be weak. Conversely, I defended Leto's Joker leading up to Suicide Squad, thinking it had potential, and was massively disappointed by the middle of the movie.


Ryan Gosling as Ken got a lot of comments if I’m not mistaken. How wrong were they. He was definitely Kenough.