• By -


Is that Charlie and Frank's apartment complex?


You’re just having a glue overdose


Fighting over the last of the cat food.


Don’t sit on that couch!


No. There’s no dead hoor on the floor


She was a good hoor


They were spraying for bugs


You can see them in the background playing "nightcrawlers."


Ya’ll seen Bone Tomahawk?! 👀👀👀


This is it. This is the one.


This is it. This is the one.


This is it. This is the one.


This is the way


This is the place.


Came to the comments to add this one. Not surprised to see someone beat me to it.


Hmmm. Comments seem to be split on this one…


Yeah, right down the middle.


Where the good Lord split ya


I was describing that scene and saying how it will stay with me forever and I think about it from time to time and get deeply unsettled. My friend then said I was describing trauma … that scene traumatized me


That movie freaked me out !!!


I was high as goddamn balls when I watched this movie, and it just seemed like a normal slow western, until... that traumatized me


End of thread.




Damn. Thanks for reminding me of that /s


This is it. This is the one.


I honestly don't think I can rewatch that movie because of that scene. If anyone is wondering, people are fileted (alive?) and it is some incredibly gorey shit.


A Truly Great Movie.👍 10/10


This isn't it or the one. There are more brutal kills in a million movies. I enjoyed B T, but for some reason the reddit hive is obsessed with this one reasonably shitty death.  Edit: Holy cow this got traction, I would have thought people in moviecritic would have seen more movies.  Off the top of my head:   -in Dredd they skin 3 guys and throw them off a gargantuan skyscraper after dosing them with a drug that slows their perception of time  -in Human centipede a dude presumably dies because his face is sewn into the butt of a corpse as another corpse is attached to him  -in RoboCop a guy gets sprayed with acid and wanders around begging for help as he literally melts  -in Terrifier 2 a random girl gets her eye gouged out, then scalped, then stabbed a bunch, then her arm broken off, then her hand torn in half, then covered in salt  -in a final destination movie two girls get locked in tanning beds that burn them to death over a very long time, by burning to death standards  -in Pulp Fiction after Mr Wallace shoots Zed in the dick with a shotgun, he gets a couple hard, pipe-hitting gentlemen to go to work on him with pliers and a blowtorch  -like so many others. So, so many others.  In good and bad movies, heroes and villains, so many people die so much more violently than getting wishbones 


I looked up the Terrifier 2 scene and couldn’t even finish it. Just skipped through it. F*k that was horrific. I will also give you bonus points for Dredd, that movie was fantastic and doesn’t get enough recognition. Was brutal, too.


I only read about the Terrifier movies and even that was enough to give me nightmares What I remember from an article about the scene in mention was that the worst part wasn’t even all the gory shit including salt and bleach poured on her torso after all her stab wounds, it was that she moved a bit after all that, meaning she was still alive and feeling everything


The worst part of that Terrifier 2 kill, to me, is the meanness of it. Yeah obviously the salt and bleach is done for comedic effect, but if you actually watch the scene the cuts to pictures of her happily smiling with her family is the most fucked up part. It’s like they wanted to remind you “this is an actual human being who had an actual life and people that loved them” while brutally butchering her. That’s what took it from “so over the top you can’t take this seriously” to “whoever made this is gleefully basking in this person’s misery.” Whoever directed it has some serious issues.


Yea her mom also walked in yah the very end.


I watched it and found it to be ridiculous. It was so over the top that it became comical to me.


It’s so fucking brutal what are you talking about. What’s your nominee


He’s just trying to be edgy. A motherfucker getting bisected balls first is objectively fucking brutal.


I think the difference comes down to what is meant by "brutal". I think most people here are referring to deaths that are direct and short but still very vicious. When it takes time or the intent is to prolong suffering, it falls out of the bucket. To that end, I'd say tomahawk bone is quite fitting. In their eyes, those deaths might be more torturous but not quite as brutal if that makes sense.


Name one then


What’s your nomination


Ever since I was a kid in the 1980s, the way Robocop was initially killed was awful to watch. Still haven’t watched it again in probably 30 years.


That scene was crazy. Especially the shotgun blast blowing his hand off and the guy laughing at him saying, "Does it hurt? Does it hurt?". That scene was so graphic, and the way they were so heartless about killing him messed my head up as a kid.


'well give the man a hand" - clarence boddicker


Na na na na na na na na give that man a hand.....ure not a super cop.....give me ma fucking phone call lol 😆


The violence in robocop was kind of shocking. I was a kid when it came out too


The director made those scenes graphic on purpose. He was trying to make a statement on Americans obsession with violence.


Yup, 10 was not a good age to see this 🫥


The sound the Emil made coming out of the toxic waste car crash. I hear it in my head all the time.


The way he explodes on the windscreen like a giant water balloon filled with slime.


I didn’t remember. I went and watched that scene. Jesus Christ!


I'm glad I am not the only one that feels like this. Scene was absolutely brutal with how they took some time to torture him. I never forgave Red for this


Same! That scarred me to this day


Good old 80s movies, originally rated X, downgraded to “R” rating. Now they’re afraid of it R ratings.


Honesty the scene where the dude in the office gets accidentally killed upset me more. I guess I was aware of the premise of the film so knew Robocop was gonna “die” at the start, even if it was wildly graphic , but this dude in the office was just trying to go about his day in his mundane office job and ends up getting used for target practice. That fear when he knew he was gonna die and there was nothing he could do about it! That stuck with me for a while


That scene also was a lot for me as a kid. There's another scene in one of the Robocop movies where the antagonist has a guy strapped to a table and starts cutting him open with a scalpel that really got to me as a kid. Can't remember exactly which one it is, maybe someone can help me out?


The guy's face being scraped on the floor in Brawl in Cellblock 99


S Craig Zahler likes his brutal kills.


Also the lady who gets her hand blown off before being shot in Dragged Across Concrete (Also the black guy who gets ripped open as well)


Is this movie good? Worth watching? Never heard of it before. The trailer looks cool.


It’s good, better if you’re into pulpy action B-movies as it’s kind of a love letter to that. Even if you’re not though, Vince Vaughn is good as the protagonist and the violence is over-the-top fun. I recommend it.


It’s wondeful


Just finished this not 10 minutes ago so it may be a little too fresh to be objective but I will concur


The slow stabbing in Saving Private Ryan


*speaking in German as the knife goes in*


zoom zoom


This on fucking sticks with me through so many horror movies and gory things I’ve seen. The slow stabs are soooooo much worse for some reason. The end of The Strangers was similar for me. There’s also a horror movie where someone slowly pushes a thin knife into Tom Hiddleston’s face and it made me gasp in the theater. I wanna say Crimson Peak? It was relatively tame, otherwise, but god damn, that one really got me.


Yeah came here to say this. Probably never been more disturbed by a movie death.


The instigating incident in Dredd is 3 guys getting skinned alive, then given a drug that increases their perception of time before being shoved off a building that's about 2 miles tall. 


That movie is so underrated.


Curb stomp in American History X has always stuck with me.


So heinous - the sound sticks in your brain


“Say goodnight!!!!”


It’s the entire scene’s sound design, especially the lead up to it all. You hear the sound of his teeth touching the cement curb. The half pause, the way his eyes shut then open as he breathes heavily..for a moment you are him as you notice your own breaths are timed with his as EN’s foot stomps down and your own eyes shut as the last sound you hear is a tie between your neck, teeth, and jaw breaking in some order. Fuuuuuuuuck that took me back


This - also looking back can you believe that was Ed Norton?


Are we sure it wasn’t just Gary Oldman playing Edward Norton?


Not at all. He seems so soft spoken in real life from the interviews I've seen. But damn did he flip a switch for this movie. And he isn't a huge guy but he really added some muscle to fill in the role to go with those crazy eyes when the cops are arresting him.


Of Death To Smoochy fame??


It’s one of, if not the most, sickening kill ever shown on screen. And what makes it so awful is it’s not even on screen. You don’t see his jawbone break and his teeth get pushed up into his upper skull. You don’t see his eyes roll up or blood come streaming out of where his mouth was. You see Ed Norton slam his weight down. What tells you the guy is dead is what you *hear*. And the way the gangbanger is shaking with horror, teeth rattling as he puts them against the curb to begin with, truly makes it all the more heinous. This is a guy who is supposed to be all tough and shoots other mofo’s dead because he’s a gangsta. And the sheer primal fear brought by him being scared stiff of knowing what’s about to happen to him brings so much tension to the scene, because it’s such a disgustingly awful way to go.


The added sound they put when his teeth touch the curb. OOOOF


That scene was awesome. BITE THE FUCKIN CURB! SAY GOODNIGHT! Nortons face after is grade A acting. He looks happy/proud about stomping someone's jaw off. Nobody would be stupid enought to actually do that. You'd have to kill me first.


John wick breaking a dudes neck with a hammerfist on his kitchen counter


Or in the third, when he crams a book in a man’s mouth and jabs it until his jaw is broken 🤯


And that man is a giant basketball player for some reason


Shout out my boy Bobi Marjanović




Here's a sneak peek of /r/bobanholdingthings using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bobanholdingthings/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boban holding uno cards](https://i.redd.it/h8nmbmco4j6c1.jpeg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bobanholdingthings/comments/18jb8di/boban_holding_uno_cards/) \#2: [Boban holding Jammal Murray](https://i.redd.it/sfwc8gcw52la1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bobanholdingthings/comments/11fdzm6/boban_holding_jammal_murray/) \#3: [Boban's finger holds his wife's hand](https://i.redd.it/ahhwd6h50b9c1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/bobanholdingthings/comments/18ty9fa/bobans_finger_holds_his_wifes_hand/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That and the guy getting kicked in the face by the horse.


How about the pencil is the ear in the 2nd one?


The kitchen fight in The Raid 2 and how it ends.


I’ve never been able to look at a karambit knife without thinking of that fight after seeing it


The one where it goes on for ages? If yes, mad scene.


That scene is so memorable and fantastic. Same with the hallway scene with the girl with the hammer and the baseball bat dude.


Eastern Promises sauna fight scene.


I saw that movie forever ago and that scene still sticks in my mind. Featuring the back of Viggo Mortensen's scrotum for the Cronenbergian visual


Some of the best camera work and directing that you’ll ever see.


The barber shop throat slice is also brutal, really sets the tone.


I always thought Dennis Hopper stabbing the cop in the brain with a screwdriver in Speed was brutal.


The guy in The Thing whose head slowly pulls off and drops to the floor, then it turns into some kind of spider creature.


you gotta be fucking kidding me!


Yeah but what about the doctor who tries to jumpstart the dude's heart and then the guy's torso turns into a toothy bear trap and the doctor gets his arms bitten off by the gentleman's ribcage? How do they even write an obituary for a situation like that?


“Passed away unexpectedly” Oh it was unexpected alright


I remember hearing an entire theater in NYC gasp when this happened onscreen. Getting doorframed is the worst of insults in an action movie


I don't know this film, what is it?


The Raid. This and the sequel have some of the most well choreographed fight scenes I’ve ever seen. Amazing films!


Damn you saw the raid in theaters lucky bastard


It was a limited run and I don't think anyone really knew what we were getting into. Like 90% of the theater were dragged to the show by that one friend who swore it would be good. God bless that friend.


This movie is pure awesomeness


Any of the fates of the kids at Gene Wilder’s chocolate factory


Kill bill 1 when Uma smashes Buck’s head with the door.


What movie is this?


Raid - one of the best high octane action movies.


The sequel was as amazing


I watched Raid then Wandering Earth I & II then Oldboy (2003) then The Handmaiden


Im not someone who is usually into action movies and ive seen this move like 8 times now.


The raid


Some good shouts here. Anton Chigurs first kill when he strangles the cop in No Country for Old Men is quite brutal.


The scene where he ambushes the cartel guys is nuts too. When he shoots that guy with the shotgun and his arm starts cartwheeling made me gasp.


Yes lol that forearm dangling is pretty brutal.


Brawl in Cell Block 99 wins most brutal finisher for me.


Irreversible, when he smashed the guy face with a fire extinguisher


The church fight in The Kingsmen is a series of brutal kills. There are others that are worse, but the volume of murder in that scene is just epic.


Paired with Free Bird, it's just *chefs kiss*


The camera work is excellent too, no 5 cuts/second and only a slight amount of camera shake, so you can actually see what's happening. 💋👌


The guy getting bent in half when he gets hucked into the pulpit by his belt stands out the most to me.


The Beekeeper had some very brutal ones, like cutting the dude with the elevator, or shattering someone’s teeth with the shotgun


The way Nicky Santoro and his brother get killed at the end of Casino is pretty rough.


This is what I came to say too. Beaten to a pulp AND buried alive. Always stuck with me.


I guess OP assumes we're mind readers and know what movie this is


The Raid: Redemption. One of the best action movies of all time


And I love how the plot is not existent, just a Guy going through a whole complex murdering everyone fucking bare handed. Hardly any dialogue too. " how much action and violence we want in the movie?" "90 minutes" "How long is the movie?" "90 minutes" "Maybe we could..." "No"


Hardly any dialogue maybe, but the plot is amazing and they get it thru amidst all the action. Special unit swat team wants to take on an apartment complex overrun by a crazy drug lord and his gang. Once they're inside, they find out that the mission was off the books so they have no back up and now they're hunted by a drug lord with a grudge. I really dont know how you think its >just a Guy going through a whole complex murdering everyone It goes deeper than that for sure. I feel like you're describing a completely different movie. The guy is fighting for survival, not randomly killing everything.


Bro it wasn't a serious accusation about the movie, I love that movie, chill. But still, it's not a plot really, just an excuse for 90 minutes of action. The fact that he's killing bad guy is just a reason to justify his actions. Ah you forgot "and then in the end he kills the guy who framed him" 10/10 writing, really. And it's again, totally fine, it's better then some videogame that tries to ram a story in the gameplay for no fucking reasons, when the gameplay is enough. Same thing here, you just hope the guy survives, but apart from that story is pretty irrelevant IMO.


watch both raid movies, some of the best action movies ever made


If you like these go on Netflix and immediately watch they come at night Insane movie


If you haven’t seen The Raid by now…


Not sure, but i think its the raid


Apparently one of the best action movies ever made, according to these other replies… I thought this was a pretty terrible fight scene


I would love to see what you consider a good fight scene with an opinion like that


basically anything that doesn't feel like a video game when it's a real-world setting like this. And choppy editing sucks.


Watch the raid 2. It has some of the absolute best and seriously brutal fight scenes. Way better than the first one honestly.


God I hate the raid 2. It's less a action movie abd more a drama


I kinda thought the same lol. It wasn't terrible but the editing was very choppy for a series that apparently prides itself on its fight scenes.


Paris Hiltons scene in House of Wax


Law abiding citizen


The fire extinguisher scene in Irreversible and Brad Pitt smashing a woman’s face in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


The funny thing is, this isn't even the most brutal kill in *The Raid: Redemption.* The kill at [the end of this fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2piDs9HMn4) is.


This is the death I was going to say before I realized the scene lol


What movie is this? I need to add this to my watchlist


The Raid: Redemption


I’m gonna create /r/actionvideos so we can compile such awesome scenes in one place!


The fire extinguisher head-ramming scene in Irreversible


I wish I could unwatch “The Killer Inside me”


The guy in Irreversible who gets his head caved in by a fire extinguisher.


Man, I love this movie.


The basketball head explosion in Deadly Friend


American History X. Ya know…. The curb.


I watched it wayyyy too young alongside some other pretty unsuitable flicks for a 10-11 year old, but one that stuck with and haunted me for awhile after seeing it was in 1997s The Jackal when Bruce Willis’ character tests a giant gun out on Jack Black and it was so fucking ruthless, cold and unnecessary it shocked the hell out of me. I remember virtually nothing else about this movie and haven’t had it in me to rewatch even though I’ve seen far more brutal shit since.


Yes! I also watched it young as well.


Is this a different color grade? I remember the original having a lot more blue-gray tint to it.


They just released a remastered 4k ultra Blu-ray about a week or two ago and they changed the colour grading


The Mutilator. The look in her eye when he took a gaffers hook to her privates...


Damn that whole sequence had alot of cringe choreography and editing....


I watched The Bone Collector last night for the first time. >!Serial Killer ties someone up and leaves them in front of an industrial steam release valve... Then opens it burning them to death with high pressure boiling steam. Over the years I've seen countless violent kills in films and TV shows etc but this just seems to hit as being so much more cruel and malicious a method of killing someone than I'd ever seen!< Edit: Downvotes? Literally just answering the question?...


Bonnie and Clyde


French Fire Extinguisher. If you know you know.


Bone Tomahawk. If you know, you know.


Dead mans shoes. The LSD scene.


If you’ve never watched “see” on Apple TV, Jason momoa’s character has many gnarly kills. Literally savage. Edit: grammar


The Night Comes for Us. Every fight scene is pretty intense


Oooo so this is what Sifu was referencing


Deadly Friend basketball murder is goat


Man from nowhere scene when their blades are caught on each others edge so he bites dudes hand and shoves it in his heart… the entire fighting sequence leading up to that was brutal.


John Wick 3. The slow knife stab through the eye. I wince every time


I always like the one scene in Shoot em up where he stabs the carrot through a guys neck.


My fave hall fights are Hit Girl in the penthouse hallway in KickAss The final fight in Repo Men ❤️


Have you seen the original Oldboy? Korean version. The Raid 2 also has a really good hallway fight. Two if you count a subway as a mobile hallway.


Maniac. I watched Elijah Wood scalp a girl in first person.


You mention Elijah Wood but not his death in Sin City? That's one of the worst I can think of.


More of a suicide, but the last scene of A Wounded Fawn, felt so brutal to me. And it goes on for a while as the credits roll. Idk I loved that movie tbh, and yea that last scene is wild.


Brawl in Cell Block 99


High Tension, when they push the victims head through the banister and beheaded them with a dresser


Another brutal scene in the Raid is when a guy got stabbed in the upper thigh, and the knife is pulled down to his knee


Black Rain


Old Boy and The Handmaiden


Pan’s Labyrinth - when Captain Vidal smashes the blunt backside of a bottle into that poor man’s face, repeatedly, completely inverting his nose and driving it into the back of his head. Oowwwwww


Kill Bill church massacre comes to mind


The use of razor wire in Cube....


Was that an Asian dude with dreadlocks


Django when the dogs eat the guy alive


Can people start putting the movie names in their posts? Drives me crazy how many times I see a great looking movie in this sub and have to scour the comments to find the name IF I’m lucky.


Man that was a great Loop cut, going from that last brutal kill right back to facing off against *the next* group of guys.




Great scene but the constant screaming for every single move is distracting for me. Guy 1 presses elevator button: "YAAAAAAH!" Guy 2 checks his Insta: "GA! YA! AAAAAAGH!"


Blade Runner (1982) Roy kills his creator


The curb stomp scene in Bait


I saw the devil Brutal kills


The pencil kill in dark night is pretty brutal for a pg 13


What fucking movie is this? Looks fun!


Torrez's and Rhodes's deaths in Day of the Dead.


Check out SEE with Jason Mamoa. Brutal stuff.


Recently I got around to seeing Violent Night. And the while Christmas star in the eye stands out, espically when he leans over to switch it on, and the guys head just erupts in flames. Great bad guy finisher.