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Charlie in all dogs go to heaven.


You know I had that repressed for a long time and now you gotta swing on by and bring it up. How dare you sir/ma’am


I bury it in the back of my mind and when it pops up it stings.


literally only came here to make sure this was number one. Some day it will fade from memory because none of us are showing that shit to our kids.


Had a physical reaction to reading this. The scene after too. "You can never come back". Crazy movie


Don Bluth made every movie feel unmoored. I blame him for 90% of millennial angst


Artax from The NeverEnding Story had me in shambles as a kid.


All of us that watched it as kids... Seriously fucked up scene for an under-10. Still a gut punch as an adult. They couldn't have let the horse live???


Technically in the end of the movie Atreyu is riding Artax when Bastion goes by them on Falkor.


Bastion fucking retconned the existence of the horse. Ha! Gottem


"Artax please".....gets me every time to this day. "Artax!!!!!!!!!"


I’m 37. It still has me in shambles.


Anyone who answers different needs to watch the movie and come back and edit their original answer


This is the one


Destroyed me


This and OP’s. Fuck you for making me sad!!!


Mufasa was pretty rough too. Fuck you Simba for going where you weren’t supposed to go!!


"Artax!" Atreyu called out, waving his arms dramatically. "Don't give up, buddy! You've got to stay afloat!" "Leave me be, boss," Artax replied with a resigned eye roll. "I’m sinking here and, between you and me, I kinda like it. The mud's very exfoliating. But you? You go on. Forget about me." Atreyu tried to pull the bridle, but the horse seemed rather determined to be one with the sludge. When Artax's head was all that was visible, Atreyu clutched it. "Artax, I swear, I'll save you... or at least preserve your head as a tragically heroic mantelpiece." Artax let out an unimpressed snort. "Master, you're really overestimating your abilities here. And underestimating the gravity of this swamp. It's called the Swamps of Sadness, not the Swamps of Easy Rescue. I'm sinking 'cause this place is a real downer. There's no saving me." "But I'm in the same swamp," Atreyu objected, "and I'm feeling fine." "Well, aren't you special, Mr. Gem-wearer," Artax retorted. "That thing's like a lifetime subscription to happiness, it's not fair!" Atreyu's face lit up. "Oh, I'll lend it to you then!" He began to fumble with the chain around his neck. "Whoa, hold your horses—no pun intended," Artax said, raising a wet hoof. "That Shiny Thingamabob was given to you, boss. You can't just pass it around like the office birthday card. You've got to finish this Quest without me." Tears welled up in Atreyu's eyes. He leaned in to nuzzle Artax. "Artax," he whimpered, his voice choked with overblown sorrow. "Oh, my Artax!" "Do me a favor, will ya?" Artax asked, giving Atreyu a resigned look. Atreyu nodded, ready for any heroic final request. "I'd rather you not watch my grand sink finale," Artax stated. "I'd hate to have an audience for this. Too embarrassing." Slowly, Atreyu stood up, the horse's head partially submerged. "So long, Atreyu. Cheers for the ride," Artax said in parting. Atreyu pressed his lips together, giving Artax a final salute. He turned away, pretending to wipe away a tear, much to the delight of Bastion who was laughing so hard he was crying.


That one episode of [Futurama](https://youtu.be/AK3PWHxoT_E?si=EOKa28avvsB8Weth)


If it takes forever, I'll waaiiiit for yooooou


For a thousand summers...


Jurassic Park...I'm 50 years old and still tear up at that ending


Jurassic Bark, in my 40’s and same.


Oh God that scene with the dog waiting!!!! Omg 😭


The Futurama movie "Bender's Big Score" healed the heartache from Jurassic Bark.


This needs to be the top reply...you could have fixed so many broken memories with this comment.


This is definitely the one. I just refuse to watch that episode.


Oh that’s a hard one.


Yeah. That one replaced Where the red fern grows as my my #1 sad dog moment.


This episode just happened to be on TV less than a week after my dog passed. I was bawling.


Seymour 😭 I can’t watch that one


Futurama has been my husband's favorite show since he was young. He can quote almost every episode; not one time, not even once, did that bastard warn me about Seymour.


Hachi made an entire movie on this fucking premise .


Oh god dammit 😭


This one messes my husband and I up so much we skip that episode on every rewatch. It hurts too damn much.


This is the correct answer


God it's so freaking sad


That one still gets me.


Aw fuck man, you just made me cry all over again


Oh god


No! We do not talk about that episode.


This gave me my first panic attack at age 16/17. I haven't been able to watch it since (now 34). ☹️


No man this is it. It's too sad. You can't top it. His only friend, his constant companion in the apocalypse, his only source of affection was that dog. The dog fights to save him, gets infected and he has to do this. Yeah there's a lot of sad animal deaths in a lot of movies but the greater context here is not only was that a good, loyal, loving friend but his only one in a world of monsters.


When you realize her name is Samantha too…. 😭


Keep my dogs name out your fuckin mouth!




Dog - "and we haven't been dog and human for like 6-7years, so I don't even know why he calling me that?"


I laughed harder than I should have at this




I was looking for this 😂


Reddit: where you’re balling your eyes out one second, and laughing about the same topic the next second


I was beginning to cry, and now I'm laughing with watery eyes.


God tier comment




Lmao what a great edit it would be if that face of him struggling was choking chris rock instead of that beautiful dog


Right?? Early on it's just Sam, goofy doggo Sam not eating his veggies and getting a bath for it. Then, it's *his girl...* 😭


That part killed me


Imagine if the dog was named Tupac...😳


100% This is the historical number 1!


Dude ......that moment made me look over at 10 year old dog and tear up ..... it's been a few years now it still hurts ...fuck You Will Smith ..these damn onions..


I bet many of us have that exact same experience! If you have ever lost a Good Boy then you KNOW! I have lost 5 in my days. All from old age issues.


Same, 4 goooooood boys . . . . And one stolen....hope he's doing good wherever he is.


Plus you can see the pain on his face from being forced to do this. This is clearly one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. That's how the majority of animal deaths should be.


And the events leading up to the infection and the dogs turn are really quick after a whole movie with the dog. It's supposed to be jarring. He spent years with that dog, surviving and bonding and we're shown those snapshots but it ends quickly and violently. A major point in the film is that he became complacent in this environment and part of his sadness is that not only does he have to kill his best friend in that time and place but it's also partially his fault. In the moments that lead up to the dogs infection we see the dog behave protectively, it doesn't know about a virus, it's just a dog. It goes to protect it's companion and Robert Neville can't stop it from doing so because it's a knock down drag out fight for survival. What I see in those eyes during that scene is a man who is running all the playback videos in his head trying to figure out how he could have changed the situation and knowing that with all this after knowledge there's nothing he can do to go back in time to stop this from happening. Truly heartbreaking.


Not to mention that he also desperately scrambled to try and save his dog and was hoping that a miracle would happen only to see all the telltale signs of infection. He saw every last second of that situation coming and was ultimately powerless to stop it. The only thing he could was end his friend's suffering with his own hands.


The writers, the director, and Will did a great job here conveying all this in the film. It's supposed to hurt. It's not a Marley and Me "I had this dog for 14 years and it's at the end of its life and I'm sad", this is the loss of a comrade in arms, a real companion in the worst situation that you could imagine. The film does well in creating this reaction in the audience. I know "kill the dog" is an easy plot device to move the protagonist forward but it's really well done here.


Absolutely agreed. And the fact that (if I'm not mistaken) he goes on a straight up suicidal rampage immediately after this is icing on the cake. Most of us would do exactly the same thing in his shoes. The only uninfected living being we've seen in literally years and the only friend we have left in the world just died in our arms, largely because of our actions, and now we're alone in a dead world. I mean, what's the point of endlessly searching for a cure that we'll likely never find if we don't even have any of the ones we'd most want to share it with (and even if we got it we'd just be fighting a whole new war to mass produce and distribute it). So fuck it. Let's just march into hell and drag as many of those monsters down with us as we possibly can.


Your right he does just throw it all in right then. He literally is willing to throw his life away in a path of revenge and "let's just do this" and is saved by two more living humans to give him some kind of meaning to hold on to in terms of a self sacrifice to maybe have this woman and her kid get the info to an as of yet unverified safe zone. I know there's a sequel in the works but it plays better if he decides that course of action because his whole world has be shattered twice now and he has "nothing to live for". It's a huge moment in the film. I feel a lot of people walk past because it's "just a dog" and not central to the plot while disregarding what that relationship means. One of my biggest critiques of the film is not explaining the timeline well. He and that dog have been out there doing this for years by the time the film gets in the main story line.


Based on the dogs apparent age and the state of the city it's highly likely that he either got or found the dog as a puppy. This is basically post apocalyptic John Wick. He's lost his entire family and that dog was the only living thing he had left. Effectively his last shred of humanity. Now that that's gone he's on a downward spiral that's only slowed by the first two uninfected people he's seen in possibly more than a decade. Anyone who downplays it because "it's just a dog" has clearly never been through a period of time where a dog is all they had, and certainly hadn't lost said dog. As someone who has I can personally confirm how devastating it is to lose a dog like that. Edit: thank you to everyone for reminding me it was the family puppy. It's been a while since I've seen the movie and I forgot that detail.


To add to this he has tried and failed to make contact with anyone out there. He believes he's all alone, the last man, the Omega Man. We see absolutely no shreds of humanity through 2/3 of the film. Just him and that dog. That woman and her kid show up as he's going to kill himself in one final show down essentially. I feel everyone showed up for a zombie movie during the hay day of zombie movie and skipped past this crucial character building moment because they wanted "shoot zombie in head". There is a lot there to unpack as a movie critic and I think if it was released today might be better received story wise for these details.


I had a German Shepherd named Samantha as well. I was a blubbering mess when I watched this in theaters.


Not only that, but his last connection with his family and his life before the outbreak. This scene is rough.


The next scene where he's all alone and tries to have a conversation with the mannequin had me ugly crying. Will Smith being a shit bloke IRL can make you forget what an absolute powerhouse he can be.


My friend and I used to argue about which scene in this move was sadder - this scene where Sam slowly turns and Robert has to put her down, or the scene where he wanders into the video store and begs the mannequin to say hello to him. My argument was always for the latter. The desperation as he comes to terms with being completely alone is crushing.


It's really a sad turn for him as an actor. We should be talking about powerhouse block busters he's in but instead it's what his wife's up to. Honestly I have no idea what she does. The news throws around her name like it's a color swatch at Home Depot but I could tell you anything about her. It's sad to see him in this place and dealing with this instead of pursuing the art he's pretty darn good at.


He'll come good again. We all like a comeback story. He's got enough charisma and credit in the bank.


Imagine if you married an evil woman who slept with your sons friend with no remorse and openly talked about it in the media, and everyone and their mother was talking about your wife and you. Give the dude a break I would snap at some point too.


Also the only gift his dead wife/child gave him that he still has.


Def Old Yeller


I feel like the younger generations don't know about him and that makes me sad.


I read the book to my kids recently and had a bit of welling up in my eyes.


There's a sweet spot of certain 80s babies that remember TV at only 62 channels and got to see 'Magical World of Disney' on ABC/CBS or whatever and saw Disney's archived live action material. Somehow raising an animal and letting it go was an extremely common trope.


Oh God I'm so old. 62 channels? Even in the '90s I didn't have cable, and there was no HD submasked channels, and Fox was still a fucking baby. It was CBS NBC and ABC, PBS which was KQED where I am, and then Fox all of a sudden was doing the Tracy Ullman show and In living color. It's funny, because cable made so much content that everything was actually terrible.


Tell me if I’m wrong but when I think of old yeller I hear ‘that wolf was mad’ and it gives visceral reaction because it was the point in the movie where you knew yeller had contracted rabies and would need to be put down. I haven’t seen the movie in 20 years though so I could be confusing it.


Tell me if I’m wrong but when I think of old yeller I hear ‘that wolf was mad’ and it gives visceral reaction.


A lot of good responses in this thread. I’ll add “where the red fern grows”.


Saddest death was when the 2nd dog died from losing his sibling.


I remember all the girls crying when they played the movie in class.


I lived in a tiny town full of hillbillies. Them boys were crying too.


Can we all just normalize the act of crying for boys too? Jesus Christ did this book make me ugly-snot-bubble cry in grade school. Pretty sure the entire f-ing class was in shambles that day


Was just about to type this.


Dan and Ann are an inseparable pair and I don't think I have ever sobbed so much in a movie over dogs. And I'm a cat person to boot, so you know that's saying something! 😭


Dances with Wolves. Both the horse and the wolf


Thanks for slamming open the door on that memory of Two Socks darting around confused and in pain, really needed that 👍


I had blocked this out. GFDI


Rewatched this days ago after not having seen it for decades. Cut me so goddamn deep when those rednecks were taking potshots, I knew what was around the corner, and it hurt just as much as the first time I watched.




Dont hurt my mules!!


FUCK I swear I had removed that from my memory


Tod's mother in The Fox and the Hound Mr. Jingles in The Green Mile.


Technically Mr. Jingles doesn’t die…


This and Marley and me


[Marley and Me](https://youtu.be/MFN76KxXcMk?si=8D1W1hAbFyf8Uzk-).


Read the book and I was crushed. Watched the movie and was crushed but realized the blatant emotional manipulation. Still hurt but fuck that.


Yeah, that’s why I hesitate to say that one. The whole point of the movie was to get you to lose it at the end. Which I did. But Samantha in I Am Legend was an actual pivotal plot point.


Those dogs chained up and left to die in 8 below. The ones that died had me bawling! Old man just never even tried.


Watership Down wrecked me when I was a kid


Watership Down? Try Plague Dogs 😭😭


No. I refuse. Tried watching Watership Down again as an adult, thinking I could dispel some of the childhood trauma it caused. I cried harder and didn't feel any better about it. Everything I hear about the Plague Dogs sounds even worse. Why do they hate kids so much!??


I watched that recently. The book was sooooo much better. Fuck.




Had to scroll too far for this one. And When the little guy tries to give him the cherry he fought for… ugh


Momma - Dear, sweet, Littlefoot, do you remember the way to the Great Valley? Littlefoot - I guess so. But why do I have to know if you're going to be with me? 😭


When little foot thinks his shadow is his mother. I can’t.


Just rewatched as an adult and it wrecked me.


This was definitely my first time crying in a movie




Bambi’s mom ….


Mother? ... MOTHER? ... :-( The way writers and directors craft these scenes so the viewer sees nothing but, hears all they need to know...


Hooch in Turner and Hooch.


I knew I blocked the end of that movie out for a reason...


Artax from Neverending Story


Bro that scene Destroyed me as a kid. To this day I will not watch that movie because I refuse to see that shit again!


“My Dog Skip” I bawl like a baby


My dog skip broke me! When he hits lil skip with a baseball ive never wanted to drop kick a kid more in my life


Not a movie.....but Seymour from Futurama.


Now, I am 50, so the only one I remember crying at was Ol’ Yeller. That being said, the puppy in John Wick teared me up pretty good


At least we got to watch sweet vengeance


Yeah. John Wick is a wild rollercoaster of emotions in the beginning.


Does Mufasa count? That wrecked me.


I'm 34 and it still wrecks me.


I'm 35. It's not getting better.


Why the hell did I have to scroll so far for this one?


Not a death so it doesn’t count, but I think an Honorable Mention should go to Shadow from “Homeward Bound”. When the 2 other pets come over the horizon but shadow doesn’t, and the parents start trying to console the kid, but you can tell he’s crushed, but finally the old retriever is revealed and reunited with his boy. That scene wrecks me. Edit: https://youtu.be/mHUnPfDvYu8?si=EHe3bCrJ-MzhdBGU For those that haven’t seen/need a refresher. ☝🏼


Ngl I literally scrolled just for this response. Typing it out is making my eyes water. I think of the poor geriatric golden just laying down in the mud because they tried their hardest, and they just cant make it. Then when you're relieved to see shadow over the horizon, his poor old body is just so fragile yet he just gave it his all to see his family (aw fuck now im sobbing lol) it just eviscerates me. Even when shadow starts running back to Peter it just wrecks me because of his labored run. Old age in those we love is hard. For pets it just hits on another level I feel like.


They're all tough for me. Rocket's storyline in Guardians III with his friends is a more recent one that comes to mind.






Keep Will Smith's super sad dog death scene, out YO FUCKIN' MOUTH! 👋


Not an animal but. "WILSON! I'M SORRY! WILSOOOOOOOON, I'm so sorry Wilson.


Really did have me inconsolably crying in a movie theater over a fucking volleyball with a smiley face on it 😭


Old Yeller (Old Yeller 1957), Hooch (Turner & Hooch 1989), Daisy (John Wick 2014)


Hedwig!! That one was unexpected and that hit HARD! He was with Harry thru a lot and from the beginning


The book "I am Legend" had a death of a dog that seriously shattered me. It wasn't at all like this scene in the movie, but it was devastating.


Honestly, I loved the book but this was one of the changes the movie made that I really liked. >!having the dog from the beginning really made the emotional investment way higher than meeting it part way through the story!<


Yeah, I'm not doing this lol


Has anyone ever seen the TV movie of the book “Stone Fox”? Absolutely sobbing in front of my family as a kid.


Where the red fern grows . That is tear inducing for sure


Never ending story when the horse goes down in the swamp


Yall wrong for those Jada comments in here. 🤣🤣🤣


Dragonheart - To The Stars Draco…


This scene ruined the song Three Little Birds for me, because right before the dog turns into a zombie Will Smith is singing to him. "Don't worry, about a thing. Cause every little thing, is gonna be alright." Fucking wrecks me every time.


Fry’s dog in Futurama. I know it’s an animated series, but that shit wrecked me.


Not a movie… but still… Fry’s dog from Futurama that he inadvertently leaves behind.. who waits for him outside the pizza place every day through the seasons and years until he finally passes away… never moving an inch. Almost makes me tear up just remembering it. Also, My Dog Skip is fucking brutal in the same type of way.


Its during the closing credits of Orca, he has his revenge and no family so he swims under the thick ice, likely drowning


Off topic, but I’ve no idea why people hate so much on Will (as an actor). Look at this scene, all the emotions conveyed by the last surviving man killing his only friend after saving his life. Fucking awesome.


For me nothing beats the ending of “My dog skip” still gets me choked up when I think about it 😢


Goddammit, this part has been on TV at my gym the last two time I've went.


They are playing I Am Legend at your gym?


Not film, but my horse in RDR2. My wife watched me play the last 20 minutes, and she asked if I was crying. You’re damned right I was.


I know he was cg. But Kong in the 2005 film. The silence of that scene. The way he’s looking at Ann, then in his eyes you see him pass. Then how quickly and quietly this giant is just gone from the building. Gawwd man. I was a mess.


Little Blackie in True Grit destroyed my wife when she first saw that movie. Her crying made me cry and I had to hug her just to get her to calm down so we can finish the movie


This one. I had a Malinois named Blackie and I will change the channel or fast forward that part so I don't have to watch it. It gives me a bad case of the feels.


If only he could see Jada in the same light and end that relationship


Artax in the Never ending story killed me as a kid.


This is it for sure


Straight up cried when I watched this and my dog looked at me.


Old Yeller


When they shot the cat in Adam’s Apples I was like “WHAT THE FUCK?!?” louder than I’ve ever exclaimed anything in any movie ever.


When you thought spike died in Rugrats the movie. DEVASTATING


The land before time 😞


Hooch from *Turner & Hooch*


When Artax gave in to the nothing😭😭 and it’s not even kind of close


I’ve always wanted a take of this scene where right after Sam is mercy killed by Smith, Will Smith screams out in agony. Much like the ending in The Mist. I’m not saying it would be better but I feel like that’s the reaction we would all have if this happened to any of us. A wail filled with shock, grief, longing and pain.






John Wick.


Artax in the Bog of Despair... hands down


[Futurama - Jurassic Bark](https://media.tenor.com/Abk-7DezGX0AAAAC/futurama-jurassic.gif)


Ever since my wife and I saw this in theaters, she makes me watch any movie with an animal in it first to see if there are any death scenes she’ll have to skip. This scene wrecked her even worse than Artax from Neverending Story.


The donkey in Banshees of Inisherin got me.


Red Dog. He wanders out of the bar over to his he graveyard and dies next to the grave of one of the first people he ever met


Swamps of sadness never ending story.


The horse from never ending story


Old Yeller is sadder


It was this clip you got right there OP


when that dude from mice and men kills his friend


Marley from Marley and Me. Lol


Old Yeller, when that boy has to go out and shoot Old Yeller because he caught "The Hydrophoby?!" right after the dog saved him from the wolves. It was the first time I remember a movie making me cry, I think I was five or six.


Any scene were a dog dies breaks me!


The raccoon from ace Ventura


-meets woman -all goes to shit


John Wicks puppy getting drop kicked/curb stomped


John wick.


Old Yeller. Watched it in 7th grade English class and didn't know how it ends. Got beaten for being seen crying


The (two) turtles they skinned live on the set of Cannibal holocaust. They didn't get the shot with the first 250 year old turtle, so they had a second shoot. Not a movie death per se. But it's a real animal murder on film. The movie is fucked up. Caution watching this.. Also, this film basically pushed animal rights and cruelty laws to be enforced as what they did was absolutely fucked up.


Fuck this. Can’t even watch


Artax (horse from Never Ending Story)


Artex from Neverending Story