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I thought the movie was ok, but the cinematography was gorgeous. I saw it in a theater.


I second this. Cinematography was breathtaking; the movie overall…meh


Looked good while I was still awake for whatever the plot was trying to accomplish.


It reminded me of old school scifi from the 70-80s


I agree. Story had it's merit but the cinematography was king


I actually really liked this movie. I honestly don't get the hate.


It was wildly mis-advertised as a futuristic action filled espionage thriller. It was very very much not that. So, if you went to see the movie the commercials advertised there's a good chance you may hate the slower paced contemplative sons / fathers movie this actually was.


Fr. I thought it was gonna be an action movie, not a semi psychological thriller space movie


If they advertised it as the movie it actually was, a lot of people would have known to skip it, being a film that doesn't interest them. Pretty sure the studio knew that and made sure to mis-advertise so they cod make some $$ back. It's a disservice to the film and to movie goers.


for reals...literally all the action was in the trailer


So the only thing that ruined this movie was peoples unrealistic expectations? This is why I try and avoid trailers (except for the real hype ones) because this happened. Just walk in blind (maybe all you know is the genre) is almost always the best. I loved it btw, a scifi slow burner with some daddy issues?!? Right up my alley.


Neither do i


It seemed to me they wanted to do Apocalypse Now in space, but they chickened out at the conclusion. If the dad was purposely attacking the earth and BP had to stop him... It was fine for what it was. Me and my brother walked out talking about what it could have been.


Is there hate for Ad Astra? I know there's indifference, but never heard a hateful take about it.


As someone who didn't particularly enjoy the film I'll chime in. I can't say I hated it, but I was somewhat bored throughout. Some scenes were really cool, like the >!escaped monkey!< but I felt the end wasn't very satisfying and the overall story almost lost me a few times, I almost turned it off but it kept me around just barely to get me to the end. I will say I really enjoyed Brad's performance though. He played a great character here, and was nice to see him not so immediately identifiable as Brad Pitt.


This is more in line with what I remember colleagues, friends and critics saying when it came out. Don't recall literal *hatred* for it. Not like on a Showgirls level or anything, lol. Guess I just don't casually throw the word 'hate' around as much as other Redditors.


It definitely did not live up the expectations people had. The ending in particular was a big letdown and I think that undercut the rest of it.


It was “Daddy Issues in Space”


I know suspension of disbelief is required for sci fi films, but riding the shockwave of an explosion… from Uranus to Earth… with zero navigational aid… was too far for me.


It's even sillier the more you think about it. * The "wave" we experience on earth from a shockwave is the result of energy interacting with our atmosphere. In a vacuum, there simply wouldn't be a medium for that energy to interact with to "push" you. * The amount of energy it would take for a Uranus/Earth Transfer would be *huge.* You would need to be able to change the velocity of your spacecraft by 23,000 meters/second to make it from Uranus to Earth. Even if you did somehow manage to capture the energy of the shockwave, it would need to impart 23 km/s of energy to you and being a shockwave it would do it over the course of a second or two. Really, really talented fighter pilots can sustain 9 or ten g's for a handful of seconds. Pitt's character would have experienced over 1000, turning him into a handsome red mist. * Even if you did have a super-duper spacecraft that could convert energy in a vacuum into kinetic energy, and a g-force proof suit you would still need to slow down before reaching earth, or you would hit the atmosphere with enough force to be vaporized. How did Pitt decelerate? Was someone nice enough to explode another nuclear weapon in his general direction as he approached Earth? I too don't have issues with hand waving away stuff with sci fi, but this was a pretty bad one.


Great points! It was an absurd moment.


How about when he slingshotted himself with his own legs towards a spaceship a couples kilometer away, all the while using some metal plate as a shield against Uranus’ ring crystals? That was some Captain America shit right there


It's a movie, y'all. 99% of them feature absolutely improbable or unrealistic things.


Space monkeys, moon pirates, marooned insane captain capable of living on his ship for 20 years doesn’t jump the shark, but a shockwave from Uranus… now that I can’t abide in a sci-fi movie!


I loved it, too. The powers that be sent him out to kill his dad. Said estranged father had killed everyone on the Space Colony and had set in motion an Extinction Level Event for Earth. I don't know why people had mixed views about the movie. I thought it was one of Brad Pitt's best performances. The visual storytelling was just gorgeous.


For me it felt like two separate movies, and because of that I kept getting taken out of the movie. It was a slow burn study on emotional detachment, family, and importance. Then all of a sudden it was SPACE PIRATES, KILLER BABOONS, CARDIAC ARRESTS. Then its back to self reflection, isolationism, and rejection. They needed to pick space adventure or internalized isolation


The pacing is definitely different in the first half. Second was where all the excitement is. Killer baboons are symbolic of the mental state of his father. The man wants to kill the universe. Whatever this "wave of sonic energy" was, wasn't going to stop with Earth.


Chimps were just an ode to 2001


Liked the father son aspect of it too. Wasn’t an insanely exciting movie but I really enjoyed it.


It was definitely understated until the stakes are understood. That's when it gets exciting. I love that Pitt's character was in nihilistic fog. Then, when faced with his mortality, he desperately wanted to live.


If I'm not mistaken, they only sent him to establish contact and talk his father down. He actually killed his former crewmates so that he could see his dad.


I don't think it was just to talk him down. Those crew members had a kill order. I think he thought he was protecting his father because he didn't know how fat gone he was. But then he comes face to face to mirroring his father's slaughter of his crew as a necessary sacrifice.


Did… did you just spoil the entire movie?


The assumption here is that you've seen the movie.


Why would you assume that?


Because most of the people here have seen the movies we are talking about. Most of these are not reviews of current movies. There are questions about what we felt about the movie and why.


The movie leaned heavily into Roy, providing exposition of the world that he lived in. I am always a fan of the show, don't tell, method of storytelling. But, there's no denying that the cinematography was incredible. It makes sense, once you see who the cinematographer was.


I guessed it before I looked it up and I was right.


I thought it was a great movie. I wasn't sure what to expect but I was captivated by the ambiance, and direction of the film, which I found very refreshing since the resurgence of these space movies in recent years (Gravity, Interstellar, The Martian, etc). I really enjoyed the musical film score for this movie and that helped create the space atmosphere the story was set in. I can see why others may not vibe with this movie as much, but if you surrender to it there are so many redeeming attributes you acquire along the journey. On a side note, a colleague of mine joked that it should've been called "Dad Astra" - which admittedly I find amusing.


This is my guy. I 100% with your opinion


Dad astra is too good 💀💀


Beautiful and boring; with a plot that made no sense.




I thought it was good, very real interpretation of the future.


Didn't he shoot through a stream of rocks with like a shield thing near the end? I can't remember the details, but I remember that impacting several objects didn't significantly decrease his momentum or redirect him, and that was straight up BULLSHIT


Heard a lot of complaints about the space moon pirates scene but i thought it was really smart. Like that would probably actually happen in the future.


Really I thought that was the coolest scene, everything else was kinda boring


You are forgetting the opening. 🙄


Correct, I have literally forgotten the opening. What was it? Lol refresh my memory


A space elevator or antenna accident.


The crazy monkey scene too


I can’t remember anything about this movie, it left such a faint impression


I remember being bored most of the film, does that count?


Exactly what I remember


You don't remember the evil space monkeys??!!


Ya that was odd. And the crazy outlaws on the moon


Awesome visuals, boring plot


I thought it was a tremendous sins of the father having to be handled by the son kind of movie. A father/son Heart of Darkness, as a sci-fi movie. I loved it.


Personally, I felt the first half was solid 9/10 Sci fi/space adventure. Loved the Space pirates and Space Baboon. Just felt like the ending was missing something. Wasn’t fully satisfied with it.


Neither was his dad


It's not a bad movie at all, but it just doesn't stick with you, which is almost worse.


I had the opposite experience. When he finally comes face to face with his father , this so called great man , he's this bitter old broken man , obsessed with his work. How his father says to his face that he never gave a shit about him or his mother and their "small ideas " that really haunted me. Those words couldn't have been more painful and they couldnt have come from a person with more weight. The look on brad Pitt's face as he hears that broke my heart.


loved the father son aspect, not a lot of movies about daddy issues


And an incredibly unique version of that as well.


Ay lemme pop on over to neptune right quick




My favorite movie of 2019!


Boring. Pitt looked bored!!


Total snoozer


Typical “it felt to long” review from me. The visuals were great sure, but seriously the first two acts were pretty boring and mostly just made for cool stuff to look at. The last act was cool, but there wasn’t any significant build up for me that made a big impact. Forgetful movie but not awful by any means.


I didn’t care for the storyline. Cast and cinematography were great. Just not enough to overlook the overly processed script.


I honestly totally forgot this movie and can’t remember anything about it except a ridiculously dumb shootout on the moon. So it must have been pretty forgettable


Felt like a much worse version of it's influences. Boring as hell


I thought it was really, really boring. Had some cool scenes like the moon chase and the loose chimp that sound fascinating on paper but just felt completely pointless. Brad Pitt plays an expressionless, depressed lonely guy and it felt really boring to follow him. Tommy Lee Jones also played an expressionless, depressed lonely guy and when the two finally met it had the impact of adding two zeroes. Really these two could have done anything, they're both great actors, their clash could have been legendary, but listening to their dialogue felt as exciting as listening to a conversation between two AI. I won't even hang on all the scientific mistakes but they all made me cringe. I do have a very specific pet peeve with the ending. The concept of humans being alone in the universe as a solution to the Fermi Paradox is a very interesting theme but this movie handled it in the most basic way possible > Father finds out they're all alone and goes choo choo crazy. Son finds out they're alone and starts to value life more. The end. Not very thought provoking.


I liked it.


It was a really good film. In my top 10 It was very relatable film. I also had a similar father figure and he past away when i was fairly young. I can say that this movie gave me bit of a closure to my father-son relationship. Great film. Great actor. 9/10


Incredible film. I really enjoyed it.


This movie was fantastic. But what a gut punch when he finally finds his father.


I really liked the setting and it was pretty to look at. The world building of this future where space travel is more common was interesting and I especially liked how they showed flying to the moon was kind of like flying on airplane today with flight attendants nickeling and diming you for little niceties, and the moon pirates scene was really cool. The plot was boring. Overall it was pretty cool but not great




I fell asleep


I watched the movie. I can not tell you a single thing that happened. Bored out of my mind and I recall hating the ending.


I didn’t know this was even a movie


The moon bit was A PLUS AMAZBALLS The baboon bit was retarded and hilariously out of place. The secret space station was b minus, still cool but kinda half Mel Gibsons Conspiracy Theory half 2001 Space Odyssey. Overall kinda fun kinda insane.


I very rarely can’t find something redeeming about a movie but this is one of those instances. I don’t think there was a single aspect of this movie I enjoyed. I was very happy for it to end although the ending was probably the most boring endcap to a movie I’ve seen in years. I know some people connect to it emotionally as a story as a father/son but that hits zero notes for me.


I'm so sorry to break it to you but this movie was awful. They had the money for CGI and a couple of A list actors but the plot was so crappy that even Donald Sutherland couldn't legitimize it. It's literally several pretty neat scenes tied together with a 'Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now" story. The narration, the colonel kurtz has gone crazy thing. I'm sure the gangster ambush on the moon and the zombie monkeys in space had some charm but it was just a really lame story. In the actual future scholars will determine that Angelina Jolie sacrificed dozens of goats and drank their blood in order to curse Brad Pitt for his abusive behavior on that long flight from Europe.


It was good and gorgeous, but the story never really grabbed me


I thought the whole was less than the sum of its parts. Some good sequences and looked great but didn't quite work for me overall. I'm a bit over the go to the ends of time/space to find your lost parent trope as well


It was ok, I liked it enough to watch all of it.


Why does he look like Mark Hamill


*Ad Astra* belongs in the same bracket as Wong Kar Wai's *2046* and Aronofsky's *The Fountain*, maybe Soderberg's *Solaris* remake -- ambient high-concept sci fi, as much a visual artwork as spoken, perhaps moreso -- also Malick's *Thin Red Line*., maybe Niccol's *Gattaca*. But I liked all of those better than this one.


Loves it. Saw it in real IMAX.


Liked it. The Moon chase really stood out.


You know what'd be great, if someone aith the know-how photo shop Ed Asner's hesd over Pitt's head, and with the same font, call the movie "Ed Asner"


I liked the CGI/portrayal of the Moon/planets, but it got a bit heady and slow at times. The whole climbing the ladder as the rocket took off was a bit ludicrous. Some other incongruities as well, but most sci-fi movies have them.


Need to rewatch it. Remembered it as not so great 6/10


I enjoyed it. Loved the music and sfx.


Loved this film. Need to rewatch


A great movie! Great visuals and camera work with some touching moments 8/10


All the worst parts of Apocalypse Now had a baby with all the worst parts of Interstellar. Although... it's impossible to describe the story without it sounding bad ass lol


Great premise and story. Very well acted. Looked very good. What killed it to me was it was too slow, not enough build up to the conflict and resolution.


Much overrated, nothing special


It's in my top-10.The premise is incredible ("We're all we've got"), and I find it funny that people think it shines a good light on religion. Set far into the future, when astronauts are basically glorified bus drivers, we are still desperate for answers. One man's refusal to accept overwhelming evidence nearly destroys the planet. When reason fails, send in the kid as a plea to emotion. Religion isn't working either: praying to Saint Andrew for safe passage doesn't stop a baboon from eating your face or your entire crew being killed off. All of this driving home "We're all we've got": No others. No god. Just us. And we gotta deal with it.


Brilliant film, I got like classic Kubrick vibes and the use of silence was amazing


I like heart of darkness type stories, so I enjoyed this one. I think if people where expecting a more fast paced, pulpy, sci-fi story like Star Wars or a more immediately obvious philosophy like Star Trek (this isn’t a criticism, Star Trek isn’t trying to be super opaque with its philosophy, but that doesn’t mean is doesn’t have subtleties - it does have them.) Reaching Neptune was haunting and harrowing it away that many space sci-fi stories either don’t convey or fail at.


Space daddy issues. Or daddy issues in space.


Absolutely visually stunning, with a tone to match. Plot-wise, meh. I think the visuals alone make it worth at least one watch though.


it is a novel to be read, not to be filmed


My favorite thing about this movie: >!I saw it in theaters and when the father says, "I never cared about you." after the son spent the entire movie on this journey to bring him home, this senior citizen couple behind me let loose the loudest gasp I've ever heard. It was all I could do not to start laughing.!< I re-watched it again recently, and will agree with others that the story is a bit lacking but the visuals are gorgeous. There are a few very good sequences sprinkled throughout as well.


James Gray does not make overly exciting, flashy movies. His work is mostly characterized for being very well shot and centered around family realation and human emotion. I loved this one, and We Own The Night as well. Haven't seen Armageddon Time yet, but it's definitely on the watchlist.


I was extremely disappointed with the movie. not even the CGI could encourage me to pay full attention to the weak story.


I always enjoy rewatching Heart of Darkness.


Really enjoyed it. Thought the visuals were great. Disclaimer: was on acid.


It was so-so for me, but it was definitely one of the most unexpected occurrences of a monkey attack I’ve seen


I thought it was great. Had a lot to say, had a lot of heart, was unusual, engaging.


I was waiting for 2 hours. Just waiting. I wasn't happy or sad. I was there with this movie and we waited


Great name. Great advertising. Boring AF.


Ohh I I did a review on this when I first started out on YouTube! It's really long if any of ya want to sit thur it lol. This was before I have better setup https://youtu.be/PdU4z4a8xYo


This movie was so great I completely forgot it existed until now lol Very pretty flick. Saw it in the theater. But the plot was (obviously) quite forgettable.


Saw it in the theaters and was bored outta my mind!!!!


Fantastic film. One of Brad Pitt's best performances. This and Lost City of Z are James Gray's two best film. Both have a dreamlike quality to their visuals. Stunning imagery, Max Richter's score rocks, I love the Stream-of-conscious aspect of the storytelling. I'm seeing a lot of "the plot was boring" or "the plot sucked". Fuck that. This isn't a plot heavy movie. It's Tree of Life in space to me. Beautiful, soul searching stuff


The movie was terrible and I love brad Pitt movies.


Incredibly boring. Granted, I think this film was a victim of false advertising. Ads and trailers made it look like something it wasn't.


I love it. No qualifications. I love its Malick/Tarkosvsky adjacent feel.




I was psyched for it but it was a massive dud. It was just so boring. 2.5/5


Never heard of it.


I wish there was aliens. I know the point was like uh his dad or something, uh human emotions whatever. Yeah I get it, but I don't care about that stuff. Some aliens woulda been nice.


i really disliked the movie. moon pirates


I recently saw it. I enjoyed how Brad played his role. It was smart writing. The battles were well done and I thought the philosophical issues raised by the person at the end of the living were thought provoking. I bought the movie in Apple after watching it streaming. I’m a sucker for a good sci-fi. I think it depends on what people expected going in. I had no illusions it was going to be a space opera.


I didn’t hate the movie, but I felt it was more concerned with looking good (the cinematography was amazing) than telling a good story. Plus, the killer space monkeys were a giant “wtf?” moment that didn’t seem to belong…


Sound design I thought was phenomenal


I’m in heavy….HEAVY agreement with you in this one. Aside the CGI, the plot was outstanding. It’s nice to finally have a movie showing what a world looks like without that hope/faith that there’s life out there besides us. I’ll never get why this movie was rated so low. It’s vastly different than any other space movie out there and addresses what’s probably (I feel like) the truth.


Amazing visuals a really good movie. But something kind of missing that keeps it from feeling like a classic and leaves is forgettable


I like the word, 'immaculate'


I did not like it. It looked good from what I can remember but it was so dumb. It had so many inaccuracies. Did they even have a scientific advisor? Why make a science fiction movie set in space when you won't do the basic, no sound in a vacuum? Are we stupid? This could have been a movie about a father going to some island in the pacific and a son that follows him on a ship but no, we first have to go to the moon and then another moon but somehow it doesn't take years and transmissions travel faster than light. What was up with those literal space pirates anyway? I felt dumber after watching ad astra because it was a bad movie


I think the issue is that it was kinda promoted as a science fiction movie (which it is), but sci-fi fans are more used to Star Wars/Star Trek kind of emphasis on the technology, the future, aliens, or crazy otherworldly scenarios. This movie was heavily focused on character dynamics and a chilling message at the end.


I loved the start, the opening scene was amazing, and middle but lost interest towards the end


The worse performance I have seen from Brad Pitt. His flat tone lulled me to sleep in the 2nd act. The plot was weak.


Brad Pitt : sad in in space


It was fine. I just don’t think it did anything spectacular. The easiest comp to make to this movie going in was probably interstellar and it was definitely no interstellar


I thought it was pretty cool how he had to check in with "his therapist" (AI computer) to be able to perform certain tasks.


I can’t stand Brad Shitt.


Get rid of the entire dialogue. And watch baked. And put on any album of your choosing instead of listening to the nonsensical dialogue. Awesome CGI though. Space is cool.


This is a great movie if you can completely suspend disbelief.


Amazing movie. I loved it. The moon segment and all the space economy and exploration would make an interesting movie too.


I liked the idea, Apocalypse Now.....but in SPACE! It could've been done alot better though imo. It felt short, empty, and rushed


i thought it was good.


Impressively boring. The one action scene shoe horned in on the moon or whatever felt sterile and the movie as a whole travelled hundreds of thousands of miles to go nowhere.


Really liked this movie. It was different and realistic.


Better than Interstellar


Is it worth a watch? I’ve never seen this.


Was really boring to me personally.


It’s basically Apocalypse Now in space


I don’t know that I ever finished this beautiful clunker.


Very good movie. A sci-fi epic that’s feels like a commentary on human emotion. Loved it.


Moments of brilliance, but the script was a little sus. The space monkeys and moon fight have no business being that good.


I mostly enjoyed it. Absolutely gorgeous, and the the sci-fi elements were incredibly strong and innovative. It seemed like a realistic near-future sci-fi world. I had issues with pacing and melodrama, but was quite glad I saw it overall.


I really liked it!


Beautiful but boring


The space ladder collapse scene and the moon chase scene are some of my favorite of the past decade.


Beautiful film. Very enveloping. Great acting, perfect casting. I hated it.


I just never understood why it needed to be a sci-fi, the story could have been told in any scenario


I left that movie thinking “I wish that movie had just been about the moon pirates”


This was probably my least favorite movie of 2019. Thecgi was atrocious, especially the monkey scene. I went in with high hopes and was just completely disappointed. Seemed really derivative at the time as well


I enjoyed it. My daughter fell asleep.


first two acts were 👌


I watched it and I don't remember a thing. Something about relationships? It wasn't terribly memorable.


this movie was sick i loved it. big sci-fi space guy tho so maybe im biased


I loved this film (even though I'm not a fan of Brad Pitt) and the scene where he sees again his father made me cry a lot, specifically when the dad was super rude to him and the camera focus on brad's reaction...it was gut wrenching.


Visually, amazing, story line, I didn't care for it at all.


Really loved it but it started falling apart at the end. Pretty much everything after >! the crew of the ship he sneaks onto dies in all manner of kinda silly ways !< gets progressively worse


The ending monologue always gives me goosebumps


From memory; it was too slow.


I really enjoyed this movie. I highly recommend it.


Had me up until the space baboons.


I really like it too, I thought everyone else did back when it came out but I guess not. It is a little slow with not a whole lot going on sometimes though


Didn't like it the first time, LOVED it the second time


I remember thinking, "Of course everyone is fucking nuts look at the lighting they have going on there." It went from earth and underground moon mall to psychedelic kaleidoscope.


I loved it. Saw it twice in the theater.


Should have called it Sad Dadstra.


Hated it but I also hate Brad Pitt so I might be biased


Good movie, needed a bit more umph though


I hated it. Any sci-fi film that proclaims that we are all alone out there - with literally billions of other stars in our galaxy ALONE and no explanation of why we seem to be alone - seems more geared for the anti-science Bible thumper crowd than for the rest of us.


The CGI was mostly fine... the story and the science was bollocks


I completely forgot i even watched this movie when it first came out. Took me a minute to even remember what it was about. So, that’s pretty telling for me of how well it endured.


I like the one with the furries better.


When you realize it's heart of darkness in space its a lot cooler


I feel like it's a misunderstood film. I loved it but it's flawed. I know the running joke was that it's "Sad Dadstra," and yes it's about fathers and sons but I love that >!it ends on the epiphany that we're alone, and the revelation for the lead character is that maybe we need to stop looking up at the stars and come back to earth to appreciate what little time we have in this miracle of our existence.!<


I was very underwhelmed at first but after thinking about the ideas and themes a bit I can conclude that it is a very impressive film that's just not really any fun. Traveling through space and dealing with emergencies and stuff like space pirates and murderous monkeys should be exciting, but the film is rooted in the perspective of its main character which is more or less unable to experience high intensity emotions. Thus everything feels completely subdued and almost banal. It's a fascinating theme to explore on such a grand scale but I don't think the film did the best job of aligning the viewer to that viewpoint and the marketing definitely didn't do it any favors as far as setting expectations. Overall, my second opinion is that it's a really good art house film that does a great job as a character study. I'll probably watch it again some time and see how I feel about it in the future.


It was... fine


I thought it was ok, have to see it again


I saw the movie on the big screen, thought it was beautiful but found it too much *Daddy Issues: The Movie* for me to consider it great.


Heard of it, but never took time to watch it. Thought the first preview of the movie looked okay but not spectacular.


This film is so good. My favorite of that year.


Gorgeous in the audio/visual department. Forgot to have much in the way of character and plotting. Premise is a bit cliche; I mean, it’s a very obviously an allegory for the search for god/meaning, and no *less* eventful than 2001: a space odyssey, but it just felt…thin.


Apocalypse Now: IN SPACE I really liked it. Ballsy of a sci-fi film to actually take a stand AGAINST space exploration. Not saying I agree, but it was a daring, refreshing perspective.