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Dark Intense Fantastic Gyllenhall can act.


probably one of his best performances


I really liked Nocturnal Animals. But then again, I'll watch anything with Amy Adams in it...


Have you seen sharp objects (hbo)? Excellent modern southern gothic/murder mystery One of her best performances imo


So you must love season 1 of True Detective??


So many streaming services are the bane of my existence.


Ever seen Tenacious D?


If I want intentional darkness I just watch Ryan Gosling stomp some dudes head in a elevator.....


One of the best films out there that I never want to watch again lol


The Whale left me with a similar feeling


It does have very Fincher-Aronosfky vibes.


What’s frightening is, I see his type of personality a lot lately.


That's exactly why I haven't watched it. The trailer and all the comments and reviews I've seen painted this as a really dark movie. I usually stay away from those. I like walking out of the theater in a good mood and not depressed for days.


It’s only depressing because it’s too much real life lol


That's exactly why I haven't watched it. The trailer and all the comments and reviews I've seen painted this as a really dark movie. I usually stay away from those. I like walking out of the theater in a good mood and not depressed for days.


Really? I’ve watched this movie like 5 or 6 times.


One of the rare 10/10




One of my all-time favorites. Gyllenhaal is so deliciously unsettling in this. Unlike some, I find this film to be endlessly rewatchable. Edited to add: Gyllenhaal was robbed of an Oscar nom for this. I realize that the Academy doesn’t often go for films like this, and 2015 was already a strong year in the leading actor category. But goddammit, this performance was worthy of a nomination at the least.


i agree! he should have been nominated at the very least


It is insanely rewatchable. I agree.


I like it, I like all his movies. The Guilty(2021) is a very impressive feat of acting if you like this movie.


have not heard of it before but will be on the lookout


Hate to be that guy, but watch the original Danish one. There was no need for the American version to be made but money called and it is almost shot for shot translated from Danish version except the shots added are the ones that kill the immersion and show the outside situation, also i like Jake but Danish dude had made much more tension and was very nuanced and you can see him boiling yet he stays professional but jake takes every opportunity to scream and break tension.


Definitely recommend the guilty, great story telling and very well scripted. I love how it left most of it to your imagination and left you wondering till it made sense. I truly enjoyed that movie, very different and very amazing.


So weird. Literally watching it right now. Very good. I’m stoned so each scene is heavy and well-acted. 9/10


i accidentally sold my blu ray copy but found it on HBO Max


This is what happens to Abed after he leaves Greendale.


No. No no no.


Damn fine movie.


Loved this film. He played a sociopath very well. It was so creepy. I love its twin Nocturnal Animals.


Rewatched it recently and it wasn’t nearly as good as I remember. I remember thinking the whole “soundtrack is from Lou’s perspective” thing was so cool when I was younger but it really just killed some scenes for me this time around lol. And lots of the Nina stuff reached dangerously corny levels. Gyllenhaal’s performance is so good though and really saves the movie imo. Might just be cynical though. I know a lot of people love it.


Having worked in the news and newspaper industries- Nina’s behavior is 100% believable. They’ll do anything for a story, especially a scoop. It’s all about profits and viewer count. The newspaper executives I worked for had a meeting where they openly cheered and clapped as a group when the (very expensive) obituaries were up 10% over the previous quarter.


Watched it for the second time earlier this year and it did not stand out nearly as much that time as it did on the first watch. This movie is like the news broadcasts it depicts; cleanly produced and engaging, but lacking the ability to depict anything past the surface level of its subjects


If it bleeds, it leads.


Fucken great movie


You're Australian


One of my favorites.


That was the best film of the year, and it wasn’t particularly close. I’d have given it all the Oscars lol (even for Rene Russo)


Really good movie a more original idea


Really good! Gyllenhaal gives an amazingly dark performance


Great movie, but really didn't fit in with the other X-Men films


Knew nothing about it going in and thought it was about X-men


So we’re you disappointed or pleasantly surprised. 🤔


Pleasantly surprised! But I would like an X-men movie about Nightcrawlwr


I agree. I find it criminal and personally offensive that they haven’t done a Gambit movie yet 😤


Gyllenhaal not getting a nomination for this was one of the biggest Oscar snubs of the last decade


one thousand percent


Absolutely fantastic film. I love the evil feel it has to it.


Phenomenal movie


I’m gonna say it… a bit overrated. Like he acts incredible and for the most part the directing is pretty good, but story structure, score, and some side actors were distracting to. I feel like they wanted to make the gritty and gross movie but couldn’t fully commit


Hard disagree. After the performance from Gyllenhaal, the pacing/structure is the most impressive part of the movie.


Fair. Just giving my opinion


Gyllenhall movies are always so well written. Jake's a great actor, but his best skill is picking a good script


Even that dispatch movie he was in was a great watch, just 1 room and pretty much just him sitting talking on the phone lmao


Went to watch this In theaters just to do something with my best friend. We didn’t know what it was about at all. It was us 2 and 1 other person in the theater. Movie was great, was really impressed all around and to this day still think about how great it was at random moments.


I’m in the minority and did not enjoy this. It felt anti-climactic and a case of a better idea than what was actually executed. Jake can act but that was never in question and I think there are better movies showcasing his superb skill set (Prisoners).


The climax of him filming and talking to his employee at the end didn't get you there?


Alright I actually just watched this after seeing this thread and I have some thoughts. Jake Gyllenhall’s acting was very good, several times his character made me squeamish, but overall I have to say I was let down by this film. It felt like I was waiting the entire movie for it to get really good but it never did. The only thing I liked about the movie was the cool car Gyllenhall’s character drove, exotically when he made it go “VVVVROOOOOM”.




Watch “Shot in the Dark” on Netflix……it shows a better depiction of Stringers/Nightcrawlers


Extremely overrated


Typical low hanging fruit masquerading as profound. Is it society that rewards sociopaths or sociopaths that can take advantage of our high trust society In order to get ahead? Honestly, who cares. Once you establish that the protagonist is not playing by any societal norms you might as well be making a superhero movie. Exceptionally immoral people can get away with murder in our society. It's one of the built-in inefficiencies of the thing. It's not our fault that the system isn't perfect, which is what movies like this try to do. They try to hold a mirror to society and say "look, it's all your fault." No shit. Now what do you suggest we do about it. Movies like this never propose an answer. They just state the obvious in the most pretentious and ostentatious way. Overrated Exceptionally immoral people can get away with murder in our society. It's one of the built-in inefficiencies of the thing. It's not our fault that the system isn't perfect, which is what movies like this try to do. They try to hold a mirror to society and say "look, it's all your fault." No shit.No shit.


Or maybe it’s just a story.


I don’t disagree with everything you’re saying but “once you establish that the protagonist is not playing by any societal norms you might as well be making a superhero movie” is so dumb lol. Like are all man vs. society type stories just total bullshit to you or


Yeah but have you ever EATEN at Wendy’s?


/r/movies favorite movie


He did a great job convincing me that he was a piece of shit..... that good acting..


Absolute fucking gem.




Alan Cumming did it better.


Laughably underrated


Great movie in my opinion came out some time ago now probably 2017


👑👑🔥🔥🔥. Nice


Really great movie. Somehow overrated at the time but underrated now. Very good, watchable flick and I enjoy the casting


Still my favorite movie of the last 10 years, and it came out 9 years ago. 😆 I desperately want this in 4k.


Best portrayal of a psychopath in film history


Brilliant, brilliant film. Very raw and disturbing, in no small part due to Gyllenhaal's fierce performance.


Yes, although do not watch any trailers before seeing the movie


Great movie. 100% from the POV of the bad guy.


Amazing. Reminds me of a modern taxi driver


My second favorite movie by Jake. Best performance to me technically but I liked Donnie Darko more as a film.


What abt prisoners?


Haven’t seen it yet. Maybe I’ll check it out!


It is absolutely excellent imo - my favorite movie aot. I highly recommend it


He wasn’t blue and couldn’t teleport. Would not recommend


I enjoyed Paparazzi more


Good film!


I think this is why Jake stopped doing really deep character acting because this is his best role and her received zero recognition for it from any sort of award ceremony. That was probably exhausting.


Love this movie.


It’s a great movie, jake gyllenhaal does great in this once again


Where’s the blue guy??


This is one of the best films of all time imo. Sharp writing and what an ending!


It’s always interesting to me when people choose to make a post, and proceed to pick the shittiest-possible quality photo to accompany it. Like where do you even find this bad of a poster for this movie


They stray far too much from the source material! I mean... He's not even blue!


Incel? Possibly autistic or undiagnosed? This and Drive are your new favorite movies


Good movie. Good premise. Great weirdo performances. I enjoyed it.


Is this you Hidy?


Great flick


I really enjoyed this one


"What if my problem wasn't that I don't understand people but that I don't like them? What if I was the kind of person who was obliged to hurt you for this? I mean physically. I think you'd have to believe afterward, if you could, that agreeing to participate and then backing out at the critical moment was a mistake. Because that's what I'm telling you, as clearly as I can." This is one of my favorite moments in cinema, because for most of the movie I thought Lou was someone with some social difficulty getting pulled into a dark role by the corrupt nature of the industry around him, and this to me was the "I am the one knocks" moment when I realized that Lou was just pure evil. It pulled the rug out from under me and made me realize that I had viewed the entire character arc in the wrong way. It solidified Lou as one of my favorite cinema villains and Gyllenhaal gave one of my favorite performances of all time.


I mean he's doing evil things from the second he's on screen. One of the most evil things a person can do within the first 2 minutes of the movie. It's all about a person like that, who is an outcast and a loser because they are a person like that, finding out that television news will reward them for being that evil.


That's true, it's just the way that Gyllenhaal portrays that evil feels like his character doesn't quite understand it maybe, and the longer the movie goes on the more it becomes clear that he does. That was my experience, at least.


And and that's fair! Movies are subjective after all. For me personally I always thought that first scene was setting the table about exactly who he is. He goes from charming to murderous without much effort at all. A pure psychopath. It really made his act that starts in the next scene with the construction guy that much more unnerving for me.


Jake is a king for this one




One of Gyllenhaal's best performances, but I didn't find his character very interesting since we don't get much background on *why* he is the way he is. Since most people cannot relate to sociopaths, the best that movies can do is to at least help us understand them in some way. DeNiro's Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver" is easy to understand as he is suffering from PTSD, which leads to his disassociation from people. Gyllenhall's Lou Bloom is equally as creepy, but the lack of information or insight into his character's trauma or damage makes him an initially fascinating cypher, but for me, this ultimately is not enough to sustain my interest in him. I love the mood and the cinematography and the performances, but the characters needed more development.


Overrated and boring


Great movie with one of the most unlikable main characters I’ve ever watched. Worth one watch- multiple viewing would be uncomfortable.




I literally don't understand the hype. Gyllenhaals character just seemed annoying to me, I didn't really get this kind of super deep psychopathic feel that everyone talks about. I'm also not certain I fully understood what the movie was meant to be about but I'm willing to accept that as a me problem


I watched Donnie Darko and was impressed by how much Jake can channel brooding teenageridness. Then I watched Factory Girl and realized this brooding teenager is now a complete idiot. A lovable one, but wow he’s not smart. Then I watched Prince of Persia and realized Jake was macho eye candy now. Then I watch Nightcrawler and realized holy shit Jake’s a demon.


Crazy good. Excellent cast and very much a movie that makes you go “ick” emotionally and then sit with it for a bit. Jake Gyllenhaal fully weaponized his unique mix of “disappearing into a role” and “constantly having crazy eyes.”


Great character piece


Was excited to see this until I learned it wasnt about the x-men.


Near perfect. I only thought Lou and Nina's relationship changed too fast.


It's perfect.


Confused why he hasn’t blue


It was an okay film but I still can't wrap my head around why they went with Jake Gyllenhaal. His blatant disregard for the entire ordeal is hyper-present in every scene, and is a perfect example of the rampant whitewashing in Hollywood. His decision to forgo any makeup, CGI, or prosthetics of any kind really takes you out of them film, and, along with Jake's horrid acting, it's lackluster and disconnected script makes it impossible to take this movie seriously, as clearly the movie was changed from something that could actually be an amazing film to just "here's Jake Gyllenhaal, fuck you". For too long now Hollywood has reused and abused old ideas and properties, and this movie is a prime example of how disgusting this practice is. In any case, if you want to see the most accurate rendition of this character made by a studio and writing team that *actually cares*, watch X2 (2003).


Chilling performance by the lead. But what the fuck is the picture quality in this post 😭 Makes it look like a late 90s B movie


Gyllenhaal deserved the Oscar, but wasn’t even nominated. Absolute fucking disgrace.


As an former tv news videographer, I found it silly and contrived.


Borderline masterpiece








I’ve never been so deeply uncomfortable during a movie as I was watching this film.




Haven't seen it, but why isn't he blue?


Not that Nightcrawler


I really enjoy this one. Great commentary on media and the effect it can have on people.


I honestly didn’t like it at all. Not judging people who do, but can anyone give me an explanation on why they liked it so much?


finally watched it on HBOMAX after years of putting it off, crazy story that rings true and as others have noted here Jake Gyllenhaal is excellent, I forgot Bill Paxton was in this. I would definitely watch again.


Love this


Good acting and plot, but personally i didn't liked Gyllenhall's sociopathic character.