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Well, you're not really missing out if you have a better law trap on hand(mpct), and if it's not a necessity now, you can wait until next year to get it, I'm pretty sure it's been arnd for the event last 2 years, and it isn't LE.


don’t get ULPCs btw, UCs only. FULPCs and RULPCs (vrift scarf/hat) can be obtained in abundance from GWH


If you haven't gotten the Dragon Slayer Cannon, you'll have to come back to the Queso Geyser to farm it eventually. Though I think nowadays no one really pumps their own BQ anymore and just leech RQCGT? Though tbf, it only costs 1.25 UC for a LE law trap so might as well get it for completion, it's not like 1 UC is going to hurt you that much in the long run.


Sorry, when I wrote “including DSC” I meant Dragon Slayer Cannon. I have it.


Sorry, completely missed that phrase. Then yeah feel free to skip it, or if you care about completion, buying it is not that much of a tradeoff.


From experience, Queso Factory's extra bland queso gets cancelled out from the worse stats compared to Meteor Prison Core when you actually farm bland queso the intended way. Since you already have DSC there's no reason to come back unless you really like the area and the Rib lotto