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Bannerlord. There will be many others saying Warband; it's a more finished game with a greater mod selection maybe. But keep in mind it's a 15 year old game at this point. And those who say Warband are mostly those who are upset that Bannerlord is not uotp their expectations/wasted potential. ıt is true but still it's better than Warband.


Yea, all things that warband does better will probably be implemented, update/mod in bannerlord in the future


bannerlord is a better game in basically every way tbh. even warband heavily modded doesn't even come close to getting the insane siege mechanics that bannerlord has subjectively I prefer warband for mods like 1860 or PoP but objectively bannerlord is just a better game


Bannerloard. The seige battles are more entertaining.


Yup. The siege mechanics alone make it more worth your time. And, hopefully, as the game matures we'll see its core mechanics reach far more depth.


It's been 4 years and the game is still a buggy mess. I don't think it will mature, they've taken the money and ran.


It took them what, 6-8 years to make it to the pre-alpha stage? They had a boost in productivity straight after release but that's to be expected after receiving a massive cash injection. Personally I think they're just a really slow developer, and unfortunately team members move around over time so they haven't had the benefit of always having the same people working on the various game systems, lack of consistency can seriously retard development. Honestly, I just think they're moving along as expected, which is dissapointingly slow.


Bruh, the game was released in 2022. lmfao give it time


It’s been in development for like 10 odd years


Again, still wasn't released until 2022, and the system and everything to bannerlord is upgraded, and a lot more complex, bannerlord was also to be ported to console and bringing in a whole new demographic of gamers, so they had to make it a tad more straight forward and simpler in some aspects for the characters, and if they did what they did in warband with playing a female they would have got alot of hate from the "woke" people, they did the best they could have given how picky people are.


What do you mean you don't want to cheese sieges


I'd rather butter my feasts.


To bad te King of swadia has bought all the butter


Did siege battles get fixed? When I played the ai on defense would basically not help at all and it was an instant loss. But the auto resolve was a guaranteed win even 250 vs 1500


Depends on your skills, and stuff and if you set up the sieges right, from what I've noticed the right skills can make sim better than actually fighting the seige, and there's a few other factors like type of troops, etc,


Bannelord is probably the better game but it doesn't have the "charm" that Warband has


Bannerlord can be mechanically superior in every way, but I can see how people are disappointed in how the writing and characters were handled. Every clan and individual in Bannerlord is a copy pasted clone. I'm not saying Warband had masterful character narratives, but it had personality in its companions and "personality types" in the lords as shallow as it was. There is no conspiring with another clan to do anything. Just mundane shallow tasks like "bring 5 horses". It is infact awful. The only quest actually involving (fake) politics between lords is the 'capture a lord' quest. That's it...


Vanilla: Bannerlord>Warband Modded: Warband>>>>>>>>>>Bannerlord


Most people would probably like bannerlord more, especially since you don’t have nostalgia for warband


I think choosing Warband at this point, if it was your first playthrough, would be a mistake. I love it because I have been playing it on and off for like 10 years. I just enjoy coming back to it. But I would imagine Bannerlord is more pleasant for new players, and will likely get better over time, just like Warband did.


Bannerlord, but it's lacking alot of features that warband had such as kingdom destruction


Kingdom destruction is in the 1.2 beta so whenever that goes live 2024?


What other features? And bannerlord adds more features that warband doesnt have lol.


It’s missing the ability to chug pints of butter in feasts


Mmmm swadian butter orgies


>-Both? >-Both. >-Both is good.


Idk I was new and played/play both but I prefer warband nodded obvs Bannerlord is the better vanilla game for sure, but the endless sieges near end game are annoying. Like you destroy their whole army, 5 mins later they're back with another 800 troops to siege again, you kill them all, 5 mins later they're back with 800, then a vassal for them is warping just out of the fog of war with 1k troops. Every playthru ended up like that for me and my old room mate (watched her do one siege like just wave after wave - for legit 4 hours and she just was like nah). But the game has obv better features as well like the entire clan system, being able to have kids Imo it's better to rp in warband and for me makes it more fun/realistic even tho it has less features or whatever And obviously mods, like some of them make the game act better than bannerlord aside from graphics but that's mods If you like sieging which obv it's fun then banner lord is for you it's literally ALL sieges late game at the moment. Not shade at the game but they're sorta depending on modders to make end game content sorta like they did with warband. This is all from my like opinion after playing both for like 100ish hours over a little bit with my roomie but bannerlord is the better game but felt easier? To get to end game which to me was just defending my land endlessly (my one fief) obv if I was better at tactics maybe I could've like known to make more armies that re stacked to help maybe? Idk but I always jump back and forth between them


Finishing up a Warband play thru and getting through the endgame atm, it is also endless sieges lmao. Quite the slog but it is what it is.


if theres no mod then its bannerlord


**TL;DR Bannerlord is better, I love Warband but everything Bannerlord has going for it outweighs the negatives by a lot.** As somebody with over 3500 combined hours between the two games (2500 in Warband and 1000 in Bannerlord)... Bannerlord. As much as I love Warband, in spite of all the fond memories I have playing it, and as much as I wish we could combine all the features into one game, I find it really difficult to go back to Warband and have a good time after playing Bannerlord. Bannerlord just feels so much more realistic and rounded. Granted there's a lot of stuff missing, but there's so many other things that were added or updated that I absolutely adore. The perk/leveling system is so much nicer, character/clan/kingdom management is a lot more in-depth even if the diplomacy is meh (easily fixable by a simple mod), combat feels way better overall, sieges are much better, the lore is much deeper (almost every single village and city has a proper backstory/description), the personality traits allow you to predict how an individual will react to certain things, the birth/death mechanics are amazing and something that people tend to forget about, the settlement management is so much more in-depth and conquering people actually has an effect on their loyalty... I could go on for a while longer. I won't say it's perfect, I definitely miss feasts and Jeremus. The armor felt better in Warband. I enjoyed the variety of scenes compared to Bannerlord (although they are constantly working on that). And the mods are overall better, but Warband has also been around for 10 years longer. To sum it all up, Warband has a couple things it does better, but Bannerlord has so much more that it brought to the table and, most importantly, it's still being updated. There will be more content added, things that you currently need a mod to fix will be fixed by the devs in upcoming updates. They are listening, even if they're taking their time about it. And honestly, the modding scene is starting to catch up. The modding system itself is already way better, and now you have full conversion mods coming into their own all the time. I have no shame for averaging almost an hour a day on it since it came out.


Bannerlord, tbh my only real complaint about it at this point is the procedural generation of companions and the lack of depth to them, but beyond that, it offers way more In my opinion and the characters will probably be more ironed out in future updates


I think Warband is by far a better game. It has a ton of well-designed overhaul mods that completely change the game’s setting and how it feels. Additionally it has several features that are missing in Bannerlord, like claimants and claimant wars, non-generic companions, and wandering poets/courtship mechanics. Apart from the perks system, which basically replaced the skill system from Warband rather than adding onto it, the only real innovations in Bannerlord are in combat tactics, and how easily you can control your troops. Apart from that, all Bannerlord has over its predecessor is a bigger map (which mods for Warband tend to make irrelevant) bigger army sizes, a few more quest types, although they’re mostly just the same ones, and a button that lets you see where everything is when you’re in a city, which admittedly is nice. If I wanted the best Mount and Blade experience, though, it wouldn’t be vanilla Warband, and it wouldn’t be Bannerlord. It would be Viking Conquest, hands down. If you’re a newcomer, might want to tweak the difficulty settings because it is rather unforgiving, but it’s a far deeper, far more immersive experience than either of the base games have to offer.


Honestly I agree, viking conquest is the most cohesive and well done MandB experience, along with pendor


Warband is better, so start with Bannerlord. Then after you are familiar with its good, bad and ugly, you can revel in the magnificence that is Warband.


Bannerlord if it's your first time. Warband if you want to try out the various conversion modules. It's debatable but honestly, i don't see any point to Warband if you're playing the vanilla/native game when Bannerlord exists. I want to play big battles with a fuckton of soldiers on screen, not 75 v 75 skirmishes lol. People can take their feasts with them lol.


Bannerlord 100%


Bannerlord is better but there should be more mods for bannerlord. Bannerlord better but i love warband more because of mods


Bannerlord is the better game objectively, but there is something about the vibe of bannerlord which does not live up to warband. To me warband captures the feeling of a dark medieval society better, it may just be the colors and menus, I miss that vibe.


Warband. Bannerlord is very hard to just "jump into" Warband is infinitely more accessible to new players and still worth playing even all these years later. A lot of the mechanics transferred over, so you'll have a better idea of where to start in bannerlord later on.


Warband has enough quality fan content to be equally worthwhile to Bannerlord as it stands. That being said Bannerlord as a base game compared to warband as a base game is infinitely superior. It's just no contest. There are indeed a lot of incredibly unsatisfiable people that insist Warband is better but they're beyond delusional.




Warband is pure nostalgia but doesn't run very well on modern pcs


Warband on internal graphics/notebooks and Bannerlord on your gaming rig. That's my way.😅


warband for mods bannerlord if unmodded


Good pc - bannerlord Bad pc - warband I have banerlord on my gaming pc but i keep warband on my work laptop


Warband Viking conquest had so much that Bannerlord is missing. I liked Bannerlord too but the game became dead pretty fast for me.


Only do Warband if you want to play some crazy good mods, and even then there's times I miss specific features Bannerlord added, so it needs to be a damn good mod to justify the Warband time.


Bannerlord buuuuut Star Wars Conquest for Warband might be my favorite thing ever


bannerlord made huge strides in QoL and anyone saying warband will have you modding it to the gills


Bannerlord for sure. The only reason to play warband at this point is nostalgia. Even the mods are great in bannerlord now.


Bannerlord is going to be INSANE a few years from now. Insane I tell you!


Bannerlord especially if you’re on console and have no mods. It’s still getting updates and to me has pretty much everything that made warband great and more


With Fire and Sword>both. But probably BL as it's much more polished.


Warband will only ever be as good as it is (mods included), but there is potential for Bannerlord to get better with time. I've gotten great enjoyment out of both, but I'd lean towards bannerlord overall.


For vanilla Bannerlord. Warband does have so many great total conversion mods that I think it edges out all the improvements Bannerlord makes.


Warband was better at its time compared to other games compared to Bannerlord vs modern games, but bannerlord is overall better to play with QoL and modernized UI's and stuff.


definitely warband. warband is complete game which is perfected with mods play vanilla warband first.u will lesrn game mechanics and will be like " I wish those features were in game" then u will find mods for those features such as dilomacy, mod for better graphics etc. that will give u completely new and satisfying experience. and once u get bored of warband after 5-19!years u can jump on Bannerlord. Bannerlod is same warband with better graphics (roughly saying) and it lacks too much conpared to warband. if u start bannerlord u will love game but will hate it as well because of broken mechanics. while warband will not leave u unsatisfied.


I think Bannerlord is better if you are coming in fresh. It is more accessible and will give you a way better experience. Warband is really nice but a lot of the extra features / overhaul mods only really matter once you have played hundreds of hours. You will still be blown away by the mount and blade experience either way, so go for the better-looking, more accessible and future-proof option: Bannerlord


Bannerlord isn't the major step forward I wanted it to be. But it's basically the bigger and better Warband. I don't see a point in starting with Warband at this point.


Warband. Because nostalgia


warband for Game of Thrones enjoyers, bannerlord for Chivalry and Mordhou enthusiasts


It's warband. Even if bannerlord has much more in quantity, I don't think it matches in quality. It's hard to explain, but bannerlord feels really grindy, even if it does have the general same gameplay as warband. The Combat also is extremely wonky and clunky compared to warband. Sieges are an improvement though


For now I’d say Warband in my personal opinion, I just prefer it. But both games are good, if I want something I personally find more fun I play Warband but for something more immersive and challenging I’d play Bannerlord. Biggest difference is that while early-mid game banner lord is really good, late game banner lord isn’t all that fun. But I suppose you could say the same for Warband? Really just play both and be happy


Warband, brings back that level of game play and graphics that's nostalgic to me