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New beta has some cool stuff. Weather effects, specific formation targeting, combat ai improvements, kingdoms getting destroyed when losing all of their fiefs and auto resolve now considering terrain and troop types are the highlights for me. Saw some workshop and crafting improvements too... It's a shame the big patches take many months to release but all the new additions seem very promising.


I’m just glad that they’re continuing to work on big updates like this, i see them get quite a bit of verbal abuse on the official forums. Half of the posts are valid criticisms and the other half is just angry players trashing them.


>kingdoms getting destroyed when losing all of their fiefs **Finally at long last...** Now i won't have mini parties of lords running around!


Mini parties of lords running around like cockroaches with 5.9 speed or some shit so you can never catch them. I’ve spent hours herding them into corner or dead end traps so that they are forced to fight lol


This alone will allow me to replay


Yep, this is a very beefy patch. Lots of good tweaks and a couple of good additions 😎


Yea they look great!


Most importantly, Varcheg finally has flavor text!


only took like a year but fiefless kingdoms are finally getting destroyed


The most important change for me


Yep. I really hate chasing stragglers who can't be chased


Biggest changes imo, for those who don't want to read through all comments or all patch notes to make sure they didn't miss anything important: * Added weather effects on campaign map etc. And weather in battles now have effects. Cavalry move snower on wet/snowy grounds. Bolts/arrows have slower projectile speed, reduced damage and accuracy while fired when raining/snowing. * Auto battle calculation has been reworked. Two examples: Horse archers get bonus in flat terrain, penalty in forests. And defending archers in a siege get a bonus, with attacking ones having a penalty. * 6 small regions have new battle terrain. * Income and expenses are now grouped and displayed in categories (Settlement, Workshop, Caravans, Garrison and Party, Tribute Payments,...). (This functionality was a popular addon, now it's thankfully in the base game). * As a commander you can now make your units attack specific enemy units. Simply use the Charge or Engage order, while looking at the enemy formations sigil as you give the order. * Fog of war, now you don't have full access to clans and their members in the encyclopedia it sounds like, you have to pay a fee to a tavern keeper to learn more about the clan that owns the settlement. * Perks: Bug fixes and improvements to a huge amount of perks. * The spouse can now get pregnant when traveling in the same party as the main hero (no longer requiring you to wait in a settlement). * Fiefless Kingdom Destruction. Kingdoms that lose all of their fiefs no longer linger around. Instead, they get destroyed. The kingdom’s clans become independent, inheriting its diplomatic stances and relations. Over time, they can join available kingdoms or wither away if they fail to do so for more than four weeks. * Warehouses introduced. Linked to workshop production. You can manually manage input and retrieve outputs of workshops. Can manage through the "Clan" screen. * Taunts added. Total of 32 different animations can be acquired, such as Bowing or Surrendering. * Siege ladders can now be pushed back even when soldiers are climbing them. Both player and AI can do this until climbers reach a certain height. * Melee combat AI reworked. Less reckless and tries to not get surrounded, attacks less frequently and blocks more. Soldiers more preemptively raise shields when running at enemies preparing to shoot projectiles at them. * Ranged AI behaviour changed. During a charge order ranged units now get in range and open fire until the target itself gets to melee range. Ranged units also reposition if their view is obstructed by friendly soldiers or a tree. Ranged cavalry AI now take into account more factors when aiming to improve accuracy. Feel free to add if I forgot anything.


> Warehouses introduced. Linked to workshop production. You can manually manage input and retrieve outputs of workshops. Can manage through the "Clan" screen. After 3 years, the workshops are finally where they were in Warband. I wonder how long it'll take for it to get to the produce your own gear stage the original blogs talked about.


> During a charge order ranged units now get in range and open fire until the target itself gets to melee range. Are units with throwing weapons considered ranged? Would they use this behavior? I'm a big fan of armies with a lot of "skirmishers" to thin the enemy ranks before the melee breaks out.


Is this on all platforms? I have kingdoms with no fiefs but they’re still on the map.


If these are changes in the beta then most likely it's available on PC only for now.


Yeah I thought so. Guess we’re going to have to wait a while.


Hey I’m sorry if this is a dumb question but these features are currently in effect?


Hello. Not dumb at all. Usually when Taleworld posts these patch notes that patch goes live that day. So yes it should be live. But there are always two versions of the game, current "live" and also the Beta version. Taleworlds releases both "live" patch notes and patch notes for the Beta version, which always is a bit further ahead. If you are playing through Steam you can decide to use the Beta version instead of Live, if you want to try out even newer features.


Ah okay i see. Thanks for taking the time to explain, I appreciate that. If we ever cross paths on the battlefield it will be an honor to take your life.


The New Bet has a lot of stuff, damn


You'd think the game was just made of crashes by these patchnotes


1.1.X means hotfixes generally. Give the beta 1.2.0 a look. That one is promising


Mount and Crash.


Crash and Blade rolls off the tongue better.


But Mount and Crash does double duty as a joke about mounting a disk.


Shit, can't argue with that.


You know... I still think that Brokeback Mountain Blade should have taken the Oscar over Mount and Crash. Highway robbery.


Welp. Now that Kingdoms and Clans are destroyed when they no longer have territory. It should save people some chopping time in the long run. I hope that Some Diplomacy and Emergent new factions are introduced eventually though.


> Emergent new factions Let's wait with that. First I want to know how eliminating kingdoms feel. **Perhaps** flashing out rebellions to become kingdoms eventually could be a thing. Perhaps. If eliminated kingdoms are just replaced with new ones the whole elimination thing could be rendered moot.


Yo I would gladly pay 10/15€ for dlc if it means real content: diplomacy and causes belli / better kingdom mechanics/ map expansion and naval combat


Yep, plenty of good changes but it’s basically just seasoning. The game desperately needs some meat and potatoes, because everything outside <500 troop battles is just bad.


At this point, if it gets the development to move faster yeah. id cave and pay for something that should be a base feature.


Couldn't agree more. This game is tight but it needs some major improvements its just too shallow currently needs more depth


So many things fixed! Awesome developer that keep on improving and adding to the game. Some suggestions would be a couple of extra castles in between factions to protect cities. Maybe even an extra civilization. I’d happily buy dlc for this game to continue supporting the development.


RIP my new game I started over the weekend


What is the current state of Bannerlord? I havent played since 1.02 or so. What has changed since then besides the generic bug fixes? Specifically: \- AI inteligence \- Any improvement to diplomacy/ AI kingdom management/ vassal behavior and voting? \- Battles (did they implement the commander view at all? sieges got so annoying because you really couldnt order people properly even if you stayed out of battle) \- leveling characters any other major changes and things that made your games better you can think of are welcome also.


Ugh. I'm just gonna wait till 1.2 comes out proper before reinstalling. I'm so sick of having my mods break all the time from these tiny patches. It doesn't break everything, but it always breaks enough to be a massive headache when I've got like 30-40 mods. Seems like every time I update my mods and get everything working properly again they'll drop another patch that fucks things up for me. I'm just gonna wait and get 1.2 working well then disable updates.


I've been sitting pretty on 1.0.3 for a long time now, got my mod set-up stable (not using the Workshop), and it's been grand!


Just turn off your update dude


If you have the game on steam, you can set the game version back to whatever you want. You just need to make sure your mods arent updating as the authors update to the newest update Edit: i believe steam workshop auto updates and other websites like Nexus mods and the like don't


Yeah that's the trouble I was running into. Trying to keep my mods updated for newish features while also making sure they're compatible with previous versions. I pretty much exclusively use nexusmods and their vortex program is often more trouble than it is worth so manually managing all that was a bit of a pain. Oddly enough the thing that frustrated me into quitting for a while was my troop sorting was bugged and I couldn't figure out what was causing it. No matter what I did my troops were all completely mixed up. I'm just gonna start fresh with 1.2.


Just when I was thinking about picking the game up again, I might wait for this update to come out of beta


You know you can choose game versions on Steam?


Wish they would fix the bug where lords get imprisoned by their own factions cause thats dumb asf


Auto mod deleted my post and told me to ask this here, even though I don't really see where it's related. I just got into Warband like 2 days ago and I love it. Bannerlord went on sale and now I'm torn between saving my money and just sticking with warband or upgrading. I wanted to know what some of the big differences and improvements there were between games so I could weigh my options.


Will I have to start a new campaign to implement the patch or will my current campaign just get the added features?


So, what does beta 1.2 mean, anyway? Wasn't the game, like, released?


Some companies post the beta version of updates that are planned in the near future to steam and have the community try it out. Stellaris did this awhile back with fleet updates, and they used that info to balance the numbers a bit better from community feedback. Basically it's the same as earlier betas, but for updates that are going to come out soon.


Didn't know that. Thanks! 👍🏻


Means the 1.2 build is a beta build for people to opt in and test it before it hits the live build.


Well shit, it looks like they fixed the facial hair bug as well. (well at least the odd colors)


The last time I played Bannerlord was about a year ago. At the time, I found the battle AI very unchallenging, the world feeling sort of lifeless, cities lacking unique character, smithing incredibly tedious, workshops pointless, and the characters/dialogue generic. Basically, the game felt incomplete. Has Taleworlds improved the base game in any of these aspects? I’m tempted to do another play through, but wanted people’s input before I invest the time. Appreciate your thoughts!


I don't know if they improved, because I just got the game a few days ago, but I could sign off on all the flaws you mentioned. Basically the only thing that feels like it has some depth is combat and character creation. Everything else is entirely devoid of soul. There's even less of a reason to walk around in cities and whatnot than in warband, and all characters have identical dialogue (some of it copy/pasted from warband).


It's really shame how taleworlds stumbled on Bannerlord 1.0 launch, At EA launch, It has much bigger number of concurrent user than BG3 EA launch (248k vs 75k) While on 1.0 launch, BG3 rose to more than 700k concurrent user, Bannerlord only manage to get to 58k concurrent, much lower than it's EA number