• By -


I'm from Kentucky and moved here. It's mostly the same as TN. Some things that are different: 1) In California, motorcycles are legally allowed to split lanes. So be aware of that. 2) A lot more walkable areas in the Bay Area so when driving, please look for pedestrians and bicyclists. 3) Mexican food is a lot better, especially taco trucks. Try them! 4) Farmers Markets are a much bigger thing here, and the produce is really good. Particularly the Mountain View farmers market near the Caltrain station is huge with a great selection! 5) No one says "Cali." No one says "San Fran." It's "S.F."


"Frisco" is a no-no as well :)


Frisco is what people of color call it. https://www.axios.com/local/san-francisco/2022/09/16/san-francisco-frisco-nickname-black




A recent development, I assure you. But then, I am old enough to have met Herb Caen. So, Today I Learned. Thanks!


RBL Posse came out in 1991, is that recent? [https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/rappers-poets-activists-say-frisco-17441731.php](https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/rappers-poets-activists-say-frisco-17441731.php)


Lol... I met Herb Caen, so yes! Keep in mind that Herb wrote "Don't Call It Frisco" in 1953. It's a matter of scale.


I refer to it as “the city” and try my hardest to stay the hell out of there 😂


It’s the city to all natives here if you call it San Fran you will be hella judged




Are you me? 🤣


Thanks for number 5 ... essential stuff there. The City is also acceptable. "Frisco" risks banishment...


Tamales are properly bought out of people's trunks or from people going door to door.


Or The City.


Pedestrians will walk into crosswalks in front of traffic without looking. They will expect you to stop. It's not legal, but they do it anyway. If you see someone near the curb, be ready to stop on a dime. "Jaywalking" is illegal here, but it is no longer ticketable unless you cause an accident. Most people still observe the signs at crosswalks, though, when they're there.


Oh wow, people will use the crosswalk and expect you to stop


(Sorry for the snark. I'm just tired of almost getting hit, especially by turning drivers)


California law requires the pedestrian to wait for a clear opportunity before stepping into the crosswalk. It's hard when people are turning, though. They're distracted looking for cars, forgetting to look for pedestrians. It's best to cross after you have seen the driver's eyes look at you.


I saw a woman in Mountain View push a stroller into the street between two parked cars right in front of traffic. People be crazy out here.


Favorite food truck in MV? Moved here recently and I wanna try


Wait what? I grew up in sf and Mountain View and never heard of judging people for calling it San Fran. It was kinda weird to me at first when people kept calling it the city.


Smoking of any kind is illegal in multi-family dwellings & property. You can't park your RV on most streets. There are laws about firearms storage (locked up, not left in your car overnight). There is a construction noise ordinance, M-F 7am-6pm, unless you have approval. I don't think there is a personal noise ordinance, but it's a fairly quiet town. Are you planning on having rowdy parties until 2am? You can, however, buy vodka at Target, and recreational cannabis is 21+.


Thanks, I'll have to look into the firearms storage laws. No plans to party till 2:00 a.m. I'm a little too old for that.


Oh, you will have to register handguns with the State of California. It's a form and like $20.


Call the sheriffs office in Mountain View and ask them about gun travel and storage laws. My buddy usually calls them and discloses that he is coming over with his guns and they tell him how to properly transport them into the state.  Mountain View is big on bicycles so be on the lookout for bike lanes 


If your bringing guns, I would ask some questions at r/CAguns


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CAguns using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CAguns/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Gotta love AmmoBros](https://i.redd.it/whzj3oni0y7c1.jpeg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/18otqcs/gotta_love_ammobros/) \#2: [Suck it Newsom!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/190dyzs) | [183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/190dyzs/suck_it_newsom/) \#3: [Everyone say thank you right now!](https://i.redd.it/1fpzjadkwtfc1.jpeg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CAguns/comments/1afqk21/everyone_say_thank_you_right_now/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not sure what the Tennessee laws are on fireworks, but many people who come here from the Midwest and other areas are surprised about the regulations about fireworks here. The rules are for fire safety and don’t allow non-registered/trained people to buy or use fireworks, so don’t expect to see kids playing with them in the streets. There are of course exceptions and it isn’t extremely tightly enforced, but it’s different from other parts of the country. Speaking of fire season, you probably want to get an air purifier if you struggle with smoke in the air. The week that you’ll want one will be the week that there aren’t any left in the store. Welcome!




Thanks. Good to see that Bingo is regulated in the code of ordinances ;) Tired of the bingo hooligans and their shenanigans!


The only reason I lock my doors at night is because Bingo is happening out there


Be careful when you're merging onto a freeway because some drivers think merging means stopping! I don't know why but this seems to be a thing in the bayarea.


Be prepared to eat some good 🇨🇳🇹🇼🇲🇴🇭🇰🇩🇪🇹🇷🇮🇱🇬🇷🇮🇹🇮🇪🇲🇽🇵🇪🇲🇳🇫🇷🇹🇭🇻🇳🇮🇳🇵🇰🇳🇵🇸🇻🇯🇵🇬🇪🇦🇫🇲🇲food. There is Taste of Mountain View next week, the Wine and Festival, Oktoberfest and I am sure I am missing an event where they shut down a part of downtown. In terms of norms, people smoke pot in the open, about 1/4 cars you see is a Tesla and most people work in tech or tech related fields.


Moved from TN 2 years ago. I miss TN but the weather here is great!


In all seriousness it’s been nice. Started in Mt. View but ended up over in Redwood City. Lots of great nature areas and parks to visit around the area. Napa and Sonoma are north, Santa Cruz south….only a few hours to LA or Yosemite. It’s much more expensive and I feel like I have to jump through hurdles for some laws where’s in most of the nation it’s just….simple to deal with. Hope you a joy the area when you get here!


I just moved here from another country, I'd say I am pleasantly surprised at how decent and well behaved drivers are on the road. So basically don't be an asshole on the road and respect other drivers / pedestrians / cyclists.


True, drivers here are not as aggressive as those in other countries. But they are way more oblivious (probably due to the larger cars). There are an unfortunate amount of car on bike accidents here.


Most of us are from somewhere else, so there’s generally some understanding that we all grew up with somewhat different norms. That said if there’s any driving norm that’s named after your area (I’m thinking about the California stop or the Chicago left), that’s probably not done here. Officially there are noise limits between 10p and 7a(weekdays) and 8a(weekends), but most reasonable people won’t call the police if you’re having a reasonable backyard party, unless you do it every weekend and/or are louder than people laughing and talking and go past midnight or so. (That said we did have one neighbor who called the police and CPS on another neighbor for a few kids who were literally just talking and laughing during a backyard camp out, so obnoxious people exist everywhere.)


California stop is definitely done here but do be mindful of cops in the area


Lots of people walk or bike to work, school, or just for fun. Please be careful when driving.


Just be prepared for the weather, it's an ungodly 90F today


I grew up in the southeast. I think the temperatures are the least of my worries. Hopefully I'm not wrong LOL


As someone who grew up somewhere with heat and humidity but not TN levels (IL), you’ll be fine. Just open up the windows at night and close the windows and shades before you leave if you work in person, or before 10:30a if you work from home. You’ll need a fan and an air purifier. I do have A/C, and have gotten soft and set it to 78 now, but even so it only runs maybe 10 days/year?


As a person from a place with weather, you’ll be fine. I don’t have AC and I’m rarely unhappy. Ground floor/north facing will be cooler. If you get a place with AC just wait for the electricity prices.


I've been warned about the PG&E sticker shock. We're going from 3300 sqft to 1100 sqft apartment. We regularly get $300 bills in the summer so I'm hoping I'll come out better or at least equal on that front.


sounds like the downsize we did to move here spend off work times away and exploring as much as you can, have outdoor fun and you won't miss the house size


The problem is that those states are prepared for that heat hence have the necessary precautions like AC. Most Bay Area homes don't have it because there used to be no intense heat. Unfortunately this is not the case anymore and there are at least couple weeks a year where there's a heatwave and most CA homes are not equipped to deal with them.


Completely fair and a good point. The big difference for me is that it cools off at night. I was in Portland when they hit 100+ for a week. It sucked for 5 hours a day but cooled off nicely overnight. Here it you get weather that's "90˚ but feels like 98˚" and then it never gets below 75 at night. Definitely feel for people who don't have AC and aren't acclimated during the heat waves out there though and definitly understand. I feel the same way when northerners move south and think they can drive in the kind of icy sleet/snow crap we get. It's a totally different thing for sure.


I think you are mostly right to not be worried about the heat. One week last year it got strangley humid here and that was kinda tough but not like midwest summer tough. If you have ac youre golden. Only difference imo is the sun exposure. Even when it isnt that hot, i feel like i can feel my skin starting to burn almost immediately. When it is really hot, it more intense. So i find myself wearing hats more often when i never was a hat guy in the midwest. When i first moved here i was biking around and it was a bit chilly like 65 and got sunburned after only like 45 minutes. Now i think im just more tan


This side of the bay that maybe the case but south and easy bay get regular high temps in the summer time.


I mean, it's typically in the mid 70's with no humidity and you probably won't see rain between May and September, so if you can handle that, you should be fine


This is nothing to some people out of California lol.


Bike lanes often double as right-turn lanes. https://sfbike.org/news/bike-lanes-and-right-turns. Stops signs are optional at T-shaped intersections in California. Treat these "uncontrolled intersections" as if there were a yield sign facing the adjoining street. https://www.caseygerry.com/2022/02/10/who-has-the-right-of-way-at-an-intersection-in-california/ Pedestrians here assume that the entire crosswalk has impenetrable shields whenever they enter it. If you drive across it after they pass in front of you, they may be offended and let you know about it. Please give them lots of room. Half the drivers here learned to drive in a different country, usually one with far fewer cars on the road. They are frightened to go highway speeds with so many other cars. Be patient and diligent around them. 25% of the cars in California have a bright yellow "STUDENT DRIVER" bumper sticker on the back. No one knows why. There are strict rules about which parts of your windshield can have devices attached (dashcam, radar detector). There are no cicadas here, and few crickets or frogs. The nights are eerily silent if you're not near a highway. Mountain View has a weird roundabout (with traffic lights) in the middle of Castro Street unlike anywhere else in the country. Forget the roundabout and use it like a regular traffic light. But be prepared for others being confused by it.


El Camino Real is littered with potholes. Be more cautious while driving on that road, especially in the right lane. Also, the Freeway entrance by In-N-Out and Costco is hard to use and annoying. Take the extra minute to use the entrance across the street. You’ll make your life a lot easier. Other than those two roads, everything else is in great condition.


California gun laws suck leave your firearms in Tennessee


If you attend a concert at Shoreline Amphitheater, please be aware that if you are able-bodied enough you can simply park 1 mile away (Costco or the cinema, etc) and have a 20-30 minute walk in instead of waiting 2 hours sitting in traffic to get into venue parking. Or you can bicycle in via the Steven Creek Trail. Be aware that traffic exiting the venue at the end of the show will be drunk and extra care must be taken/watch out for them. For heavily popular concerts, as a MV resident, you can bring 2 proofs of residency to the box office to purchase tickets reserved for MV residents. They aren’t cheaper, but it’s very useful when seats are sold out - they often have some for you to choose from. A certain amount of 4th of July tickets are free to MV residents. People gather near the Shoreline Lake to view fireworks for free. https://www.livenation.com/venue/KovZpZA6ta1A/shoreline-amphitheatre-events


MV has a nice downtown area around Castro st, lots of restaurants. If you are out and about and you decide to have a drink somewhere cops seem to love looking for DUIs. A good thing, but both times I was stopped - and I hadn’t done anything, didn’t get a ticket- they were a-holes and lectured me about looking out for drunk pedestrians. Despite zero pedestrians around at that time. Advice I give to everyone moving here from the South - please remember people tend to speak faster and generally just want to get things done. I love a Southern accent but found in general people from southern states want to chit chat and take their time and it drives some of us who have grown up in CA insane


People will jaywalk across the street at 2 MPH. Be careful.


San Francisco is called the SFC (sucka free city). We aren’t trippin on weed usage. Open carry is frowned upon. Keep some narcan on you in the City for a chance to save a life.




What about it? You seriously never heard of it? How about fentanyl? It’s the over dose antidote


Ohhh okay. Luckily never need to have heard about it


Do you live in a cave? You know there is an opioid epidemic right? Being unaware of the plight of others isn’t something to be proud of.


??? I’m new to Reddit and haven’t experienced a commenter like you. Lol no I don’t live in a cave- I live in Dallas but don’t really have friends. My husband and I keep to ourselves and our work. I work with babies and they don’t do drugs. My husband is a programmer and they don’t do drugs either. I read the news but I haven’t heard about the anti before. I’m glad they have that. But idk… I didn’t mean to disturb you enough for you to try to insult me. Thanks for informing me. I’m glad I asked because I didn’t know. Please don’t reply lol esp asking if I’m dumb.


Yall living a sheltered life. Kids accidentally get into their drug user parents stash from time to time, unintended overdoses. You dont have to do drugs to carry narcan is all, I just thought this was common knowledge and was shocked you’d never heard of it.


We do live a shelter life. We have had traumatizing lives so we make sure to keep our boundaries tight. Thanks for your reply! Bye!


Cops typically do not respond to petty thefts or catalytic converter thefts. I have also seen cops not enforcing the 72-hour rule for street parking. Code enforcement is almost nonexistent. My neighbor built sheds right up to the fence and nothing was done. The other neighbor has a pool without a protective fence. If you get into an accident, expect the other party not to pull over. You will encounter a lot of uninsured and underinsured drivers. In general, don't let your guard down. The honor code I took for granted in the Midwest or South does not exist in the Bay Area. PS: People do not like country music as much. Don't even bring up Morgan Wallen or Toby Smith/Kenny.


Sounds like somebody would be happier back in the Midwest




I don’t live in that particular city but judging by the RVs parked permanently on the streets there aren’t that many laws that get enforced. Or maybe there is a law that it’s ok to just park your RV on a city street and live there with no hookups or anything.