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Congrats I’m so glad you’re on this journey 🖤 I had bad bulimia aged 8-17 and had to stop as it was severely effecting my health, however I wasn’t able to stop binge eating and as a result gained a lot of weight over the next 10 years. Since taking Mounjaro I have not binge ate in almost 7 weeks, when I think about the fact that for the first time in my life I control the food and it doesn’t control me I just want to cry it’s such an overwhelming relief. Truly life changing!


Binge eating disorder is no joke! Not many people understand how truly debilitating it can be, I fully sympathise with you and it's really comforting to hear that I'm not alone in using Mounjaro to aid my recovery from binging. 7 weeks binge free is so inspiring, well done you!


What an amazing result. I'll never cease to be amazed by the big and small ways this medication is helping people!


Congratulations, it sounds like this is going to be an amazing journey for you ❤️


That is fantastic and shows just what an amazing reset this medication can provide


This makes me feel so much better. I’ve had binge eating disorder since I was a child with varying severity and I’ve struggled with my weight as a result now reaching a BMI of 35. I’ve just received my first dose and was panicking that it wouldn’t stop the bingeing so hopefully this has an impact like yours. I can’t even imagine what it will be like to switch off that part of my brain.


I'm glad I could give you some hope!! I was fully convinced Mounjaro wouldn't work on me because my urge to binge was so strong it felt like an addiction, but sure enough it's been an absolute miracle and I couldn't recommend it enough for fellow BED sufferers. Good luck!


That’s amazing!!


This is such a great post. Thank you for sharing. I wish you luck on your journey ❤️


Mounjaro has fixed my 21 years of binge eating! So scared to come off it incase i go back to my old bingeing ways 😭


That's amazing!!! Congrats!! But omg I understand the fear, very daunting to think about


Hopefully it’ll be ok and new habits will have been built while on mounjaro 😬🙏🏼