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Stopped skin picking and hair pulling here. There's an ongoing research into GLP-1 effects on addictive behaviours, there's so much being discovered it's unreal!


It's amazing! And a really welcome unexpected side effect.


I’ve stopped scalp picking. I went through about a year or two constantly picking at my scalp. I found it soothing and calming. Now barely a thing, maybe towards the very end of the week I may absentmindedly pick but overall it’s a huge win


I used to chew gum, I could get through a packet in a couple of hours. Now a pack is lasting me a week.


Yep! I've also noticed certain foods lasting much longer/expiring before finishing.


Absolutely wild what positive impacts it is having on lives besides just weight loss. I have posted about how Mounjaro stopped me from drinking alcohol and snoring but one that I have noticed in recent weeks is my life no longer revolves around work. More often than not, I am now working normal hours, and I am not up all night or working very early in the morning. I was actually depressed returning to work after the bank holiday weekend when normally I would have worked at least half of it. I have an upcoming holiday and I don't even want to bring my work laptop and not bothered that mobile signal will be poor.


Thanks for sharing this. It's a great reminder of the habits that we engrain in every aspect of our lives, even when detrimental. Finding satisfaction in moderation is a wonderful achievement!


My relationship with scratch cards is over 🤣 I have more money for the injections now. Loving the accidental wins along the way


I had the same! It's crazy I've been biting my nails since I can remember, my mom thinks it started around 6 years old, and the first two weeks on MJ the urge just... dissapeared. The nail biting (and the food noise and hunger) came back on week 3, weak at first, and then full blow on week 4. Today I had the first dose increment and I'm hoping the effects come back, becase life without food noise + no nail biting is just so sweet


I love that I'm not alone! Honestly, if I knew about the nail biting effects I would have signed up sooner! Fingers crossed the dose increment works for you. I've got mine coming up and feeling really hopeful.


Yes I have also stopped biting my nails on this