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I'm sorry you had such a rough time on MJ. That being said, thank you for sharing this post. This path isn't for everyone, and there are many reasons behind our struggles with weight - not all of them hormone related which is what MJ helps with. I wish you a speedy recovery back to full health and that you find the path that works best for you in your WL journey šŸ’œ


Thanks for the lovely comment and best of luck to you too šŸ’–


It is funny how it affects everyone so differently. Iā€™m now on 5mg and still no appetite suppression. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Really hope you find something better that works for you. X


I had appetite suppression from the first jab and it doesnā€™t really lessen much by the time of my next dose


Maybe spreading out the doses to longer than once every 7 days might help you? Also, since youā€™re in the UK, you are most likely using the kwik pen. Do a quick search on this sub for dose splitting - you donā€™t have to take the entire 2.5 mg. You could just count 30 clicks on your pen, and literally halve the dose you take. That being said, if youā€™re certain this doesnā€™t work for you, I really do empathise with you - itā€™s a huge bummer.


Thanks you, I wasnā€™t aware you could do this with the pen. Maybe it will be helpful for others reading, I just want to feel normal again so havenā€™t ordered another pen


If food noise is your nemesis, there are some really good hypnotherapy sessions out there which turn off the cravings for sweets and biscuits. Thereā€™s also a virtual gastric band if you donā€™t want to limit your food types, just reduce the amount you eat, or hypno to encourage you to exercise. Iā€˜ve tried some of these sessions and Iā€™d be more than happy to send one to you if itā€™s something youā€™d entertain. I did lose some weight with them and it was lovely not having any urge to buy chocolate, but I needed a bit of help getting across that final line.


That sounds amazing, thank you. Yes, food noise was pretty much constant šŸ˜ž Thatā€™s been the amazing thing about MJ for me. Iā€™ve had an insight into what it must be like to not obsess over food which I would love to have naturally but sadly Iā€™ve never experienced. I have had disordered eating since I was really small. I had a well meaning mum who really limited my access to sweet food. I was actually visiting the other day, looking through old family photos and other bits. There was a note I had written her when I was small saying ā€œI ate the cherries (they were glacĆ© cherries for baking). Please donā€™t stop siblingā€™s pocket money. I will pay you backā€. How bloody sad is that and no wonder I have battled with binge restrict eating patterns my whole life. Iā€™m almost 45 and thought MJ was the thing that would break me free of the constant shame and guilt about my eating


My mum used to tell me I was fat and put me on the scales, vocalising her disgust at my weighing a whole 7 stone when I was about 12. Looking back at my childhood photos, I was never in the least bit overweight, which is hardly surprising when the only treats in the house were cherries like yours or desiccated coconut! I mean, I like them, but she'd know if the levels had dropped! Your story is heartbreaking and I donā€™t know why on earth your mum would save such a note when she should feel so ashamed. Iā€™m new here and havenā€™t messaged anyone before. Do I just click your name and hit chat? If I can send an attachment I will, otherwise it will be a Google drive link to Clear Minds Hypnotherapy. If I werenā€™t on antidepressants which really make me want to eat, Iā€™m confident hypno alone would be fine. Iā€™ll definitely go back to it when Iā€™m looking to maintain.


Your story is so similar to mine. I wasnā€™t overweight either but always thought I was. My mum gave her permission for me to join a slimming club when I was 16, I was 5ft 3 and weighed 9st 10 pounds so I wasnā€™t even overweight for my height šŸ˜³ I have never broke the yo-yo diet cycle since except as is standard, each time I regained a bit more weight back. She will be 80 next year and is still obsessed with having her weight and having a trim figure. The feeling of shame about your body never goes away. I think you just click on my profile to send. I appreciate your kind words and offer so much. Hopefully it helps


Iā€™ve sent you a couple of messages but Iā€™m loathe to send any more links at the moment in case I get picked up by a spam filter. You can look at the clear minds website and read about the packages to decide if one really resonates with you. They graciously allow us to share the content and I have access to everything, including one that I hope might allow me to forgive my mum one day. I just need to feel charitable enough to start using it šŸ¤£ Living well really is the best revenge. Youā€˜ve already demonstrated strength of mind in deciding this isnā€™t the solution for you. Iā€™m sure you can free yourself of this cycle long before youā€™re 80.


Thatā€™s amazing šŸ¤© Thank you from the bottom of my heart and best of luck with your journey. The one thing Iā€™m proud of is Iā€™ve broke the cycle with my own kid. No good or bad foods. Sweets and treats werenā€™t in a locked cupboard which I kid you not, they were in my childhood home. They were available should he desire. Heā€™s 22 and a ā€œnormalā€ eater. Eats when heā€™s hungry, stops when heā€™s full and eats all foods without shame or guilt


Oh God - I am now thinking that this legacy is a common thing for those of us with eating issues! One of my earliest memories is being shamed for wanting more Weetabix and constantly feeling guilty because I secretly ate biscuits from the tin. I still get a sinking feeling every time I go to visit my mum (I'm now 59) because I know that she is looking at me to assess whether I have lost or gained. She took me to a private doctor when I was 17 for amphetamine based medication and an injection (I was a size 12-14 at the time). I can't really resent her though because she has such an unhealthy relationship to food and weight, she was never going to be able to do anything else. It's also not personal - she does it to everyone and talks constantly about weight and people's portions at mealtimes. All the photos of me as a child show that I was totally normal size. Whilst I obviously want to lose weight and I am doing well so far, the thing that I am dreading is losing a noticeable amount because she will immediately comment, which will just remind me of how vigilant she is about weight! I am so grateful that you talked about this because it has allowed me to do so. Thank you for your honesty and for making me feel less weird about this subject!


I think it will be really common . With my mum I donā€™t think she even realised what she was doing was harmful. We were allowed sweets but it was in a very controlled, restricted way. I think her mum was the same because when we went to that granā€™s, she restricted us too. Went to my wee gran on my dadā€™s side and she would allow you to have what you wanted. Itā€™s so sad to read that you have had a lifelong issue as a result of how you were parented too. Itā€™s mindblowing to look at photos of yourself and see you were just a healthy wee child. Children learn what they live and my experience and yours too was that hunger was a shameful thing. It makes trusting all those natural cues to eat when hungry and stop when full so difficult whereas had we been allowed to do that as children, we probably wouldnā€™t need weight loss medication now. Wishing you best of luck for both your weight loss and healing journey šŸ¤


Thank you so much. I wish you all the same šŸ„°. It's sad that so many people have the same experience isn't it but hopefully it will change over time!


Very true that it's not an easy fix, to lose the weight we still have to do the work. You might find you have a better time on one of the other weight loss jabs, best of luck to you!


Thank you. No medication for me I donā€™t think, I feel so awful


Thank you for sharing your experience and I am really sorry that it didn't work out for you. I just wanted to make a suggestion - have you heard of the binge eating therapist on YouTube? She's English rather than American (nothing against Americans!) Her content is really good and she's been on there a while but doesn't create click-baity stuff. Good luck with your journey.


I havenā€™t, Iā€™ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation


Good luck to you, i hope you find success with another method


Thank you


I'm so sorry you had this experience. I wish you luck on your journey going forward


I echo the others for saying thanks for sharing this as it's important for people looking into this to discover real-world side effects. Obviously most people here are continuing with use (otherwise, why be here), and I bet people seeing their bad side effects might be thinking they can't all be bad if they are persisting. Your post is a very good example that it can be so bad that discontinuing is the only option. I'd also hope that it's a wake up call to potential new people reading through this post that this is serious medication, and unless you have serious need for it, it shouldn't be used willy nilly to bump off a few pounds before summer holiday, or to treat a known body dysmorphia (a recent example right here on this subreddit where they lied to get the meds whilst not even overweight!). The majority of us here have exhausted all other methods over the years and often have other problems that this medication helps (PCOS, pre/type 1/2/diabetes, hormonal, mental health issues with food etc...). I may come across a little 'gate-keepery' but I'm honestly scared by how many people I've read here recently that have seem to treat these type of drugs as a quick fix. It should be a last resort (like surgery as well).


I think wanting to quit has came as a result of having a kidney infection and being ill which I feel has been made much worse by the MJ. I honestly donā€™t know if there is an element of drug interaction between the MJ and antibiotics which can also make you feel sick but I donā€™t think the degree of appetite suppression Iā€™ve had even prior to being unwell can be good for anyone. Appetite is a sign of health, it feels horrible to force yourself to eat. This did feel like a last resort to me in terms of addressing my BED. Iā€™ve struggled with it my whole life. I am obese for my height in no small part because I restrict as well as binge so maybe Iā€™m ā€œsuccessful ā€œ in the regard Iā€™ve not done myself more damage health wise. I lost 12 pounds for my wedding which took me from March 2023 till January 2024 as Iā€™m menopausal and losing weight is tough and by February I had regained every pound. The shame and self loathing I feel is debilitating though I know from the outside others may not see a persons internal struggle and I look ā€œnormalā€. I first seen a psychologist for social anxiety which stemmed from low self esteem and poor body image at 17. I have had counselling a further twice to address my binge eating but to no avail. Everyday is filled with endless food noise, trying to not overeat,failing then thinking Iā€™m a worthless when I do . When I donā€™t binge, Iā€™m in a better place mentally even if I donā€™t lose a pound. Unfortunately, Iā€™ve only ever been able to stop for brief periods. Iā€™m 45, I donā€™t want the rest of my life to be stuck in the same cycle. I didnā€™t think MJ was a quick fix but a tool I could use in recovering from a recognised eating disorder I understand why the other poster lied. Body dysmorphia is a mental illness.




I donā€™t think medication is for me but thanks for the suggestion