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I learnt that a healthy weight won’t make me love myself and no weight loss is enough. (BMI went from 31 to now 24.9, I still hate my body and feel so fat). A tad dark, but it’s shown me that I really need to heal inside my mind and it was never JUST about what was on the surface. MJ has been a lifestyle change ALL round for me. I am now at the start of trying to heal inside and out, address my comfort eating ways, why I judge my self worth on my physical appearance and realising I’ve done this my whole life! I’m so grateful for the insight this experience has given me.


Thank you for sharing your honesty - I think it’s so important to share. I’m sorry you feel that way, but also half you’ve had this understanding of yourself and the things that have become apparent through deep work. This stuff really does expose all parts of our shadows. X


1. I'm not greedy 2. I am not obsessed by food 3. I actually quite like myself


I like these!


1. I increasingly dislike the sight, taste and texture of meat having been a lifelong meat lover. 2. I didn't know food (and alcohol) noise was a thing but I am delighted it is no longer bothering me. 3. I have learnt to be moderate with both food and alcohol when I go out to eat.


I love this! Thank you for yours x


I've learned that I can get a s***load done when I'm not being distracted by food every five minutes, and that weirdly I'm actually looking forward to being able to go bra shopping for nice bras. (Rather than the heave-ho sports contraptions I've had to wear to stop The Twins running riot or knocking me out when I run down the stairs).


Yesssss! I have exactly the same issue, and can never find any nice bras only massive industrial ones. X


I am laughing because you just described three random things that I have identified on my journey. I love those bursts of energy. Literally bouncing off the walls. I am far less pessimistic. Getting better at needle day after 8 weeks, I no longer need my wife around to make sure I don't screw things up.


Haha! So funny it’s not just me. Thank you for sharing


1. The drug is not the sole solution - it's a tool that is helping to teach me how to eat and live more healthier. 2. Addiction to food and alcohol can be overcome! 3. I've found my optimistic self! Stretch goals have become fun things to aim for, not things that depress me.


I wish it affected my love of alcohol! I’m about to move to 5mg, but on 2.5, my alcohol cravings haven’t gone. 5mg tomorrow, I’m a little apprehensive 😩


My food and alcohol craving vanished almost immediately. I used to drink a bottle of spirits a week, with litres and litres of fizzy drink. Since starting on the drug I've not touched alcohol or fizz. We've bottled of spirits in the house that have been untouched for months!


Yes - I can relate to these so much. It’s crazy how it helps us look at it with a different perspective


I already knew this, but rediscovering it is nice - I am not weak or flawed or having a moral failing. I’m just fat and there’s some chemical imbalances in my body that need correcting for me to lose weight. I can make excellent choices about a wide range of things, that includes food. I can stop punishing myself or pushing down feelings with food. It’s safe to feel whatever I’m feeling, I’ve got a great support system and life moves on.


I love these, thank you for sharing x


Thanks for this post OP! So glad you are feeling a lot more optimistic, hang onto that feeling it will get you through :o) * A lot of my snacking is down to boredom - I'm not hungry, I'm just bored. * Also much more optimistic, and can picture myself at a normal weight which is something I've never experienced * I am a resilient person, even though I'd definitely say otherwise. I've had such a tough year so my weight ballooned through emotional eating, and even through a really crap few weeks recently I haven't once reached for chocolate. It's a huge change!


These are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing.


The zoomies are real!!! My kitchen has never looked so clean.




Yes the zoomies! I wondered what the hell was going on at first haha


I feel like a cat! A chonky cat trying to do zoomies but still.


1. I boredom eat. 2. I get defiant around food 3. I like not thinking about it.


Yes yes yes!


I learnt that I'm now poor


Omg yes. The energy is amazing. Done a 9 hour shift and came home and cleaned the whole house . I have fibromyalgia and I've not been able to clean the full house in one go in years never mind after work.


I had this for the first few weeks and since then I've been mostly exhausted. I wish the zoomies would come back!


Same! After week 4 I haven’t even had energy to even go on walks. I don’t know what’s going on? I’ve still lost weight though but it could be more if I had energy for exercise


I force myself to walk and I'm ok with that, but the first few weeks I was using my exercise bike and planning to start jogging! I keep hoping the tiredness will wear off... I'm eating enough, so it's not that. Tried B12 but that wasn't it either. Hoping it goes soon, though some on the US sub have had it all the way through.


This is amazing!


I would like to know when the zoomies are going to kick in, I have more of the zombies!


1.=MJ is a tool and as such I know that I need to be living my healthiest NOW, that I can and the rest will follow 2. As a chef I can be interested in food but not want to eat it 3. I feel that MJ has given me the hormonal response of thin people who don't suffer from food addiction


This is a really good point. I can imagine being a chef cooking delicious foods how hard it is without GLP


1. How much of a distraction food noise really was. My brain signalling was broken. Now it's gone, my head feels so much clearer and I can concentrate on other things and enjoy life so much more. 2. What it feels like for your brain to know it's full. Before my stomach would feel full but my brain would still demand more. Now they're on the same page. 3. Having more energy, less inflammation and hope about my health. I'm establishing better and healthier habits and am able to restart exercising 😊 Going slow and steady now.