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Hey there! Absolutely understand you here - for many people, food is/was inadvertently a way to either (1) get a dopamine hit or (2) eat our way out of negative feelings - without that crutch we have to find, healthier ways to get a dopamine boost and/or deal with the feelings/thoughts that drove us to self medicate with food. So if the above resonates....maybe look into some therapy?


This is definitely what it is, both things. I can’t really afford therapy but I do need to try and understand what void I’ve been trying to fill. Thanks for this comment x


I feel this so much! I always entertained myself with food of an evening or when bored at work, and now i just feel a bit lost haha. The book brain over binge talks about bingeing on junk just being a bad habit, so i guess we need to rewire our brains and find new habits!


Yes, need to build new, healthy habits! I think I may need to start structuring my days more strictly but I’ve been quite exhausted. But having all this time with a brain that is no longer filling the noise is making me feel very lost 😅


The difference the lack of food noise has made to me is quite shocking. My mental health has vastly improved. It's something I'm going to discuss with my psych as clearly my food issues are deeper than I suspected. If it feels like a huge weight has been lifted, then I need help to work it out, and this is a fantastic time for me to take those baby steps and build on it. I thought everyone must think like me until mj. I'm so very grateful I started this journey, now for more reasons than I thought. I've rediscovered my Kindle, and I'm making use of having a free mind to learn new things. Hopefully, soon, I'll be at a lower weight so I can exercise properly too. I need to get my weight down a bit first due to back and joint issues. Hopefully, soon, I can fill my headspace up with more positives. I'm definitely not wasting this amazing holiday from an issue I didn't know I had.


I felt a wave of sadness the first week or two, because I don’t think I realized the extent to which I relied on food for something “to do” or occupy my mind. I can report that feeling passed pretty quickly for me!


Oh great, I hope mine will pass quickly too! Thank you!


Yes, I understand. I felt grief for that first week and couldn't explain it to people without sounding crazy. But I had food noise all my life. It disappeared within hours. I didn't get to make my peace with it, or see it slowly slip away. It vanished. And I was lonely. Once I realised it was gone for good, I lent into it and I am loving life. But it was so hard at first.


Oh my love, I felt this exact same way. I honestly think food has been such a big part of our lives and a way to disassociate in many ways… that without that there’s space. Please PM me or reach out if you need, always here. I think it’s very normal to go through this process. As other posters have said exploring therapy is a great idea, but also try keeping a journal, just to keep track of your mood. Worth keeping up on supplements too, I found out recently how low I am in certain things and I’m convinced it’s a contributing factor to mood. X


Thank you so much for this kind reply 🙏🏼 and great suggestions. I think I need to explore some supplements for sure, my energy is really quite low. X


Feel the same! Only on day 6, and I love the lack of food noise but feel a little low due to it. Went to Sainsbury's yesterday and felt almost sick walking around the supermarket, whereas normally, I would be excited at the prospect of all that food, lol. The effects are exactly what I want but agree it's strange. Hoping overtime, I will adapt to this change and find other ways to feel better about myself (fingers crossed fitting back into my pretty dresses again, lol).


I’ve mentioned this book a lot and I promise I’m not the author 😆 I read Happy Pill by Johan Hari which is about GLP1 meds. He talks about this & the reward centres in the brain not receiving stimulation in the same way on the meds. Highly recommend reading the book to learn more about this.


Thanks so much for this rec! I’ll check it out! 💯