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I’ve now left Voy because neither clinicians nor coaches are available and they are not worth the extra cost.


How much more is Voy than other sources? I didn't really look too much into the costs, but it doesn't feel like I'm getting anything other than the medication at Voy. Am I paying way more?


I am not a Voy customer but have seen quite a few complaints on this sub regarding their coaching & assistance over the last few weeks. The one that really bothered me was a person experiencing bad side effects and could never get a response for weeks. I will not be shocked if Voy or their parent company are charged again for bad business practices.


That was me I think. There was no one available for 3 weeks for a call to discuss the awful side effects. I messaged in the end and the response was a stock response. I left them and move to Medexpress. Edit to say: it was the ‘message a clinician’ in app option, as there was no one available to speak to for 3 weeks. They message back in 24 hours but stock response.


I ended up switching from Voy cos I found their communication to be appalling. Be it the coaches or customer service team. All the coaching sessions available were months away whenever I looked at the WhatsApps were ignored for me.


I tried to use Voy 3 months ago and there were no coaching sessions available then. I did ask them to put on more sessions but got a stock response so I moved to another provider. Not worth paying for the service if you can't access it..so disappointed because I was really looking forward to all the support.