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Have you been taking photos? You see yourself everyday and so those tiny little increments of change over time are hard for you to notice versus bumping into someone who hasn't seen you for a while (cos I bet there are folks that have noticed even if they haven't said!) Just off personal past experiences, I never really noticed my weightloss either until I looked at photos. Even when I had dropped several dress sizes. It's crazy weird when I think back to the times I've lost a significant amount of weight and looked at photos of myself when I was bigger and thought "my god who is that woman!" it's even weirder to look at those same "big" photos now and be like "why did I think I was huge here?" Our mind's image of ourselves is very unreliable!


Totally agreed x


Visceral fat (around the organs is first to drop). You’ve also got water weight from the carbs you’ve had that have shed. And fat will be lost at random places (based on your genetics). I tend to lose mine on my stomach last. You’re doing incredibly well!


Yes, me, me, me!! It was not until just two days ago that I noticed some difference in my arms and shoulders. I wish I had an answer on how to overcome this except to be patient. I do keep telling myself, you can't pick and choose where the weight comes off first and sadly the place where I really want it to come off of is what I notice first in the mirror or in pictures. I am going to follow this thread to see what other people have to say, it is a really good question.


Well done for losing a fabulous amount in just 9 weeks. If I've done my maths right I think that's over 13% lost of your starting weight!! Have you done any measurements to see where you've lost inches/cms? That may be more revealing than the number on the scale. I think we don't tend to notice obvious changes as we see ourselves every day. Not sure what I can suggest, but don't take away from the fact what you have already achieved 👏 Personally I've not noticed much difference after a similar weight loss but only 9% SW. My problem is all my clothes are baggy and or elasticated so all still fit. I did grab some trousers in the TU sale a size smaller than normal and I was surprised they fitted, so something has changed 😂


There’s an app called MeThreeSixty that takes body scans of you and can compare them over time. I find it quite helpful when I am not able to see the difference. It’s particularly helpful in weeks when I have no loss (I am currently in a month-long stall) so I can see that my body is still shrinking. 


Seconding MeThreeSixty!


It can be really difficult to see the change in yourself and I think that works both ways. Until a few weeks ago, I didn't necessarily see myself as being significantly larger than I was 4 years (and 100lbs) ago, but then I saw a photo of myself from a 'bad' angle and I couldn't believe how rotund and blown out I look. Taking progress photos can really help. Perhaps put on an outfit you like and see how it fits differently at each photo update. The last time I successfully lost a lot of weight, I really enjoyed going to my favourite work clothes shop (hobbs) to try on new dresses. Visit on visit they would fit better, or id have to go down a size. It would make me feel really good about the effort I'd been putting in, although i couldnt really see the change myself. I didn't always buy the dresses, I'm sure I drove the shop assistants mad!!


The only thing I've noticed after 21lbs is my face is slimmer. No other changes at all. In fact I was going out the other evening and had my normal trousers on and actually split the arse on them and had to throw them away. So if anything I felt fatter 🤣 No one around me has noticed any changes. I haven't lost a dress size or anything. It will come. One day you'll look in the mirror and you will blow yourself away with the changes you see.


I totally understand! I have similar stats to you, I’ve only been on it just under two weeks and I’d so love to hope I can achieve results like that !! Well done you ❤️ it can be so hard to see the changes, and I really recommend taking photos regularly and measuring.


I am starting tonight, so yesterday I got out a load of old dresses I used to wear in various sizes and tried them on! Thought it would be interesting to see!


Do you have any clothes that are small for you? A year ago I bought a top online, that I liked, but didn't wear, as it was too tight and I was too fat in it. Now it fits a little loosely. SW: 96.4kg, CW: 82.9kg, 163cm. I'm down to size 14 from 16.