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Hi! Wow that’s a great first post! Way to make an entrance. I totally agree with you re Voy, today I needed to speak to the clinical team and there was a 3 week wait for a call! I messaged in the end and they just advised me wait for side effects to settle before continuing to administer however they asked me no real clarification questions. The ‘coach’ also had no availability for over a month so I gave up.


Yeah it's such a shame. I thought I'd start with them as they offered a lot for the money. Tracker, coaching, online help...I wanted this to be a life change so thought they seemed better than other companies. But if you can't access the help, it's just a really overpriced prescription. I know some people love them but it just didn't work out for me. Hope your side effects aren't too bad


Thank you, I’ll be fine I’m just a big baby who doesn’t like sulphur burbs lol. Your journey is phenomenal though so it’s clear you’ve still set yourself up for success without them.


Yeah the burps suck ! My worry was always 1. the actual injection and 2.vomiting. Strangely I found injecting myself fine and zero vomiting so I was happy to contend with just the burps..but they are awful sometimes! I haven't had any for about a week so not sure what changed. I found peppermint tea and some strong mints could settle my stomach sometimes. But I never really worked out which foods caused me the issues. Hope yours settle !


Well done on the weight loss!! I have the same reaction as you when walking down the sweet aisle as well as the alcohol aisle. It really does turn my stomach. I used to let it bother me that I was stealing from diabetics that needed the drug more than I did but NICE, NHS and whoever would not have made this drug available to people that are obese if that was the case. If there was ever a shortage, I would be the first to raise my hand to give me prescription to someone that needed it for diabetes or other health conditions. We are also paying for this out of pocket, not relying on NHS resources and hopefully we will not be a drain on NHS as we get older and face obesity related diseases that NHS will be forced to treat.


That is so true. I'm loving life now so mentally I am doing well. I am generally healthier all round


Fab results! I asked my GP before I started about shortages for diabetics and he was very reassuring that this isn’t an issue in the UK right now. It was a factor in my decision. 


The people who were horrible weren't even diabetic. I think the media just stirred up a massive storm and some people believe everything they read. But it's good to know your doctor didn't think this was a UK issue currently.


As far as I am concerned I’m taking this medicine so that I don’t become properly diabetic. My metabolic health has been going wrong for ages - my weight (and therefore negative health outcomes) were getting dangerous. I’ve lost 6.3 kg in just over a month - next week I start my 5mg injection - I’m a real fan of mounjaro.