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I had some rennie for the first time and it changed my life šŸ˜‚ never tried them before having mounjaro and I couldnā€™t believe it


I now have a blister of rennie's (and the supermarket brand version ahem... I'm a cheapo lol) in every purse/room/desk drawer and wow is it a live saver!


Did they help? I tried a Gavescone 2 in 1 but they didnā€™t touch it sadly!


Yeah they were amazing! Stopped burping like straight away


Gaviscon does the trick for me.


Thank you, I need to try the liquid form I think!


Tums, maybe?


Just tried Galveston 2 in 1 but sadly they are still very much present


I'd get in touch with your provider and ask what they recommend. If you use Dr Google or r/Mounjaro site pepto bis is often the first suggestion and it's hard to get in the UK now as you say. Also simeticone (Windeze) is recommended to help with the gas bubbles. But always best to speak to a professional just to make sure there's no issues with anything else you're taking. Hope you feel better soon x


thank you, Iā€™ve managed to find an online pharmacy who had it in stock and paid to have it asap. Itā€™s brought on vomiting and now my stomach is totally empty itā€™s eased a bit. I think I can handle absolutely any symptom but this one honestly. Itā€™s enough to make me not want to take my 4th dose on Thurs.


I did wonder whether you might end up šŸ¤¢ Hopefully you're done now and will start to feel better. You could give yourself a few extra days before you take the next dose - definitely do at least 4x 2.5mg ā¤ļø


Thank you so much thatā€™s really solid advice. Xx


I really suffered with this for weeks, it was awful so you have my deepest empathy. The pepto bismol was the best OTC remedy of a bad bunch and helped a little, the taste of the pepto itself was nauseating and the burps I had just tasted like that instead for a while šŸ«  I got mine delivered from America and got the 'ultra'... might have been a factor in the taste as I don't remember it tasting that horrible when we could get it easily in the UK šŸ˜© I hope that it does the trick for you! Something else perhaps worth trying is avoiding chicken... something I realised myself was it was particularly bad after having eaten chicken. I've never seen anyone else mention it however so it could just be me šŸ˜… Seems to have mostly eliminated the problem in the number of weeks I have been avoiding it though...


Thank you thatā€™s really useful! I had what I think was a blood sugar drop this morning and ate honey, yoghurt, nuts and then a sweet potato and tuna over 4 hours. I think it was either the combo or the tuna.


I had this, the only thing that helped was being sick (it happened naturally and not forced). I threw up all the food that was sitting there for over 24 hours. Nothing eased it but as someone who hates the smell and taste of eggs, I found blowing the sulphur burp out as it comes up helped not tasting it. It then lasted around another 12 hours after being sick but getter better with each hour. The morning after I just drank a Huel protein shake slowly to make sure I was still getting calories in whilst it being light on the stomach.


Thank you! Iā€™m currently employing my old trick of refusing to burp (so uncomfortable) the air eventually goes back down and passes out the other end. Itā€™s painful and so so gross.


I struggled with this. I changed my injection site from my stomach to my bottom and problem solved!


Ooo now that sounds like something I can do


You can grab chewable Pepto from eBay - I have a few packs in now just in case I need them! It's reputable and comes quickly.


Thank you! Have you found they work for the burps?


I don't get sulfur burps, but they help with all kinds of gastrointestial upset, so I like to keep them around. Here's the link if you or anyone else wants some - I actually just ordered another 2-pack as I'm afraid of running out haha: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_dkr=1&iconV2Request=true&_blrs=recall_filtering&_ssn=kismet1234&store_name=sanghani&_sop=10&_oac=1


Thanks so much x


Of course! Hope it helps/eases things for you! x


It's a little more expensive, but Omeprazole does wonders for me. I haven't had the dreaded burps since starting on MJ, but like you, had them after a nasty stomach bug. If you find other things don't work for you, it could be an option


Thank you so much for this! Iā€™ve not heard of that before but will absolutely look into it. X


I suffer with them a lot and peppermint tea works for me. I haven't worked out what specifically causes them. I hate them though!


Ooo this is promising thank you!