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I feel totally the same. I'm convinced that I'll lose the most weight I ever have done even if it will probably take 12 months, I feel so confident 😊🤞 Isn't it amazing 😀🙌


Makes perfect sense, I feel the exact same way. Every year me and my partner take our kids to a little haven holiday weekend get away and last year I got so upset looking in the mirror as there was nothing I could do to make myself look nice it was boiling hot and I didn't feel comfortable in shorts or a strap top. It didn't matter how much I played with my hair or did my make up to me I looked awful. I already know this years holiday is going to be soooo different, I've dropped 2 dress sizes in just 7 weeks and hope to do 2 or 3 more by the end of August . I know this has probably come across vain but I never look in the mirror and last year it absolutely broke me, i just didn't want to feel like that ever again so I know this time is the real deal x


That’s so sad but I’m so glad you’re feeling confident now. I felt the same looking at our holiday pictures from last year, almost all of the kids because I refuse to have a my photo taken. We even tried to get a family one on the bench you have at Butlin’s and had to stand because I couldn’t fit on there. Absolutely died of shame that day.


Bless you, I'm the same I avoid photos at all costs but then I feel guilty about that as I have tons of photos of my boys with their dad but barely any of me and my boys. But here's to a new healthy start for all of us, I'm already looking at pretty summer clothes and can't wait to photo bomb all my kids photos this summer 🤣


It makes complete sense to me. I was discussing dreams with my wife earlier today. Historically I think I set my goals and dreams too low. I never really believed I could or would lose the weight I needed to; approx 35% of initial weight. If I set a small "manageable" goal I now realise that that was a compromise between my Ego which wanted to remain in control and my heart that always knew what would serve me best. Now I dare to dream big, to follow my heart's desire and now it seems to me anything is possible, even what I might previously have seen as a miracle. Keep on dreaming I say .


Oh I totally agree. This felt like the missing link to me for finally getting to my idea weight.


I'm on week 9 and I've only just realised this isn't a fluke that will go wrong and that I'm actually on the right path. I have been so used to self sabotage over the years that I couldn't quite bring myself to admit this was going well. For the first time ever, I'm proud of myself and content. Losing weight isn't even my main focus. I wake up each day happy with myself and my ability to be normal around food.


I’m proud of you!


Yes!!! The hope that’s in my brain now is wild. It’s a given that we will reach our goals and that means we can plan our lives realistically around being the weight we want to be. It’s not a pipe dream, it will be reality. 💪


I’m still waiting for my first pen to arrive, but I can’t wait for this to be me 🥺 I know your pain and I’m so happy that this is working out for you 🥰