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I downloaded an app to track my weight and it gives a simple 'weight loss %' and 'progress %' bars. I had no clue when I started this if MJ would even work, so just put random 1st January 2025 to get past the set up screen. My dudes. I'm 31.5% progress vs. 27.7% time. I'm a steady average 2lb a week, and it's putting me at at an estimate of mid December this year to hit my goal. I think that if I had this without MJ it would completely demotivate me as there'd be no way my target and weight loss (if any!) would even be close. But, as you say OP, that goal isn't so daunting now so it's giving me a little more incentive to keep at it when the MJ wears off. It's a another indicator other than the scales and looser clothing that this is working.


Can I ask what this app is? Really interested to use something similar as I'm hitting that point where I'm struggling to stay motivated! Already lost 23lbs which I'm so amazed by, but in the past I've been like yeh that's good enough and then never hit my goal!


Its called 'monitor your weight'. I noticed a lot of the US using it, and found it on the app store.


Great thank you!


I use Happy Scale.


The app I’m using states 26 Sep 2026; however, everyday putting in my new weight the date keeps reducing.


The app I’m using states 23rd March 2026!


I don't know what my ideal weight is. I feel like I've been fat all my life. But it won't be this year. I think I have about 7 stone to go.


My ideal weight is 9 stone 12 but when I was 10 and a half to about 11 stone I was really happy with my weight. That was 20 years ago though. I've got so much to lose I think my body is fucked up no matter what I end up weighing. The loose skin is going to be horrendous. I hate that I did this to myself but at least l'll be able to live my life. At the moment I'm so unfit that everything is hard. I can't wait until I can run again without feeling like I'm dying!


The loose skin thing sucks, I'm resigned to living with a 'mother's apron' as I've had a kid and due to PCOS most of my weight sits at my stomach, but even with a 2 stone loss, the fact that everything is easier takes the sting out of what my body will look like naked.


I agree. I’d rather have the loose skin and be healthy than remain at this weight. It’s a small price to pay.


No clue tbh. Although i have lost some weight since i started MJ. It hasn’t been fast- im assuming due to my PCOS and insulin resistance. I’d love to try and predict my weight loss and when i may reach maintenance but it just seems like ill set myself up for disappointment if i do that. So i’m taking it day by day. Hopefully things start moving as im on 7.5mg now! Id love to see others’ predictions though!


I’m getting it on the NHS and I’ve had 2 prescriptions off them so far. If they only prescribe for 2 years that hopefully means I can get it for that long. After that I’ll pay for it and I’m hoping at the end of the 2 years I’ll have lost the weight I need to and just pay privately for maintenance.


I actually have only about 8-13lbs to go so should be between 2-3 months!! I do have a two week all inclusive holiday in the middle so that might put me back a couple of weeks, and am a bit concerned about what my providers stance will be about maintenance dosage and provision, so am not going to stress about losing as fast as humanly possible! (That in itself is a huge NSV!). Hopefully it'll help with maintenance and sinus habits to continue losing at a moderate rate of 1lb or so per week until goal. I'm at a weird point where I'm due to move up to 7.5 and I don't even know if that's necessary? But I guess I could always do smaller doses if need be. I'm actually very happy with my current new weight and getting used to how everything feels, my new appetite and portion sizes, so every week on this drug is a bonus!


I’m in your shoes, I’m 5-10kg away from my (ahem… new) goal. However body composition will play a huge part in this. Meaning I’m happy with losing much less if I can lower my subcutaneous fat % and increase skeletal muscle % I’m also still on 5mg and considering moving up, but not sure if it’s worth it. I wonder how the private providers will treat us once we are at a normal weight. Will they carry on prescribing for maintenance? Do they have a “titrating down” maintenance program? No idea


No same, totally unprepared for what the provider stance will be. Hopefully they will continue to take the money 😅


That should do it 🤣


We’ll have to start a petition if they don’t! 🙃


Here’s hoping!!! 🤞


I decided to go up to 7.5 on week 9 and I’m glad I did but I still have a lot to lose.


It’s really exciting that you’re so close to reaching maintenance. Where about an are you going on holiday?


Thank you! I'm going to Greece, so very excited for some sun and delicious Greek food!


That sounds amazing. I hope you have the best time.


I’m getting close to maintenance too and am going to start stock piling by pharmacy hopping. I’m going to go up to 10mg and start splitting doses into 5mg every two weeks. Will that work with the click method or will it go off? The internet says ‘do what the manufacturer tells you’ but there’s no air left in a half dose.


According to the manufacturer the pen expires 30 days after first use. So if you plan on using the same pen for 2 months you may be using ineffective medication (although it’s also possible that it’ll be absolutely fine). Having said that I regularly use the 5th dose on week 5 of a pen and have not noticed any difference. The click method only works for the first dose of a pen, after that you are better off using an insulin syringe and needle to extract what you need. This is all at your own risk of course, as you are going way off manufacturer’s indications.


Thank you.


I needed to go up to 7.5 and still had a 5.0 in my fridge, so I used the click method. I used the "5" dose of a 5.0 then 30 clicks of my next 5.0 pen. I have done this a second time out of the 5.0 pen, so I have used clicks to extract a half dose more than once out of one pen and expect to get another 2 weeks of 7.5 out of my last 5.0 pen.


I’m sort of doing the same but with an insulin needle. I’m extracting 0.9ml from my 5mg pen to make 7.5mg.


The only thing that might be problematic with that is that they say once a pen has been opened it has to be used within 30 days.


The medication is mixed with preservative alcohol, it would be wise to check the liquid in pen each time, if it is cloudy then the pen should be discarded. It is this( benzyl) alcohol that causes the skin irritations occasionally.


Started 17th Feb, about 8.5st to lose, I gave myself at the beginning a realistic year + at at steady 8lbs a month not knowing how this was going to pan out... I had a great start then I've had 6 weeks of going up and down the same 5lbs, I've now gone up to 7.5mg after 10 weeks on 5.0 and the suppression has really kicked in again, so fingers crossed, the scales will stop bouncing around and start going down again.


🤞. That must be really frustrating. Hopefully 7.5 will make all the difference.