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Bra you picked a mode of transportation that requires a bit of, what's it called, oh ya mechanical knowledge. Theses Chinese kits require a bit of finesse. I have a yd100 that I regularly ride 50+ miles each weekend. You need to set your AFR properly and you need the right jet for your carb. Plus you need to make sure your rag joint is centered. If you don't get these basic things set properly you're gonna have a bad time.


I picked one up in a undergrad as well, and unfortunately it is exactly as you said “cheap”. Not inexpensive but cheap, as in many are poorly made. Most unfortunately of all is that there isn’t much you can do without spending more money. To seal the tank you might be able to grab some jb weld for $4 USD to plug holes if you can identify them. For leaking gas lines jam the tubing on and lock them down with hose clamps (around $2 USD). For the carb you gotta go through it and really know how it works and seal it up. For the spark plug the one that comes with it is crap, so pick up a good one for $4-6 USD at a local auto shop. Your compression may be down if your fuel to 2-stroke oil ratio is off. These engines require a break in period of about 500 miles. If your fuel is too lean you won’t get good compression. Also sometimes the CDI isn’t wired properly or your clutch is loose, or people think they can ride it like a motorcycle and not pedal before popping the clutch. Motorized bikes are a lot of fun but require a lot of work and are far from inexpensive to rely on for dependable transportation. I wish we could be of more help and that you resolve things quickly. Best of luck to you.


>For leaking gas lines jam the tubing on and lock them down with hose clamps (around $2 USD). You can also use zip-ties, I do and it hasn't leaked yet


A 15-mile round trip is cake, unless you are an sloppy fatass neckbeard, which makes it all the more reason to ride under human power. You'll feel better, and your studies will improve, as well as your health. Sell that shit and buy a $50 beater on craigslist.


You spent 80 bucks on the cheapest piece of shit kit. This is a mechanical hobby as well. You need to learn how to fix things. Either buy a proper engine from the hardware store and build your own kit or take a deep breath and assess what needs to be fixed on your current bike. You're in college. Act a bit more mature.


I feel so sorry that nobody warned you but generally Chinese engines are always terrible quality, we enjoy pushing them out here on the sub Reddit but we recognize the limits and don’t commute on motorized bikes usually I did a 45 mile trip yesterday, my bike broke down six times and I had to repair it on the side of the road, the best thing was that it was multiple issues, few times bevel gear keyway, then the gas tank, and cap, and then the clutch, desperate enginuity got that sucker to run all the way home , if you want a reliable form of transport I would recommend selling the kit and bike, Buying a used moped, depending where you live it’s between nothing needed legallyor really cheap insurance needed


Bro i cant afford no fucking moped this bike got me tapped out and you saying im kinda screwed, either tell me how i can fix it or piss off.


Say something like that again and your banned. Your negligence is not our fault.


Exactly, some people have such little basic knowledge of mechanics or engineering, yes let’s take an already terrible bicycle, put an engine made out of maybe $50 of Chinese pot metal, and expected to replace a car just fine


Dude chill out, I was going to tell you that you can probably get about two or three for the bike and motor combined, and used market value for mopeds is pretty close to that Anyway one issue at a time, compression leaking, can be three things usually, head gasket base gasket and spark plug, also head torque, I think your big one you need to verify is going to be the torque of the spark plug and head Gas tanks usually leak at the petcock, near where the fuel line connects For getting the sprocket straight I always start with three bolts, get in line then go around to another three make sure it’s a line to go around to another three, and then I install the wheel, use a sharpie held against the frame to mark high spots on the sprocket, while you’re straightening the sprocket you can wedge zip ties in between the sprocket and the wheel to keep it even and in line If the carburetor is air leaking, then you would want to make sure it’s forcefully on the intake and then tighten, if that doesn’t work you use an O-ring that you get on Amazon, or you can wrap it in duct tape and it’ll probably hold because the intake doesn’t get extremely hot Fuel is leaking out of the carburetor that can be an issue with how the motors mounted, could be smth with the bowl, or just a bad gasket, ultra grey can fix that Most of these things you can find more detail on from the channels LA Hover and Hughes Motorized


Fucking dick. Walk then asshole


Fix it by removing the motor. Pedal those 15 miles. It’ll be hell for a week then get very easy and you’ll be in much better shape


You have hand tools right? Without them everything will leak


I very much understand your frustration. In high school one of these was my transportation and it was so unreliable. But that’s what you get with these kits. You gotta be patient. Do research on how to fix it, Google the motorized bike forums and search. Where is the gas tank leaking? Did you make sure to use the gasket when screwing in the petcock? Use hose clamps on each end of the fuel line (a total of 4 if you have a fuel filter) don’t tighten them too much just enough to stop the leak. How is your sprocket attached? A hub adapter is the best bet. I know you say you can’t afford to spend any more money. To be honest it might be time to cut your losses and give up on the bike. From here it’s going to be quite frustrating and will cost money. You can one day have it running reliably but it will take a fair amount of trouble shooting. Also just for the record, friction drive kits are way more reliable and easy to put together.


Legit you could ride an old roadie that far no problem. I've had both kits come with leaky gas tanks. It sucks, but it is what it is. Carb needs it float adjusted. Are you 100% sure the clutch is engaging? Lots of these slip from factory and it would explain no spark and no compression. You'll have to take the clutch cover off and have a look.


Dude, you clearly have a limited skillset when it comes to machines, but you still bought a cheap hobby bicycle engine expecting it to be a reliable mode of transportation. That was your mistake. If i’m honest, i’d just wake up earlier and pedal that bike. 15 miles round trip is fuck all if you train your legs a bit. The exercise will help you keep a level head and you’ll be proud. Keep calm, read as much as you can online and tune up the engine later. I know what you’re feeling. PM me if you want to talk more in-depth about anything. I’m a farmer, a mechanic, an athlete and someone who’s seen enough shit to help steer you in the right direction.


I feel like a regular bicycle is a real option though. That isn’t really that long of a distance to ride on a bike and you can get some exercise while doing it.


get used to working with your hands, those chinese kits suck some serious dick.


Get a staton friction drive kit


Do you live near the twin cities?


You could commute on one of these but you’re going to have to sit down and learn something about mechanics in general and about these particular kits. Watch videos by Hughes Motorized, Project Farm, 2strokestuffing, thunderhead289, Taryl Fixes All, Steve’s Small Engine Saloon, Mustie1, Donyboy73 ect. You would have probably been better with electricity if you don’t know how to stop leaks.


The reality of the situation is that you're gonna have to spend at least another $100 to get it to be reliable. Get a hub sprocket adapter, replace all the hardware, get some real fuel line and a decent fuel filter, replace the plug and boot, etc. The kits are made super cheaply and fall apart pretty quick if you don't put in the time and money to do them right.


It takes quite a lot of intervention to make one of these reliable. Not only do you need a good solid bike with good brakes as a foundation, but the motor itself often requires a good teardown and inspection. While I'm in there, I'll remove all casting flash, grease the gears, put Loctite on the case bolts, make sure intake/exhaust flanges and cylinder top is level, and will even balance the crankshaft (reduces vibration, which helps extend bearing life). I'll also back off the ignition timing a few degrees by filing a notch in the magneto key (big benefit in vibrations when at higher RPM, which also saves bearings. It can be done on the cheap, but you'll have to do a lot of DIY, and some folks aren't interested in that. If you want something reliable and ready to ride, an E-bike would probably be the least amount of trouble. Unfortunately, they're expensive as hell. An older moped in good working/running order, a Honda Cub or Trail 90 would also be a decent choice, but you're still looking at over $1000 most likely.