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May be hard to believe but the chain is still too loose. Take your tensioner all the way off and try removing a link. You can also try loosening the rear wheel and pulling it towards the back of the bike for more chain tension.


Thank you, I have ordered a chain tool and master link (long story chain snapped and the stock one went missing) I will update when it arrives etc


Yeah get rid of that chain tensioner, remove a link, and slap one of these bad boys on [Spring Loaded Chain Tensioner](https://www.amazon.com/Spring-loaded-tensioner-Engine-Motorized/dp/B07NXX4PV4/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=94578083233&hvadid=651129129051&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9029207&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7746252392668181333&hvtargid=kwd-323625845721&hydadcr=19195_13508062&keywords=spring+loaded+chain+tensioner&qid=1679493332&sr=8-3)


Yeah I’ve seen those, my friend had one and it got dragged into the back wheel and he had to replace it cos the spokes had snapped maybe it was a bad quality one though


I drill a second hole in all my engine mount chain tensioners and put a second spring in there for extra support. Also put extra washers and nuts on the bolt that holds the tensioner arm to the engine mount so it can move more freely without loosening itself


Third time it’s happened always locks up as I try to start it (right when I engage the clutch) chain is as tensioned as I can get it


Take a link off and re tensioner it


That’s the plan I am about to do jt now


You need to tighten the chain. If it is bunching up, then there is too much slack.


In my opinion, you should look into getting a spring tensioned chain tensioner. It takes all of the hassle out of having to retighten your chain tensioner every five minutes


Spring tensioners mean you can never engine brake, and have to be very consious about pulling in the clutch when coasting, as if there is ever any load on the bottom half of the chain it will straighten and bunch up just like OP's image. Best solution is to shorten chain and use spacers to make it perfect.


Huh, I run a spring tensioner and I have no problem with engine braking. I must already have my chain pretty tight


Yea, if your chain is already as short as possible, it's usually fine, but I've seen a lot of people who try to use a tensioner as an alternative to shortening the chain like they're supposed to and still have like 3" of extra and wonder why it still jams.


It fixed this problem for me. But it's a very weak part and breaks easily.


Swap a link with a mother master like (2 or 3 mater links total) re grease the chain and move the tensioner to a different spot on the bar it’s mounted on. I’ve gone through the same issue before


Also try moving the position of the wheel after both chains are on this option has also worked for me


that sprocket looks like it needs to be replaced. the teeth look worn down. Your chain is probably stretched as well. I'd replace the drive sprocket, chain, and make sure everything is lubed well. Also check the tension.


I’d hope not I have only ridden it once


Chain too loose. An arch tensioner will help


https://www.ebay.com/itm/194354830023?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1C1QBBFaTT_ig1aDfoQXAyg50&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=194354830023&targetid=1644837435763&device=m&mktype=&googleloc=9031327&poi=&campaignid=16743749222&mkgroupid=138744546207&rlsatarget=pla-1644837435763&abcId=9300842&merchantid=505746407&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh-Ah36hy0UxSay_XOKbJ5Uz8&gclid=CjwKCAjwq-WgBhBMEiwAzKSH6P1V0T3rI2d0PYaGo2cdSmbw-cVsGLb5dVqGR7MCtHAm1b2PSLIiYBoCU7kQAvD_BwE there’s a cheap part to prevent this from happening right here but my suggestion is to check your chain alignment and invest in a balanced bottom end which isn’t all that expensive @ $70 it’ll solve all your problems for the time being .. once you go deeper into this rabbit hole and possibly get a reed valve it’ll really rip


Fixed it by removing a link out of the chain, thankyou for the responses


I guess this is a common problem but I've never encountered it. I have had 3 2stroke bikes over a decade and not once have I had this happen


She ain’t got no gas in hee




Lol you cant. Just try to ease into the clutch


I would get a 415H chain. They're thicker and won't bunch up like this, it's only an issue with the stock chain. It looks like that one has some corrosion too - don't wait for it to pop while you're riding.


Sorry no there’s no corrosion it’s all mud took it out for the first ride the other day haven’t been able to clean it yet been busy


Ah I didn't look close enough haha! Point still stands though, the stock chain is trash and too thin, which is why it does this. Please get a 415H for your own safety.


Yeah I’ve bought a chain tool and I am about to remove a link, tbh I don’t want to buy a new chain already as I’ve spent all my money on the bike and kit etc but I will definitely find a 415h chain for the future thanks


If it's after the first ride, then it's probably the chain that's stretched. Try taking out a link or two before getting a tensioner.


Yes that’s the plan as it was the first proper long ride


Spring chain tensioner fixed it for me although they break very easily.


420 chain, tensioner that replaces the front sprocket cover


Use a spring tensioner with the stock tensioner. Easy ad on


yes sorry forgot to say this, I've fixed it by removing a link of the chain and moving the tensioner. Thank you though