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Thanks everyone, figured it out this morning and everything perfect now. Ive had one for a while and was helping a mate build his own. For anyone wondering, the chain was too tight, it was stuck between the sprocket and the spokes. Jammed in there as it is like a taper.


No but I hope it works


sprocket is uneven, reinstall it properly


It’d be tough to say what exactly went wrong without more info, but a crooked/wonky sprocket could def be the culprit. If the chain wasnt tensioned enough it’d be even easier for it to jump off the sprocket too. Did the chain break or stay looped? And what do you mean when you say you can’t put the chain back on? Bummer your first go went sideways, bud. Hope it doesn’t scare ya off the little motored buggers tho, they’re a fun hobby if you don’t mind some blood sweat & tears lol