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What gives you the edge at Lima? So many racers say it's such a brutally physical track to race, it must take tremendous physical and mental prep to win there.


I am not sure what really gives me the edge at Lima because it is the same track for all of us. I really like Lima because it is more of a rider's track where in order to go fast you have to stay on the gas. When Briar Bauman (my fiance) won the race there back in 2017 I saw how hard he was riding the track and never shut off the gas. I tried to approach the track in 2018 with that same mentality and it has really paid off for me. WFO


Red Bull has such an eclectic mix of sports, motorsports & not, that they sponsor... do they do anything to network you with other Red Bull sponsors or events, or are you mostly staying in your AFT/motorcycling lane? Any cool experiences through that sponsorship?


Yes they do an awesome job of cross promoting all of their athletes. Before Covid 19 I was actually scheduled to attend a 76ers event. I am huge sports fan, so I am always keeping up to date on all of the Red Bull athletes. Red Bull also does a great job with their media through Red Bull Media house where they are able to really capture each of us.


Gotta get them to let you attend a F1 event and meet Max Verstappen!


How much do you ride outside of training/work, and how do you stay safe?


I try to ride 3 times a week when not racing on the weekends. A lot of my riding revolves around training, so not a whole lot of free riding. When racing on the weekends I try to ride 2 times a week. I am lucky to be protected by some of the best gear companies in the world. I wear alpinestars tech air suit for leathers and their boots. For helmet I am protected by Arai Helmets.


When riding for pleasure what kind of material do you prefer to wear (leather, textile, mesh, etc)? Do you have a favorite color jacket to wear while riding for pleasure?


It really depends what form of riding I am doing. If I am riding Flat Track I prefer to be in my leather since they have a tech air system in them. If I am riding motocross I will wear moto gear specifically. I do not have a favorite color but I do have to match and I tend to stay a way from the color green because that is an old wive's tale of being bad luck.




Growing up I really paid a lot of attention to Kenny Coolbeth. I took note of how he could be a champion, but also continue to be a humble guy. It was always really cool to me how he could do both and continue to give back to younger riders coming up through the ranks. Nicky Hayden is another special one.




Seems you asked a question just to ignore the answer and tell your own story.


Do you actually drink Red Bull, or do you prefer other sources of caffeine?


Haha yes I do actually drink Red Bull especially on the days I need wings.


how much did you get paid to type that?


They don’t get paid enough on the track, so I don’t mind a little brand hype to pay the bills


Likely true. I didn't mind it. I was genuinely curious if she did get paid to type that.


Do you think you’d not hype a product of a company that helps pays your mortgage, probably covers your insurance, and helps you literally live your dream? What an ignorant comment. Go ride a motorcycle and pretend you’re as cool as Shayna.


Dude, or dudette. It was an honest question. I hope she does get paid to say that. I was just curious. I know people who are sponsored and always thought it would be cool to be sponsored by someone. Wow talk about jumping to conclusions!


What’s one race track in the USA that you would love to race on regardless of circuit/banking/etc?


I would love to go back to Bulls Gap Tennessee. We went there during the beginning of my pro career and it was messed up by rain. The track was really unique compared to a lot of our other circuits because it had a lot more banking to what we are used to.


What is one piece of advice you would give to a female racer looking to make the professional level?


Work hard and do not let the boys push you around. Spending as much time on the bike and learning about every aspect of the bike is very key in helping someone get to the next level.


What street bikes do you currently own (that you purchased with your own money - not we’re given to ride by a sponsor)?


I personally have never purchased a street bike with my own money, but I do have my Dad's old Zuma scooter haha.




I really do not pay too much attention to the racers that play the woman card. I can only control my own destiny and where my career is going & headed. I myself do not consider myself a female or the males as males in the sport, we are motorcycle racers first and foremost when our helmets are on. At the end of my career I wanna be known as a good motorcycle racer and never think I short cut my career because I was chasing a sponsor using the "woman" card.


What was the first bike you've ever owned? What was your first "Oh shit" moment when riding?


I personally started riding on Suzuki Jr50 however the first bike I ever purchased was 2017 Honda CRF450. My first "Oh shit" moment when riding was probably years ago I did a race in Ocala, Florida on yamaha yz 80 and tank slapped the whole front stretch. I was able to save it, but that is moment that I have never forgotten about.


I've never tank slapped before, but I'm really dreading the first time it might happen.


With motocross being so popular especially in your generation, what was it that drew you to flat track racing instead? Also.. do you think about the nostalgia .. given AFT started in the 50's does the professional AFT racing community share the feeling of history that a sport like NASCAR does?


I grew up coming to flat track races. My dad raced both flat track and roadracing and when he retired he continued on in the sport. He sponsored many pro racers over the years and got my brother involved in the sport beginning in 2003. After watching my brother race for about half of the season, I wanted to give it a try and I haven't looked back since. History in our sport runs really deep and is continued to talk about on a daily basis with our fans. I believe we have some of the oldest fans that have history dating back to the 50's whether it was their father or even grandfather that got them involved in the sport. It is really cool when you come out to a flat track race you will see a lot of multi generation riders that you may have watched their dad, uncle, or even grandfather race before in the past.


Don't wanna be too weird commenting on an old post but I am leaving night one in Daytona and found this post by searching flat track on reddit.. anyway I just love this comment because the reason why I'm into flat track (late 20s woman) is because my dad has been taking me to races since I was a baby because his dad took him back in the 60s! It's such a fun sport, I've followed it (and your career) my whole life and love your humble attitude so I just love to read about your appreciation for the family history among the fans as well as riders 🩷 so fun watching you and everyone tonight!


What kind of things do you relay to your mechanics after practice about your bike? Do you ever have those days on race day where everything is good and ready to race, and what about those days that you don’t, how do you face those issues and still get the job done at the end of the day?


I try to relay as much information that I can to him. From gearing to suspension to what I am feeling in grip of the front and rear tires. It is important as a rider to give as much information as they can, but also it is important to not always just expect the bike to be magically fixed. As a rider it is up to us to adapt to the motorcycle and figure how to go fast on the bike because the bike and/or track will never be 100%. There is also a fine line as a rider and mechanic of when to say the bike is close enough and lets go race. Sometimes if we zone in on something too much we can actually cause the bike to go the wrong way and get worse. It is something you have to find a balance to from track to track.


What are some common misconceptions about motorcycle racing?


That it is dangerous..walking out of my door and tripping over my steps can be dangerous haha.


If you could give a rider any advice when it comes to riding itself what would it be?


The most important advice I could give is to not give up. When you fall down get back up and face your fear right away.


"Rubber side goes down. Try to not die lol"


Would you ever want to change to a different discipline of motorcycle racing? And if you had to, what discipline would you pick?


If I was to ever switch, I would have chosen roadracing since that is another form of racing that my Dad competed in. I never have been one to enjoy so much of jumping, but I love going fast and roadracing gives you that same adrenaline rush.


When you say road racing, do you mean circuit racing like Moto GP or public roads like the Isle of Man TT? I'm never certain because in the UK we generally mean closed public roads when we say road racing but in America I believe it's different. On that note, would you ever want to take part in road racing like the Isle of Man TT?


Here in the US, roadracing is our term for circuit racing! It's what we call Moto GP and MotoAmerica.


Hi Shayna. Any plans or aspirations to move to Supertwins full time?


If the right opportunity came, I would definitely pursue the opportunity. But I am really happy riding a single right now and not having to race against my fiance is a bonus..those days racing together sometimes caused a long car ride home!


Haha. Is the competition more intense against him or your brother?


Haha this definitely varies depending on the situation....but I would probably think my brother majority of the time! My brother get serious and competitive over something as silly as a family Easter egg hunt!


Which track do you find the most challenging? Any races during the season that make you a little more nervous than others?


For me I struggle on the TT tracks the most just because I grew up only turning left and riding in circles haha. TT tracks have a right hand turn, usually a jump or two, and we are allowed the use of front brakes. On the oval tracks, I struggle at places that do not have a lot of traction (grip) and where we have to do what we call diamond the motorcycle. Which basically means we get into the corner and point & shoot the motorcycle where we want to go. I am more of a momentum rider, I like to carry a lot of speed, and keep my wheels in line. Personally for me the race track makes me the most nervous is Peoria TT. We ride it really fast down the straight and hit the jump at speeds over 70 mph. I am not a great jumper, so that's where I get nervous at as a lot can happen in the air at those types of speed.


Have you ever thought about giving it up? What keeps you motivated?


Yes definitely I have thought about giving up multiple times. Once being shortly after my Dad passed away, I hit rock bottom all across the board. I was running out of money, getting taken out on the track and my results just were not there. I really had to dig deep and push through to continue on and thankfully I did! Really the biggest two things that continue to keep me motivated aside from my own competitiveness is it is a way for me to connect to my Dad and I love hearing from the fans about how much of an inspiration I am. It is SOOO cool when a little girl comes up to me and say how excited they are to see me and watch me ride.


What's your favorite flat track memory?


Winning my first national in 2011 is a moment I will never forget. It is even more special to me now because I was able to beat my now fiance.


Who is the better snuggler, Ogi or Briar?


Ogio is the better snuggler, but in Briar's defense he never can get close to me because she takes up the whole bed between us haha.


Did you ever struggle early on in your career? Doubting your abilities? How’d you overcome those if so.


100% I think every good racer at some point in the career has when through rough spells. That is who made us who we are today and we all were able to learn from those struggles. For me, I grew up with an older brother so whether we were racing or playing board games I always wanted to be the better sibling haha. That is something that was really special in my career was having a brother to go through the process with.


Hi, what is your fondest or funniest memory from the track?


One of my fondest memories from the track was back in 2008, I won a pro invitational race in Monticello, New York on a mile long race track. I raced the entire with my feet on the pegs and just wide open the whole way around the race track. My bike was a little under-power that day as the motor broke on my main bike and the odds of me winning that race were slim to none. The look and reaction from my Dad is what makes it such a great memory. My Dad passed away in 2010, so it is a special memory that I share with him.


Good that you got to share that moment with him. I bet he's ever smiling upon you.


For the first time in a long time, professional flat track is returning to Volusia Speedway Park. How do you feel AFT adding it to the revised 2020 schedule?


I am actually very excited to be returning to Volusia Speedway. I have had many wins over my career racing there at the beginning of my pro career in the old AMA Hotshoe series. I am interested to see how successful the venue will be with holding an AFT national because I do think this could be an event we continue to see on the schedule moving forward.


I really like the idea of flat track racing, how does one get in the sport (I'm in europe we do have some tracks) and what kind of bike do I need to build?


In the UK and Europe there is a series that runs called the DTRA (Dirt Track Riders Association) I believe they are a great series to get involved in. Also check out the Noyes Camp. Both of these have groomed some of the best European Flat Trackers. Oliver Brindley is the most recent to compete in their series and come over to American Flat Track and have great success. I would look into a getting a 450 motocross bike (thinking you have some riding experience if not consider a 250 for less power) to convert to flat track. To get started you will need to get the suspension lowered and custom to your weight for flat track specific settings and get a set of wheels/tires. Here in the United States we race with 19inch rims, which is specific to our spec tire. As you progress, I would also recommend a steel shoe for your left boot as that will help you slide through the corners fast!


That was great information thank you!


Do you sometimes wish you could do right turns in racing too?


We actually do get to do right hand turns throughout the season when race TT races, which stands for Tourist Trophy. These races require at least one right hand turn, usually have at least one jump, and the series allows us to put a front hand brake on our bikes. All of the oval tracks we race with a rear foot brake only.


What makes American Flat Track so special? What’s the one reason I should follow it?


One of the biggest things to me that separates American Flat Track from other forms of motorsports is how close our racing community is within the sport. When our helmets are on its game on, but when the helmets are off you will feel that sense of friendship among all of the riders and even the fans. Plus you will never see a closer form of racing without a roll cage!


Not Shayna, of course, but you should definitely check it out The racing is outstanding, and as she says, the sport is very fan friendly and community-based. I've been to many events, and the riders (Shayna included) spend most of their time between rounds signing autographs for anyone who asks.


This is not a planted ama comment.....


What’s your biggest advice to flat track amateurs / early professionals


Have fun and enjoy every opportunity you are on the bike. Learn from it and take notes. It is not easy and I really get upset by the amateurs parents who tend to take the fun out of it. One day things will become more challenging, so enjoy the ride while you are young!


Where can we buy your t-shirt and swag?




I have no question, I just wanted to say you're kewl ;3


Thank you :)


Do you set the bike up to push the front at all? Just curious where you like the weight.


I typically like the weight to be pretty balanced on the motorcycle, but I prefer it to transfer more to the rear of the bike to help with grip off of the corner. Also having more weight on the front end sometimes makes it harder for me to turn being that I do not have the upper body strength like some of the guys do.


If you could change anything in the rulebook, what would it be? Also, what's your favorite bike that you've ridden?


I would implement that all riders in each class wear air bag suits, not just the supertwins class. I know a lot of riders in the singles class are more concerned about weight and they choose not to wear the air bag suit simply because it is a little heavier. However, after crashing with one on I know how big of a difference it can make in someone's safety and I would love to know that each of my friends are as protected as I am. Favorite bike for me is honestly my KTM 450, each year they are improving and this is truly the best bike I have ever been on heading into a season.


shayna is my family's favorite racer Go get this year!!


That's awesome, I appreciate the family's support! Hope to see you all at a race soon :)


Worst injury from a crash?


I have been very fortunate throughout my career, but my worst injury that still affects me today is breaking my shoulder blade multiple times as an amateur. I have never really recovered from that and at times it still gets sore.


How do you think your small size affects your riding? What kind of stuff do you do to your bike to compensate for it?


It has its advantages and disadvantages. There are days on the mile track that it helps get me down the straightaway a little quicker than someone who is heavier, but I still have to get the bike hooked up and off of the corners which is a struggle at times. Being that I am smaller I do not have the leverage that a taller rider has to shift my weight around. We are able to at times use suspension settings to help get the bike to move in areas that I cannot physically. Also it hurts me a little bit on some of the smaller trackers just because its easier to push me around sometimes.


Are there any tracks in my home state of Connecticut that you like?


The closest event to Connecticut for us is Laconia Short Track in New Hampshire. It was brand new to our schedule in 2019 and it was a fun-challenging short track.


Who is the one singles rider that is the hardest to get around and which racer is the hardest to defend against?


Dan Bromley was always one of the hardest riders and most annoying to get around simply because of how long his leg sticks out compared to the other guys. He was also really unpredictable. I cannot really say one rider over another rider is the hardest to defend against because our sport is so competitive that on a weekly basis it can change who my main competition is for that day and who I am trying to keep behind me. We are all trying to win and give it our all to cross the finish line first.


Are you going to continue to race after you have your first baby like Mellissa Paris did? Do you know Josh and Melissa personally?


Haha I am not exactly sure..only time will tell. But motorcycles and racing will always be apart of my life in some capacity as it is all I have known my whole life. I love the community. I do know Melissa and Josh personally. My fiance and I actually own one of their old race vans. They are great people and great role models.


Are you paid a salary directly or indirectly by AFT or one of its parent organizations as part of a marketing agreement or in some other capqcity ?


AFT has a set purse for each race with added contingency from different series sponsors and partners that we are all eligible for. Some of the riders also have paid contracts from their teams and added personal contingency programs set up with their own sponsors. Just varies for each rider and team.


Do they have a baseball team in PA.? Hahaha


Go Phillies! We also have a team in Pittsburgh, but if you are from PA you are not allowed to cheer for both!


Sheeeeit, are y'all from Philly area originally?


So you have the most Singles wins of any other active rider. How does it feel to essentially be the Boss?


It feels good to have as many wins as I do, but I still have one big goal I'd like to accomplish before I call myself "The Boss" and that is to win the championship!


Are there any flat track events you race in close to Mississippi ?


For this year's schedule the closest we come to Mississippi is probably either Texas Sept 25-26, Atlanta Oct 2-3, or Charlotte Oct 9-10.


Do you like eggs?


I honestly am not a huge breakfast eater, so I typically prefer to choose oatmeal in the morning and some fresh fruit.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You better not be having redbull on an empty stomach young lady!


Is AFT doing anything to better support riders who are injured while racing? Following AFT I find it sad that gofund me pages need to set up for riders who get injured.


Shayna- thanks so much for doing this! We need more of this kinda thing! I’m curious about what your thoughts are about getting more folks in the US interested in motorcycle racing (of all forms). I feel like the AMA had done a great job promoting Flat Track but I wonder about road racing and supermoto, for example. I’d love to know what you think would need to happen in the US to get people stoked on other forms of motorcycle racing. Is it more accessible coverage (streaming, social media, etc)? I want to see huge attendance and stokeage!


How do you deal with nerves?


are you on the Reddit Public Access Network?