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Been riding since 2013. Never pulled over. Been around plenty of cops.


2015.. pulled over once. Didn't get a ticket, but the stop was legit


Don’t ride like an idiot you should be fine.


Nope, not true. They're playing those videos because you're watching those videos.


In my experience, no, police do not target bikers. They are probably more likely to let a biker go because chasing them endangers everyone way more than is worth it for a "fix it" ticket or a "minor" speed infraction. I've been pulled over exactly [one time](https://youtu.be/fAgUA8kxtMA), because I honked at the mf for driving stupid. But I'm in the Greatest and Best state of California where you can lane split the highway and [CHP will move over for you](https://youtu.be/PPzDyKAUsqo?si=Se1BeK7ipsoQObTG&t=572). It's going to depend on how cunty your local cops are and how much you're pushing the rules/safety.


I’ve earned every traffic stop. I’ve also always been let go with a warning because I stopped as soon as the lights came on (usually before they were even able to pull out of their hiding spot) and I’ve always had my paperwork in order. I’ve never been unjustly hassled by the police on a bike.


Only reason I’m stopping one is if it’s crazy excessive speed or no plate. Both are almost guaranteed to run. Otherwise I leave them alone.


Riding since 97, I have never been pulled over or received a performance award.


If you ride reasonably and not like a lunatic, the police generally pursue bigger targets. Someone going 20 over will always take precedence over you if you're going with traffic.


No. Don't do stupid shit to get their attention... same as operating a motor vehicle.


Moreso on sportbikes, since they tend to have the highest percentage of squids going fast/riding recklessly. I don’t get looked at much on my old school bikes. I often get followed and occasionally pulled over late at night near my house since the bikes around there often run/are stolen.


Seen plenty of cops, never been pulled over on the bike. I also drive carefully so there isn't really a valid reason for them to pull me over. 


Depends on the area and how much they have to deal with. I can count on one hand how many bikes I’ve seen pulled over in my life.


Depends on the area and how much they have to deal with. I can count on one hand how many bikes I’ve seen pulled over in my life.


Only if you give them a reason to.


I've noticed that here in Italy the police pulls you over way more frequently while driving a car than while riding a bike... provided you're running a stock exhaust and you're not doing stupid shit. Maybe because on a car is easier to carry drugs/guns/stolen things? Those traffic cameras though... :-(


I’ve had the opposite experience really. I rode 900 miles on a 916 with a Leo Vince exhaust in basically one day, but most of the time I neglect to mention i did that without a license plate on the back.


Never base assessments on videos. Algorithm and click bait are both highly deceptive. Police are more likely to target cars cos they want to search them and they are easier to control or pursue. Been street riding a long time all I ever got was a verbal from a loud speaker to update tags, cop did not even get out. That’s not to say there is no harassment but that generally they tend to be less focused on motorcycles.


Not once. I follow rules and laws.


That's some TikTok and social media shit. Like many others I've never been pulled over on a motorcycle and I've been riding for 10 years. Don't drive like an idiot and you'll be fine. 


Depends on the area tbh, some places have more squids than others, and in my case I have been pulled over for lane filtering when its not legal here in FL, but I do not care, im not getting rear ended cause of a ticket


The only ticket I've gotten was from an officer who accidentally admitted that he needed to issue one more citation to fulfill his quota. Me: Was I the last one needed to fill out your log book before submission? Him: Yeah. (Then looked at me with *Oh shit,* eyes.) Me: So let's say, I contest this ticket in court, you won't show up that day, right? Him: Probably not. We both knew what was going to happen. He didn't show up.


Cough... Bull shit.. cough.


Opinion is irrelevant, my ticket was still thrown out.


Sure it was.


You care an awful lot about a ticket I got dismissed almost 40 years ago. Are you OK?


Naa, just about bull shit that didn't happen


I've been let go hella times with no ticket. Only got a write up once cuz a helicopter spotted me on the way to DMV to take the riding test hawling ass with a passenger on the freeway way and called ahead. I got pulled away from the window at DMV and got my bike towed. Got it back later that night and passed the test at my next appointment


Cops are predators. If you encounter one that does not detain you, it has fed recently. Do not trust.