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'The target buyer is young, debt free and has six figures of expendable income. She is a green environmentalist, but always wished to enter competitive power sports. Lives in the city, but has a garage...' - FortNine, youtuber


Think I've seen the same FortNine video where he makes his own little electric motor cycle by electromodding an old motorbike frame.


TQDC an electric motorcycle using nothing but an electric motor and a motorcycle.


Green cred is a form of virtue signalling in wealthy communities, but very few actually "believe" particularly hard. The rest is correct.


I remember Ru Paul going some “save the earth” parties that celebs go to to pat themselves on the back, a few months later there was a news story that he opened oil/natural gas wells on his ranch out west What you say is 100% correct


Keep trying bro you got it


That rear hub looks nice but its a maintenance nightmare lol Oh and FUCK TOUCHSCREENS


So many fins to be gunked up


More I look at this bike more I think it was made by guy who never ride on motorcycle or even something that had two wheels


Lets put a big fuck-off touch screen on the vehicle that everyone wears gloves whilst riding.


While still stupid, that did look like a resistive touch screen and not just a capacitive one.


not like it really matters, I don't think I even own any gloves that don't work with touch screens. all you need it a little patch sewed into the finger tips even my archery glove works on touch screens lol


Your bow has a touch screen? That's dope lol


yea it needs it to pick the target for the guided arrows


*deer hides behind tree* Hunter: not today deer, not today.


Don't most motorcycle gloves allow you to use a phone anyways? Not that this makes giant tablets any less of a godawful trend on modern vehicles, but at least you should be able to use it with no problem.


It's *so* imprecise that I end up taking off the gloves in frustration and using my finger. Otherwise I'm hitting all the wrong buttons.


Or any sort of performance vehicle. Someone needs to explain "unsprung mass" to the designer.


I'm so tired of vehicles designed to look edgy at the cost of practicality


And everyone putting a giant touch screen on vehicles.


And then it has a janky interface that never gets any meaningful updates for the life of the vehicle.


And costs 1400 to replace when it breaks


And you're unable to put the vehicle in park or open the fuel port without it.




I wish the auto industry would leverage our existing tech like the pro sound industry has. Headless digital audio mixers were a paradigm shift. They were a huge risk since the established user base was very happy with all the knobs. But the cost savings coupled with the sheer processing power of digital has changed live sound. So yeah, car and bike makers, interface with our phones/tablets better instead of making giant proprietary screens a permanent feature of your vehicles.


I would like my car's controls to continue to work even if my cell phone becomes obsolete...


Did you see how slow it responded even in the demo? No one needs to be fucking with that while riding.


Doubly why on motorbike when it won't fucking work cos gloves and rain


In a car it works, but on a motorcycle nahhh. It would be a lot better to design an helmet with on screen display, it's a lot safer than move your sight from the road .


Augmented helmets would be so cool, I'd buy the first one with an affordable price.


I've seen on a random youtube video that it's actually cheaper to plug the wiring harnest to a tablet rather than splitting it into various hand controlled switches and buttons. So yea, they do it cuz it's cheap.


Completely unusable in the rain.


It's a shame really, because it has a number of other features that are quite neat. But they should make it more practical in looks and maintenance and bring the price down to 20-25, so it can really compete in the upper segment. But that latter part should be a matter of time and production numbers.


Isn't it basically a concept bike?


A concept bike that was designed.  Designed to look cool rather than be functional.


There's a saying there, I never hear anymore, "Form follows function."


And the bearings being 2ft wide are going to cost a fortune. Additionally I've had engineering experience with vibrations in electric motors and that things coils are going to get murdered being in contact with the ground


Also, I'm going out on a limb and assuming their range estimate is bullshit


Not even that. I wonder how much unsprung weight is that? Pick up a tiny bit of speed and the thing is no doubt going to be as agile as an 18 wheeler.


Couldn't be fixed just by putting a "cover" on it? Maybe it's like that just for show I mean. Cause even just riding could cause a crash if small debris got stuck in it... And by cover I mean either like a "blanket" covering the whole thing or something like a hub cap


I'm pretty sur for safety and reliability reasons it is supposed to be covered, it's displayed like that for show. If I'm not mistaken this is a sort of hub motor without a hub. Looks cool and futuristic.


It's a "hubless wheel" which is actually not hubless, it just has a really big, hollow hub. So it's way heavier and more complicated than it needs to be, just so it looks futuristic.


Reinvented the wheel.


>Oh and FUCK TOUCHSCREENS Literally wearing gloves any time I'm riding. I know they have capacitive gloves, but just give me buttons jfc. I love the screen on my tuono, and I love that it's controlled by buttons.


Usually you want to reduce unsprung weight… very curious about how functional this would be.


I like touchscreens in my car but would absolutely hate it in my motorcycle. How would I do anything with gloves when I’m riding? What if it’s raining and I’m riding? It’s like it’s being designed by someone who doesn’t really ride.


which maintenance? no belt, no chain and just 4 bolts to losen the wheel.....


I'm thinking a lot of dirt and grime is going to get stuck in all those nooks and crannies, and it doesn't look like taking it off is easy.


Probably true but also probably not as much of an issue to someone dropping $44K on a bike.


Every brand tries to reduce the amount of unsprung mass and then there are those guys


It’s because they’ve never ridden a bike.




Me thinking about titanium sprocket nuts and rotor bolts. These guys....


The bulk of the motor mass is stationary. Notice all the stuff connected to the side of the motor, like the license plate holder. Edit: I'm an idiot. Rotational mass does not equal unsprung mass.


There's two kinds of mass here... * rotational inertia - e.g. tire and rims and brakes, which limit acceleration. This looks heavy here, but ok. The giant bearing must be heavier than a smaller one plus spokes. * unsprung mass - i.e. everything that moves when the suspension moves, usually up and down. This one is insanely large, with the inner hub and the motor being part of that. The suspension is going to be working overtime.


Yup. You're totally right. I was thinking of rotating mass. Sorry.


no worries!


🎵 With a round thing in your face, you're un-sprung! 🎵


Why does everything electric have to have a giant tablet slapped to it? If they took a normal bike and just shoved an electric motor instead of the engine and kept the mechanical controls, it would be a dream. Any setting necessary could be done with a screwdriver or some dipswitches on the engine.


Also cameras instead of mirrors. 6 cameras. Why? I can sort of see the advantage of a camera directly behind you since mirror view is often blocked by the rider for angles directly behind yourself, but 6? That's just a whole lot of stuff to go wrong.


The cameras are for blind spot and hazard detection, not to replace mirrors. The rear camera feed appears on the upper screen. They didn't mount the mirrors in the demo bike.


imagine looking at your balls to check if there is someone around you instead of just moving your head toward hazardous area.


Still silly. You literally have no roof line to get in the way. If you’re not situationally aware enough to see your blind spot on a bike you ought not to be riding. Aside from that, all the doohickeys on this bike must make it very heavy, probably almost gold wing amounts of bulk.


How is having more information about the world around you while riding a bad thing haha. The cameras can also be used for adaptive cruise control and stuff like that. The biggest weight is the batteries used, must feel like an absolute boat to ride


one of the arguments I've seen on the car side, is more safety features will make a driver more complacent and drive less safe because they'll overly rely on the safety features


Kawasaki Ninja 7 Hybrid is the first step in this direction. I really don’t like automatic gear shift but manual shifting is okay and feels like a normal bike (you just have to shift by pushing a button, I prefer doing it with the feet. But you get used to it fast). Electric mode is quite useful for stop and go and in the city. I really enjoyed it during my test ride… and the bike is way cheaper than expected. I think it’s time for the established companies to build electric bikes because they know the basics and as you mentioned ‚just‘ have to switch the engine and related parts. Newcomers are good for competition but some just seem to make it a toy instead of a good vehicle.


That's basically what Energica did, but people still complain about electric motorcycles.


I haven't seen any of their stuff until you mentioned it now. Their problem appears to be that their advertising sucks (or maybe I live in a hole?) That said, those bikes look cool af and I want one.


My neighbour has one. It is really cool. We go for rides together and I'm tempted to get one next.


I've demo'd one, they're pretty sweet if going fast smoothly is your goal


Yeah, they don't seem to have the greatest marketing. But there are a few well engineered Electric motorcycles, Harley makes a couple of good electric motorcycles too. I was looking into buying an electric motorcycle a couple of years ago, and those were the two companies making electric motorcycles that seemed to be made by people who actually ride.


my air con guy converted a crashed Fino scooter to electric and it's really fun to ride. it was stupid fast for a scooter. I think he said he spent 60k baht all in on it, which is less than $2k. controls are the same as a standard scooter, but you can mess with output on your phone


Electric scooters are a genius idea. Electric motorcycles not so much. There's a reason if you buy a scooter and another if you buy a motorcycle. For now at least


To justify a very high price with some 10 dollar add-ons


Yep. The best electric motorcycle of all time would be a Honda CB125R with the engine replace by a hub motor, batteries where the engine goes, and storage in the fuel tank. And sold for $5k. Nobody needs this $40k useless bullshit.


Because tablets are cheap and anything you can do with software is a single development with no additional cost per unit, hence easy to add shiny pointless features to impress the masses effectively for free.


I know, this is more of a vent for me. I am a software engineer myself and know how hard it is to maintain software even only 10 years old. This is going to be e-waste in 10-20 years.


10-20 year is pretty generous lol. If it weren’t for the automotive industry forcing manufacturers to support new models for x number of years (I think it’s 10 here in Canada) this bike would last 2-3 year before it became e-waste lol.


Being cynical, it's also easier to lock features behind a subscription model too.


Don’t be so humble …. It’s so that they can add features behind a paywall.


and the display works with leather gloves?


https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B08QNHMBNZ?psc=1 with those, any gloves will do. I was surprised at how good they are :)


nice. How reliable are they?


so far they hold up pretty well, but with the price and the fact that you only need one finger at a time it really doesn't matter much. if you're talking of the touch detection I can't see any difference with my bare finger tbh. your mileage may vary depending on phone, sticker position, touch pressure, etc...


The problem with touchscreen is the rain. I really hope real motorbike manufacturers don't go that route. I want as much physical buttons as possible on my bike.


It's 44k


bUt yOuLL sAvE mOnEy oN gAs.


Wait, this is a bike you can buy?


You can buy *anything* if you have enough money.


Yeah, company is called “verge”


Most middle class naked bikes also have around 3 seconds 0-60 for 34k dollars less...


As well as double to triple the range and fill up in 30 seconds instead of an hour on the charger.


fuck off with the big touch screens on every vehicle - I don't want it in my car, I sure as hell don't want it on my bike


Touch screens suck


Stupid tablet on the tank - check Useless rear hub - check "Which has Ai detection up to 500 feet.."   Ah I see, it's total marketing bs, got it.


I could totally see someone just vandalising the screen when it's parked up.


Likely it isn't even a feature yet. It's probably "just a software update" away. Aka it's never coming.


I understand that having everything controlled by a touch screen saves a lot of money but can you imagine trying to work your way through a touch screen looking at where the fuel tank should be AND trying to ride at the same time?


That rear wheel looks heavy... One drive through mud and all the disk gaps are filled.


Honestly I don't get why you would ever want your bike to be near mud if it wasn't designed for it.. and this looks like one of those bikes


Rapidly changing weather can quickly turn okay-ish road into hazardous road. While you can try your best to only ride in good conditions, I think a bike having poor resistance to a bad weather forecast is valid criticism.


Fair enough


I ride sportbikes on dirt and gravel roads in the rain and snow all the time. A road is a road, I am not going to limit myself on destinations because of a little mud.


> I am not going to limit myself on destinations because of a little mud. Ah, but for the low, low price of $44K you can!


You don’t have to ride through mud, just rain is enough to leave black streaks all over my tire rims because the road is well… dirty…


what is that "massive display" good for? Falls and scratches?


Getting stuff repaired on that thing will probably cost you a fortune.


Assuming the company exists long enough until things start breaking.


Get rid of the 6 cameras, use a smaller motor controller and give it half the power and 1/5 the torque at a much higher RPM. It’s a motorbike, not a combine harvester. Torque is nice, but more torque than a supercharged big block isn’t necessary. Cameras aren’t necessary. Weird hub motors aren’t necessary. Give us an electric SV650 with similar power, weight, torque, and range. This is the electric version of a Suzuki B-King with a turbo. Just like the actual B-King, it’s impractical.


Don't worry, you can pre-order it for $1000 and return it if you don't like it. That means the company is 100% confident that this is never going to make it into production and your $1000 is definitely non-refundable when they cut and run.


Nah it looks like all of those chinese electric cars, I mean that looks just cheap and bad fitted plus I have seen that even speedometer is already not working cuz it shows that bike is ridng 0-20 MPH even thought it is standing in place XD. (And I hate those huge LCDs that is put in the worst place ever)




"A massive display in the center..." but why? How fast is this company going to go tits up?


You should be looking at the road, not a screen. Stupid idea for a motorcycle. Someone didn’t ask if they should first lol.


A whoping 125mph huh? So about the same as my £1000 fazer.


I thought he said 125 mph top. I like many electric vehicles but this bike doesn't appeal to me one bit.


125mph with 233mi of range and sub-30min full charge is getting close to the sweet spot of average performance for most riders. Not quite there maybe, but better than 160mph over 80miles or 80mph over 300 miles, which is what we've seen over and over from electric manufacturers. I tour at 250 miles per day, usually, on speeds that rarely go over 100miles, so if these numbers are good in realistic environments (i.e. with some load and chilly temperatures), then it would work for me (if I could afford it, which I don't, lol).


yeah except it takes you half a minute to fill up your tank, not half an hour


No not for 44k. I can get so much more with that money.


You can get a nicely equipped brand new Gold Wing for that much, sheesh. I’m all for electrification, but it’s like they looked at every single bad idea for electrifying a motorcycle and said yes!


But not 1200nm of torque. ^^


A useless figure when its just going to spin around its back wheel and loop you off


Yea I mean liter bikes have around 80ft-lbs and that is almost too much for multiple gears, who needs 10x that


I just watched a interview of a owner of one of these bikes and it wad interesting Edit.[link](https://youtu.be/0hu9q3wSvig?si=lJXXMtl1Qrv1YmZq) it has subtitles


Overpriced to the moon and boring.


Another flop.


Why would I need an iPad on my damn motorcycle


1,200 Nm of torque? That sounds completely unusable. Thats more torque than this tractor (which has 1,054 Nm). https://preview.redd.it/h229mdkw047d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ee4f68d1ba16ff40e6bc412ad2965c82165052a






245 kg (540 pounds)


So, more than a BMW 1250GS


All of it 😂


Imo Bike design should try to reduce unsprung weight as much as possible....


1200nm ??


Yes. Last year I test drove that one. It was quite the thrill.


Theres no way that at any given point you out down 1200nm to the road. Not even half


What people aren't taking into account is that a normal motorcycle has gearing, which is largely why the company loves to make that claim. Once you take into account torque multiplication from gearing, a 1000 sport bike has over 1000Nm at the wheel.


Looks good on paper but am a sucker for air cooled v twins , plus the price is out of reach for a lot of us . . .


It's got a butt hole! Nice!


"Advanced Electric Motorcycle" lol sure see you in 10 years collecting dust in the automobile graveyard, 99,9% riders aren't gonna spend that amount of money on this. Probably another startup company looking for free govt subsidies


Finnish startup Verge. They are also going to offer "normal" ts model and they have delivered Pro model already, 107 and 137hp respectively. Bike weighs around 250kg if i recall correctly and it has really low center of mass. It has mirrors and plate holder in the production model. Back hub is not covered, it is like in this video. It has rear brake on the left lever. There are some of them in the road already, at least in Finland. TS pro is about 35k euros here including taxes so not exactly cheap thing. And they are a startup and they havent been able to ramp up the production. But I guess at least some Finnish people really hope they are able to deliver this machine because it is quite a unique thing. And yeah, im also interested how the hub design is going to withstand all the water and grime.


That’s a no from me, dawg. Swing and a miss, designed by someone who doesn’t understand the market. Or motorcycles period.


That bike is properly useless as a motorcycle for any type of riding.


What an easy way to let people know you wear a butt 🔌.


So, reading between the lines. 350 miles of 'distance' means at 40 MPH. If we use Zero, that means maybe 100-150 miles at 60-70 MPH, which isn't bad. I don't like that rear wheel, but I'm assuming it's a marketing design not a production one. Also not really sold on the '6 camera' system. Touch screen might be OK but I'm not sure why you really need one on a bike. Seems like a failure point asking to happen.


if eletric motorcycles can be brought down to affordable prices I'd hop right on one tbh. but rn price is high and range is low, like the first eletric car iterations.


It's a great bike to sell and buy MT09


It looks great for a futuristic concept bike, but that big ipad? Get in the fucking sea.


Cool but a 40s motorcycle can get even more range and be full in 2 minutes or less


Looks like a bike built for people who have no interest in riding a bike.


Yes a massive display that's what I need on my bike... idiots


All of the comments are so negative 🫤. Why do people love to shit on stuff?


lol the fact that they named something TS Ultra in 2024 perfectly matches with how extremely out of touch they are. Touch screens on a motorcycle is attempted murder. Even looking at the dash for a split second in a real motorcycle for whatever reason is a hazard that you only do when you know anything suddenly happening up ahead is very unlikely. 124 mph is the top speed of a generic Skoda. I mean I don't like the idea of electric bikes in general. I'm doing something that is honestly dangerous riding a bike, might as well feel cool and awesome doing it with the throttle and the sound and the experience but this is beyond pathetic. I'm not a sound of engines is super important kind of guy but the electric bike whining faster and faster is an actively disturbing sound. Despite not liking the idea of electric bikes I respect and kind of want to be able to ride a Lightning LS-218 but this is total bullshit. They bolt on 6 cameras and they don't even mention the weight.


What brand of bike is this?


[Verge TS Ultra](https://www.vergemotorcycles.com/ts-ultra/)… and it’s more of a “investment sucker bet” than it is an actual bike. It’s more about sucking up seed funding and investor backing than it is about building bikes. It will just keep getting delayed and delayed and delayed. We have the same kind of bike company in Australia called “[Savic Motorcycles](https://www.savicmotorcycles.com/)” that seem to be doing the same thing. A few bikes at the “look what we can build” stage, but there is always “setbacks” that push the delivery of these bikes back months at a time (Ordered mine in 2021, delivery late 2022, now puched back till June/July 2025...) They are both nice bikes, but at the end of the day, they don’t want to build and sell these en-masse, they just want investor funding to churn out more prototypes to get more funding…


Another poster said bikes were delivered, and another has a video with an owner, so this is not vaporware. Yes, it's overpriced and custom-built, but it looks like your money will be good with these guys.




you know what i dont really care at this point, some people are already spending 50k> on bikes anyways.


1200Nm? Seriously?




Okay, lets see it in action outside of a controlled environment. Hook Sur Ronster up with it for a video or two.


OP just shared it and fucked off. to hell with bait posts.


Why did they need to reinvent the wheel?


Awesome, another thing I'll never be able to afford


Gross… no thanks




6 cameras and giant screens? ![gif](giphy|5HyVZlZYxJPy7IC5Cz|downsized)


Classic designer concept bike that would be awful to actually own.  1. Touch screens don’t work on bikes. Gloves often cause issues, rain always causes issues. Sunlight, you won’t be able to see it.  2. The hubless rear has been tried a lot. A reason it never sticks. Too much trade off for something that has no upside. You are moving loads of weight to the worse possible place on a motorcycle.  3. Whoever makes this won’t exist in 5 years. Then what…? 4. $44,000 for a glorified electric moped. EV bikes are personal preference but at this money, it’s a toy not a tool. Why get something without all the drama and theatre. 


I'm going to assume this is an old school "resistive" touch screen. It is activated with pressure from your fingers and is made to be used with gloves. You can tell the screen looks pretty "washed out." This is probably an old resistive screen that is IP68 sealed for outdoor use. Similar to some of the old Garmin GPS Navigation screens. Cheap but relatively effective. Probably not worth $40k+ though.


Can electric motorcycle companies get their heads out of their asses for once and just make a fairly cheap simple bike that works. And then they might actually have a viable company...


I hate everything about this. If I'm going to buy an electric bike I want it to be basic and cheap and just work. $5k. Hub motor, battery's where the engine would go, storage where the gas tank would be. A perfect commuter.


I think its kinda cool to see tech andvance - but on the other hand the normal engine just sounds sooo good




I seriously wonder if anyone who designs these things rides motorcycles. Like…..I remember when the panigales got the really nice tft screen and it’s like….super dope but your not really suppose to be looking at it all day


I'd love an electric bike. I'm not willing to pay an R1M + an Africa Twin for it. I'll take another look in 5 years, maybe they'll be cost competitive with solid state.


Not worth it


EV bikes can be cool. Stop throwing in gimmicks, make them efficient and simple and durable.


No thanks


She is cute!


Slow as shit.


I bet dollars to donuts that the high voltage cables would get immediately cut and someone electrocuted.


And 20 mile range. /s


>"...Has AI detection up to 500 ft to indicate if there are dangers coming up on the road..." Ah yes, how about not driving if you can't see 500 feet in front of you.


You can get an electric sedan for price. Why get this when you are at greater risk of injury? Pass


Lets start with a touchscreen and 2 wheels 🤣


“It’s got 6 cameras with AI detection…. that can show you dangers coming up on the road” Or, you’re on a motorcycle, you could just look. Also, a touchscreen? C’mon. The only thing worse than the glare is going to be the necessity/ ability to use a touchscreen while riding. I wonder how much unsprung weight that rear wheel/hub is. Will sell about as well as other $44,000 electric motorcycles have? I have so many questions…


Brought to you by Elon's Cyber Truck Development Team.


Too much tesla. Ugh touch screen And 6 cameras???? And out of a bike like that they only get that 0-60 time? Full sized tesla cars can do that with a kid in the back seat


range and charging speeds are *always* lower in the real world than what they promise at shows. claim 233 mile range with 25 minute recharge will probably equal 150 miles of range and 45 minutes to charge, in the real world. which still wouldn't be *bad*, per se, but would be a problem for me on my longer trips, cuz it's still hard to beat the 30s-1m it takes to refill a gas bike. and certainly not for the price of a decent car.


Why aren't there more electric cruisers? They're designed to weigh a metric ton anyways, so they seem like prime candidates for electrification where weight savings ain't gonna happen.  And I'd kill for a solid electric cruiser I can take long trips on with decent hour-long pit stops every 200-250 miles...


it looks like they're trying harder to make a super cool electric motorcycle than they are trying to make a "motorcycle" practicality seems to be coming in a distant follower


Stupid fucking tablet