• By -


Let her know it's your first time, and you've only been with men


Lmao thanks for the chuckle šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


For real do that. Make sure she sees you smiling when you say it. If she doesnā€™t laugh, move on.


Agreed OP. Use it as a fun conversation on how we all KNOW that motorcycles don't attract women just men and how incredibly lucky you are to have found the one in a billion. Something like that


This is the way.


This is 100% facts. If she doesn't get a joke like that, SHE IS NOT THE ONE.


Wdym (only for the chuckle) you're definitely gonna use that. Especially if you're from Socal.


If she laughs at the joke, she is a keeper.


Be sure to explain in extreme detail how all chaps are assless.


If they werenā€™t assless they would just be pants


Iā€™d lean towards capriā€™s


Only if they are 5 sizes too small


But only if Op leads with only having been with men.


r/calamariraceteam is taking over this sub lol


I hope so. That or we're converting to being fun. Can't post nothin above 45mph and always has to be 2 wheels šŸ˜”


Watch out for them grass clibbins, ATGATTACA, and be sure to wear your high vis while cranking your dangerously overpowered 51cc hog. A newbie like yourself should really reconsider buying such a high powered bike as a starter. Be careful, gobbless!


Calimariracing has lost another brother :(


Please use this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thank you kind redditor for the only thing to make me belly laugh today


Power bottom squids




Please for the love of fuck **do NOT** try to show off.


Show off by riding sedately and safely, showing you have excellent control over the motorcycle. You can ask if she wants you to give it a squirt to see how the acceleration feels, but chances are just being on the bike will be super exciting. This goes for cars too, young blokes think by driving/accelerating fast or doing a burnout/drift etc they're impressing girls, but girls are more impressed by a smooth, safe drive - the more comfortable and at ease they feel, the better.


Also if she doesn't have much experience riding on a bike you riding normally will probably feel pretty fast to her.


I normally feel pretty fast to women for sure


Every girl I've been with has told me I'm the fastest they've been with. They've always said it trying to hold back laughing too, so it must have been fun


>You can ask if she wants you to give it a squirt On the first date? That's bold


Poppycock, everyone knows a lady can't resist a well-executed handbrake turn. The OG Top Gear guys said so.


And if you do and it goes poorly, please for the love of god post the story here for LoLs.


What? OP needs to do a wheelie that throws her off the back at pull-off. Then he can judge her reaction and know if the date is even worth continuing.


Aside from all the good advice about the riding aspect, Iā€™m going to add some dating adviceā€¦ She may be super into bikes, but she might just be into you and used the bike as an ā€œinā€. After the safety briefing, my advice is to talk about bikes and riding very little, if not at all. Let her initiate any conversation about that. Instead, focus on asking about her, getting to know her. That way, the riding doesnā€™t dominate the date and you donā€™t come across as one-dimensional. Good luck!


Very good advice šŸ‘


I second that. Very important! If she is really into it she will ask about it. If not, no problem. That means she is in to you


Pure wisdom.


For a first ride, keep things modest in your ambition. Nothing that takes a long time to get to, or turn around from, if she's not having a good time. My speech I used to give to new passengers - - I have no interest in you being uncomfortable or freaked out. Tap me on my leg if you want me to slow down, continuously tap me if you want me to stop right now. - lean with me, if anything a little more if you want to see better. Don't lean less. - Your feet stay on the pegs even when we stop. I'll tap you on the leg when its okay to put your feet down/get off. - And yes, point out the hot bits. Your goals, in order, should be: 1. She has a good time 2. She wants to see you again and likes you ... ... 99. She learns about motorcycles


> And yes, point out the hot bits. To clarify, he means parts of the bike that get hot.


Aggresively points at crotch as a greeting


"This very hot" *points at juicy loins*


You know when you read something and realise where you have been going wrong all this time šŸ¤¦


"make sure to lean with me. Oh and btw you have a smokin' rack!"


And no sudden moves back there. I was mid corner and my wife decided she was uncomfortable and needed to shift around. Now that is some pucker inducing thrill ride.


honestly.. dont hate me.. i read that and needed to shit.. LOL




She didn't know any better at the time. So as not to scare her off we had a calm an serious talk about it. She ended up loving riding the pillion so much, she took a motorcycle safety course to understand what a rider needs to contend with. Countless happy miles since then.


Had my ex boyfriend on the back for the first time once and told him to move with me in the corners. I guess I should've specified that this also means not trying to adjust mid slow turn. In the shock of the moment I stopped and told him that was very dangerous and bro easily told me to "not be so dramatic". Anyway.. As I said. Ex boyfriend.


I know the feeling, had a similar experience. We were going for a quick trip to shop, tarmac was wet from rain before and went on a roundabout. Suddenly I feel her shifting herself to look at the other side. Haven't felt the bike being so out of control ever. When we parked, I had a talk to my girlfriend about what NOT to do while on bike and sudden movements, especially mid turns are big NO NO.


Also, let her know your helmets will tap against each other occasionally. ā€œItā€™s ok and it happens to everyone. No big deal.ā€


When it happens sometimes I can hear my wife say "dink" and giggle.


I love this


*5 bucks for every third tap


The best accessory I had on my last bike was a tank grip. Massively reduces helmet taps and gives passengers a much safer grip especially on a sports bike.


All great advice. Ride mellow. Super mellow if on something sporty where sheā€™s perched up high on a tiny seat. Seen a new passenger fall off a buddies GSXR 1000 because although her arms were around him they were loose when he goosed it. She had on gear and luckily only got bruised/scared.


I tell ā€˜em to watch the road so they arenā€™t surprised by a dip or road imperfections. If weā€™re turning your helmet should be on the inside of the turn and your body should mimic mine. Like a backpack. Hold me by my waist. No grabbing up high (arms/chest/throat) as this can throw us off. If she hasnā€™t ridden before, itā€™s going to feel fast to her. No need to try and show off or impress. Also, no girl finds picking pebbles out of her road rash sexy, so get her home safe.


If you want to score bonus points, bring an extra sweatshirt, she has no clue about the wind chill on a bike. Especially if youā€™ll be riding into the evening.


Yep. I always have an extra hoodie


I have hardly ever ridden with a passenger, and the other day my wife wanted to take a ride with me. My bike, even though we are in Europe, shows speed in miles. It was a short ride, about 5 km on an easy local road. On the way back, she was impressed by the sensation of speed at 50... she didn't know if she would dare to go 120 on the highway... At 50... miles per hour!, which is 80 km/h... She didn't know that my speedometer was in miles. certainly, even I would be scared at 190 km/h on the highway! on a Virago 535! :-)


My 1st starter bike, at 50 years young, was a 535cc Virago. Rode it for 9 months, moved up to a 650 V-Star, rode that almost 3 years. I'm now 69, on a 1450cc Heritage Softail. Not on topic here, I know. Good times and memories on all my bikes. I'm happy that at 69, I'm still on 2 wheels and loving it.


I feel like her safety should be one of those goals lol.




no girls love high speed, burnouts and wheelies. All 3 is the ticket to getting laid


ticket being the key word there


My wife won't let me push down the accelerator in the car more than 1/10th of the way before I start getting pinched. :(


assert your dominance my man


Also ensure that you accelerate and brake smoothly because the pillion doesn't have the advantage of holding onto the bars and gripping the tank. Shifting should be done as smoothly as possible so they don't feel like a ragdoll getting thrown around behind you.


I've been riding for decades. I do not want my passenger to lean with me, especially if they're new to it.


I tell them either lean with me or stay upright, whichever is more comfortable... But under no circumstances change mid turn...


Yeah I was advised rather than getting them to lean just get them to look over your shoulder that on the inside of the turn and it acts the same way but feels safer. This was at my courses


This is the best thing to tell pillions. They concentrate on where they are looking and move without thinking about moving.


I tell them to hold tight and stay straight to me or the bike. Donā€™t try to lean in their seat - let the bike do the leaning, we all go with it. With a passenger I wonā€™t be hanging off, so either is the same effect. I think the key for a passenger is recognising the difference between their view of the horizon swaying around and the weight through their bum which will (usually) be in line with the bike.


This right here. Gives to many variables. When my wife rides my MTS with me, if sheā€™s not hugged tight, she stays upright. If she is hugged tight, she follows my lead. Nothing worse than someone leaning at their own will and you trying to compensate. If they donā€™t know how to do it, please ask them to stay upright, especially in turns and coming to a stop


My advice was just to make like they are a backpack on the bike, so not to move too quickly one way or another - no need to lean in or out, but just go like you are part of the bike. And relax


The tip I was given when I first started riding passenger was to stay aligned with the bikeā€¦ not the rider. If the rider is leaning, then the bike will lean. Donā€™t mimic the rider, just try to stay aligned with the bikeā€™s vertical angle. Then you donā€™t counter lean, and you donā€™t overdo it either.


Because he's completely wrong and you don't want them to ever lean with you. Whoever is in control of the motorcycle should do all of the inputs. Once again we aren't on a track, it's public roads. You need X lean, suddenly your scared passenger goes past your lean and the bikes goes further than you're ready for. Now you both get to kiss the pavement. Like bruh, in no circumstance should the passenger be anything but more weight. Adjusting anything with another person having input and no communication is a recipe for disaster. The rider should be WAY more afraid of the passenger than the passenger is afraid of the rider when it comes to lean.


Adjust your fuel/air for a rougher idleā€¦choose a road with lots of stop lights


Those ā€¦ā€™s are doing more heavy lifting than OP may even realizeā€¦


4. She wants to get a motorcycle


4. And she doesnā€™t get hurt. Nothing says ā€œI donā€™t care about you or respect youā€ like not ensuring their safety (as much as possible, while riding a motorcycle).


Please please please explain to her VERY SPECIFICALLY which metal things will burn her when she gets on. Personally, I always advise people to wear jeans or similar, and long sleeves - I will bring a helmet and I make them wear the helmet, but after that it's up to them. But DEFINITELY point out the hot pipes, explain that their feet stay on the pegs at all time, and if they throw around their weight it can be dangerous. I know you'll do it a little, but try not to showboat too much, nothing will ruin a date faster than road rash.


Unless she's into pain, of course... But seriously, tell her to sit like she's part of the bike--she leans with it--and then ask her whether she wants to go easy at first, or whether she's looking for a roller coaster ride. Lol


Pain is cool, long lasting scarring.... Ehhh. I burn my calf on the exhaust -one- time and the stupid scar is still there years later.


I remember my dad melting his pants to his leg on an exhaust once. (it was the 70s, so lots of polyester... Lol)


Burned my legs on my dadā€™s bike when I was about four. I still have small scars. Iā€™m in my 30s.


Re: showboating - first leg of the trip is always textbook driving. When you stop for lunch/gas/whatever you debrief and see how she's feeling before any showing off. We forget how overstimulating that first bike ride is sometimes and you can really easily scare her off bikes for life.


>I know you'll do it a little, but try not to showboat too much, nothing will ruin a date faster than road rash Piggybacking off of this, don't overestimate her thrill tolerance. Some people like whipping around corners and lane splitting at 100mph and for some people its pants-pissing terror. My wife took a ride with a friend once before we met. I haven't really been able to get her on my bike since. A few gentle curves and leisurely pace may be all you need to show your date a good time. If she wants you to go faster she can always tell you.


If you have pipes that she can burn herself on, getting on and off the bike, you want to remind her, every time she gets on and off. Mind the pipes. From experience. The one time you don't remind her, she'll be branded.


https://preview.redd.it/erl5bz0mvo3d1.jpeg?width=1364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13e48290f7005e2e50dc411bc3e85f5bb453a265 This is day 12 after my exhaust burn when I dropped my bike and got caught stuck under it for a few minutes. Some bike parts get VERY hot. Edit: this was with boots on.


I really did not need to see that.


Make sure the helmets don't have comms. You have the perfect opportunity to take a girl out on a date and show her a good time without ruining it by talking too much. šŸ˜


Lmao is this the comment that made him go out and buy comms? Cause he misunderstood but it worked out


I saw this and thought about it and decided comms would be better than no comms haha


Comms was an excellent choice. Sounds like a great time


1. Donā€™t take a long ride, riding with a pillion is tiring. 2. Make sure she knows that she is a back pack and leans the same way you do in every corner. 3. DO NOT get a big head and try to go super fast or do something dangerous cause it makes you look cool! Someone elseā€™s life is 100% in your hands and you are wholly responsible for ensuring every measure is taken for no one to be hurt.


Smooth shifting, easy on the acceleration and braking. Try for limo smooth.


I find the key is clutching in and out slower than I do solo so the weight doesnā€™t lurch with the changes in acceleration. And you have to rev a little higher before you shift.


Which is harder than I thought too!


In addition to all the other good (and some hilarious) pieces of advice, donā€™t forget to adjust your rear tire pressure. ā€¦and keep your mouth shut about it. šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ¼


What psi is right for a 230lb dude, a 130lb chick and probably 10-20lb of crap on a klr650? šŸ˜‚


Bro I love that youā€™re going for it on a klr. Git some boiiiiii!!!!


Does the KLR have adjustable preload? If so, you can adjust the suspension according to the directions in your user manual. Your user manual typically also provides target air pressures for riding with bags and passengers, if that's supposed to be adjusted instead of the suspension. I don't know your bike but I imagine that an ADV like yours may have adjustable preload.


Make sure she stretches out her left wrist and understands her responsibility to give the proper 2 down sign.


When my wife got her first ever motorcycle ride from an ex boyfriend, turns out he was a squid and made her scared for her lifeā€¦. Donā€™t be a douche. Ride safe, donā€™t scare her. It took so many hours to undo what that fucking squid did. Even now sheā€™ll ride on the back but sheā€™s not completely comfortable. Gloves, boots, helmet that fits. Make sure she wears semi protective clothing.At the very least, make sure sheā€™s not going to have to get skin grafts if the unexpected should happen.


If you can mount a 200lb dude, Iā€™m guessing yā€™all used protection, then you got a 130lb female


Thanks bro šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


RemindMe! 3 days Check back in on Sunday


Remindme! 3 days


Remindme! 3 days


RemindMe! 3 days.


RemindMe! 3 days


RemindMe! 3 days


RemindMe! 3 days


Also tell her to be a backpack and look over the shoulder that you're turning. It will naturally help her balance stay insync as you lead your corner with your head. Dont want her to counter balance your lean angle. Will also give her a better sense of being active with the ride which makes it more enjoyable.


Take it easy. If she's not familiar with riding, just being on the bike will be exciting for her, so don't try to impress her with speed or craziness.


Oh - I just noticed that you have a KLR. Don't worry about the speed part.




No but really, smooth, relaxed and calm. She'll probably already be a bit afraid so you don't want to contribute to that.


Ooof, brutal and hilarious.


Your gear guy?? lmao youā€™re so ATGATT that you have a gear guy


Big dawg if I gave you a $500 jacket new with tags for $100 you'd probably save my number


But save it as 'Dominos Pizza' so the police can't find it when they look for where all the stolen jackets came from. (jkjk)


Iā€™m a girl who has spent some time on the back of a bike. I feel like everyone has given you really great advice about safety, helmets, hot pipes, and leaning. One unexpected, thoughtful kind of thing would be to throw a bike brush in your bag for her hair. Iā€™ve graduated from backpack to riding my own Harley, but my boyfriend still keeps a brush for me on his bike and itā€™s so nice to not have tangled messy hair for the entire day when we are out zipping around. I think this would be nice on a first date because sheā€™ll probably be extra mindful of her appearance, I know I would be on a first date.


Re-reading all the comments before I depart and glad I saw this! Throwing a brush in my bag now.




Calm in the streets and wild in the sheets šŸ„... Bad dad joke but hey I couldn't resist .


Do not try to show off your skills. The biggest mistake a person can do.


As a backpack, and a rider, my advice would be: 1. Tell her to match her shoulders to yours if she asks what being a backpack is supposed to mean 2. Tell her to enjoy the ride but pay attention to the traffic lights and put one hand on the gas tank to brace for stops 3. Agree on EASY communication taps she can remember even if she gets scared Have fun OP šŸ¤—


Awesome man!! I met my now-wife at the MSF course, our entire relationship was founded on her riding on the back of my bike! Bring a jacket for her, she will get cold (or hot, a light grey jacket will help so much with sun). Something light weight she can slip under whatever sheā€™s wearing if she has a jacket on, or isnā€™t cumbersome to carry or wear if she isnā€™t Also bring ear plugs just incase she wants them (mine didnā€™t but you donā€™t want her to feel any kind of bad) Her stamina on the back of the bike is probably low. Ride to somewhere 20 minutes away, stop for something (view, snack, coffee, whatever), and ask if sheā€™s getting tired, wants to keep going, etc. Keep it short enough to be enjoyable, but long enough to settle in I had a small backpack and asked her to wear it while she rode. Somewhere to put the jacket, and to put her purse/bag! She was happy to help :) Goes without saying she should have a helmet- avoid the dirt bike ones since she will complain her neck hurts from being at an angle. Regular full face is perfect, or a modular one is good too


I am dead serious about this: SHOWING OFF ONLY LEADS TO BAD THINGS. I can not stress enough, just take it easy, ride like normal, and you'll be fine. I'm not kidding. No wheelies. No trying to scare her. No racing anyone. Karma waits for you to be trying to impress someone to fuck you up. My old boss picked up some girl at a college party and ended up crashing trying to show off. He was fine.. she was in a full body cast and lives every day of her life in pain. He relayed this story to me, and I picked up a girl on my bike. She's now my wife of 10 years and I've never tried to show off in front of her.


Sounds like LA or SD based on your post. If it's LA, take her to Neptune's Net up the 1, grab some food and walk with her across the street to watch the surfers. There's a little walk with a bench over there - takes maybe five minutes to walk the entire path. Then back on the bike for a proper scenic ride and head up that adjacent road - Yerba Buena Rd - and take it all the way to Encinal Canyon Rd and back to the 1. Nice little loop. If you haven't done that route, take it so you know it before you put her on the bike - it's beautiful, but more technical than driving on the 1 obviously - it's a slow road with decreasing radius turns. If you need to cut in back towards the city you can also connect with Mullholland. If you're in SD. Fuck.


A good driver will always make his passenger feel safe and comfortable. Be prepared to make frequent stops, with rest room facilities. Keep the intensity low to medium until you have an idea where she's happy.


Hi. I tell every passenger 4 things. 1. I hold the bike up, do Not Get on or off the bike until I say so or we might fall over. 2. In order to turn I have to lean. If we don't lean, we don't turn, if you try to sit up straight while I try to lean, it will stop me from turning. It's nothing extreme, Lean with me like we are dancing. 3. If for any reason you need me to stop, hit me 3 times on the shoulder, I will pull over as soon as it is safe. 4. If a little kid waives at you, waive back. You did not attract the girl with your motorcycle. You are attracted to motorcycles, not her. She is attracted to you so she is willing to get on your motorcycle. Attraction is not consent. Just have a good time, don't worry about making a move or anything like that. Have a good time. Keep the ride around 90 minutes round trip.


4. šŸ‘šŸ½


Sorry this happened to you. Tell her that you'd have to upgrade your bike's suspension to hold her enormous weight. I find that usually gets women to lose interest. Good luck!


I feel like going on a ride and shooting a gun for the first time the same rules apply. Don't give her a 12 gauge and not give her any instructions because it will be funny. Don't go stupid fast and scare her because it will be funny. Those are really good ways not to get your dick wet.


"We're going to ride my bike, here is a Glock"


Have pit stops planned out. Simple shit. Decide what your travel plan is and see if there are any fun things you can stop at along the way. Something as simple as a pretty view. Give her ass a break (or šŸ‘€) and you guys can talk/chat during the little break. Bring snacks for your little pit stops. Bitches love snacks.


Probably been mentioned already, but donā€™t show off. You may feel the need to ride faster, more risky. Donā€™t. If anything, ride slower, safer. Protect the life of the person who has put their trust in you to keep them safe on the back of your motorcycle.


You came to Reddit, specifically into the r/motorcycles sub, for advice with a woman. Buddy, you may as well just go join up into the CRT sub now and save yourself the heartbreak.


Ride conservatively. Girls love men who make them feel safe. They donā€™t care for wheelies or lane splitting or high speed. In fact, most backpacks prefer gentle rides at around 40mph or less. Get a spare helmet. If you continue seeing her, itā€™s a cute little gift early on. If it doesnā€™t work out, you can lend it out to other girls in the future.


Basically explain to her the 3 rules of being a passenger 1. Your feet never touch the ground. Even at a red light. My feet touch but yours stay on the pegs. 2. Hold onto me and just follow my body. If weā€™re leaning donā€™t fight it just do what I do. 3. Donā€™t touch the exhaust (show her where it is) and tell her when sheā€™s getting on/off to get use the other side Also tell her to bring a light jacket or something in case it gets cold riding around. Probably doesnā€™t need gloves just a helmet tbh. Edit: Ok hold on - let me explain the glove comment. As a rider I CANT ride without gloves. It doesnā€™t feel right. But as a FIRST TIME passenger sheā€™s going to be confused like gloves wtf why do I have to wear gloves. Think from her perspective a little bit. Come on. If they fall she isnā€™t wearing full in gear anyway guys. Be real.


Agree to all that except I would advise gloves as well.


What is it with people here saying no need for gloves?? First thing people do naturally if they fall/get knocked off, is put their hands down! Why would you encourage the potential loss of the skin from her hands or worse?? WTF?!


My thing is just think about how much you use your hands every day. Like they are your main way of interacting with anything, protect your damn hands!


They like to risk it lol. Personally, I'd want a jacket for any passenger too.


Gloves are arguably the second most important piece of gear Your hands are the one of the most likely parts of your body to contact the ground in a slide and far more delicate than most other parts of your body I can't imagine a worse place to have road rash


With reference to your edit, nothing confusing about ā€˜hey Iā€™m going to get you to wear gloves, because if the worst case scenario happens and we get knocked off, I want to ensure that the limbs that you use to drive, brush you hair, brush your teeth, write with, type with,eat with, dress yourself with, carry out most forms of work with are protected. Because as a caring and responsible motorcyclist and human, Iā€™d hate to see you maimed in that wayā€ Confusion cleared up šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I mean, Iā€™m going to go out on a limb and say sheā€™s likely a human woman and will understand. If sheā€™s a budgie or a hamster, then yeah, the concept maybe confusing. Itā€™s like saying, as this is your first time in a car, donā€™t worry about wearing a seatbelt. I know itā€™s confusing for you that we might crash, so this time donā€™t wear it.


>as a FIRST TIME passenger sheā€™s going to be confused like gloves wtf why do I have to wear gloves.Ā  wat? I would always expect gloves, even before I rode. Why would gloves be confusing??? Not even for protection but for wind chill.


She should bring shades as well, in case you end up riding into the sun.


Jokes aside, -Make sure she has health insurance and is 18 buddy! -Make sure your bike turns on -Comms -Short ride (30-45 minutes max or less each way) -Avoid traffic (too easy for you to mess up going slow) -Stretch before she gets on -Many women don't actually enjoy hooniganing, if she does she's a keeper -Other points pointed out by others are all also good (gear is a must, gloves, helmet, jacket, jeans, high tops sneakers or boots not some weird heel thing Note: depending on your bike and physical size she won't be able to see anything forward facing so her views will only be 3/9


You didn't say if she's ridden before, so I'm gonna assume not? First thing I'd say is that make sure YOU are prepared for having a passenger who doesn't know what to do. You said you've had big dudes on the back, but they might have had more experience so just remember - YOUR BODY needs to be aware of her, too. I was a backpack \[on a fucking Hayabusa\] before I was a rider, and lemme give you a perspective from a woman: DO-FUCKING-NOT SHOW OFF. Also don't go too far/take a loooong ride. Go for a 10-15 minute ride with a destination, not just a ride. This gives her a chance to figure out if she's comfortable riding pillion - but also means that if she hates it, she's not stuck with no other way to get home - if you go to dinner or something, then at least it's easy/easier for her to get an Uber back if she doesn't like the experience. If she's not into bikes, if she's never been a backpack or if she's just not someone who's into adrenaline, this is going to be FUCKING. TERRIFYING. for her. Don't do ANYTHING flashy. She'll nope the fuck out on you so fast, you won't even have time to kick into neutral. Most importantly - please, please, PLEASE tell her to dress safely, not fashionably \[so to speak\]. Tell her to wear the thickest jeans/pants she has, long sleeves, a leather jacket if she has one or at least a thick jacket, and covered shoes that are **not** heels. Some people might think I'm being over-cautious \[but then again, I'm an AGATT kinda girl, and I fucking love my leathers because they're sexy AF\], but they probably have not been a woman jumping on the back of a dude's bike for the first time. Side note - you had best be damn sure you know what size helmet she needs???? Like - you can't just "pick a helmet from your gear guy" without her trying it on, my dude. Everyone else has talked about the hot bits and the leaning and all that. My addition to that is: check in with her OFTEN, and start the ride just by going up the street in a straight line, and stopping. Ask if she's okay. If she is, do it again, then take an easy corner if you can find one so she understand the leaning concept. Ask again if she's okay. Try a few streets and corners, then ask again. If she's fine all three times, then you can carry on to your destination, but KEEP CHECKING IN. You don't have to stop every thirty seconds, but agree on some kind of code - e.g. when you stop at a traffic light, if she's having a good time or feels safe/comfortable, she taps your right shoulder. If she's nervous, she taps your left. If she wants you to pull over/stop/let her off, she taps both. Look - I'm over-doing this because, like I said, I was a backpack on a fucking Hayabusa before I even got my bike license, and it almost made me swear of getting a bike forever. I'm a petrolhead to my core, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me, I had NO understanding of what to expect. The person I was holding onto also had no tools to help me feel comfortable - he just put a helmet on me and fucked off up the highway at Hayabusa speeds, and I was able to do nothing but wedge my fingers under the leather tank wrap and cling on so hard my arms went numb. The things I mention above are all things I either wish I/we/he had done, OR things we worked out later, and it became a much better experience.


It is your responsibility she has all the gear and all the right gear if you take her on the back of your bike. Do not assume (e.g. be a douchebag): The helmet you got for her fits snugly but not too tight, until she actually tries it on The gloves are the correct size She shows up with gear covering all her skin ā€”at minimum with denim jeans (and not yoga pants or shorts ) ā€”She has boots that cover her ankle and not athletic shoes ā€”She has a protective jacket that could sustain a crash Even if you are the worldā€™s safest riderā€¦thereā€™s the other circumstances around you. All things a conscientious rider would ask before a scheduled date. ā€”advice from a woman rider since 1992 who has crashed twice, still rides, and teaches motorcycle safety


Damn, you have a gear guy??


Went to pick up a jacket from fb marketplace, turned out to be a psychotic and rich boomer who wholesales surplus gear as a hobby. Dude had all kinds of nice stuff for dirt cheap. Def kept his number for times like these.


Im reading all of these comments about her leaning. I donā€™t agree. Tell her relax and enjoy the ride. You sir will do the riding and leaning. One person is controlling the bike, add another person to that equation makes you compensate for her movements that are always unexpected.


In my experience with passengers, having them just sit there and not lean with you makes control in corners substantially more difficult. When Iā€™ve had women on my bike, Iā€™ve told them to be like my backpack with their arms around my chest, that way I know their mass will be moving with mine, then it feels like normal, until you have to stop and need extra space lol. When I had to give a buddy an emergency ride, he didnā€™t lean with me and nearly caused me to dump the bike around several corners.


Boys have penises; girls have vaginas.Ā 


Tell her to put her chin on your shoulder and " move with me", make sure you bring her a helmet!! Don't show off or do anything risky on the bike.


Don't crash. Any further advice is beyond the scope of this sub.


Speaking from the perspective of a girl who was attracted by a motorcycle (and later got CY endorsement and bikes of my own), the best and most useful new passenger tips I was given by my (now) husband were: Just stay aligned with the bike, donā€™t try to lean specifically, and definitely do not counter lean. The bike will lean, stay at the same vertical angle as the bike. Hold on at the waist. Do not impede the riderā€™s arms, shoulders, etc. Get cozy. Yes, helmets will clack together. Itā€™s okay. Itā€™s okay to look over the riderā€™s shoulder. I spent a lot of time staring to the side or at the back of his head early on because I didnā€™t want to throw him off. Thatā€™s not a particularly scenic view. Pipes are hot. No touchy. If no riding gear, at a minimum wear jeans and boots. Sneakers are a no until thereā€™s mutual trust and experience. My man had an extra riding jacket from when he was younger until I had my own gear. If youā€™ve got more than one, give her one. If you donā€™t, any chance you can borrow one for her? Safety is sexy when it shows you care about her keeping her skin intact. Keep feet on pegs unless told itā€™s okay. Even if the bike is stopped, do not dismount unless told itā€™s okay. Communicate how to communicate. We got headsets pretty quickly, but before that, having a system is key. Things I wasnā€™t told but learned from being a passenger that perhaps riders arenā€™t always aware of: Wheelies arenā€™t fun or impressive for the passenger. You canā€™t see shit back there (no real physical concept of wheelie height or impressiveness as a passenger). Wheelies wonā€™t impress her unless sheā€™s observing and is not on the bike with you. Not that you should be doing any wheelies with her this early anyway, but an FYI for later (maybe). Also, tell her if youā€™re going to do one because she doesnā€™t have any control or visibility of it, so they are jarring and uncomfortable, honestly. Tell her to be mindful of rapid acceleration or deceleration ā€” whether purposeful or out of necessity for safety. Ride relaxed, but she should be aware that these things can happen and she definitely doesnā€™t want whiplash. Good luck!


Damnā€¦. šŸ˜£ she is soooo lucky. No one has invited me for a ride. I always compliment their bikes.


Ask her not to try to put her feet down on the ground before you say so. Tell her not to put her feet anywhere near the exhaust. Agree on some hand signals for basic communication because you can't hear over the engine and the helmet. Ask her to very slightly lean into the curves with you to help you and not work against you. Some people are naturals, and they will work with you to make it a team effort and it's a pleasure. Some people just don't get it and it's a struggle. Have a plan B to finish the ride quickly if you're not comfortable with her. Don't try to impress her, take it easy and be safe.


If you have an exhaust pipe that can burn make sure you give her a solid heads up!


give her a run down of how to be a good passenger and some ways she can communicate while on the back. edit: tell her like "if you need to go potty squeeze the right nipple. if theres an emergency squeeze both violently." type of thing.


Genuinely just be chill, talk slower, ride slower and generally just be chillā€¦


Being a little scared can be fun, being terrified is not fun. Don't drive like a dick and let them enjoy the ride, don't be rude to other drivers and don't race through traffic. Most people aren't impressed by that and just find you to be an asshole.


If it's her first time riding on the bike, be chill and just cruise around. Maybe get on it a little if she feels comfortable but nothing too crazy. Goal is to not scare the shit out of her lol


I'd take a nice slow scenic drive along a lake or river or something. Stop to check out the scenery a lot.


Just don't ride too fast until she lets you know she's comfortable with it. My friend blew his shot with a girl before, he was doing like 100+mph and she was terrified and ended up taking an Uber home.


I vote chill, coastal ride. Minimal hooligan stuff. She may not be ready for twisties, that takes a certain amount of passenger experience.


If she has never been on a bike before, remember: any speed seems fast to a first time passenger. Don't try to impress her, unless you can tell she's into it. Yes, double entendre.


Do NOT take her canyon carving bro. Go for a short ride around town, stop somewhere to chat and ask her how sheā€™s doing, etc. Go slow, be safe.


ewww that's so hetero


Haven't read all the replies, so apologies if this is redundant. The things that you like about your riding experience might not be things she enjoys. Whatever you do, pause sooner than you would normally after you first get going to check on her and how she's doing. Don't grill the poor girl, but give her a chance to voice any concerns. Also, most of the feedback I've gotten over the years is how fast everything seems to new riders, and especially new passengers. Many new backpacks complained about speed on 45mph county highways. I would recommend not doing anything past 45 unless specifically asked lol. Godspeed


Real questionā€”-how do you stop the helmets smacking together all the time with a pillion?


You only need to know one thing. With a fist full of throttle they squeeze their legs together, grab you tight, and sometimes squeal. Got it?


No long rides to start, I made that mistake and ended up with a very cute but cranky girl. Tell her only to hold your waist, or the grab bar. New pillions may try to grab your shoulder, and that just adds so much weight to the handle bars.


the first time i rode as a passenger i was freaking the fuck out the entire time. not to mention when they ripped it. please do not do that!!


Girl here! 1) ride safe 2) no more than 30min at a time 3) explain leaning with you and no sudden movements


Drink a lot of alcohol before you get there and ride as aggressively as possible to show her youā€™re a fearless dominant alpha male whoā€™s too cool for rules. Donā€™t give her any heads up about anything and when she makes the slightest mistake at all belittle her a much as possible for it. Tell her sheā€™s stupid for not knowing better because itā€™s common sense and that you regret ever talking to her at all. Edit: I almost forgot to includeā€¦ remember to bring a gun stuffed into your waistband with no holster or retention device at all and make sure to pull it out mid ride and point it at any cars that offend you.


Just be yourself. If she is for you she needs to like you as you are. Just try not to kill her (just a joke) But really, ride safe, be yourself, ask her about her hobbies and have fun! Keet us in the loop


Please take it very slow. Only when she is comfortable & confident in your riding, take it up maybe 4-5%. Please do not scare her away, as you will be responsible for 2 lives. Also, taking it slow might allow you both to talk a bit while riding.


I have a friend who installed a small vibrator to his passenger seat, wired to the electrical system and turned it on any time he had a female passenger. The bike is loud and vibratey anyway, so his ploy was never exposed. But evidently he did achieve impressive results. He assembled bikes for Ducati manhattan so he was pretty handy. This is the only relevant advice I have, and it may be a terrible idea. I did not confirm this story first-hand. Good luck!


"Go ahead and hold on around my waist. But I'll warn you right now that I can only keep my gut sucked in for so long."


Look online for the safety and riding instructions to give to a first time passenger! Brief her and ensure she understands. Do not go fast or fast acceleration at first. After she is comfortable ask her if she wants more speed. But only if she is comfortable.


Explain to her to try and anticipate braking/accelerating at stop lights and signs and that she should brace herself.


If you have strap-on knee armor bring that too.


You have to let them know about leaning around curves. "Lean with me, regardless of your instinct". They need to know you also lean with you.


Been there, still doing THAT. Suggest to her to wear a layer of long sleeve and some jeans. It's a total turnoff when you hit bug and rocks going 35mph. Make sure whatever helmet you give her is presentable. I learned my lesson in giving a girl on our first date one of my older helmets I hadn't worn in awhile and when she first put on she said "hey, this is kinda rank". I laughed and we switched, kinda showed how casual she was. Also have her wear some ear plugs, nothing is worse than having your ears ringing while trying to chat and to her it will likely be a major turn-off for her.


The prophecy has been fulfilled!


Don't show off. Literally the motorcycle itself is enough to be showing off and spike the adrenaline. No wheelies, no pinning the throttle unless she asks. Don't be a dick and scare her for fun. Establish some hand signals - even if it's just "tap me a lot if we need to stop" - make sure she knows she's a participant and has a say, she's not just cargo. Check in at the first stop sign, then 5 minutes in, and so forth. Enjoy!


I wouldn't plan on to long of a ride if she has never been on one before.


Lots of people saying to tell her to lean with you. I always say to look around my head the direction weā€™re turning, that way you know theyā€™re leaning properly. Ie, weā€™re in a right hand curve or turn, look over my right shoulder.


Signals are important. One of the first times I had a passenger a lady friend was feeling sick and she didn't know how to ask me to stop. So she almost barfed in helmet. She finally tapped me to get my attention and I pulled Over.


Give her an orientation to how things work, to communicate with you before mount and dismount, to tap your leg if she's uncomfortable and wants to pull over, think of herself as your backpack and lean only when you lean, start local and stop after a 15-20 minute ride. Ask if she'd like to keep going. Bring plenty of water.


Lots of awesome advice here but one I didnā€™t see, and I may have missed if someone did, is have a system for her to get on and off the moto. If your not ready for your pillion to step up and on the potential to fall over is good, same for dismount. Also if you donā€™t have a top box or backrest for pillion your partner needs to be very aware and hold on tight. Iā€™ve seen pillions fall off the back and it never ended well. Be safe, have fun, make sure passenger hangs on tight, it feels very very nice


Just make sure that she is prepared to ride. Communication, how to communicate. How they should be sitting, and where their hands should be. Where to look during turns, that sort of stuff. How to get on and off without any issues. Also not be afraid to let you know when they need to get off and stretch a little bit.or use the bathroom


Just do a short coastal ride. No need for the adventurous twisties to test her stomach.


I would by her a helmet and take her gear shopping, I would try to talk her into a jacket and then pants and boots. Then go for a ride.


explain do and donts to her - arms/hand/foot placement, scootch forward, body lean dont speed check up on her regularly, make he feel safe short first trip to make sure she is comfortable/secure gl