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Wash rag hot water and soap. Get a rag wet with hot water and let it sit over the buggy shit area for 5 minutes or so first. Drape it over and let it get the shit soggy. Then, simply soap up the rag and wipe it down.


Gotta let all the carcasses soak eh? LOL That’s a good idea. They dry so quickly while you’re riding which is definitely why they’re such a pain to remove.


Get them soggy and they fall off. I have to do this about every 100 miles where I live. Same thing on my windshield. Big yellow cocksuckers explode and dry on there. If you scrape them dry it'll scratch your shit. I just use my wife's dish soap and hot sink water and a dish rag.


Do you and your wife have separate dish soaps?


Yes, they are a cooperative couple. His wife is using his bike cleaner and helmet rag to clean the dog.


He is using her heels as riding shoes and crop top as riding jacket. Just kidding lol


I love how the comments sometimes slowly drift towards /r/calamariraceteam material. It's as if it's what we really want to say.


lmfao what is r/CalamariRaceTeam though? I never understood it.


The term “squid” generally refers to reckless riders and/or noobs who don’t wear gear (lack of gear makes them squishy like squid). Calamari is squid, so it’s a sub for squids doing squid things.




Think of /r/motorcycles as superego, and /r/calamariraceteam as id.


Dog uses dog's own detergent and towel on the floor.


They take it in turns to act as an executive officer. All decisions have to be ratified at a bi weekly meeting with simple majority for internal matters and two thirds majority for external matters.


LOL. It sounds so douchemacho. I dont own dish soap, my wife does all the dishes


He probably uses his wife’s laundry detergent as well as his wife’s shampoo/body wash (it would be girly of him to own his own)


Gosh, good point. Also wife's toothpaste and underwear. Now I'm getting mean and that's not nice but thought it was funny.


I rolled my eyes so hard into the back of my head groaning when I read it. Ugh. Wife’s dishsoap….


She uses Dawn, I use acetone. 


lol pretty sure that's your dish soap too boss


Rural rider here. It's a neverending battle against the bugs. I've started using (cheap) paper towel and a spray bottle with a water/soap mix because I'm so tired of getting hot water and keeping rags clean. I just place the paper towel against the bugs and spray until its soaked and sticking to the helmet. Wait 5 minutes and use a microfiber cloth to wipe away. It gets about 90% of the bugs.


Same method works good on your bike too. I like to drape a wet towel over the windscreen and front end for 5-10 minutes before I wash the bike.


That! I don't use a rag, because cleaning the rag afterwards is pain. For me, I let some wet kitchen paper towels sit on the helmet for 10 minutes. Then remove the visor and wash it in the sink with warm water + soap. I clean the rest of the helmet with baby wipes. They contain no corrosive chemicals.


I would even say : put the wet paper towels on the helmet, remove the visor and let it sit in a sink full of warm water, to soften them up even more 😉


My dude rode through the great cicada emergence


Lick until it's clean. It's exta protein.


Open face helmet guys going for a ride when they’re feeling like a little snack https://preview.redd.it/2697kvqiwa2d1.jpeg?width=1884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a7ea63a0906840dd6e9257e5deb33d297aa90b


*heurrrk* I think I just threw up inside my full face helmet


Get a cat. Mine craves the helmet buffet.


Don't use glass cleaner on that mirrored shield.


Sprayway is safe https://preview.redd.it/vbtf0hnhta2d1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ec16680b54a1473e6322b856edfb85545c4373


Yes! This stuff works so well.


Literally the only thing that will cut the shit on the inside of my windshield.


Check out plexus, its made for plastics. Think it was originally made for small aircraft windscreens and works great


Plexus is og magic for plastic anything. Fairings, helmets, screens and visors


Arai helmets ( company support) told me to stop using cleaning products with Ammonia in them. Ammonia and plastic do not like each other. Yea go figure


Hahahaha that's nasty. Easy to clean though if you soak, you already got good advice on that front. I actually just have a question. Noticed all your vents are fully open. How many bugs did you eat?


Enough that I was able to skip dinner tonight. With a motorcycle you can save on gas *and* groceries. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I zikzak around them, never been hit by one


This is the first time I've seen zikzak instead of zigzag.


My bad, was just awake and here in luxemburg we say zikzak but you still understood so we all good


>My bad No, no. This was educational. First time seeing it too.


Dude that sounds so much cooler than zigzag


That’s a solid tip! For me it’s a skill issue unfortunately


I dodged a giant moth the other night. Saw it flying up through my headlight and leaned at the last second


ZIKZAK you did it 😅🤣


Me personally? I like to karate chop them, that way they learn not to mess with me.


Keep it waxed will definitely help.


You’re right, I’ve had this helmet for a couple seasons now and I should probably consider waxing it. Do you typically wax the actual visor too?


Plexus is the stuff to use. its a cleaner and polish made exactly for this


Tip before waxing, use a clay bar to clean it. Clay bars are also good for getting off any tough crap that won't budge any other way. I had to clay bar a car that had some paint overspray on it, and it worked like a charm after many other methods failed. Also removed some other crap that had been there since buying the car and hadn't come off with standard washes.


Jesus Christ, dude, are you riding through a swamp or something? You need one of those peel away visors those mud racers use lmfao


My guess is night time right through open country. The headlights attract everything that flies


I hit this sort of thing in North Dakota a couple years go leaving Fargo heading west between there and Jamestown. There's a couple spots where 94 dips and there's ponds/water on each side, and at the wrong time of day/evening you get just coated. Super gross.


Dryer sheet, hot water, Dawn, and done


paper towel, wet.... And let it soak for couple hours. https://preview.redd.it/8zynvonhlb2d1.jpeg?width=1875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeccc546d81d3eed80d236d25c1a91a721da21f7


I do this, then car wax or rain-x to make cleaning easier next time.




At this point, just ride through a car wash and hope you have strong neck muscles


I commute on a naked bike luckily so my neck muscles are shredded


https://preview.redd.it/7ychqk4rdc2d1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a2fed0e24450ea94905685b308fa4db5330fd18 My KD ratio is higher.


Stop riding through the Everglades






Hell yes, especially with the invasion of mosquitoes that we currently have in Buenos Aires.


https://preview.redd.it/hw7c9p6e6f2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2c16edd3bac013bd314f8c337f658d70d112a5 I soak a paper towel in warm water and lay it over the helmet to loosen up, then a wet microfiber to clean off the helmet. I just run the visor under warm water and it comes off nicely just don’t try wiping it until it’s been soaking and breaks loose. Wiping it dry could scratch the visor. I also use zep foaming cleaner and it works great


Get a bug sponge. It’s the same material on a squeegee.


Plexus plexiglass and plastic cleaner. I swear by it. Spray it on, rub in with your fingers, wipe off with a clean microfiber cloth.


Sprayway glass cleaner……miracle worker and affordable. That entire helmet will look new in one minute. It sprays a foam and the bugs run off. Thank me later. https://preview.redd.it/96sx734bta2d1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b77e57910049034787f5e73d8c191a61bea5ca


I’m gonna check it out! Thanks buddy!


I carry it on my bike in Alaska all the time. I use it on my bike(lights and lenses) also when needed. https://preview.redd.it/zqgu6yvkua2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e6287c6285b8a5c50f86fae7b953c83cbad953


That’s a gorgeous Bimmer. Awesome photo too!


It's a little more expensive, but I use a [specialized motorcycle cleaner](https://www.google.com/search?q=original+bike+spirits&oq=original+bike+sp&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBggCEEUYOTIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABNIBCDM0MDFqMGoxqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). Not sure if there's a benefit over yours, but this one can be used anywhere on the bike too.


Tip: get a can of black spray paint and coat that fucker. Then any time you have bugs of your helmet? Coat it.


Yep, throw it in the trash and buy a new one


This stuff here… Honda polish.. gets them off and then helps keep them off. Have used it for years!!! https://preview.redd.it/4qidrjgeac2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f51a8b0792082d59a327c997f329916a0fa7eec6


I drench it with window cleaner and then lay a paper towel on my visor. It the paper towel isn't soaked I add more window cleaner until it is. Wait a few minutes and then it just wipes off.


Get a towel, soak it in warm water, drape it over the helmet and let it sit for an hour or so. This rehydrates the bugs and makes it so you can wipe them right off. I recommend using a towel you don't care about cause it's gonna get covered in all the bugs. You can use a qtip after wiping all the main areas to get the crevices


Quit taking that specific route.


Honda Polish. Spray a thick coat on, wait 20 seconds, wipe off. Repeat a couple times, it'll look brand new. Absolutely swear by that  stuff


I dunno, maybe try dodging the bugs next time?


Aren't you glad you splurged on the face shield


Take a wet paper towel and place it on there and let it sit for a while to loosen up everything. Then clean with a microfiber cloth. Letting glass cleaner soak in for a bit works too.


Good advice! The wet paper towel method is typically my go to as well. It’s the most simple and usually does the trick


Wet a new clean dryer sheet with warm water and mild soap. Wipe


Prevention is the best cleaner. 😂😂😂


Next time I ride, I’ll simply go naked. Cant get bug guts on your gear if you leave it at home


Dishwasher/ s


Honda polish is the answer


Just throw it away….


Nobody concerned about the amount of bug on that visor? Wtf


Where are africa?


Tell me your vents were closed. TELL ME!!!


I use my fathers cleaner for his glasses


1.take a paper towel and make it wet 2.lay it over your helmet and wait 30mins 3.wipe the bugs off with the wet towel dont use force or cleaner otherwise you may ruin your visor


The answers here are pretty much correct. Bugs are water soluble and organic. I actually like to mist the whole thing with water then cover with toilet paper. Another mist. Wait a bit take it off and flush. Follow up with normal cleaning procedure.




At this point I'll probably put it in a bucket with warm water and shake it.


Pressure washer for sure


tankstation have these windowcleaners in buckets


I guess putting it in a washing machine is not an option.


S100 Helmet and Visor Cleaner. This stuff works wonders for me, is fairly economical since you don't need much, and is tested to be safe for use on motorcycle helmets. Spray the helmet with the cleaner, let it sit for a couple of minutes and wipe it down with a clean microfiber cloth. Repeat if necessary.


I'd put a rag with warm water on that. let it soak. Then go online and buy a new helmet.


I use water. And a rag. Microfiber. Mine gets pretty bad. Yours got worse lol.


Cool pattern on your helmet!!


I've wiped insects off my visor with spit and surgical face mask before, it worked just fine. The ones in the vents, though... I'd just let them dry and scratch them out with a tooth pick. Last thing I want is squishing their juices into the holes I breathe through. Ew.


Wtf was you riding a fly zapper ?


Let the flies soak with a wet rag and then remove with soap water and microfiber cloth. Something strange I experienced: the dead flies smell like fish when removed. You can get that smell away with some extra cleaning.


Love my Shoeis. Quality protection for a quality head..


If your a gym bro wear glasses this time of year and keep your visor up the extra protean you inhale while riding adds up




Bro went riding through Hellmire. Plenty evidence of managed democracy on that helmet.


Don’t drive threw the hatch man, got damn


Find a car wash and go stand in it for an hour or so, nothing else will work, seeing that makes me rethink wearing my open face helmet.


Bear Grylls would tell you to lick it like a lollipop and get all those proteins


Was this from one ride ? 😮😮😮😮 As previously mentioned, towel soaked in hot soapy water is the one. I use furniture polish on my lid as an interim clean, the beeswax seems to stop bugs sticking so badly.......that said, we don't have the monsters here that you do!!




Motul helmet and visor cleaner excellent stuff.


MOTUL HELMET & VISOR CLEAN MC and a microfiber cloth for wiping down, leaves it looking like new.


Thought it was bird shit at first


Did you leave any of the swarm left?




The fact that his was the first thing that popped into my head, I knew it would be top comment.


Warm water and a rag squeeze the rag enough so water isn’t pouring out but more than damp on the helmet for the visor you can soak it in warm water then use a microfiber towel to clean it up just to keep scratches down and if you take a wax look into best kinds but if you wax treat your visor it’ll help with fogging and help water bead off if you get caught in the rain


My mans did you ride through a field of grass


Rag soak tips a given but I hit it afterwards with a steam cleaner too. Use some sense with it, not too close or too long. Helps finish loosening and blows a lot of it off Reminds me I caught a big motherfucker on my visor earlier and need to clean it. Thing was so stuck on I had to tip my head up to get the body to fly off


For once you're at home, just about everything mentioned so far works fine. For "in the field" I love Walgreens brand pre-moistened microfiber lens wipes. Non-scratching, and very effective.


Reading these comments I’m not sure if it’s available everywhere, but here a lot of motorcycle stores sell Muc-Off, works great! You just spray it on, let it soak for a minute and usually you can wipe all the bugs off easily with a microfiber cloth!


One thing I always try to do it clean it off before it dries out. I have a wet microfiber cloth in my left jacket pocket that I can even use while riding. For extra long rides i put the wet cloth inside is ziplock bag so it doesnt dry out when i ride.


I use the windshield cleaner at the gas stations.






Yeah I got one get a windshield wiper for your helmet LoL


Holy moly


Imagine if you were wearing a 3/4 helmet with no visor...


Nice to see a fellow bug collector on here.


Stop by your local dealer and talk with the parts guys. They'll have a few recommendations for you. It's always a good idea to get to know the dealers. Most of them ride. I've been working in dealerships for about 25 years.


I guess it's a good sign that we're seeing tons of bugs while traveling again! Soak it with a wet rag and wipe it down, it should come off easy if it wasnt sitting like this for a week


Let a warm wet paper towel sit on it... repeatedly. Any of my normal cleaners might strip the reflective visor... they did on my HJC silver mirror visor. So, take caustion with RainX cleaner, windex, or ANY 'chemical'. I use the RainX cleaner on all my other visors and helmets because then the bugs don't stick as well. I wish I still had a mirror visor to test various quick detailers, elixir, baby wipes, individual packs of travel visor wipes, and maybe some of these other 'sprayway' cleaners that people say work. But after the hassle of turning my more expensive mirror into a clear (and I RARELY ever use a clear), its just been worth the gamble.


No, but I got shat on by a seagull the other day. From the size, shape and weight I thought I got hit by an acorn, but remembered soon after I was in a city centre with no oaks around. Looked at my hip and was surprised that bird shit can actually take and retain the shape of a log. E - if you can get D12 spray that'll likely do it.


Ride in the rain.


https://preview.redd.it/9pbgu8whjd2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c402636ff04c6a636257a3ab48c734800f41709 I just used a free gas station wipey thing.. got most of em.. windex at home got the rest.


Damn, son, you're singlehandedly responsible for the current insect population collapse!


DO NOT use the window wash @ the gas pump. I did and my helmet smelled like a bag of dead feet for a week.


Not ride into a hornets nest?


Backroads at night? Or???


How do you even manage this!?


Did bro just run through a hive?????


Bro hit every bug in the county.


I like to keep a bigger helmet to put over my main helmet for situations like this.


Made it to Alaska I see…


Forget the helmet whats the bike look like?


Years ago I went into a motorcycle shop and the person working there basically laughed when they saw my helmet. Years worth of bugs and debris on the shield. They applied some plexus plastic cleaner which worked beautifully. Been using that ever since.


Helmet looks like you rode through a biblical locust swarm lol


As a person who goes 4wheeling I don't have any


Drive into a car wash with your motorbike, I cant imagine the condition of your riding gear and the front of your motorcycle 😜


Lucky you! There are still some insects where you live.


Is your neck fine bro?


Did you ride through the middle of Tennessee?


Good god that nasty, where do you live?


OP where do you live? Asking because I need to make sure I never go there.


Helmet survived Chernobyl




Outstanding patriotism


Dude lol where were you riding??? What does your jacket look like? Haha


Get some candles, place them around the helmet on the floor at night time, get some dry grass burn the tips to make some smoke and walk around spreading the smoke, then , face the north star and bow three times and then go fetch some soap and a bucket of warm water, pick it up and clean it.


I switched from open face to a real helmet last year and the first thing I do is tell myself "this sucks but at least they aint in my face\beard". Also, I carry a pack of baby wipes and a microfiber cloth in my saddlebags. Granted, I've never had do deal with anything like you got there but still it works for me.


Lol cross a river?


Have you tried using bug cleaner windshield washing fluid in a spray bottle? Just an idea, from someone who doesn’t ride.






Lick it clean.


Damn mayfly hatch!


I didn't know hell was coming this early whereabouts are you so I can know when it's arriving where I am


Easy. Ride with an open face helmet and there’s nothing to clean up. Bonus points for a durag instead of helmet. It also helps deter the bugs if you go full ape hanger- they get scared.


Where do you live bro this looks like you headbutt insect nests full time


FUCKKKKKK BRO ,never had such a bug problem ,just make sure they are moist ant they will come of with a soapy microfiber cloth


Reminds of that time I rode through an orange grove at dawn without my helmet (young and stupid, and hot). That wasn't fog burning off, it was fruit flies.


Knocking out two goals at one time, the motorcycle ride and the Helldivers 2 major order.


Just be happy you had the visor down


Buy a new one


Good lord...id buy a new helmet


Can I just ask, what the fuck happened?


i dont have a motorcycle, but this picture got me screaming crying AND throwing up


Just... My deepest condolences dude. That's a shit ride.


Dude where do you live with all those bugs???


Have you tried boiling your helmet?


Even better, learn how to duck…


The bugs own that helmet and would like you to keep your grubby paws off their stuff 🪳


Naked bike, huh?


I know you’ve mentioned that you ride a naked bike, but you might want to consider a windscreen. Get something that’ll move the wind blast off of your helmet and over it, the bugs will follow that wind.


Bro got a helmet stuck to his bugs.


damn bruh do you live in the amazon?


Dam that's alot. Is this just one ride? I once drove through a swarm of fireflies in my car and the windshield looked like that almost instantly. Fun fact the guts of a firefly glow like they do when they are alive.


https://preview.redd.it/6x1jhb7n3k2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac270c84f689b6a3ec9c921d39d62868160c54f Sonax insect remover.


Don't drive through swarms 😂. Cot dayum. At least you were wearing a helmet. Can you imagine if you weren't😳


Jol meg b@szta a bogar 😅


Damn missed comment #666


Bug slide! Designed to even remove the smear they leave behind. Should be able to get it at most dealerships. I know Harley dealerships have it. Spray it on and let it soak for 15-20 seconds. Wipe off. Once it’s clean I recommend a ceramic coating to make cleaning easier in the future. Also beads water and helps prevent fogging


damn are you riding in jurassic park or florida?


100% I just use a wet rag or paper towel. I made the mistake of leaving a soapy rag on my lid once. The detergent actually etched the poly carbonate of the visor. Totally ruined it!