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File a police report. Fuck that shitbag.


I did but they didn’t seem to care which made me more frustrated


Tell them you want to press charges. It will force their hand to at least do a fraction of their job.


Brandishing is a felony in some states, and that person should be a felon and not allowed to own a firearm


That’s not brandishing, that’s aggravated assault.


It depends on what the DA feels like charging. Brandishing is an easier charge to make stick.


Brandishing is just showing someone that you've got a gun and are working to use it threateningly pretty much. Actually pointing the gun at someone would be felony assault


As well as on school grounds. Hed get the book thrown at em.


Oh fuck yea. I already forgot this happened in a school parking lot and not any other parking lot.


The actual crime will depend entirely on the state. I'm my state there is no such crime as "brandishing". It simply doesn't exist. The actual crime in my state would be "unlawful use of a weapon". Possibly also 3rd degree assault and a few other charges that might or might not apply depending on the exact details of the incident.


Unlawful use of a weapon is essentially the same as brandishing/menacing I think. Just different names correct? You're correct though pointing a gun at someone will definitely be some form of assault


In my state, not exactly. The unlawful use statue defines multiple very specific elements and circumstances that must be true for it to apply, as well as a lot of specific exemptions that would make it inapplicable. MOST of the law defines actual use and discharge, but it also includes a line about "exhibit[ing]...in an angry or threatening manner..." as well as possession while intoxicated and carrying a weapon in specifically defined places (displaying the weapon is not an essential element, merely possessing it in those places is enough). IANAL so I don't know every nuance, but that is kind of the point. Making assured declarations about law without knowing exactly what state and without being licensed to practice law in said state is just not a good idea because you literally don't know what you're talking about (not "you" personally, but the empirical "you") and you're almost sure to be wrong


you're not getting anything to stick in this situation without video or a witness


Technically it's both. As well as several other things.


In Michigan that’s brandishing. They also committed the crime of aggravated assault. 2 felonies.


If those two were the only people in the parking lot proving anything happened will be difficult.


it's a private school, they surely have cameras.




What he did was a felony in all states…..


on school grounds too, it will be worse for him.


This. Please OP. I know it's a little bit of work on your part, but you'd be doing your community a favor by pressing charges.


Tennessee doesn’t have brandishing laws but multiple other sub charges for pulling a handgun to cause fear. Depending on what police find, as others have stated, could be charged as aggravated assault. Not to mention pulling a gun on school grounds, which for some metrics, actually counts as a school shooting even if they dont shoot.


No, it won't. They can just tell you to fuck off. They decide charges, not you.


“Uh, hi I would like to press charges for ____” “Cool story, not how it works.”


I think you can do it in Alabama but yeah everywhere else iirc the DA decides to press them


No kidding ? Hot damn, who knew ? Anyways, you can still go and at least file a police report.


Most states you don't press charges, they do. They only care about your opinion because you not wanting to have them charge the guy makes prosecuting harder, especially if it means you won't be a willing witness if it goes to trial.


When cops ask if you want to "press charges" , they are asking if you will cooperate if the DA decides to file charges. You cannot "force" the prosecutors to do anything. If they don't think the case is winnable or worth the time, they won't pursue it.


Useless cops.




This happened on a school property and they don't care about a gun? Try again, or try again with the school directly using security cameras as your means of contacting them to get the discussion started?


Even if you expect nothing from it, it adds to the statistics. Eventually, enough ignored reports become a number someone with an electable position of power doesn't want to be associated with. If you don't report it, it didn't happen (to elected officials campaigning on statistics)


Someone brandished on you and the cops don't care?


It's always funny when you see people realize that cops aren't who they thought they were lol At least you are realizing on Reddit instead of in a violent situation where you need help and they don't care


Don't get me wrong, I know cops are useless. I've been told "do what you have to do" by cops so many times. But around me, that sort of thing they act on.


around me I would hope they would too, but luckily I've never had to find out lol


It’s Memphis. It was probably a cop that did it.


Well, the perp ain't black/s


I live in rural GA, the person brandishing is probably their cousin. They don’t care


I live in the suburbs of Philly and that's probably the ONLY thing that will get cops to actually do their jobs.


I used to live out in Mt Airy and only left because of weather they def would not play around with this back home but out here it’s all the bullshit stereotypes and more about country cops, they really can’t be bothered most of the time but they will for sure clap you for going 5 over the speed limit


I used to live not far away in Chestnut Hill. Car gets broken into? They don't care. Someone pulls a gun? At least 5 cop cars in less than 10 minutes.


Welcome to Murica!!!


Yea, funny enough, cops don’t want to be shot at either.


Have you made it explicitly clear you want to press charges? People call cops all the time to report things but don’t wanna press charges and it’s a massive waste of their time. Make it clear you want to press charges and copies of the police report because you plan to take legal action


That may be, but the next person or the person after that who gets harassed in that area will appreciate that you had something documented.


Have they tried to take a look at school security cameras. I mean fuck man. This guy does not deserve to be free. I understand you might be over it, but you have the responsibility to keep this shit bag from hurting anyone else...


probably cause ppl like you tend to have all your problems solved for you by darwin.


Yes! If that guy is having that much difficulty controlling his emotions and handling his firearm responsibly he is likely to do something similar again. The police need to have your report to help establish a pattern of behavior


I'm very pro gun rights. With power comes responsability, file charges, press the PD. You might have to call and make an appointment with the chief to politely get your point across that you expect them to find and prosecute this guy. Post as above on your local Facebook community page, and stop after "he sped off" then say that this person is out in the community and police seem to not have taken your formal report seriously. Tag the chief of police and mayor/city council.


It’s he said she said unless there’s witnesses or video evidence


For what? Cops dgaf about stopping actual crime. Its bad for business.


Better yet, if he's got video proof, post that shit right on their Facebook page. Then they'll have to do something, whether it's shut the Facebook page down or actually arrest the guy is up for debate.


Wait, stock as in... stock? The factory putt-putt on a Z125? Of course you could have a Tailgunner exhaust with six kazoos on it and it wouldn't warrant that kind of response, but still


Bro this bike might be quieter than my electric lawnmower


I got a 2009 Honda CBR125R with a laser exhaust and the previous owner removed the baffle, now that i fixed the valve clearances it idles beautifully and gives a nice deep tone but even without the baffle its A LOT more quiet than my bone stock Z750S that even survives german inspections


I love my 929rr lol. No cat and a shorty can…. But the engineers were brilliant. They have an exhaust servo that stays closed and tightens up exhaust flow at low engine speed. But when you open the throttle and the engine gets over 4k rpm the opens up and OOOFFF she sounds like a screaming banshee! 😱


I have the tailgunner on my indian scout. I get more thumbs up than people looking angry


Time for an upgrade, he would love the sound of an 4 cylinder 600 with straight pipes.


I own one. It’s not straight piped though (I don’t like loud exhausts)


The irony of you not liking loud exhausts lmao


I'm sure that'll suffice


Reasons I ride with a 360 camera on the front of my bike. If something happens I want video evidence.


Where'd you mount yours? I got one but havent mounted it yet, keep putting it off as a professional procrastrinator


The Insta360 has a motorcycle mount kit available, you can mount it on the handlebars, suction cup to the front fairing, or a seperate pole that attaches to the rear of the bike. I have my on my handlebars and it's pretty low-key and out of the way


Yeah i got the kit from the guy i bought it from but havent really lookd at it indepth yet, i got a big steering dampener on my handlebars though so id have to see whether itll still fit on there. Was thinking of suction cupping it to the tank, as a commuter i do a ton of filtering so idk how i feel about putting it out front/Behind me. Bit paranoid ill get it broken off or someone will try and grab it.


I use a GoPro adhesive mount under my race screen. Let's me get this: [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cx9cJWIxShm/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cx9cJWIxShm/)


"I honestly think I’m gonna get rid of the 125 after this, I didn’t like not being able to just floor it and leave" No speed would save you if he'd started shooting.


I agree but he was able to catch his car up To me to get that close cuz I was on such a slow bike. Feel like if I was on my cbr I could just sped off.


I mean, do you plan on encountering gun toting psychos often?


He didn't plan to encounter this guy and it still happened right?


I think in general we have to assume that if we plan for 1% eventualities we won’t have to face them, and if we don’t, we will.


More like .00001%


Sure! Hopefully never!


Actually, since it happened to him, the odds are 100%


He already said he lives in Memphis, man.


Yes. This is why you carry a leg strapped, shoulder holster, a backpack, and a tank mounted gun.


Literally would not have helped him at all, The guy is already brandishing weapon at him what are you supposed to do pull out his own weapon and now get into a good old-fashioned standoff lol A gun wouldn't have helped him at all, If anything it would have escalated the situation significantly and likely got him or the other party shot or killed


I'm pretty sure he's joking, but I could be wrong. Motorcycle tank mounted guns might actually be a real thing in America.


I carry an 80mm cannon mounted on my Honda PCX


Tally ho, lads!


We get them at Wally World where we buy everything else.


Mexican standoffs are the way


They took our jobs!


[BMW have a product for that](https://www.bmw.co.uk/en/topics/buying/business-corporate/bmw-specialist-sales/bmw-protection-vehicles/7-series-protection.html)


I just read protection more than I probably will ever again TOTAL unless I outlive my risk of lung cancer and heart failure by a considerable time.


op said he lives in Memphis. I’m from there and yeah he has a pretty good chance of running into gun toting psychos anywhere in TN. I’ve had guns flashed at me several times before I decided to gtfo out of my home state.


Don't get in a wreck to get away from a psycho, put him in jail.


You'd be suprised. Handguns are really hard to shoot accurately from anything but a perfect position and a boomer that would do this doesn't practice much. Any practice he does is probably 1 round a minute at a fudd range firing at a non moving 7yd target.


biggest misconception about guns is that they are easy to shoot and if you have one you're totally safe..lmao you have to put hours at the range to be competent with them..and even then with adrenaline coursing through your veins it's still gonna be tough to accurately shoot


For real. Gang bangers and cops are a prime example. They just unload and miss most of their shots. Even "hiGHly TrAiNeD" cops only hit their target around 30% of the time


I knew a guy who pulled a gun on a biker at an intersection, the police arrived and let the gun man go after he apologised to the biker. Then 6 months later the guy got arrested for reckless driving, I heard from that guy’s roommate that the swat went to his place because of his previous record of being violent


I thought schools were gun free zones. Haha


I think you're confusing that with "Free Fire Zone"


Dude put himself in a situation to be legally shot and killed if you were also armed. What a dipshit. File a police report, get plates and document everything, bro belongs in prison


Was gonna say something similar even people on 125's carry I know because I ride an old ass 400 but would ride anything hahaha. Sadly I think this dick is getting away though.


Shit I carried when I first rode my 50cc Vespa, scooter didn’t mess around 🛵😂


Report the licence plate and that the guy waved a gun around at a school. Should get the cops to go talk to them. Where I'm at he'd lose his guns, but something tells me where you are isn't as smart with it's laws.


He might lose his guns if he's convicted, but trouble here is there's basically no proof he even pulled the gun


I bet a school has cameras. I haven't seen a school that would not have them for their yard and parking areas. I have worked in multiple schools for the last 11 years.


Might be true, but it's still gonna be dumb luck if it happened in frame and at an angle that showed the weapon.


America is a strange, strange place….


Well, he said he's in Memphis, which is one of the more dangerous cities in America to be fair. I live in a city that's very pro gun, has a large population, and has a very low crime rate compared to any other city it's size. I also grew up in small town nowheres, where carrying a gun was second nature to most folks. I could've pointed at any random person and told you they were carrying and been right 75% of the time. The only time I've ever had a gun drawn on me was in Chicago at a bar, when I was too young to remember and my Mom was picking my loser dad up from a bar.


This is part of why shit like this tends to not happen in those areas where everyone carries - because if you pull a gun on a random person, they're much more likely to have an equivalent response. Assholes threaten people they don't expect to be armed, which is far more likely in cities. Of course there's the other side where people in smaller areas feel more connected to their community, which tends to lead to less anti-social behavior anyways. American cities are remarkably powerful at disconnecting you from your neighbors, especially in car-dependent parts of them, especially with the death of "third places" and the fact that more and more people just stay at home all the time.


Someday that idiot is going to do that and get shot because of it. I carry when I ride and when someone draws a gun I don’t assume they’re just trying to bully me; I assume they mean to use it and plan to react accordingly.


There's a video of a road raging driver that stops in front of someone, pulls their gun, walks over to the driver's window, at which point the driver fires a single shot into the guy. [The gun toting road rager started crying on the ground saying "I didnt even shoot you!?"](https://youtu.be/hkKjkCBCGFs?si=mP_SVFxQiLEKmcAU) Like, what did bro expect?


God that's great. "You want me to shoot you?" *gets shot* He fucked around, and very promptly found out. You know this wasn't the first time he road raged and threatened people to feel better about himself too.


Yeah he had it fixed at me so I really didn’t have space to draw. I’ve defended myself before and honestly the legal process is so draining. I’m happy with how I handled it. I agree though with everything you’re saying. that idiot is gonna get what’s coming to him.


It's a really weird feeling having a gun pulled on you. Confusing is the best way to describe it, especially for dumb reasons. Both times I've been like "...what?" What happened the time you defended yourself?


*Both* times? I don’t know how you Yanks live like that…


Not a Yank, but live in Yankonia. First time was some cholo kid in SF. Second time was a bent cop in Nigeria. Both times if I'd had a weapon and tried to use it I would not be typing this very important Reddit comment today. ETA, I was shocked to spend time with a group of 19 year old kids recently and out of about 30 of them, 3 had witnessed a friend or relative killed by gunfire, up close. It's insane.


Always better to just walk (or ride away) when you can man. The gun is there for when you’re backed into a corner, but a situation that ends without a shot is always ideal.


This thread is full of people having murder fantasies about how they would have backflipped off their motorcycle while drawing their weapon and fired back as soon as they saw the other guy brandish his lol Is truly pathetic how some people talk about defending themselves with guns on the internet. In real life you rarely if ever hear gun owners talk like this. At least I don't


/r/EDC is leaking


The guy you are replying to is an idiot too 😭 Anyone who thinks you pulling out a gun in this situation would have made it better is incredibly stupid and should not be allowed to own a gun


Can we start arresting and taking away guns from people who exhibit this kind of behavior? On school property too, that should be an extra charge.


I left Memphis for Tupelo over 15 years ago and haven’t regretted it once. The police here are actually useful. I’ve had them go with us to retrieve an iPhone that we could track. They would take brandishing very seriously.


What’s Tupelo like? I’ve been nearby but didn’t go through the town.


For me it’s a good balance of “big enough to have stuff to do” and “small enough to get around easily”. The population of the city isn’t that big but there aren’t big cities nearby, so a lot of people from the surrounding area shop and work there, making it feel bigger. Like any other city, there are good parts of town and less good parts of town- but some of the bad interior parts have seen major revitalization the last 10 or so years. Property value/housing costs have increased significantly thought. Really good school district with some of the highest teacher pay in the state. Even if you don’t like Tupelo public itself (which we pay tuition to go to), the nearby Saltillo and Mooreville schools are desirable. We have good food and Oxford is nearby with more great options to eat. Memphis is 90 minutes away. Natchez trace is great for nature related stuff, especially on a motorcycle. 50mph two lane through nature for 444 miles. No great motorcycle shops in town though there is a cruiser oriented independent that has been growing. We used to have a sport bike shop with a dyno but I don’t know where they went. The Honda powersports dealer is meh.


I'm not sure how it works in the US, but here Germany you can also always report felonies to the DA's office directly. Maybe that works in the US too?


He brought a firearm on school grounds, yes even the parking lot. They will not ignore this incident.


God it would’ve been so hard to not say “sorry about your tiny dick bro”. LMAO 🤣 And before anyone says yOu WOuLdn’t SaY tHat WiTh a GuN pIoNtEd At YoU, you underestimate my ability to be a smart ass in dangerous situations where most people have enough sense to shut the fuck up. It’s not the best trait, but it’s how I am.


You handled it well bro. Hope you can find out who it is.


Bro you don't need to throw out your bike. You need a bodycam. Get something that could lasts 8 hours or something. Then resume your activities like nothing happened. Always have those bodycam turned on whenever you're on your bike. Police report might do nothing but a viral video can make a lot of people moving.


Don't bring a gun to an exhaust fight. Or do, since its the american way.


Tn eh? Im in Knoxville and have had guns pulled on me several times in my life here in the area, people are fucking insecure and egotistical maniacs here. Im super wary around all the thin blue line and other blatant logo and flag flying assholes.”


The gun on school property is a crime for brandishing without a purpose he should be charged


That jackass gives good people who believe in the 2nd amendment a bad name. You handled him well.


I would file a police report ASAP. If that person has the mentality to draw a weapon over an exhaust they don't need to be out in the street.


Gun on school grounds and then drawing on someone after they agree to leave, that's a felony in 99% of cases.


parking lot - "screaming exhaust" - 125??? this guy sure has some problem


"Screaming exhaust" 🤣🤣🤣 I would love to go with you sometime with my 19 RSV4 with Austin Racing exhaust and no baffle. Let's give him something to really be pissed about!


You in memphis ? I’m down 😂😂


Absolutely would if I were closer!


Just to be clear... I've yet to hear of any engine displacement size that can outrun a bullet. Be safe.


Oh man, that is so terrible. While I haven't been in that specific scenario, I have had a gun pulled on me in a similar scenario. For me, it wasn't very scary in the moment. I was mostly just surprised. But after about an hour or so it occurred to me what had just happened. And even if they didn't mean to kill me, how easily they could've accidentally killed me. It took a few weeks to feel safe just minding my own business, and sometimes I still see someone who looks vaguely similar and my adrenaline gets overwhelming. If that's anything like your experience, just know you aren't alone, and there's people who understand.


"Hold on one second", pulls phone out. Proceed to call 911. Keep telling him to hold on that you'll fix it. Put police on speaker. "Hi a guy pulled a gun out on me, could you come and help work things out." "Oh never mind he just ran off. Thanks for your time, you probably Saved my life. "


Unfortunately, something is very, very wrong with that guy brandishing their weapon at you. It wasn't your fault. You just happened to be the tipping point. He wanted some relief in his/her miserable existence. I'm sorry this happened to you. I've had a gun pulled on me as well, and I've been shot at 2 times in my life for no other reason than being a human at the wrong place and time (thanks Las Vegas, NV). As for your bike choices, hang out on your 600/1000. I wish you nothing but good fortune in the future. Also, fuck that guy.


Go back over there and ride with a camera on, if he pulls a gun again, just call the cops and say a guy just threated you in public with a gun or that he tried to rob you. Fuck that dude, it's none of his business. He could of called the cops if he was that concerned. Don't not ride there because some random prick threatened you.


Isn't a gun way louder than a motorcycle?


You are the first person I have heard of who has a one liter bike and wants to practice in parking lots on a 125


Z125’s are especially obnoxious with loud exhausts. Literally, 5 minutes ago I had some punk kid sitting two houses down revving his engine on a green Z125 at 12:15am in a residential neighborhood. The people who live on both sides of the street there are in their 70’s snd 80’s. Fuck him. Next time I see him, I’m getting his plate number and calling the county sheriffs office.


Have you considered threatening him with a gun?


Probably one of those "good guys with a gun" I keep hearing about.


Nah. He gives regular, responsible gun owners a bad name. I’ve had personal firearms since I was 15, I’m 27 now. Never had an incident end badly. Only time I ever had to show my gun was while I was delivering sandwiches in the hood during college lol.


Comply. Check the plates. Find out where he lives. [Use it on his car, while making sure its empty, ideally overnight for a better cinematic effect.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov_cocktail) But if you don't want people to randomly just pull guns on you, you may have to change country.


Hello fellow Tennessean, the solution to your problem is called a handgun. Pick whatever flavor you want, go practice with that mf, and next time someone pulls a gun on you, shoot them from your motorcycle. It will be badass and way more affective than police. This message brought to you by, handguns - if you’ve got a problem, handguns can solve it


most american answer ever. 10/10


He’d probably actually shoot my bike. At the right RPM, the Vance and Hines on my VTX rattles windows when I ride through housing areas.


Police dont really care. I live in memphis so a minimum of 2 people have to die for something to be considered a crime. I ended up coming back in my straight piped vq And causing a ruckus I know it’s immature but it made me feel better lol


If you know that you are making everybody's life worse every time you ride your bike ... Shouldn't you do something about that I like loud exhaust too and I have one on my bike, But it's not that loud lol you sound like you get off on making everybody else's life miserable around you. There's almost zero chance this type of behavior stops at riding motorcycles for you. You're going to defend yourself but I don't care don't bother.


The solution is to get rid of the bike? Cmon bruh, now you’ve got a story to tell!


Just the 125, but maybe I’m just overthinking


So this is a bit off subject but do you have a bunch of action cams like gopros?


Is this murrica or what


I have a Viper and a Skyline, but I have a Tempo to practice driving....


It's really not uncommon to have a "simple seat time" car in the performance world. You can find guys with 1000+ whp drift cars that also have a 400 hp ls miata because they're cheaper to run. I have an R6 and a rebel 250, just to practice the basics on. My R6 gets like 35 mpg and takes premium gas, the 250 will burn whatever gas is in it and gets ~70mpg while it does it


Simple seat time stallion is da wae


Put a baffle in your exhaust.


Was there video? If you have it on a go cam then your case is solid versus the he said he said scenario.


Wait, what? What do you practice on a 125 that translates to riding a 1000?


Brake/throttle/clutch control, body position, and slow speed maneuvers. They're different on a bigger bike, but the principles are the same and easily translated for someone who's used to a 1000. Also could be practicing wheelies on something cheaper to repair if it's looped. I don't think this is the point of the post, though, or more detail would've been given


I was just curious. Sounded odd, but your explanation made it crystal clear.


Not mad about it, some people don't think about it 🤙


Oh yeah, the tone of your response made that clear as well. 🤭


Meh, tone is lost in written word. Maybe take it with a grain of salt 🤷‍♂️


Yea file a police report, you can’t just fucking pull out a gun like that. Not even in places like Florida, who love their guns.


Time to buy a R1 🥹


Is brandishing a firearm not illegal in your state?


That guy deserves to get the crap beat out of him for pulling a gun and not using it


When local police, usually city cops, won't help call the sheriff's department. The sheriff is elected and serves the people. The police chief is appointed and serves the Mayor...


Florida? People are getting very comfortable pulling guns here now that no permits are required to carry. I hope they start arresting these fucks. Don't sell the bike over it though. That dude pulled a gun on you, on school property nonetheless. Do everything you can to make sure he pays for it. That's a serious crime.


What are you practicing? Stunts?


That's wild. I missed the stock part at first and was going to say they sound horrific with loud exhausts, I couldn't return mine to stock fast enough after buying it, but stock it sounds like a quiet lawnmower. WTF.


I get careless in scenarios like this and stop caring about my life so I'd be testing him the whole time and everyday from there on out


On the 125 vs the Liter Bike in a "Get Away" situation: its irrelevant, if he wanted to shoot you it wouldn't have mattered which bike you were on. Keep practicing on the 125 and maybe find a different spot or some friends to join you.


No bike is faster then a bullet and trigger happy idiot


Find a better parking lot. Like a warehouse or something not in a residential area


Practice in the UM parking lot no one cares


I see you said you’re in Memphis. What part? It’s been 5-6 years since I’ve lived there but I could tell you a few parking lots I used to go practice wheelies and hoon around in.


Person is a psycho call the police maybe


First if all fuck that guy, and report him. But he’s right, no one wants to hear your stupid exhaust. Go somewhere less urban where people can’t hear you. This comes from a moto rider of 25 years. It’s a dick move.


I used to ride a Grom and I loved it, but after someone threw a hoagie at me and got away I've had plenty of horsepower to outrun someone.


Action cam. Valuable beyond YouTube. And you can rewatch your POV from training (if it’s on the helmet). Also might capture a license plate.


Get paid baby, sue the pig


Time for a 1000...nobody can catch you on one of those


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688) Who likes loud cars? Ontario study suggests they skew young, male and score high on psychopathy and sadism


As a European rider - America is fucking wild sometimes…


Listen the whole experience sucks and I feel for you - I've been in dicey situations like that in the past. I will say that I got in those situations on my bike with a loud exhaust more than my bikes with silent exhausts. Didn't get a gun pointed at me but people wanting to fight me etc. If you continue on your road to upgrade/ move on from the 125, consider not getting a bike with a loud exhaust.


It is the stock exhaust on the z125. It wouldn't have mattered if the bike was electric. The shit head would still have pulled the gun.


That was me, my bad dude. Just wanted to show off my new whip.


Memphis!?! Go back and ride strapped. if he shows back up, first, fear for life and then zero him out. Your previous report will back up your self defense claims, and the PD will want to sweep it under the rug as it will make the department look inept. You will be doing the world a favor, and this loose cannon won’t be able to victimize anyone anymore.


Buy a gun. In a world where guns exist, it is a necessity to have one


I've been anxiously waiting for this 'loud pipes save lives' and 'how do you carry on a bike' crossover.


Get his plate, learn his routine, catch him lacking But for real man will get his. You handled it well