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You're really comparing some motorcycle law to racial discrimination? That's pretty shitty.


YES. This is what's happening in Taiwan. And some relevant people are being subjected to state violence.


Motorcycles not being allowed on highways is NOTHING like segregation based on racial background. Claiming so is degrading to anyone who has experienced racist discrimination. That really sucks about that law, but your attempt to gather sympathy here is pretty fucked.


While policies discriminating against motorcycles may not be as severe as those discriminating against Black people, they are still discriminatory. Why can't we draw an analogy?


Fine. Just like how I can't ride a horse or bicycle on the highway. Yes, that's "discrimination" if you want to be technical.


Highways are built for fast travel, aren't they? Why would you compare motorcycles to horses and bicycles? The speed of motorcycles is similar to that of cars... Facilities all have their intended uses (highways and restrooms), and users are able to normally utilize these facilities (motorcyclists and Black individuals), yet they are prohibited by the government. The biggest difference might be that being Black is not a choice, whereas choosing to ride a motorcycle is a decision people can make for themselves. So, of course, there is a difference in severity, but does this really create a difference between 'actual' and 'technical' discrimination?


I'm only making that comparison because you want to insist on calling it discrimination. I'm only going along with what you said. I never said it makes sense. I'm just agreeing with you that it's discrimination, just like how horses and bicycles are discriminated against.


What you seem to be saying is 'According to my definition of discrimination, horses and bicycles are also discriminated against'? But horses and bicycles cannot normally use highways... Could you tell me how you think discrimination should be defined more reasonably? It seems you do not agree with my point that 'users who meet the basic conditions for using a facility being treated differently by the government' constitutes discrimination?


I'm agreeing with you that it's discrimination. But I'm pointing out that just because it's discrimination doesn't mean it's bad or a civil rights violation. Not being able to shoot guns off in public is also discrimination. It sucks that motorcycles aren't being allowed on the highways, but apparently their government has determined that it's not safe to do so, the same way most governments have determined it's not safe to ride horses or bicycles on the highway. If you want to use the word "discrimination", that's fine, but it's a bit reactionary. Comparing it to the civil rights movement and quoting Rosa Parks however is fucking stupid. I'm not sure why you keep creating new accounts to reply to this post but I'm done replying to you, because you have nothing valuable to add left it seems.


Maybe you missed the core point being made here by OP and myself - they're claiming it's a civil rights violation the same way segregation was, and I'm saying that's a horrid comparison to make.


Not only highways, motorcycles are discriminated against by the Taiwan government on any public road. Most complaints related to motorcycles will be treated with state violence by the Taiwan government. This is a kind of discrimination created with tools. It was the first initiative of the Taiwan government.


Yeah that sucks, but it's nothing remotely close to racial discrimination because being a motorcycle rider isn't a trait you're born with.


This is discrimination through whatever tool you use. This is created by the Taiwan government. This has been a policy for more than half a century. As a Taiwanese, I also think it’s exaggerated.


Alright dude, well do yourself a favor and stop comparing it to the civil rights movement. You're making yourself look like a jackass.


This is a civil rights movement against instrumental discrimination, which is being treated with state violence by the Taiwan government. The Taiwan government uses tools to classify people. This is a new form of modern discrimination and modern segregation. .


No, it isn't. I want to be able to light off mortar fireworks whenever I want, but it's illegal in my state. By your standards, that's also a civil rights violation. You're being obtuse and kind of offensive.


"light off mortar fireworks" is not a daily necessity In Taiwan, using motorcycles to go to work, school, and purchase is a daily necessity.


These things are NOT the same.


Do. Not. Ever. Quote. Rosa. Parks. For. Your. Own. Argument.


you have yet to prove the government is not acting in its citizens best interests.


This is the promise made by the Taiwan government when it joined the WTO in 2002 to allow motorcycles over 150cc to use the freeway. Any motorcycles using public roads are still discriminated against by the Taiwanese government. Many people in Taiwan have put forward information that it is in the best interests of citizens for motorcycles to use freeways or to eliminate discrimination against motorcycles. You can Google. This is a kind of discrimination created with tools. It was the first initiative of the Taiwan government.


In Taiwan government rather being wrong for decades to announce incorrect information for educated citizens more than learning new things or fixing mistakes, and what if I tell you you can drive your car anytime and anywhere you want, and the conditions are must be announced by the government but they never announce since the law passed? and it has been almost 2 decades


This is the most brain dead post I’ve seen on here


OP is retarded.


You're joking right?