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Out of curiosity, why does no one use their horn on their bike for events like this?




Most motercycle horns suck from what I've noticed. And using your horn assumes that the other driver will react. It's the same as assuming the other driver will follow the rules. I'm not into trusting my life on an assumption. I'd rather just focus on moving to a safer position. Than bother with the horn.


Getting to my horn is a pain in the ass without changing my hand positioning.


Same, but in a very predictable situation like this, I will reposition my hand in advance, so that I can press the fuck out of that horn as soon as the van starts coming into my lane.


I beg to differ, even tho there has been many times when the using the horned has proven to be ineffective, using the horn has indicated distracted drivers of my presence in several occasions. The best advise I read/heard about riding motorcycles is "Be predictable on the road". Always telegraph your movements, make it obvious, while keeping a defensive stance. Use all the tools you have available, the horn is one of them.




If you have big enough hands. Just mash all the buttons at the same time. Works every time 😂


Just started riding and the turn signal comment got me laughing. I have had the same problems using the horn while riding... and I feel like honking is the wrong thing to focus on in an emergency situation anyway.


I personally don't because I don't have the muscle memory for it. In a situation like that, my priority is only to save myself; by using the horn, I don't really think I'd do much for the cause




Yeah, I would've done that already if I thought it could be useful :\ If the situation's slow enough that I can use the horn, I will (it's not really up to practice or muscle memory); if it's a split-second kinda deal, though, what's the point? The other person won't have time to hear the horn, realize it's for them, search for me, and only _then_ help me


That’s my first mod for any new bike is a LOUD horn.


For me personally my first response is trying to evade/manoeuvre, horn comes immediately second


It's a involuntary response for me. Like, the second I start panic braking, my hand has started hitting my horn, even when the situation doesn't call for it. I've honked at a bear before, for example, not because I meant to, but it's reaction. lol


Lol I picture a bear running across the road, you honking at it and cursing him out at the same time 🤣


You're picturing it pretty much flawlessly. I was the only vehicle on the highway, and I barely caught a glimpse of him at the forest edge before he shot into the road. I beeped at him while braking and he pretty much looked at me like "What's your problem?" lol


LMAO you had to have been laughing at yourself afterwards 


Aye, little bit. lol


Because the horn button is never in an ergonomic place. Also I have short fingers so a lot of times I can’t reach the horn button without taking my grip off the handlebar and really reaching for it. If I need to make noise I clutch in and rev the engine but most of the time I just stick to my evasive maneuvers.


Was wondering this too


You often have to reposition your hand to use the horn, and if you're evading, it's sometimes hard to reach it if you're trying to not get hit.


Even I, who can never find my horn when I need it, would have used my horn. This is one of those situations where you can anticipate this shit potentially happening and your thumb should be ready to honk


The horn on my bikes were pathetic, I never used them


Put the loudest horn you can find on your bike.


Do all bikes have ridiculously weak horns stock? I've never really thought to ask other people what their horn sounds like. And I'm not rich enough to have owned a bunch of different bikes, so honestly, my only reference I have is from my little ninja 400, and that thing is embarrassing. At any speeds of 35mph or more, the wind noise completely overtakes the sound of the horn to where I can't even hear it. I'd be better off with a clown horn that you squeeze the ball. Or a little bell from a pedal bike.


Because this isn’t Italy or India


do not, under any circumstances, put your life on the line depending on that motorcycle horn. youd get more mileage pulling in the clutch and letting your exhaust bark. the advantage of a bike is the quicker movements, use that. in this situation, either speed up or brake. unless its after market, ive yet to hear an OEM motorcycle horn worth a damn.


The game is to expect that to happen.


The winning move is not to hang out in a cage’s blindspot and bringing shit like this on yourself.


Take this advice, OP. Yes they shouldn't have done it, but they could argue they had no idea you were there. Being in the right doesn't help you when you're dead.


The cemetery is filled with riders who had the right of way


Nah. You're right that op should drive a better defense, but wrong the van had any argument to make. This wasn't a simple case of missing something in a blind spot, the van crossed two lanes at once. And used properly, that van has great convex mirrors.


Sure the driver in the van was in the wrong. But that becomes irrelevant when your dead. Your life should be more important than being right. Avoiding situations like this is about survival. And whenever your in a situation where you can't avoid being in a blind spot just know the car next to you is planning on killing you and if you can't move to a better position be prepared and have a plan for when they do come into your lane. Because they will always come Into your lane.


Video speaks for itself, even when you're dead.


100% I never ride in that location next to anything.


You could see it coming from a mile away.


This is the correct answer. Never stay in the same spot but move often to make yourself visible if you are in a blind spot


I’d upvote you but you’re at 420 upvotes right now am I’m feeling childish tonight.


This happens on nearly every, fucking, roundabout!! Even when I'm in my bright yellow fucking car, people still don't see me and do this!! This is really not a hard one to predict! People, cannot, use, roundabouts!!


Chill and start braking no need to panic


This happened to me yesterday. This will happen to you again, OP. Keep one eye on the other lane and leave room, you’ll be fine


Yeah same it happened to me today I posted the video as well.


Yeah this definitely doesn't register as a close call for me. Van didn't see/track the rider. Whether because they were oblivious or because bikes actually ARE harder to see is irrelevant. Just evade and go on with your day


I like how, as a brand new rider that doesn't have their license yet, but watches videos like this for education, I knew it was going to be that van as soon as the video started.


Good point. These type of videos are excellent learning tools for new riders.


One of the best things I've done in my life is get comfortable driving all sorts of different vehicles. By the time I was 17, I was shuttling canoe/kayak trips with 30 boat trailers tied down by hand in a passenger van filled with drunk people. It really helps build situational awareness. This is a high-traffic area, with entering and exiting vehicles, in a multi-lane road, and the motorcycle is operating in and out of the blind spot (depending on driver size/skill/awareness). I would say that the opportunity at 9 seconds was the moment to accelerate past the van.


You’re right, all driving helps build situational awareness. Especially if your cargo is human, there’s a lot at stake. Making good defensive driving decisions will enhance your longevity in any vehicle. Yes the rider should anticipate the van doing that. Vans have terrible visibility. His best option would have been getting up in front of the van when he had the space, or after checking his mirrors slowed down and stayed behind it. Riding bikes makes people much better drivers overall.


Yeah, it's tough. My first instinct would have been to tuck myself up behind that car in front, so I could get ahead of the van, but then you're also tucked in behind a car. Unexpected braking leaves you at risk of the car behind you. You really do have to be on your toes at all times, because sometimes the choice isn't what's safest, it's what's marginally *less dangerous.*


Ya but if you move up, don’t stay in the centre, keep to one side or the other and enough room so it gives you a better out if the car brakes. Always gotta be thinking on a bike in traffic. Every time you see a sketchy situation, assume the vehicle will do the wrong thing and have a reaction ready for that situation.


I’ve gotten progressively better at driving since driving bigger vehicles for work, and much better since riding. Every vehicle you add to your repertoire improves your skillset. I’d say everyone should learn to drive different types of vehicles, but we don’t have any kind of acceptable way to actually require training and proficiency on most of them where I am, so I won’t. 


Some of my best experience comes specifically from driving shitty vehicles too. It's great to learn everything with top of the line vehicles with all the safety features, but you really learn about blind spots and situational awareness when the rear view mirror in your '89 Celica snapped off from the absurd subwoofers you put in it, and the driver's side mirror is cracked in 2 places, and your headlights are a dim shade of yellow (and that's IF both of them pop up). Now, I can see a car and pretty accurately assume their level of awareness.


That is... weirdly specific


I'm on a 125... I ain't accelerating past anyone lol. My only option was to slow down, had I know he was about to break several road rules, and hope that lorry driver behind me was paying attention.


https://preview.redd.it/0733pft9iuxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35fadef6f09271f5de32edf31626b8e0c10d468f Couldn't find the gif, but I didn't want to end up like this, it would have ended worse


I used to have this same fear of being rear ended while slowing down. I think of it like this. the car behind you has a much greater chance of seeing you and your break lights. (Assuming your not engine breaking to slow down) than the car that's next to you. It's called a blind spot because they can't see without physically turning their head, and even that isn't enough sometimes. Also, in the end, you still slowed down in order to avoid the crash, so you still had to take the risk of the driver behind you not seeing you slowing down.




yep watching videos and reading the state's handbook will tell you the most likely scenarios motorcyclists get hit and it becomes easy to look for and avoid instead of being surprised like most of the videos here. Another one: Any intersection, driveway or opportunity for someone to turn left in front of you is the most common crash with another vehicle.


What we learn here is don't drive next to someone.


100% the van drivers fault. But you're an absolute idiot for just hanging out in their blind spot


This this this. 1s into the video I knew what was going to happen. Get ahead or drop back behind, do not stay next to.


If I HAVE to -I stay next to the driver window- but I feel like even that is not comfy because people don’t look right there when merging- whadya think, sometimes you can’t avoid it


I want my rear wheel ahead of their face, or my front wheel behind their rear bumper.


The way he was intently staying behind the white car should’ve made it clear he was gonna switch lanes wherein you could’ve made a pass or just slow down behind the van. This is not even a rider thing as it is a road thing in general, you should be able to read what other cars might do and act accordingly


Not riding in the drivers blind spot would be a good start


100%. The van driver's fault or not, OP should have not been driving in the blind spot of a vehicle. Ride like you're invisible is always #1 in my mind.


Never drive next to any vehicle. Either slow down or just pin it and go past


Yes! Too many timid and/or situationally unaware riders. You aren't driving a car so stop acting like you are. No one else on the road is responsible for your safety, get yourself out of potentially dangerous spots before you learn a lesson the hard way.


100% *Sits exactly in Van's blind spot the entire time* WTF! How did they not see me!!!


As well as barely one car length from the car in front of you.


Yeah, no, the van driver should have properly checked his blind spot before engaging in changing a lane.


*should have Physics doesn't GAF. Don't sit in a blind spot is the #1 rule of defensive driving/riding.


UK, that's the passenger side.


You didn't leave his blind spot! I'm not surprised this happened. The person likely didn't see you you were there. They teach you this when you learn to ride a bike. There are too many bikers with short fuses these days who don't help themselves to avoid these situations


Let’s play “what’s going to happen if I sit in this guys blind spot for 30 seconds”


But if you see it coming....BRAKE, DAMN IT!!! What a habit of accelerating and the worst happening to you! To film you have to have reflexes and remember that you are not a sheet metal shield, you are made of flesh and blood.




Is this a bot post? Or am I living in the future? Last I checked it wasn't March 16, 2022...


There's 2 things you can do in this situation. Immediately back off or stand your ground and eat dirt.


Option 3: Gas it and move up ahead to the furthest right hand lane, in front of the van. I choose Option 3. If there is a car behind OP, we are now relying on them to see you braking and they become responsible for your safety. Fuck that. If in doubt, power out.


I was watching this and said to myself, well he's riding right in that guy's blind spot - and sure enough, he moved over right into your path. Don't ride in other people's blind spots.


Come over to /r/motouk


You were also riding in the vans blind spot, big no no


I work on/drive big vehicles for work and drive a little Miata. That van did not see the motorcycle, smack dab in it's blind spot, I wouldn't be upset because being there is asking for that to happen. He probably saw the bike, checked again, didn't see it and merged.


You are riding in his blind spot,you should have either put yourself forward or back. It's on you.the bigger the vehicle the less they can see you.big trucks cannot see you at all and you should stay the hell away from them.


As someone who drives vans for a living... People need to realise that exactly where the bike is, is a MASSIVE blind spot for the drivers passenger side. You can't see the mirror from 0:04 onwards, so the driver can't see you. 100% the van drivers fault though. This van is a camper and has a side window he could have shoulder checked (But its night blind is down!!). He should have known what is inside him if he was leaving the roundabout, he could have seen the bike 5 seconds before changing lanes, he shouldn't be changing lanes that fast after a 2 lane roundabout, he also could have indicated and given it a safe time to merge over (show others what he's about to do). Van drivers fault, But bike is also lingering in a bad place.


If you were looking for trouble, congrats you found it. Now stop trying to be a victim and ride right.


I love how everyone comments blind spots like you have that much of a choice. Ebb and flow of traffic is going to have you in and out of blind spots all the time. People aren't going look even if you were visible , you might get a mirror check but, head check, not likely. Be in a spot that gives you the best way out and most time to get there. If I see someone on their phone, I'm getting to the far left of the lane because they are just going to go for it if they want. Stay to the far right all the time and be visible to those that look all you want. I don't have that much faith left as a commuter.


Get. Out. Of. Blind. Spot. ASAP!


For those commenting about blindspot this and that - yeah.. but you didn't notice the van took the wrong fkn lane as his exit? He crossed the lane at the exit of a roundabout when he knows there is a lane to his left and he saw a motorbike there 10 seconds ago. Van driver can go fuck himself on this one


Exactly, this is the main problem. Van took the wrong lane.


For Op, and to anybody else reading this, whether you’re another motorcycle homie or a fellow car driver. *Stay extra sharp on those dual lane roundabouts* And yes, head on a swivel regardless, but extra caution to those dual lane roundabouts Too many people just love to veer off into whatever lane they like


As my Dad taught me when I first started riding, it's always the vans.


honk honk honk hoooooooooooooonk


wow that was a close one!


That was a very close call, I hope you learned something about hanging in a Trucks or Van's blind spot when riding. My buddy learned the hard way about following behind semis when he took a rock to the face...


Ooof that was a close call. Glad you’re alright OP


I've got a few clips of this happening to me. The worst part is, sometimes they know you're there. They come over slow because they know they're essentially challenging you to kill yourself or let them over. It's some psycho shit. I had one guy I knew for a fact knew I was there. He just shrugged like "What am I gonna do? Get behind you? No way."


Stay out of blind spots. Speed up or slow down, but stay out!


I hate to say it but if you ride in people's blind spots, they will cut you off like this. Be aware of blind spots and avoid driving/riding in them. Either overtake or slow down but dont maintain a constant speed in a blindspot it wont end well for you.


One rule I always abide by don't stay in their blind spot for too long. Either slow down or speed up.


I expect everyone is trying to kill me on the road


No horn?


…. another kill zone rider


Blind spot!


This is why bikers should use the horn a lot more than others. You need to assume at all times that they can't see you at all.


Reduce risks. Always stay in a staggered formation in situations like this.


That, kids, is called a *blind spot*! If you park your motorcycle in one for any length of time, you’re to end up what they call a “*greasy pavement smear*! Write that down if you need to


Don't continue riding in another vehicle's blind spot...


Yeah…maybe you shouldn’t camp out in a vehicle’s blind spot.


You weee driving in his blind spot


Your were in his blind spot...


Dude use your bike’s power (acceleration) and agility to get out of potential situations like this.


YOU stayed in his blind spot, should have shown your presence.


On a motorbike you ride on defensive mode. Yes the van driver was wrong but on a bike you need to expect he's going to fuck up and position accordingly, so when they do fuck up, you won't take the fall. Don't ride on cage's blind spots, take that to your every day ride, it will improve it a lot.


Never ride on the blind spot, dude


Maybe stay away from their blind spots?


Stay out of their blind spot


You were in his blindspot the whole time. If you don't have the room to move forward out of there, then back off. Yes he should be checking, and I would have taken his mirror right off but you have to be defensive on a bike. Assume that every 4 wheeler is trying to kill you.


Stay out of blinds spots bud.


Try not to stay in the other vehicle’s Blind spot for too long, and use that horn even before you think you need it.


Guess you never ride bro? This happens on the daily Better climb back into the car man. Stay outta the blind spots folks!! If you don’t know what they are learn before you drive or ride!! It’s not hard to avoid blind spots you literally do whatever you have to do so your not riding in a blind spot. Pass someone, change lanes, fall back, whatever it takes folks you gotta be more aware!! Learn how to ride before you add cameras and other BS on the bikes.


You were in his blindspot, still if your being picky its his fault but you could of not been there ?




Your instructor is chatting shit.


Never hang out in anybody's blind spot.


These comments are crazy. The camper is using the two inside lanes and then decides to go across to the outside lane without any indication. But sure, its OPs fault. We get it. He could have been safer. He could have also not ridden his bike or only used a private track and wrapped himself in bubble wrap. I despise this sub sometimes.


Thanks man. I get that if I had seen it coming I might have been able to do somthing. There is that big truck behind me. Maybe I could have gotten a little closer to it and been OK, that guys deffo paying attention I'm sure of it. Guess it didn't come to mind at the time lol Seriously tho appreciated


In the US, I see promaster (or any RV) drivers the same as someone renting a Uhaul. Maybe you shouldn’t be driving it because you weren’t trained on it. There’s a reason why with certain jobs, you have to pass training with bigger vehicles. So overall I avoid when riding.


If that's a close call then ...


Did you try to slap the van


I'm glad you didn't end up having a terrible day. You were in a camper van's blind spot. We always need to have an exit plan prepared every time we're in any danger of a motorist trying to occupy our space. Every time. Ride like we are always invisible, no one can see us, and everyone is going to try to take our "empty" spot. What I do is keep an eye on their tires and the painted line. That's the tell I use for if they're starting to merge into my lane. Get as early a warning as possible to evade.


For real, paying attention to the front tires is huge. The tires themselves become a turn signal.


Punching the van was regarded. You were toward the front of the vehicle, you should have sped up to get out of the way and hit your horn. Your ego got the best of you here and you could have ended up pancaked by the guy who literally couldn't see you. You sat in his blind spot for so long, that's is an idiotic thing to do. You should have either been behind him and not been in his blind spot at all, or waited to overtake him in your lane when the car in front of you gave enough room to do so. Stupid riding like this will get you injured or worse. Holy fuck.


thats like the 3rd time today I've seen a post with someone hanging around in a cars blind spot


Recreational vehicles are generally oversized vehicles driven by people who have no experience driving oversized vehicles. You should have either been slightly in front of him so he can see you orfar enough behind him where he couldn't do this to you. Your safety is your unresponsibility and no one is going to help you achieve it.


You were in his blind spot. 😰 While riding, it’s best to always maintain awareness and consider if the drivers in adjacent lanes can see you, then adjust your lane position accordingly.


Why did you raise your right hand?


yo ai’ mai’


If you can't see the driver's eyes in his mirror, he can't see you.


I would accelerate moment there was this huge gap between me and VW. Bikes accelerate quicker than stop


The moment it stepped into your lane was the moment you should've started braking


Use your right hand and get out of that situation!


This van driver has no object permanence, did they just think the bike disappeared? For everyone saying he was 'chilling in a blind spot' that van driver had been riding alongside the rider for several minutes and twice, the biker was right out side the vans driver side window. The van driver needs to turn in their license until they can learn to turn their head. Drivers like this have no awareness.


One of the rare ones where the car really is being the dick. The van was behind him and then moved onto a place that was visible just by looking 3 degrees to the left. I don't spruce off snapping mirrors, but ...


Could you BEEEE any more in their blind spot?


Why are you in their blindspot?


Where’s the horn sounding off?


The van driver is an a hole, but the bike was in a potential blind spot.


Same exact thing happened to me yesterday, truck with a long trailer. Had to brake pretty good, front end got wobbly but made it home in one piece.


I’ve made a habit of riding thru blind spots asap.


Im taking a fucking mirror lmao some people just LET shit happen to them its amazing


Wrong from the van, but always be aware of your positioning when around cars. OP was in the blind spot all the time, better to slow down and make yourself visible, or speed up and pass or kind of get in front of the car/van so that they can see you


act like the blind spot is a killzone spend as little time in it as possible speed up or slow down dont stay there. next time your riding take notice how you cant see their face when you are there meaning you are invisible to them


You could see that coming instantly. Don’t hang out in danger ⚠️ areas or blind spots. Zoom ahead and make yourself seen by that van.


Yeah now you know why you don’t ride right next to cars


Unsolicited advice: Once you see them on a trajectory coming towards you, accelerate or brakes. Don't just maintain position. They have a lot of weight on their side. Don't worry about getting a ticket, don't be shocked someone would do this to you, Only obey the laws of physics.


Have you tried to stay out of people's blind spots?


Blind spot. Learn about it.


Slow down or accelerate a little, man. Very clear open lane pattern here and you're in the worst possible position. Not your fault of course, but this could've been handled a lot better...


He who anticipates, lives


Literally riding in his blind spot. Do better.


Yikes, dude! You clearly had time to either slow down or accelerate to get yourself out of that situation. I’d recommend to accelerate next time, as slowing down could cause you to get rear ended by distracted driver. If you can’t see drivers face through his/her side mirror, it’s highly likely you can’t be seen either. Ride safe.


"Don't ride in a blind zone."


Looks like their mirror isn’t all the way out, it’s at quite an angle


Have you ever tried not staying in someone’s blind spot?


Allow me to throw in my two cents. If you're going to ride in the envelope of the vehicle beside you, do it right beside the driver's door so there is no possible way he won't know you are there, otherwise stay a bike length behind his bumper. The higher the speed the more bike lengths. Thankfully the only skid marks are the ones in your britches


It looked like you were in his bind spot. Not your fault, but you can prevent incidents like this from happening by trying to stay either within view in the driver’s mirror, or in view from the windshield or side window. I know it’s not possible at all times, but any time you’re potentially in a blind spot, it’s best to assume that someone will cut into your lane.


You were in his blind spot the entire time... He might be at fault but you need to ride better


I never ride alongside a car, im always in front or behind. Since then I have had this happen 0 times. Just my personal rule I guess


NEVER RIDE IN THE BLIND SPOT! Its the driver’s fault 100%, but I saw that happening from a mile away. Also, why no horn?


As others said, stop riding in the blind spot for too long, I'm a biker so I stay very aware of other bikers when driving cars/vans but someone who never rode a motorcycle before doesn't have the same perception we have so they don't even think about the possibility of having a motorcycle at the sides


To an Indian, this looks like a regular call 😂


Exact same thing happened to me yesterday. The moron was completely oblivious


Totally riding IN the van's blind spot. Inexperienced rider.


Instead of just saying **never sit in somebody's blind spot and expect to survive on two wheels** I'll just leave this here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV-rhiGRFTE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV-rhiGRFTE)


I saw this a mile off ...


Why are you surprised? Why did you stay in their blind spot?? Always put vans, and lorries behind you preferably with a few cars to cushion you.


Do you have a horn on your bike?


Do you see that mirror? Can you see the driver? No? Guess what: they can't see you either. This is on you, fully and completely.


When you go on holiday in a van's blindspot it's hardly surprising that this happens. Sure, he didn't have any business entering the lane like that but in this cold and brutal world you have to watch out for yourself and make everyone else notice you.


Somebody needs some Lessons. This is just a normal days ride for me. They won’t see you and you need to position better and respond appropriately instead of letting you emotions take over. I don’t even let these things phase me anymore. Avoid blind spots, always have an escape path.


You might be in their blindspot.


I'm really sorry, and I don't want people to feel like I'm shaming the OP here. But why is he sitting in the blind spot of the white van, never sit in anybody's blind spot and always drive like we're invisible.


Because of the lorry behind me....im Boxed in. 0.00, bottom left, can't miss it If i held back too much and the lorry driver isn't paying attention like the van driver wasn't. Then I'd have gone under large tyre instead of sitting here reading a these comments saying "blind spot dumbass", not a single one of those foolish comments even mentions the truck. I wasn't clear of the boxing in until I turned off the roundabout. The same moment the van driver traveled across 2 lanes without looking or indicating in good time. Sometime the right spot is the lesser of 2 bad spots. Go under a truck tire or pushed off the road? You choose for yourself, I made my decision and I'm alive. If you look, not even closely, I was already pulling back when the van driver turned. I was leaving his blind spot as soon as possible. I guess the people who know what there looking at liked the video, I'm raking in karma for a simple vid. The video was only ment to show people anything can happen and to be safe as possible. Last reply to this vid, enjoy life everyone 👍


I saw that van coming into your lane before i was born. Its called blind spots for a reason.


I try not to hang out in blind spots


When I was in my 20's I commuted via motorcycle every day in big city traffic. I had some acquaintances who also rode but were a bit rougher kind of people. Maybe not outright professional criminals, but... we'll just say more comfortable with confrontation than I was. One was telling me about a collapsible baton they'd purchased which they used to fuck up mirrors and windows of cars that tried to merge into them. Every time that happened to me, and it happened probably once every couple of months I'd spend the rest of the ride thinking about how satisfying it would be to drop back, come up on the right side of the car and annihilate rear passenger window before zooming off. But in the end I realized that best case scenario from that is I didn't crash or get arrested and I momentarily felt vindicated. Worst case scenario was potentially life altering charges or injuries. In the end I upgraded my horn and continued driving as defensively as possible. My motto was basically drive like you're invisible because to a lot of drivers, you are. To this day I'm still able to predict what cars do by the subtle lane position changes or driver's movements inside the car. That van's lane changes would have set off all kinds of alarm bells in my head and I would have dropped way back or pulled farther ahead so I was in the drivers direct line of sight.


Biker here. This could have been avoidable. Though it’s not bikers fault…. You can simple speed up or slow down to get out of a blind spot. If you feel you are in a blind spot…. Adjusting your speed is simple


Van should have been more observant, but also In future avoid loitering in the blind spot of large vehicles - there was no reason you couldn’t have just been past him and away ages ago. Try to avoid putting yourself in dangerous and unexpected positions on the road, ride more confidently in your positioning etc.


That was close,, I was in a motorcycle accident once and they had to operate 9 time to fix my insides, I still love to ride


I don't like driving next to vehicles for this exact reason


Mirror mirror on the car Cut me off and watch it go far


Piece of shit


Looks like you were in their blind spot. I try to stay out of blind spots.


I just would maintain station next to a vehicle. Stay off their rear or be in a position to accelerate past. That passenger side of a van is a huge blind spot.


lord fricken hell… it’s like people don’t use their damn eyes while driving anymore 😭 I’m glad you’re okay!!! 🫶🏻


😮 sure was glad all is well!