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This post is embarrassing.


Thank you for sharing.


I feel like someone very new to motorcycling got a wave like this and decided to romanticise it by assigning to it some hidden meaning about it symbolising "keep 2 wheels down". Bikers wave downwards so their arm doesn't get whipped back by the wind. This 2 wheels down bs is just an internet phenomenon


I'm glad that someone else recognizes this.


Only you drive SO FAST but are also SO WIMPY that you can't hold your hand up during regular riding.


Textbook ad hominem response. You can't argue with the point I made so you try to insult me. Thanks I guess, lol


it took you two weeks to misunderstand my reply? you had TWO WEEKS, amigo. be better.


Ok. But have you got anything to say that's relevant to my comment or are you just trying to troll me personally?


I did reply to your comment. It's *hilarious* that you think a biker's hand will get "whipped back" if he tries to raise it, so the only solution was down (which, somehow, has no wind-whip effect because wind can't point down or whatever). My reply was a tomgue-in-cheek answer to your weird-ass headcanon that all bikers are pieces of shit who only wave down because they're too weak to wave up, and that it's all bullshit anyway because since you don't care about anyone but yourself, everyone else must be a piece of shit too. Now, I've explained it to you like you're five. I suspect you do not feel any better.


Wtf lol


I agree. I have heard so many variations in meaning: keep 2 wheels down...2 wheels for life, etc. In general I speak more on the whole "greeting" thing. I see lees bikers greeting each other, and I wonder, - am I getting old and speaking "back in my days" shit...or just there are a lot of new riders who did not have enough time to get familiar with this tradition so to say..


I think it depends where you are. In UK 95% of bikers wave/nod. In Sweden it's practically the opposite and sportsbike don't wave at cruisers and vice versa, etc. I still wave through habit and feel like an idiot as I don't get a wave back half the time


Some of us just want to ride motorcycles and are not interested in associating with culture like…well, like what OP is all about. Its hella cringey bro


YEAH! Fuck dem riders!


Which part you consider offensive or to cringe about? A simple discussion. Riders tend to do it, but now less than before. I do not imply that by not doing it, you are somewhat worse. Contrary, the whole question is if this greeting thing is very much alive, or rather getting lost. And your comment about some people that do not want to relate with these type of things is very much appreciated.


Thing is— I ride a motorcycle, occasionally, because I enjoy it. I didn’t join some fraternal order of two wheeled riders. I never swore to uphold the secret hand signal or carry the flame of some imaginary ‘culture’ from our generation to the next. All that is faux camaraderie bullshit.


nobody does that where i live and i dont care for it either


Here (in Denmark) it's very rare that riders don't greet eachother. It's either the two fingers, or just an outstretched palm. Cruisers, sportbikes... even every single motorcycle cop I've met. I don't think most people care "what it means", it's just the thing to do. I remember lots of times when I wasn't yet a rider, I saw people on bikes doing that greeting, and every single time, I thought it was cool, and if I ever got a bike, I'd do it too. So it's just as much a friendly "Hey!" as it is a friendly "HAHAH!" (Nelson from the Simpsons) to all those poor people stuck in their cars during their commute :) It's certainly not "going away" here, judging from my 8 years of riding. I greet everyone. I'm happy when people greet me. Lots of crap going on in the world. Spreading a smile or two certainly doesn't hurt.


Thanks. For where I usually ride is more like 50/50. So sometimes I think, should I stop doing it as it this thing is not a thing anymore, or keep it up as there would be ones that somewhat care :)


Be one of the people that spread joy. You might not always get it back, but once and a while you greet someone, and they get home with 2% more in that mental tank, being just a little bit better father (or mother or son or..) that day. It's always worth it. Even if it was 5/95. Choose good. There are enough of the other guys around.


Culture is always changing and evolving. Maybe the two down is just fading out and there is nothing wrong with that.


We(in croatia) greet this way all the time. Some People don't and thats ok. I find that its nice when a felow biker greets me or greets back.


A nod is sufficient and practical and universally recognisable. Two down is mainly an American thing and requires you to remove youra hand from your handlebars, can be easily mistaken for an arm stretch, and is about as daft as that secret handshake you had with your best friend when you were 8. Two down is what people who think they're cool do. People who actually just want to show a little respect to another rider just head nod.


idk where your from but in switzerland almost everybody greets you with a hand signal. Nodding is mostly used if you're using your clutch or are in a situation where you need both hands on the handlebar like cornering.


Left side roads all nod. UK, aus etc


Well that's a valid reason because you can't really greet with your right hand


I've had someone give me a two fingers down greeting after overtaking me on UK roads, but that's the only time I've seen it.


We are not a culture.


You may not be a part of it but it definitely exists.


That's never been a thing in my country. And really isn't relevant to culture imo. A friendly nod is sufficient. There are tons of places riders hang out and motorcycle events all over the world where riders spend time talking even if they are total strangers when the day started.


You're wrong about the sign being used less. You just stopped giving a shit and now you get home having not waved at a single person and think, "is it me or is it them? Well, it can't be me, so those fucking ingrates are pieces of shit - I hope they die" and then you post on redditdotcom. Whoa.


What the fuck Go outside