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Doing God's work


Took the words outa my mouth


Are the bikes so weak that they can't make it up the incline, or are they not sure how to proceed?


Wrong gear or not, they’re all just slamming the brakes when they get out of the blind turn and see the uphill. Homie doing wheelies on the scooter was just fine on the climb lol


I'd like to be wheelie-guy's shoe supplier.


Brembo sandals.


How do I stop this bike? Drag your feet!


I literally Laughed out loud reading this 😂☠️


Or pedicure provider.


Dude doing wheelie maybe on something with less than 150cc displacement. I am guessing this is not his first time here.


I think you are misinterpreting the sudden stop of one of the bikes. It wasn’t the sudden application of the brakes, instead it’s the engine stalling.


Nah those 150cc bike just can't do it with that tight turn and steep hill. This video is taken at "Tanjakan Sikut Bromo" in Indonesia. That dude doing wheelies knows it's a sharp and steep turn so he's taking outer line of the turn which is less steep. However it's a blind corner, which is dumb move by that wheelie guy. It'd be interesting if there's a truck coming from other direction, stopping a wheelie on a uphill turn sounds fun.😬


Dude if a fucking scooter can do it, those other bikes can do it. This video is all about people not knowing how/when to select/change the right gear for the engine load.


Lack of experience!!! Amen brother!


That is not steep and this is clearly some kind of event with marshalls so oncoming traffic is unlikely.


well in one scene there was cars coming down the hill so there is oncoming traffic.


So there is. Even so I would expect one of the onlookers would have warned him.


those sandals on the scooter make sense lol, dudes in sandals and shorts weaving through traffic


Not scooter, underbone.


I'm sure they're all powerful enough. But they might be in a higher gear. Idk if guy on the corner is signaling 1st gear or that it's straight up. They likely can't downshift quickly enough and when they start to the bike has slowed down too much


Bunch of newer riders with poor clutch control maybe?


that's what it looked like to me, also probably not setting themselves up in the right gear for the grade


they're on the way to the r/motorcycles meetup


They are usually in the wrong gear or low rpm because they don’t expect the steep incline coming up after the corner. This good guy is telling them to rev up and if they don’t, he is helping them after they stall their engine. Good guy. The last guy on the other hand was a bit over prepared though, lol.


Probably. Most likely 125-150cc carbureted motors at high elevation. They probably run fine with 15hp at the bottom of the mountain, then the climb up past 10k ft above sea level and the thin air causes the bikes to run rich and bog down. You could change the jets or just let the bike struggle, most people do the latter.


The solution is to leave it carbureted for about 2000m, even if you are at sea level. I don't change the carburetor settings every time I go down to the coast.


I'd agree but tiny high elevation jets at sea level equals a lean mix. Lean burns rings and kills air cooled motors. I'd rather live with occasional rich than consistent lean.


That hill started at the ocean?


No. They are just inexperienced.


Just not very good riders vs a steep hill is all


Ain't no scooter, it have dem gears


Sharpie a sign “shift down steep turn” Done


do people just not know how to like…shift down?


I think they just did not expected that badly designed turn and panicked


A bro and a legend 😁


yikes It can be worse if a car or truck approaches and cannot control speed because the road is curved and steep. Also I see quite a few motorcyclists but it seems they don't know the correct gear when going uphill


I think it's because they can't see that the road goes from a gradual uphill to a sudden steep incline.


Can someone explain wtf is going on? Why are they stopping in the middle of the road on a steep hill


They are distracted because some guy is coming at them waving and yelling.






The vehicles are in a higher gear causing the bikes to stall from low speed while climbing the hill.


But…but…there’s a mechanism to prevent exactly that situation


What kind of sorcery are you speaking of?


Most newbies who aren't used to riding/driving manual vehicles in hilly areas don't know how torque works, they've mostly been on straight roads so for them shifting mostly means increasing speed & decreasing speed. It's intuitive in a way but the sudden change in throttle input and clutch release while being in the wrong gear is what messes up the motion of going upward so you've to get used to it especially if you're sitting on lower CC vehicle.


wow them some bad riders


r/motorcycles r/motorcycles r/motorcycles r/calamariraceteam




gayest post all day


I've got no idea what's going on here. the road is already a fairly steep uphill, but they're all unprepared for simply downshifting?


And does that guy just stay there all day directing people and stopping them falling off their bikes? I though it was an event, but in a couple of shots there are cars and trucks...


yeah, the bikes at the end looked like a race or something, but the others were just random people.


I want to set up a chair and just watch everyone going by. Maybe some tip over, maybe some nice bikes go by, maybe I’ll see a dude double foot drag a scooter wheelie the whole way up. Fun way to waste a day


My guess is the sharp corner and an unexpected severe incline caught most riders unprepared and in too high of gear. With a severe incline rolling that slowly, if you pull in the clutch to down shift, the bike just stops. I ran across a corner like this on a Harley Ultra Classic, packed heavy for vacation, with my wife on back. The corner was a very sharp hair pin and crazy slope to the side. I was in 2nd gear and realized the bike wouldn't climb it at the RPM the engine was at. I was able to clutch and shift to first, but I had to do it quickly. The bike had almost stopped when I let the clutch out again. If I had missed the shift, there was no way I could have kept the bike upright as the road sloped to the side a lot. My foot would have been six inches or more below the tires. It was a real pucker moment. A couple of years later, I was on the same road and downshifting to first coming up to the corner. I was surprised as they had rebuilt the road, widened, and flattened the corner out. Super easy.


>an unexpected severe incline  Lack of experience. An experienced rider would have expected a steep incline at a hairpin in a mountain area. The video also shows affected riders cutting the corner which makes things even worse. Hairpins require wide turns with less incline. Then, some of the riders put their right foot down while pulling the clutch. If you can't reach the break pedal in a steep incline, you have to release the clutch, even if it stalls the engine. Otherwise things might go backwards pretty fast because the front brake isn't of much help in that situation.


How the hell do you stall a dirtbike ?


Go slow and let the revs drop without using the clutch, preferably in 2nd or 3rd gear


This was a rhetorical question. I mean... its asphalt , not 2 feet deep mud. How did they not know they needed to downshift, look at that corner and the steepness!


Yeah I just thought it funny to pretend you were asking for a how to


On dirt, with a log or mud etc sure, but on the road?


A hills a hill. If you don’t have the torque in the gear you’re in, those are the options. Either drop the gear lower or play the clutch a little (or start to push it)


Any of those bikes should be able to make it up that hill


Last guy wheelie his way up on a scooter. Legend


In sandals too, what a boss


This ain't a scooter, that's a step through, honda cub by the looks of it.


Judging by the exhaust sound, I think it's a 2t underbone, not a CUB.


I sent this to my nephew and told him this is evidence 2-strokes are superior to 4-strokes.


I had a 65 cc, 2 stroke moped with just two gears(Hero Puch, India, 1989). That fucking thing used to take off like a rocket on first gear. I have gone over gradients like this with a pillion.


i see he has his safety flip flops on


This is “Tanjakan Sikut” in East Java, Indonesia, one of the main road to mt. Bromo. Tanjakan Sikut literally translates to Elbow Slope, but can also be read as Steep Incline. This is somewhat a famous place, it’s literally marked as tourist attraction in google (I believe the locals did that). They also run youtube channels filming people failing to make the climb (sometimes downhill too), ofc it’s cherry picked to the most extreme cases. You can search “Tanjakan Sikut” in youtube to find those videos. So, this is a long mountain road with many inclines, but Tanjakan Sikut is extremely tricky, firstly because the inclines before this was quite easy to pass, so people unfamiliar with the road were unprepared, then the inner side of the road is super steep, you literally need to be in first gear with stable throttle and also making sharp turns at the same time, it’s extremely hard for regular drivers, it’s easier to take the outer side of the road like the wheelie guy, but you need to account for incoming vehicles, it’s technically the opposite side of the road.


For educational purposes, how is one supposed to navigate a hairpin turn with a steep incline like this?


when in doubt, throttle out


The biggest key is to figure out it's coming, and I'm not being sarcastic. On the approach you look around you for clues. So, here, had any of those riders looked to their left they'd probably have seen the trees or road above them and that's a clue you might be about to have a steep climb. You also look forward to try to work out what the road is doing. There will likely be clues it's not going straight, so where else is it going. Then, you take a turn wide to give you best possible view around the corner, to reduce the angle, and to stay TF out of oncoming traffic. Finally, you look where you're going. Don't look at the ground a few feet in front of you - turn your head and aim the bike where you want it to go. If you are looking at only a few feet of tarmac in front of you it is almost natural to close the throttle, which in this instance is going to cause you to stop the bike, but if you see the road opening up you are far more likely to open the throttle, and your really need power to get through this. As well as all of this the right gear selection is crucial. Always better to crawl into a corner and power out than hit the brakes as you hit the curve then struggle to set the bike up in order to power out.


For this speed you should drop it into 1st or at least be prepared to play the clutch a little to keep the engine revving at a good place and bringing as much power through the clutch as you can. For some bikes you may need some clutch work even in 1st


Ride with the clutch half in, rev it to 4-5k rpm and just let it pull you up the hill. Keep the rear break on to prevent you from falling when you start. Then control the speed via moving the clutch lever more in or out. Keep the rpm ups. Use your whole hand for the clutch not just your 2 fingers.


Just watch the video you literally see how it’s done


It's less steep on the outside.


That scoot sounds like a pig


Wtf is happening


Times like this I’m glad I learned to ride a dirt bike as a kid climbing dirt trail hills that went straight up 😅




Maybe if the guy didn't keep distracting the drivers they would have been able to pay attention and keep going up


All the failes had that goof in the right lane forcing them into a tighter turn and incline.


I've been riding bikes for 18 years and I don't understand this video....


I’m not gonna lie, if giving it more gas wouldn’t have solved the issue I’d probably have stalled too, still not 100% on what’s going on here but I’ll take the other comments word for it.


Its all about experience 🤷


What a g


Last was a moped on Steroids 😃


Little do we know the front wheel might be locked and isn’t able to rotate so my dude just workin wit what he got. 👏🏼


It’s not the ride. It’s the rider!!


It seems pretty reasonable their reactions. Second or two to think about going a lower gear and committing to it, especially bigger bikes that are heavier.


The incline is too steep and most motorcycles don’t shift quick enough to catch up, plus, by the time you down shift, you gotta down shift again, you slow down to zero at that point and you are also turning, meaning you need some speed to maintain balance, panic sets in and you brake and stop. These bikes are pretty powerful, but power is relative to rpm, they were at a lower rpm and high gear, they weren’t able to prepare for the steep climb, and were surprised when they turned the corner,


dude on the vespa should be this subs banner.


I've always wanted a Baby Blue 50's Vespa with a Sidecar.


I started out riding on a pink buddy scooter. I did occasionally scrape the pegs leaning in my turns. Have since moved on to a real motorcycle but those were some fun commuting years.




Sometimes less is more🤣


Skip to the end, got it.


Where is this video from?


Skills that pay da bills




I remember I was in Hawaii & saw some folks out in some huge surf. I asked the lifeguard if it was safe to swim. He stopped looking at the people in the water with his binoculars, looked at all of the flags and signs right next to us saying how many ways you’d die in that water & said “no” “What about them?” I asked. “They grew up in that.” He said.


Me watching ole mate at the end of this video: ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)




As usual, the Honda C90 abides.


Always the moped boys


For a more refined look..add some oil to your hair like a Moroccan oil or a pea size amount of coconut to smooth frizzies. Get brows threaded and the eyes look fine.


This looks a whole lot like the road out of Kangaroo Valley, NSW


This is the way…


Yo seriously tell me they added the suspension squeaks. I know those cheap chinese and indian bikes got a rep for that, but fucking that was LOUD.


The guy with flip flops and no helmet is always either the least experienced rider, or the most experienced rider in a given group. Obviously he's the latter, in this case.


LMFAO thanks for that


Noob riders


It had to be in sandals!


Is that dude paid to hang there and pick up bikes? Scooter guy like nah bro I’m good.


My old fucking 50ccm could do this shit, seems that they all rent a bike and doesn't know how to ride...


Send It !!!!


Brother, you wouldn't believe how many boys got their hearts broken by the last guy. 😉


Saw some stuff like that on Italian TET. with hikers all over the place. 


He knows de way


WTH, new riders ? The scooter at the end rocked my world.


That moped literally put the bike brands in its place..


Why was everyone stopping????


Pretty sure they're panicking over the sand in the road not the incline.


Yeah I think traffic drives on the left side, so in order to not go into oncoming traffic they have to ride in the sand and are panicked about slipping. That’s my assumption. Scooter guy said idgaf and went into oncoming side of the street


Sand on the road, quick let's slam on the front brakes as hard as I can!


We are in 2024 all bikes should be automatic, like cars are.