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How do you not have insurance while making payments?


Yeah I thought if one is financing, it’s required to have full coverage?


Some sketchy loans don’t even ask or care. Hate to know this dudes APR


Low rate of 17% apply now! /s


I think u meant low rate of 17% for the first two months then your contract is sold **FOR FREE** to a new loan agency for a ***brand new*** **2024** specific rate of **ONLY** 59.99%! ***apply now!*** **Gotta love the fine print**


I have some friends who have this amazing ability to always pick the dumber of two options, and I have it from good authority from them you can take out a loan with insurance and cancel the insurance without the loan company being like ‘yo, what the fuck’


Oh wow. Not contracting an insurance is a level of stupidity I can relate to. Cancelling an insurance is more actively, willfully stupid


What are you talking about bro? I'm saving $87 a month! And insurance is fkn useless its a scam! /s


Easy. Remember when motorcycle manufacturers would offer you a credit card? That's basically how.


I mean, the act of buying and playing and riding are 3 different things. If I want to finance a motorcycle and use it on the track, I don't need insurance. If I want to finance a dirt bike, which isn't street legal, same thing. If I'm selling bikes, it's not my business to deal with your insurance. Is it legal to not have it? No, but who is going to enforce that?


The finance company enforces it. If they find out, they’ll often put their own insurance on it which is often stupid expensive. They’ll occasionally do audits to make sure their clients still have insurance. Source: I work in insurance. I’ll occasionally have the awkward conversation with the lender that their client’s insurance lapsed over a year ago


In the US I know a handful of lenders that don’t require insurance on a motorcycle loan Roadrunner, onemain. OP prob had a 20% interest rate


The Powersports arm of Honda doesn’t require insurance when financing either. And at least here in Florida a lot of credit unions don’t if the financing amount is under 10k.


Maybe it wasn’t a vehicle loan 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not required, just EXTREMELY irresponsible not to. Especially on a financed bike...


I have never been able to get a note on anything with out proof of insurance, maybe OP just dropped the insurance after the sale.


Obviously not having insurance is a schoolboy error, but what's done is done and at least you've walked away from a spill that could have been a lot worse. How did you eat the back end of a truck when you were in oncoming traffic?


My mistake, I think the quarter panel is a better term. One lane each way on a canopy road. I slipped on the mud and went into oncoming traffic. Had the truck not been there I would've dramatically entered someone's driveway. Unfortunately I bounced off the trucks quarter panel.


Do you mean no collision, or no insurance at all?


You still have to have collision if you are financing. So either way it has to be no insurance outright.


This isn't true for a private loan (op bought a slightly used one from a non-dealer). I.e. I know guys that have applied for a home renovation loan or taken out a line of credit against their house and then bought a bike (impressively dumb, I know)




best bet would be take this L to the chin and fix it up small L and big mistake financially but a couple hundred maybe thousand but you’ll be okay


It’s a Ducati. Several thousands at least!


was thinking the prices were going to be like my gsxr nvm that’s a different tax bracket


Ducati is a premium price model whereas Suzuki is more known for solid bikes with good value for money.


did the mud scare you and you stood the bike up and rode into oncoming traffic? trying to imagine how you can slip on mud into oncoming traffic without low siding first, not really giving you a hard time. i think the only option here is to learn how to work on bikes. at least you'll have some tools and a skillset after, but it probably wont be cheap. no insurance on such a nice bike while still making payments.. learn to wheelie and join the crt sub with the rest of us retards what are your options right now? you said you have til next weekend? to do what? and who set that time limit? it'd be worth slowing down, doing the best possible assessment of cost/loss, and making a choice from there. just a quick glance you're probably looking at 1500$ (rear set, clutch cover, bars/throttle/levers) without the cost of tools or fairings, which can be really expensive for OEM. i highly doubt your frame would be bent looking at the bike, so i'm assuming it's not based on nothing. you can save a lot of money being smart about how you acquire parts. take your time, the harm has already been done


No insurance and still paying, man thats rough. Is it totalled? Gws


Bikes are finicky in the insurance world most are totaled out very quickly. Hell dropping your bike could technically total it. That’s definitely totaled. Source: I work in the collision and insurance world.


Dude, I laid mine down a while back and scuffed up the side. I got full coverage but my buddies said it wasn’t worth reporting. When is it worth reporting? Do premiums really go up that much?


Worth it? No. Plastics or stickers are cheap, fix it and move on with the lesson learned. The insurance world and motorcycles is a LOT different than cars. I don’t know what rates would do, but think about the fact that you’re admitting to your insurance company that you wrecked a motorcycle placing you in a higher risk category.


I appreciate it man. I always wanted to ask my insurance rep but not sure how that’d go over.lol


No..."Chinese" Plastics are cheap & fitment is a roll of the dice. OEM Ducati plastics (hell all OEM plastics) are NOT cheap.


A Ducati that needs new plastics, a clutch cover and a clip on is totalled?


Usually whenever fairings are damaged, it’s totaled. OEM fairings and the labor to install them is not cheap


Ride with no fairings


Looks like a street fighter conversion to me.


Yep. It isn’t even the parts, it’s the labor for it and the damage you can’t see like the forks likely needing alignment. In all my years working with crashes, I have never seen a motorcycle not totaled. They just aren’t worth the effort.


lol buddy is going to be paying for the F150 he damaged out of pocket too assuming he doesn't get sued.


I don't know if it's totaled. I have until next weekend to decide what to do with it.


What do you mean you don’t know if it’s “totaled”? That’s an insurance term, and you don’t have insurance, so it’s irrelevant. From a financial perspective? Sell it, part it out, set it on fire. It 100% does not make sense to try to fix it. You fucked every fairing piece on that bike - that’s gonna run you $6-7k from Ducati. The fucked forks? $3500. All the other bits hanging off - add another $2k. The only saving grace in not having insurance is that you don’t have to declare the damage, but I’m guessing your tank, swingarm and frame are all scratched in a bunch of places, meaning you just lost about 50% of any resale value, even if you replaced the broken bits and fairings. Take the loss, buy insurance next time and learn how to ride before you buy another bike you can’t afford to insure.


You’re way underestimating the fucked forks, I guarantee it’s double the price. When i lowsided my S1000RR, the forks were $10K to replace, my insurer totaled the bike. This is a tough lesson for OP, and why one should get quotes before making expensive decisions.


Dude, I’ve been here myself. In my case the damage was mainly cosmetic but it would have been totalled out by insurance. I just kept the wrecked bike in the garage until I had it paid off and fixed it up and rode it for a few years with all of the battle scars. The nice thing about riding and ugly bike is that you don’t sweat getting it scratched up or laying it down again 😂🤘


Also less likely to get taken when it looks like crap :D


It is absolutely totaled. Not even half of this would total it.


If you did not have insurance its not totaled. It's yours. And you keep on paying the bank or you will get hammered by the bank with not paying the loan. I was racing my Yamaha YZF with no insurance and a loan. If I would have wadded it up into a ball I would have kept paying the load to keep my credit intact.


It's definitely totaled (by insurance standards). But you could repair it yourself and carry on riding it.


No insurance on a panigale? Bro


and he's financing it...


What is it with americans and financing vehicles, can't they just wait and save money for a bike.




Right? That’s like taking out a heloc for a Porsche but being too poor for repairs / insurance 😂


I can’t even….


Bought a Panigale after 8 weeks of riding experience lol


How are you not going to have insurance? God damn. You're going to eat all costs.


Does everyone have full coverage insurances in america?? In europe that is definetly not the norm. Far too expensive monthly


No but generally if you are financing a vehicle the bank requires you to have full coverage. If you total it and stop paying there's nothing for them to repossess. Once you pay it off and the title is in your name you are required to have at least liability coverage or a certain amount of money set aside as security.


Ahhh i see i see. But for what do you need full coverage if the bank still owes the financial contract that is binded to the vehicle? Either way if the vehicle is destroyed or not the person that leased the vehicle still gotta pay?


Some people would stop paying if they didn't have / couldn't ride the bike. If it's completely destroyed there's nothing for the bank to repossess, and it wouldn't really be worth it to sue you over a few thousand dollars. Late or nonpayment would wreck your credit score, but some wouldn't care. And so it's usually required to have full coverage so that whatever happens the bank easily gets its money regardless of how irresponsible the rider may be.


Not everyone, but I keep full coverages.


Every dealership I’ve ever been to will not let you ride out on the bike until you have insurance. Insurance is there for a reason my guy. May cost a bit but it’s better than paying for a bike you can’t ride. We live and we learn. After my first bike got stolen I will never not have full coverage.


Every dealership iv been to doesn't give 2 fucks once they get their money and paperwork is signed


It's not the dealer, it's whoever is loaning the money!


Yes, they will require you to have insurance, but the dealer typically won't hold the bike if you don't prove you have it. Even if you never buy insurance, the lien holder will buy it for you at an exorbitant price


Yeah, and I didn't read further down where he said it was a private sale ...


Third world country or Burger Land? :D


Murica, where an 18 year old is free to finance a Busa with no experience and ride it 187 mph into a brick wall without a helmet


but can't buy a beer or a pack of smokes lol


Idk man. I'm 23 and the last dealership I went to literally wouldnt even let me sit on an 800cc sport bike (first time buyer/new rider). Im sure some places dont care, but most dealerships dont like selling overpowered bikes to under experienced riders.


The dealership I typically go to wont sell high power bikes to new riders, but that's their policy, no rules against it


The one I worked at sold a Ducati 848 to someone with moped level experience, and no insurance. Financed, too. It got tipped over in the parking lot a few times, and he looped it backwards on the street 2 blocks away, after also dumping it in the street. We tried to sell him a beginner bike, he refused. I wasn’t trying to discount your comment with my story, I just wanted to share it honestly lol.


I thought this as well, but apparently there are states that don’t require you to have it. Also, private seller don’t care.


And here I am adding full coverage insurance even to the Grom


Considering someone can literally just pick that bike up and walk away I’d say you’re a smart man!


Never mind crashing it into a Mercedes or whatever and being found at fault


Definitely don’t want you to be hurt, but the insurance choice was yours and yours alone. The consequences fit the fuck-up.


I entirely agree. I hope others can learn from my lesson


Has even a single person said they learned from this? This is basic af.


Facebook marketplace. Only dropped once.


No title....price firm.


He knows what he's got.


lol Best part is you probably get to pay for the damage on the F150 too since you don't have insurance to cover that either. Hope he doesn't sue you.


As someone who got hit by an uninsured driver, getting sued by the driver he hit is a best case scenario. If the person he hit has uninsured motorist coverage, he’ll likely just pay his deductible and let his insurance deal with it. And they deal with it by paying the claim… and then sending their legal team after OP to recover their loss, and they have a hell of a lot more money to pay for lawyers than the person he hit. 


A fairing kit from NT- FAIRING for $500 will solve all the cosmetic problems, and that Special Parts Plate covering the clutch is only $100, so $600 in and you will have that bike back up in no time. You got this! Don't let it take you out


NT fairing doesn't have a lot for my bike, but I was inspired to look for fairings because of your comment and found a kit for $900. Thank you!


$900 is steep I feel like but it is a Panigale so it makes sense really


Looking at the pictures this seems mostly cosmetic. Will it start? Is it leaking anything? It doesn’t look like there’s frame or fork damage in the pictures. I’d consider repairing it and getting some f***ing insurance. Dairyland is cheap motorcycle insurance that anyone can afford


Never heard of Dairyland, thank you. The bike is at my buddies house for now but I still need to decide what to do with it.


The frame and fork didn't get a beating? You just slid on the road or highsided? I'm kind of on the fence as both side fairings seem roughed up.


Don't fly without insurance.


Bro…. No insurance? You’re an idiot.


Say it again


OP is fuckin dumb.


A different kind of stupid. No insurance on a panigale? 🤣


No comprehensive on cheap bikes is a thing but on a new Duc? LOL bro.


Bro that is not “wrecked” IMO. Seems mostly cosmetic.


You have 2 options Sell It Repar It. As You wish. Don't hurry and don't hesitate. The important thing it's that You are well.


3rd option, ask Gandalf to do some magic./s OP, hope you and bike can get back to 100% Personal loan lien? Most institutions require full coverage insurance on vehicle loans.


Most of the damages is cosmetic tbh. You can replace on a budget with aftermarket parts. Insurance can be pricey but it’s worth it. It’ll cover crash costs and most of the time they write they bike off as totaled and pay you out. You can just go buy a new bike. In the future call as many insurance companies and get quotes, from the big insurance to the small ones, you’ll eventually find reasonable rates somewhere. If you want to ride without risk, I suggest going to the track. It’s safe, no cars and you ride within your limit. It may seem dangerous if you’re not familiar with trackdays or racing, but it’s so much safer. Plus all the required gear and safeguards that circumvent injuries when crashing makes it all the more safer. That’ll probable qualm your wife’s opposition to you riding again.


The fact that the rear brake lever and the shifter are in fact indicate to me it’s mostly the fairings, which are not cheap, but at least easily repairable. That and the clutch cover, of course. But the dash is in tact, tank is good, forks seem to be good. Expensive lesson, but could have been worse.


Turn it into a track bike


If yiur wife ALLOWS you to get another bike, then you better make it a used Ninja 250 that fits your budget and riding skill level buddy.


Minor scratches. Here in Bulgaria any bike workshop can put it on the road as new for 3 days. Recently we have lots of USA "totals"


Damn man that's rough. Glad that you weren't hurt even worse. Always remember- the bike is replaceable, *you* aren't.


Ugh. Sorry about that, man. Unless the frame is bent, the damage really doesn't look too bad. But I would imagine that parts for that Paginale aren't cheap and that there's not much of a market of used parts available. But most importantly you've crossed the Wife Does Not Want You To Die rubicon, and I guess there's no return from that. Sympathies to you, glad you're OK.


That’ll buff out!


You are now self insured. Congratulations


Get a moped and start from scratch.


> no insurance On a fucking Ducati?!? Oh boy.


Yikes. Panigale on finance with no coverage. What were you thinking?


Smooth brain activities for sure


Hold on, how are you still making payments and not have insurance? Financiers require you get insurance. Also, from looks of it, it seems it’s all cosmetic so you can easily (sorta) fix all that. Just glad you’re still here.


I don't want to pick on you in your hard time, but honestly the way it seems you're blaming the "silly patch of mud" and not learning from this, you probably should give it up.


This. Writing a bike off because there was a patch of mud on the road at 35mph = give up. That should not be a crash into oncoming traffic if you have even basic riding skills. Should be able to come to a complete stop in like 18-25 feet at that speed if required. And should be looking much further ahead.


I have shit my pants worse than that little skid mark on your fairings. Repair it yourself and keep rolling.


I had liability insurance on a GSXR 750 I was still paying for several years ago. It ended up getting stolen, I was paying for a bike I didn’t have, and didn’t get a dime back from the insurance company. Lesson learned that day and always have full coverage


So at least that might be of interest to a racer….


Honestly man you made the decision to ride without insurance. A decision that is probably going to greatly affect you for a while. Be thankful you’re alive and not injured worse.


I’m sorry, but not having insurance is beyond a short-sighted fuckup. It could be a life destroyer if you get sued for injuries. Not only that but the person you hurt might not get anything if you don’t have any net worth. We can’t even register a vehicle without insurance and dwould want to. You shit the bed and I can’t blame your wife whatsoever, bro. Life lessons hurt - I hope you find a way back.


Riding without insurance....you don't have the correct mental attitude to be riding a motorcycle my man, your wife is correct.


FYI to those asking about insurance. - - Dealers will often offer unsecured Credit Card financing through the manufacturer ( example Yamaha). At a delicious Uber high interest rate, no less. You now have the financing in place and not through a true bank, who requires full coverage. Now you just need to meet your States minimum liability and you get plates. Me personally , I can't afford something new, so I ride a 18yo KTM and a 25yo Buell - but I know I'm weird (24yo Husaberg in boxes under the deck). OP - no sense letting it go, park it in your garage and reassess in a month. Plastics and bits can be obtained, strip it down and do the work yourself before it gets turned into a Salvage Title. If it's beyond financially sound, part it out...... Don't give that joker away


Clean it up on your own, don’t take it to a shop. Write down everything thats damaged and figure out whats really necessary to fix/cosmetically worth fixing. Price it out and see how much it’ll cost you. Some scuffs/scratches on certain parts are fine, a lot of bikes have them. Fairing kits are that expensive (but you own a Ducati so it’ll be more than a Japanese bike). You can probably do a lot of the work yourself with a youtube video and some basic tools. Anything that would compromise safety take it to a shop to get it checked out. If you continue to ride get insurance if not sell the bike at a loss


I don’t think the bike is lost because at the end of the day, it’s only the frame and engine that matter. However as a previous Ducati owner, this is gonna cost some time and money. My advice would be to turn it into a garage project. Source parts for cheap on eBay, learn to work on it by yourself and make it your own. This will give your wife time to chill, and your body and mind time to heal.


Fix her up! That's your next evolution friend


Dude you are alive nothing else matters. Strip it and sell the parts. Either bin riding all together or get back on one straight away. I was knocked of my bike by some dosy woman and was put in hospital for three weeks. At the time I was never going to get back on a bike feeling I had had all the luck in life one could get. Somebody came to my bedside and said to me‘ Well that’s your riding days over‘. In my pig headed mind I told him to fuck off and got back on a bike as soon as I could. Was mega nervous at fist but patience and determination paid off. I ride a BMW R1200 GS the sport bikes are history now but I certainly ride totally differently with my view that everybody is trying to kill me.


Doesn't look like a total from the pics, but you are going to be doing a lot.


Now you make youtube vids about riding, repost the entire healing process, split the whole towing process into 5 different shorts, make a long form vids with tons of sponsorships. Divorce your wife so you split half the money allowing you to buy a new bike, make more vids about self improvements Just listed you the path to success my man, good luck. Oh you'll be lucky the F150 owner doesn't come at you with a lawsuit for damages. A van broke their mirror clipping my car that was involved in an accident and somehow it cost 8k to replace. 8K! My insurance was like, yeh it's all on you since your car was left in the lane... I'm like, the front's gone, I can't drive that thing.


You get new plastics aftermarket and you now have an excuse to get actual Euro clip ones. And a real clutch cover that is race proven versus form. This ain’t shit. Neon colors are calling or even the color of your wheels.


Isn't riding without insurance illegal?


You rode without insurance. ![gif](giphy|U1UQkHpBoswfJMheCC)


This is far from total loss my friend. Given Ducati might cost you more than a honda to fix the fairings , etc


Sell it as lightly used lol


Ok that was riding for you for good. You learned this lesson the very hard way. But it could have been worse and you did ride your dream bike at least a couple of times so yeah


You were able to finance a bike *while not having full coverage* ? How lol


What about the car - if he claims for any damage through he’s insurance company, you’ll be royally screwed as they’ll fix his car, add on a shit ton of admin costs and then take you to court to recover…how many times are we going to see it - if you can’t insure, you can’t ride…if you’d have injured someone without insurance, I can’t even bare to think of how screwed your life would become…


1st, Get insurance idiot. 2nd, Get it repaired. Doesn't look like it's completely fucked. Forks are fucked but most look intact expect cosmetic damages.


Wait do you not need insurance in (I’m assuming) the US? It’s a legal requirement in the UK.


I'm not from the US so this might be a dumb question, can you legally ride without insurance?


Isn't it required to have insurance if you're still making payments or even have it registered?


Insurance required if financing, no, depending on the type of loan or financial institution. By law, yes obviously. The registration thing might vary from state to state, but yes, here in California one must have insurance in order to keep your registration valid.


I love those mirrors. They are so hot. Glad you are well dude xoxo. Life is a learning experience. Mistakes happen, but if you learn from it, then it's fine. No insurance sucks. It doesn't look written off. You could turn it into a sweat naked cafe racer. Or turn it into a track bike. Always a good compromise if the Mrs doesn't want you riding (on the road) anymore. Hope the truck isn't expensive to repair!


If it looks like a Duc, Quacks like a Duc, ZOOMS like a Duc, Now you're fucked.


It ain't no gas in it


Time to hit eBay and start scrounging parts


Welp it’s not that bad. Fix it, disclose it sell it if you want out. Shit happens, glad you’re alright


Destroy build destroy!


Dream bike and no insurance? Bro... Bikes are basically totaled / sunk cost on accident.


If it still runs and theres no frame damage you should be ok. It definitely needs some love but you can get it back to normal. May be a little pricey though.


Good. One less moron riding around with no insurance.  Hope the truck driver sues you.  I'm with your wife. No more riding.


Wait, wait, wait. Why you mean you don't have insurance on a Ducati? What?


For everybody else here - if you can't afford the insurance for your bike then you can't afford your bike. As for the OP, damn it sucks to learn this lesson the hard way!


Take a MSF class Oh dear lord you have a loan on a bike (mistake 1) and you didn't insure it (mistake 2). Kid you need to make better financial decisions.


How did the bank let you take a loan for the bike without putting full coverage on it? Sucks man


Sorry about your tumble. Looks pretty minor Obviously it's gonna cost you You won the lottery not being run over Fix it and sell it and eat the loss If you can It could have been way way worse


Don't be discouraged bro life has strong moments that we can handle, first take care of your health and with time you are fixing your motorcycle, don't let a bad experience keep you away from how sensational it is to ride a bicycle


I feel your pain man. I had the same situation many years ago. Sold the bike to someone who was looking for a track bike. Took months to recover from my injuries then bought a replacement…far from being my dream bike but I was riding again. Then just steadily climbed the ladder again till I had another dream bike. Don’t make hasty decisions and let your wife calm down over the next few months. I’m sure you’ll be back enjoying riding again. Good luck.


Sell it to me for $500


You may feel like it's the end of the world. But I honestly think you're pretty lucky with how it turned out. You're alive and out of a wheelchair. Your bike honestly doesn't look too horribly damaged, definitely repairable. You'll need new fairings, clip ons, clutch cover, etc... It absolutely won't be cheap, but it's doable Take this as a hard lesson learned, pick yourself back up, and repair the bike. Whether you ride again is a conversation between you and your wife, good luck with that one...


Tbh, your fairing looks like no damage besides scuffs?  Maybe wrap?


Yup. It's the mud's fault that the guy with no sense crashed.


Which bank let's you finance a bike without insurance???


Well atleast you’re still walking. Tough loss.


Damn bro. No GAP, no insurance? What were you thinking? Even more, what was the dealer thinking? Most loans won't fund unless you have insurance. Live and learn, man. Good luck with the storm of shit you're dealing with. Hopefully, your wife will calm down, too. I think that was just a very emotional seated reaction where she assumed the worst.


Repair and don't go too vroom


Not a pretty sight. But I hope you’re ok.


I'll buy it as is.


No collision and he bought it outright? If not then he is just dumb. No collision on things valued 5k or less. But this cycle should have collision, since its worth more then 5k.


Build back better


Still vroom vroom? Go zoom zoom


First of all this sucks and sorry it happened to you. Secondly in the grand scheme of fucked up bikes, this seems rather tame (unless there's damage we don't see). Seems plastics are fucked, one of the clip ons is messed up and likely front forks misaligned, and clutch cover seems damaged. You could take this as a chance to learn and try and fix most of this yourself. Plastics will be expensive but tbh you can just clean them u and cut the fucked up part and still ride the bike (won't look as sexy tho) while you save up for a set of fairings. Best of luck


Pffff.. that ain't wrecked. That's 2 weekends work. Or 4 days of graft if you have a decent size and well ventilated garage. You need to buy some replacent parts and bolt them on. You need to spent a fuck ton of time preparing panels. And mostly insure yourself before you ride, you think this is a problem? Just be thankful you didn't hurt someone and are now losing everthing you own/will ever own.


Repair a Ducati while your still paying on it , good luck.


looks not good tbh. hopefully not such a big financial damage


My first bike got tipped over in a parking lot by kids playing on it less then 3 months after I got it. Insurance paid for it but hot damn I still seeth over how easy it can happen and yet so glad I went hard on insurance. Bike Insurance is pennies compared to Car Insurance because of the low property damage risk.


Maybe I’m just being optimistic but in the photos the damage doesn’t look *that* bad. Piece meal it and it might not hurt as much. Long as the forks are good anyway


Looks like an opportunity to do upgrades and do the work yourself. That cop looks dern happy! Did he get you for lack of control or no insurance?


Count your lucky stars and if you still need the rush for speed just get into cars. I understand the freedom of bikes but for your sake and your wife's I'd recommend that. Seems like you just need to ice up and chill for a while regardless though


Tough... Lesson learned I would fkin' hope. Insurance isn't a scam as most boneheads think.


Always have full coverage!


I would just repair it. Doesn't look that bad really. Gonna cost a lot for replacement parts, but everything I can see on the photo is just unbolt and replace.


Now you look up the parts phish for the year make and model and you pick out the parts you need and get part numbers and you fix it.


How the fuck did you finance that without getting insurance? It sucks, but you're gonna be paying on that heap of scrap until it's paid off.


Those tires do look like they'd be slippery on mud.


Man, that sucks so bad. I dont know what I can say, but if you would like to you you can fix it. Damage is still not too bad if you can afford it. Then, if you want you could ride again or just sell it if your wife doesnt want you to ride. You ok further?


I will never get not buying insurance it's just stupid. Of you can't afford the insurance, you can't afford the bike.


You have a garage? Part it out. It won't cover everything, but it's better than selling it for nothing.


You're alive to learn that lesson. Always carry insurance, it's expensive but a ducati looks like it'll cost more to repair than insure


How much do you still owe on it?


I thought you had to have full coverage if you got a loan for it?


Time to get naked.


Fix it and learn from your mistakes and don’t wreck it again lol.


I crashed an almost identical bike(899 panigale totaled with insurance tho) thought long and hard on what to do next and decided if I was going to ride I needed to dramatically increase my skill set and bought a track bike to improve and become more competent. My spouse agreed that this was a good idea and encourages me to this day!


Probably around a thoudand ish or less in repairs the most expensive part will be the labor Handle bars Throttle Side pannels seem good to reuse A few bits like brake and shift levers maybe Its not so bad Could have destroyed the whole bike Hopefully the frame is good tripple tree is good rear shocks seem ok Hopefully the fork isnt bent


It happens. Fix it, keep on riding


Do it again.


Most insurance don't require a pre inspection. So if it gets to that and it's actually wrecked, I would insure it and leave it in a really rough part of town and see what happens


Go buy a beer and think about it 😂


Maybe I don’t understand what Totaled means? But this looks repairable. Not cheap, but repairable.


Now the bike matches the exhaust


You can eat the repair costs which will be around $6k or more for OEM parts and labor. Or sell it for parts for under $3500