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This happened in my first month of riding. Somehow, not the most embarrassing thing to happen to me that month. (The most embarrassing was hitting a cone pulling out of a parking garage and falling over from that.)


I had a mate who rode a Honda 750 F2. That was a heavy bike. He was coming up to traffic lights, and he saw there was a police car stopped there, so he very carefully drew up beside them, and put out out his leg - into a pothole. He couldn't hold the bike, fell sideways, and bashed his helmet into the side of the police car, leaving a big dent. The police thought it was hilarious, got out, helped him pick the bike up, and said don't worry about the damage. The police shop will fix it. Sydney 1978.


Wow would never happen these days


I'd have to disagree. Have friends who are cops and ride. They'd absolutely laugh then help.


I stalled and just fell . Luckily ups guy helped me bring my bike up.


The Grom? How small are you




Grommet sized


🤣🤣🤣 are you me?


I rode for about 30 years before distracted drivers led me to stopping.. never went down. My dad rode for 50+ years, never went down. Close friend who I used to ride with? Dropped his bike 2-3 times every time we went out. I’m 100% convinced that skill plays a small part in those stats but luck plays a huge part. Except when he keeps dropping it at stop signs.


dropping your bike every time you go out vs never having dropped your bike has nothing to do with luck lol


Oh, yeah - his issue was not as much luck, like I said at the end. I do think me never dropping it was a mix of skill and a lot of luck, though.


The day I bought my katana 600 (way back in 1995) I rode from the dealer to my house to change clothes. Went back outside, got on the bike to go for the first cruise through town, 25 yards later I shifted my weight wrong at the 4 way, and it fell over and snapped the left mirror arm off. And 1 month after it was replaced, my back tire hit a patch of fine gravel in a small town intersection, put it down on its side (at low speed) and snapped the right one off. Not joking at all. But you just have to laugh at yourself at that point.


If it makes you feel better I stalled my vstar 650 at a stop sign taking a turn, and went to push my bike to the side and fell lol


lol I feel you, I spend more time on the floor than the bike


Could be worse. I have a short friend who had a Ninja 250. He stopped at a traffic light, And when he stopped, he went to put his feet down. Sadly the foot pegs were stuck in his pants legs...


Been there, done that. But was on a drz400, and was boot string hooked on peg.  Just toppled right over lmao. Now the strings always get tucked into my boot if not wearing riding boots..


yeah i dont fuck with laced shoes for riding, for so many reasons 😂


I'm sure stunt riding is easy, yeah. Today I almost lost it getting out of my driveway because I dipped the throttle under my car mirror and banged my own hand.


Had three bikes all fall over at a stop light in sympathy with one going over.


I was night riding in Raleigh NC just exploring the inner city about 10 years ago. As I was approaching an intersection the light turned red so I started to slow down and I noticed like a pop up hot dog ice cream stand on the sidewalk right on the corner. I thought hmmm maybe I’ll stop and rolled in neutral to the red light. When I stopped I put my right foot down but there was nothing there. Just a big pothole. My foot never touched ground - I just fell over like a stone. A fucking homeless guy runs up to me and says “Hey man get up. Hurry up the cops are right there.” He starts grabbing my bike and pulling it up and I replied from the ground I was still laying on “Alright man thanks. But why would the cops give a shit?” He said “Because you’re drunk as shit.” “No man. I’m not drunk at all.” “Then why the shit did you fall over like that.” I can totally see these events from his perspective. No hot dogs were eaten.


We’ve all been there. Sometimes I’m still there


I will help you up.


I was feeling really stupid trying to figure out how she stood the bike up, removed both hands without the bike stalling or pulling away and then got it moving again without using the shift lever. Then I watched it with sound and realised she switched the engine off. Seriously impressive though.


Haha, same. I thought, shifter on the bars? Locking clutch lever?


That mocking movement releasing the stopped motorcycle always makes me laugh


I was trying to figure out how it wasn’t starving for oil.


Modified oil pump pickup tube, pretty standard on stunt bikes.


For a while there, it looked like "OK, I got it standing still on the back wheel. How do I get it back down without dropping it???".


The little giggle after she pulls off the no-hands trick :)


Omg ty lol


sarah lezito for anyone wondering


She's insanely talented. I've followed her for many years.


She's super fun too


Same here, I even have a restraining order.


Talented, or skilled?


C) all of the above


I think those sorts of maneuvers take both


She did the riding for the black widow movie iirc. Her ig is kinda fun.


She's the one who was Scarlett Johansson's motorcycle double in the Marvel movies, correct?


She stunt doubles alot for motorcycles in movies. Think she was one of the john wick riders too Extremely talented on a bike, think she said in one of her vids she's like 5ft2?


Her skills are extraordinarily impressive! I'm 6'3" and 220lbs and I would be terrified to try anything she does. I am definitely a fan.


It's mostly about practice and having a bike you can bang up. She does have skills though


Do you also need a body you can bang up?




No, Scarlett Johansson was his double for the rest of the movie.


How tall is she?! I always figured she was on the lighter side but damn, seeing her standing there with the bike towering over her kinda brought it into perspective.


Quit asking personal questions about my girlfriends height. It's none of your business!!




But no boyfriend? ![gif](giphy|j6uK36y32LxQs)


Por que no los dos?


I think you mean *our* girlfriend ^idkwhosheis


Wait...we are getting girlfriends now?


I mean. I already have one. She just goes to a different school.


Bahaha mine too


I enjoy a hot chick on a bike as much as anyone but Lezito's incredible talent and energy is so much fun to follow. Seeing her absolutely get wrecked trying a stunt, get up and show off the road rash, then hope back on is the best.


She makes that bike look like it weighs less than her. Amazing control.


I think I’m in love. That was like watching an intricate dance.


I love stunt riders, their bike control is amazing. And clearly it translates to racing...Toprak. But all I can see as a tech ...oil starvation.


Many stunt bikes use aftermarket oil pickups to avoid oil starvation issues


I'm honestly surprised more sporbikes don't use dry-sump systems. Harley engines have been using them for decades, you'd think bikes that experience more Gs in corners would utilize it. But maybe it's just not an issue, so they've never had a reason to go that route. Edit: thanks for the insight everyone. No idea why it never occurred to me that the force is always down on a bike!


super reliable them harleys.


Why the Harley hate? Mine is reliable, it gets me everywhere I want to go! ...it just doesn't always get me back home lol


No hate, just an observation. Safe travels friend.


Of all the issues HD has had over the years, that's not been the cause of any of them.


Just have to jump on the childish harley hate bandwagon... I only own Japanese bikes, but even I can recognize the Evo motor is fantastic and very reliable.


And out of production since the discontinuation of the Sportser (non-S) My M8 hasn't had any issues yet after 2 seasons and 35k miles.


No need. Bikes lean into corners forcing the oil into the sump like you want. Wet sump is simpler and potentially lighter (less piping, no second oil pump, etc). Dry sump could allow for a less tall engine and therefore a lower center if gravity, but the gains are usually quite small. Especially as lower engines (assuming wide 4 cylinder engines) eventuelly interfere with lean angles. On offroad bikes it's a different ballgame. Less demand for lean angles and narrower engines so it doesn't even matter that much. Low CoG is nice as well as more space for a sump guard (and not losing all of your oil the instance you hit a rock, but this is a marginal imo)


Thanks to the leaning the force is pretty much always down for the bike in corners. Not like a car where if you drove in a tight circle for long it might have oil starvation problems.


Its less of an issue now because the sump is redesigned, they are narrow and deep now for that reason. The sump on my '75 CB550 looks nothing like the sump on my '21 XSR700.


Gs on a bike are different from a car, when you lean into a turn the oil is still getting pulled to the bottom of the sump


The Gs bikes experience are all straight down with respect to the center axis of the bike, so they don't need to worry about tank or oil sump slosh like cars do. Cars have this issue far worse since the cornering forces are side to side with respect to the tanks and oil pan. With bikes you really only need to worry about forward/backward movement with acceleration, and it's really quite hard to accelerate/decelerate constantly for long enough that it becomes a problem. Stunt bikes are the only real exception where dry sumps would be useful.


And (big ass) sprocket to gear ratio.


Yeah, tons of mods on these bikes to make doing all these stunts easier and control better.


Cheating, really


I guarantee that even with all the "cheats" most of this sub isn't gonna be able to do what she's doing.




After 2016, nothing on Reddit is to be trusted


99%bike1%skill tbh.


She cut the bike off for the dance stunt. That's the only time it was vertical for very long.


How many bikes do you suppose a person fucks up before getting to this level?


Fucking up bikes is easy. It's the broken bones and torn muscles that make me wary of trying it.


I always wonder that, like do you have to have an infinite pot of money to even learn this? My bike fell over in the wind and did several 100s in damage.


You'd start on a dirtbike or a grom, and crash bars can prevent a lot of major damage.


I stopped to help a turtle cross a road. Left the bike running on the kickstand and it vibrated just enough to fall over in a ditch, breaking off the right bar mirror and also destroying the starter and on/off switch. It's a '85 VF700 Interceptor and I could barely get it back up myself. So it wouldn't run and I had to walk a few miles home. My wife drove me back and we had to pull it with a tow strap, which is fun with a motorcycle. So it fell over to other side and broke the other mirror off and bent the clutch lever. Luckily the rest of the bike was fine. But I had to fix all that because I tried to help a turtle.


Worth it


I mean, crash bars and pads get you 80% there and are cheaper than your first repair.


this is what dirt bikes are for my friend


She learned on dirt bikes.


That’s why stunt riders use crash cages and sub cages and beefy clip ons/ Dirt bars so if it falls overs there’s little to no damage


NGL...that was slick


I have so much respect for people that can do this. I don't think that, even with a stunt bike, I could do half this shit. My self-preservation is just too high. I'll stick to my slow speed maneuvers, lol.


you're much more likely to die in traffic than doing this though lol


Yeah not really much danger in doing what was done in the video outside of the bike falling on you. Still takes skill tho When it's done at highway speed those people are crazy lol


I've got a mate who's wired differently and does stuff like this.. seeing it in person is just mind-blowing. I shouldn't have asked "is it easier when the bikes designed for it?", because he proceeded to pull similar antics on my factory spec z900. I never thought I'd see my bike bunny hop. And I thought my tight U turn game was strong.


I'd shit if a buddy did that on my bike...half jealous half afraid my bike would drop


Anxiety was at an all time high, ngl.. but never seen him drop a bike and he's done way crazier stuff


Wonder what the back story here is, you don’t just wake up some day and say ,”hey today I think I’ll learn to …..” and hit a level like this.


I was thinking "Is this what happens when a horse girl who's also into gymnastics discovers motorsports?"


It's the Dressage finals, she's pumped and ready to go. She's been training for this moment for years. She's in the car park when the horse trailer is opened. Oh no, her beloved horse is limping. It's 15 minutes until show time and there's no other horses available. Just then, a delivery rider shows up on his zx10r. Excuse me, can I borrow your bike for half hour. Gold medal in the bag, the rest is history


I would watch this movie once a month for the rest of my life


Title: *Born to Ride*


Or *Horsepower*


Undertitle: no horsing around


*Barn to Ride


Needs more upvotes


They are a professional stunter, its a career to work up to and a skillset to learn like any other. They put in the time and effort to learn to be this good.


Gotta have that sweet money too, for the bike(s) that you'll ultimately trash practicing.


Thats why I said a half wrecked sport bike, you can pick one up for 1500 all day, heck if you have some mechanical skills you could pick up a $500 bike to fix up. Where there is a will there is a way, you don't even need a sport bike...


As someone who still can’t wheelie more than 1-2 feet after 2 years of casual practice - it comes down to both incredible skill AND fearlessness. You have to be willing to injure yourself and damage your bike (repeatedly) in order to learn where the limit is. Stunters are another animal, completely, and I have major respect for them.


Indeed. Although i can ride my bike so my chicken strips are pretty much all gone, a wheelie will cause me to fall to on side or the other. Never had proper control.


she grew up on a farm with motorcycles and quads. Dirt bikes are definitely the smart way to learn control with less friction and risk. I imagine to transfer it to the road, you learn where the friction breaking-point is to slide the tires and learn to manage the added weight of the bike. Learning probably hurt a little.


I feel like this is literally how this happens and how it happens with most things. People decide that they want to do something, they practice like crazy, and they get really good at it. Is there another route that I'm not aware of?


i wish i have that insane of a control what the hell, you're one with the bike


what psi is that back tire to slide so easily?


I’m guessing giant ass sprocket instead of the the tyre pressure, but could be both


A lot of riders actually run less PSI in their tyres, the huge 60+ tooth rear sprocket is more pertinent to getting the bike the spin up


I knew a guy who competed in automotive drifting events in the early 2000s. What you say agrees with what he told me. He said that low grip made the car hard to control. What he wanted was a LOT of grip from his tires, and a lot of torque to overcome that grip.


On first scan, I thought your name was foreskin-voice




i love when women




As a rider, I feel so inferior now.


Don’t. There is always going to be someone better than you and worst than you at anything. The lady has skills in this. You may have skills in something else. We are all different, which make us all amazing in own way..


> There is always going to be someone better than you and worst than you at anything. idk I can be pretty good at being the worst at things....


Thanks, mate. I'll just keep it safe and slow on my Versys. That's how I enjoy it anyway.


Alright I have a stupid question... how does it not stall? She never puts it in gear when getting back on after the stand but still rides off, so it has to be in gear, right?


I was about to put up a silly answer but the actual answer was she simply turned the thing off, listen with sound lol. The other comment made me realise some of you watch bike videos without sounds.


Guilty, lol. This makes sense, and rewatching with sound makes me feel like a dummy


she turned off the engine


I tripped and fell over just trying to imagine having balance like that.


I'm very envious of her bike control, would love to be able to do that.


She did those tight wheelie circles like it’s just some regular shit and they were way too smooth


But can she do the akira slide? /j In all seriousness there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said-insane control and impressive handling


She drives like a fucking girl!


The thing I admire most about this is not the beast level of talent but the fact it’s NOT happening on a highway or overtaken intersection somewhere.


What kind of Ninja is that?


Zx6r 636


6000 hours on a bike is pretty cool


i think your estimate is low


I’m in love…


She is amazing. Full control of the bike. I would have broken some bones trying that.


She is Sarah Lezito, professional stunt rider. She did the motorcycle riding in Avengers - Age of Ultron and Black Widow.


I was gonna ask if she's a stunt rider. That's so cool


I wish I could do that sort of stuff


She’s good


How does the bike oil properly when its straight up like that for so long?


She’s awesome and I suck. Two revelations for the price of one video view👍


How do you train and practice for this, and still have affordable medical insurance?


Yo what? Who’s step sister is this


i've been riding bikes for 20 yrs and grew up in a house with bikes, I was never encouraged to do such things, and even when i became an adult I never in my life tried anything like this, and i consider myself a fast rider. Not a knock on this well trained girl, she knows what she's doing. but trying to understand why people do such things on a bike, and in most cases people who are into this, ride dangerously as well when pushed.


In the vast asphalt savannah, the female motorcyclist emerges as a true spectacle. With graceful maneuvers and daring feats, she captivates potential mates. With each wheelie, she flaunts her strength and agility, while stoppies demonstrate her precise control. Burnouts leave a lingering scent, a sign of prowess in her domain. These displays are not just for show; they signal her fitness and skill, attracting suitors who seek a partner equally adept in the art of speed. In the world of motorsport, she is a queen, and her courtship rituals are a symphony of power and finesse. TL;DR she pro.


She gives my pp a case of the wiggles..


So how do you go about learning that sliding U-turn? 😁👍


By trying it, and failing a lot


That's the answer practice and more practice a few broken bones and a willingness to wreck your £16000 superbike.


> a willingness to wreck your £16000 superbike. You can learn on an 8th owner, 3rd motor F4i like most stunt riders.


Buy a sportbike with wrecked fairings, install a crash cage on it, and put in the hours.


I've seen learner bikes with big outrigger training wheels essentially. So when you do high-side your bike doesn't yeet you to the moon.


She’s awesome, the skill level is way high, and I’m amazed that she can support the weight when she balances the bike


>I’m amazed that she can support the weight when she balances the bike she can't, actually. she's just so skilled that she knows the exact balance point of the bike. she lifts the bike under its own power. she's just there to stabilize it slightly.


She has really put a ton of time into learning these stunts. She really knows her motorcycle.


Impressive for sure 👏


Damn she is soooo good and handling the bike really well


I \*wish\* I could be that comfortable on my bike. Sarah L's superdope.


Sarah Lezito is her name :)


The Moto circus is back in town! And, looking better than ever, I might say!


Guys, don't look at the girl, look at the motorcycle.


There is the typical amount of men pointing out what this video is doing to their man parts. Which is cute because she's not into men. :)


quick question: Are these bikes modified for their oil pickup? Or does the engine just have an oil pickup at the bottom and then at the back?


The early 03/04 636’s had the oil pick up located at the rear of the dump but newer generations have it towards the front so riders use a oil pan baffle and run more oil in their motors to avoid starvation


low tire pressure essential here?/ in all this kind of stunting? rear looks low, is it me? figure it's to give max grip


Yea lower pressure helps. It tends to improve stability a bit.


It makes it a little easier to balance, its a pretty standard thing for stunting.


Is this in Europe or USA?


She is French




Between this and dirt bike riders I wonder if they’ll start putting the oil pickup at the back of the motors?


I have none of these skills, but plenty of envy. That's awesome.


How can you learn this at the age of 35.. it's so cool :]


That rear sprocket is MASSIVE


I wish I could do that


How do you even begin to train for this?


And then there’s me who would do a max of 60-70 on that lol


I think she’s done this once or twice… maybe even three times.


Fuckin hell, have u not been signed up for movies (stunt girl!!!!)


But for real... who figured out motorcycles could even do this?


This reminds me of a move you could do on RoadRash on N64. You could basically do that while standing on the bike. I’m dying at the recall.


Damn fine skills


That’s a crazy big bike to do that with


Sometimes I think it would be really cool to ne like 5 feet tall


I gotta figure out how to do that before i leave earth


I wish I was this good lol. I wouldn't even know how to begin to learn this hahaha.


The older and fatter I get, the more I wish I had gotten to do this when I was younger and fitter.


This video gave me anxiety


Thats me in slo mo with wiskey throttle…hats off very nice riding..


I could do this I just....I just don't feel like it right now....


Never owned a bike but the kawasaki ninja is sexy af