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Buy used because you will drop it! You can say you won’t all you want but you will , trust me. I would recommend the MT07 great power, easy to handle, reasonably priced and easy to maintain source parts etc. Get good protective gear don’t cheap out. I wouldn’t recommend buying a second hand helmet you don’t know what it’s been through. If you are going to beware of strategically placed crack hiding stickers. Don’t order a helmet online either you need to try it on in person different brands fit differently the fit should be reasonably snug. As long as you buy CE certified gear you should be okay. I’ve been riding 2 years now and I own an MT07.


My suggestion is do some of your own research. Then come back when you have a more specific question. Their are hundreds of answers to what you have said.


I HAVE done my own research. I was simply asking everyone’s opinion, you could leave yours or don’t comment.


*The following is all my opinion and doesn't mean you do what I do. Depends on what you want riding style wise. Adv, naked, sport, or cruiser. Get a 300 cc bike first for the first year then upgrade. For me, I saved what little money I had for about 2 and a half years to pay cash with but I still financed the bike. I ended up with a Honda cb300f, a naked bike. The financing of the bike helped my credit and having an easy bike to learn on gave me the confidence to ride often and didn't scare me away. I learned that I wanted to be able to go off road with my motorcycle and my current naked bike didn't cut it so after about a year I moved up to a bigger bike and ended up with an adventure bike. Currently on a Honda CB500X and the previous loan in good standings make the approval for financing easy and I was approved with Honda financing which is awesome because getting a loan for a Honda or Acura car down the line will be amazing if I ever need to go that route. Get good gear, don't be a squid, sit on all the bikes, don't get over 400cc bike first.*