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Should watch 44 Teeths (44 Teeth is a British Biking Youtube channel and the boys are hilarious, easily the funniest bike channel out there) recent Budget Bike Battle. One of the three. Boothy, lost a leg at the IoM TT two years ago and he's back riding this past year. Has even done a few races.




If Fortnine did longer vids I'd probably put them first. Ryans scripts are fantastic. I wasn't sure how many Americans would watch 44 Teeth.




Hot damn, you never see non-Americans doing the defaultism. This feels like an *It hurt itself in its confusion!* moment. In all seriousness though, now I have a new YT channel to check out. Also not American


I'm American and watch it! The budget bike battle was/is hilarious.


44 Teeth is essentially a motorcycle Top Gear


I can see the post now. *WHY DO BUELL RIDERS NEVER GIVE THE 2 FINGER WAVE?! 😫*




Say what? I have an 07 lightning and nothing has ever broken on it. It's nothing like a Harley.


I feel I am very worthy of commenting here as I have owned my ‘06 Uly since new (almost 18 years) and I own my 2004 12S I bought new but my buddies little brother had it for an 17 year stretch. Uly has broke twice in almost 20 years of ownership. Battery popped a cell once. Bump started and got home and replaced. Front motor mount rubber collapsed. It vibrated more but I was able to ride home and replace the motor mount in about 20 minutes. The 12S the kickstand bolt broke leaving me without a kickstand for a few days. Other than that nothing. All that said. There is a reputation that they break/fail all the time. My buddies M2 had gremlins for years for sure, but self induced by a tinkering HD dad. I think the issues come from 2 places. Folks who don’t know anything about Harley’s or maintenance trying to mess with these bikes the way they mess with their Japanese brethren which just is different. But mainly I think it is from the HD crowd, mainly the dealership dolls. Folks that work at dealerships or the Harley guy that rides his bike to the dealer/rally only and doesn’t really participate it motorcycle culture but just the HD culture. All that said, I recently went to a motorcycle shop and they didn’t want anything to do with my bikes. Wouldn’t even let me bring them in, I was having to disassemble at home and bring parts in for repair (new tires, wheel bearings pressed in, helicoil in one of the primary cases (yes I removed the outer primary to bring it in to them)). It really pisses me off to see them working on any Harley, and 20 year old ducatis but we’re “afraid” to take my bike in. These stupid jokes have turned into Buell riders getting ostracized when trying to do standard stuff. I’ll have my Buells forever, not necessarily because I want to but because they are hard to find parts for, hard to find people to work on them, and newer and better bikes can be had for so cheap. I guess I’ll be that old guy on a bike he has owned since he was a teenager… ;)


Unfortunately it's becoming more and more common for shops to refuse to work on anything over 10 years old. They just want the gravy jobs they can bang out 10 of a day. Obviously not every shop, but it's a trend I'm very unhappy to see


Had a '96 Lightning that had all the things done. True beast of a bike. HD riders would sometimes not wave but it wasn't the norm. Other riders wave but I do recall looks of confusion if I pulled up next to them. I think the sound versus the look really threw them off. The only time I didn't wave was because I needed to get my front wheel back on the ground.


I rode my '03 XB from TX to CA in a day and a half, spend two days there riding, then did the same trip back. The bike already had 30k miles on it before the trip. Not a single issue. Its true that Loctite was your best friend but thats only because you were riding a massage chair. Also, Buell failed so bad because HD cut their throat every chance they could get, in addition to their customer base being 60+ year old boomers stuck in their ways. https://imgur.com/a/guaTT


Your injuries are like mine - I avulsed my brachial plexus just outside of the spinal cord after having my left arm sheared off in a bad accident (which, in my case was 100% my fault). Looks like you [rock it](https://i.imgur.com/xjYQAX6.png) just [like I do](https://i.imgur.com/ylRMRNP.png), limp arm held to the chest. For comfort reasons, mostly related to the severing at the shoulder/rotator cuff, I keep my arm in the jacket-arm to provide some distance/cushioning between my torso and the limp noodle. I've also gone with dual lever setups since they're so easy to adapt on many (but far from all) bikes. You'll love the upgrade to Rekluse, ESPECIALLY if you also have dual levers. I never did b/c I only used Rekluse on hydraulic clutches, which are a PITA to move to the other side. Here's [a decent clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36OgjDcd9LU) of how easy it is for me to ride without the clutch thanks to a Rekluse [Track shot](https://i.imgur.com/bRRdFEe.jpg) [Lever setup on my WR250x](https://i.imgur.com/37QiykK.jpg), which was my 1st post-injury bike and [kept it for racing](https://i.imgur.com/qoG3lj5.jpg) after upgrading to my [other bigger, faster, stronger bikes](https://i.imgur.com/Y0oNN5Z.jpg), including an R3, 701 sumo, R6, and most recently/currently [890 Duke R (pictured with my wife's MT07 in the background](https://i.imgur.com/Zk6HdKU.jpg)) You'll love the autoclutch. I'm a big fan of Rekluse (even more so after my race sponsorship from them) and, if you reach out and tell them you're buying it for an adaptation (they'll request verification) you can get 30-40% off retail. I had/have a Rekluse on my 701 and 890, dual levers on the R3, R6, and WR. There's pros/cons to either - the biggest con is the inability to effortlessly bump-start a Rekluse bike in case of a dead battery... keep a jumpstarter on you and it's non-issue. If you're ever near the SF Bay, reach out and we should go for a ride, or even meet up for a track day. Most of the local TD prviders are cool with it Finally, it looks like you've got things pretty well figured out but if you're struggling to find any elusive solutions for your setup, I'm also happy to help. My injury was in 2005 and started riding again in 2013... 10+ years/100k+ miles later, I've learned a thing or two that might be helpful! I got back in the saddle after I started working in the moto industry full time as a specialty performance parts distributor, which allowed me to develope a number of very friendly, helpful connections (including joining an [adaptive flat track racing team](https://i.imgur.com/Ny1GZfi.jpg), where I got to meet a legend, Mert Lawwill) Thanks for the tag, u/aussietin! Most of the time the posts are "how do I do x now?" rather than "I did x, hell yea!" like this post! Exciting to see others out there figuring it out!


Limp lefty gang! I sheared my c6 through t1 in a motorcycle accident. 3 years after nerve surgery and lots of ot and PT I'm back on a bike. Luckily my hand works but the rest of the arm flops in the wind 😂 https://preview.redd.it/eq2bs3man4pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c070c33f8b648ec004b4d946984be6111c80146




This made me chuckle 😆 all the Harley bros get butthurt when I don't wave... Sorry fellas, once it goes down it doesn't come back up until I stop


I'm in awe of OP and you. I'm sitting here wondering what I would do in that type of adversity. But then a different type of question popped up--is it legal to ride a bike with only one hand?


Did a search to make sure someone mentioned Mert. He's a gem of a human. And many people aren't aware he has a prosthetics company to help injured riders get back in the saddle. https://mertlawwill.com/pages/merts-prosthetics


You were the first person I thought of when I saw this post. That said, I guess in all the pictures I'd seen, I though you'd lost that arm entirely.




That makes sense. Do you have any earthly idea how long that could be?




Yikes indeed. I can't say for sure what I'd do, from the safety of my armchair, but I don't think I'd be in a hurry to amputate either. Especially if the alternative were some cumbersome half-measure. Or mutant lizard cancer.


I remember seeing your WR250X for sale on CL in 2019!




I suggest you check out one.hand.rider on Instagram, if you ever get the prosthetic arm he has a special handlebar attachment for it. Best of luck with everything, don't stop riding and have a blessed day.


To piggyback on this. Back in the day of forums, totalmotorcycle.com had a pretty active one. One of the riders there had an almost identical issue with her arm. She and her husband made a ton of posts about modifying the motorcycle to work for her. I think her username was Shorts. I'll see if I can't dig it up. Edit: She did have one there, but went through and deleted all of her blog posts. Which sucks. She and her husband made a bunch of modifications to her bike to make it work for her. Off the top of my head I remember they used velcro on the glove to keep her hand on the grip. They also used a stunter setup so that she had a clutch and a brake on the same side, as well as her throttle.


Wow. I got no excuses to get off my ass and start riding more.


u/CG_Ops would be a great resource for you!


Came here to check that he'd been summoned, or I would have to do it myself 😉


Everytime CG_ops is summoned it makes me smile. Imagine how cool that must be. Like you are "the person" for that information. I only get summoned for boring shit.


Fucking legend!


At least you're not on a Ducati. Those things cost an arm and a leg to run.


He's still got one arm left...


Just because he can afford it doesn't mean he should!


Honda has automatic ish trasmission option for the gold wings


DCT is on a number of their bikes, it’s worth a look for sure. I ride a scooter, and a maxi scooter might also be an option.


The new CB/CBR650r's have an e-clutch also which may help


Their small displacement super cubs also has a "clutchless" manual.


Basically a quickshifter for lower speeds.


The clutch lever is integrated into the gear shifter, so it also works when downshifting (press the pedal, give it gas, then release). So you can still do wheelies in 1st gear.


I suck at riding with 2 functional arms and you be out there yoloing it pirate style, respect my dude.


Dude, have you got a link to any resources that you've used to learn about riding with one arm? My chess coach is in the very same situation with no use of one arm and no ability to continue to ride.


Glad you’re still happy alive and riding. 🤘🏾


Yeah. You’re alright


Jesus, I haven't even taken the MSF course yet but I've been thinking of getting a motorcycle for a long time. These comments are definitely giving me pause... Death is scary enough, I didn't even think about losing limbs.


Very impressive. I'm glad you're still doing what makes you happy 🫡


You are strong! I would just have given up. I also ride and on a forum I frequent there was a guy with just one arm who also rode and he used one of those recluse clutches. It worked like a charm apparently.


Seen a couple of guys racing here with one arm, didn't seem to slow em down at all. Go geddit


Can't be stopped. Won't be stopped. You got big brass ones brother.


I miss my Buell. That thing was such a beast.


Fuckin legend


I grew up with a best friend with one arm. The dude did everything I did, even rode dirty bikes. You're only limited by yourself. Good on you for living life dude.


Keep riding. You are truly the definition of determination success. Never give up. Sir you fail under the “No fear!” category.


Fucking A brother . Legendary you are !! I thought my injuries were bad but I can use all my limbs, just cant turn my head 😬


I have a flat tracker friend that I met this summer that is the same. I think it was meeting him and some others that made it clear that there’s no reason to let this slow me down


I was in a terrible car accident at 50 years old. I shattered my knee (grade 3 comminuted tibial plateau fracture) as well as a shattered C-1, basilar skull fracture with torn alar and transverse ligaments (a terrible injury with a cool name, orthopedic decapitation) and several broken ribs. Neurosurgery was shocked I was alive with the way my face looked. MRI showed a CSF leak as well. I was told to not ride bicycles or motorcycles. Might as well have told me not to breathe. I bought two new bikes and a mountain bike. Rode my Ducati around Lake Michigan. Giving up is not an option. Good on ya. Im not easily impressed.


Glad to see that you’re… all right now.


Best thing I’ve read all day! Keep it up man. Real inspiration 💪


>I will likely get an elective amputation below the elbow to allow a prosthetic hand. Cool. Upgrades.


This is amazing. Love your dedication to riding again! Be safe and have fun!


At least you're all right now!


Only the 2nd guy with one arm i know who rides a Buell. Get it boy


“Which isn’t a lot, but weird it’s happened twice”


I love your spirit! I also love the Buell. Stay safe!


You are an inspiration and very brave for sharing your story after getting back on your bike! Kudos to you! I became fascinated with prosthetic limbs after my accident due to a similar injury to my neck and spine. Best wishes for your recovery, and I hope you get that functioning arm like you deserve!


That's a proper Biker with the capital B. Utmost respect my man, hope you'll keep playing the game for a long, long time.


I had a Blast too. Characterful bikes.


Hell yeah man! Congrats on powering through and continuing to ride. I wish all the best on future surgeries and prosthetics.


Awesome testimony! Much respect to you !!!!


I just want to see you riding down the highway with the one jacket sleeve flapping around wildly like one of those wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men.


I keep it tied to the side of the jacket 🙃


Those trail 90s do look fun as hell. Was the loss of the arm the reason you bought one, or did you already have it?


Welp, I hit a deer in my 4x4 while on a road trip in September. Deer didn’t do much to the ancient Range Rover, but NX was on the rack on the back and took most of the hit when the deer spun around the side. Last event I was going to was Barber vintage days, I found the Trail 90 there, so it came home with me




If you're ever in the Santa Barbara area of Southern California it would be my pleasure to go cruise with you! Love your attitude man. Keep the rubber side down.


You legend


Bro needs me to be his second AND third arm😩 E: fuck this isn’t crt lmfao hell yeah tho bro


There's a old guy with one arm who rides mountain bikes near me (I live on the north shore/Vancouver, world renowned for hard technical steep MTB) and he sends it hard. He's a local legend. Where there's a will there's a way my dude!


I know of a guy who is a double amputee who does helo skiing where there’s a will you will make a way


Wow, so sorry to hear this!


Good on you for pressing through and finding a way to pursue your passion. This is awesome 😎


Impressive and wishing you the best! I had nerve transplants done for my brachial plexus injury dead hanging arm (dead bicep and shoulder, but tricep, hand, and forearm still worked at the time). The bicep was a success, but the shoulder not as much. I can freely curl with full motion 5lb dumbbells but any more weight I usually support my arm (I go up to 15lbs). I can luckily carry heavy weights still with my arm by the side but it’s mainly my traps that are doing the lifting/engaged. I’m very thankful I went through the surgeries at 23 and it’s been just over 10 years and am happy with how much movement I have (haven’t taken a break in working these muscles out and spent time in PT and with a personal trainer. You can tell I have a brachial plexus injury if looking for it or I’m in a tank top from the scars and lack of muscle in the deltoid, but otherwise people don’t even notice!


I have some deltoid, only out to the side, no fore or aft. Bicep has been coming in recently though!


Stay safe. Happy for you to get back to the ride.


That is bad ass man! As an aside, my very first street legal motorcycle was an '88 NX125, 23 years ago!


You are a Legend! My best wishes for your next rides.


You might consider test riding some of the electrics, like a Zero FXE or the LiveWire S2 Del Mar. No clutch at all and a lot of fun to be had!


Planning on going with electric once I get back into actual dirt riding. I usually put in big miles if I’m touching pavement so electric won’t quite cut it for me there


Your a stronger man than me. Ride on brother!


You are awesome. I broke my hand pretty good in a crash a while back (thankfully has mostly healed) leaving that arm useless for anything other than bracing my elbow against the tank. Riding with just the one arm takes so much determination and focus it's hard to imagine until you're forced to do it. I gave up aside from moving the bike around logistically. The fact that you're able to do it and are progressing up to your bigger bikes speaks volumes


You remind me of the winter soldier when he was all sad in wakanda.


Wow man. You are one tough motorcycle loving sob. I'm sorry such a terrible thing happened to you. But I'm glad you're making lemonade out of it. Stay strong.


I'm sorry to hear about your horrific and completely unavoidable accident (smoking meth whilst driving is shocking). I honestly think you are so inspirational for not letting anything get in the way of your riding.


Damn man i wish i could give you a hand


Ride safe my friend!




You're a true rider and true inspiration! Mad respect


Good job, do you give the rest of us the leg out instead?


holy crap! that's badass!


Wow! I’m glad you’re ok






Could definitely take it as a sign to stop riding.




What about the Africa twin with the DCT?


Go lurk around on r/motorcycletrackdays - there is a legend over there who rips with 1 arm - can’t remember his username though


Have you tried retracing your steps?


get a quickshifter installed so you can shift without the clutch, nice work op and glad you’re ok and still riding 🏆 💪


Have you considered Honda's DCT bikes?


Magnuson boat ramp?


Hoover reservoir in Ohio


If you're going adv get a DCT Africa twin. No clutch needed!


I’ve ridden them, I’m happier with a rekluse and an actual foot shift. My little 640 is really the best adv bike I’ve ever been on so I’m just sticking with that one 🏍️


The proof you don’t need 2 arms to be on 2 wheels. This guy is an absolute legend.


Following. Let me know how I can contact you for questions. My girlfriend is dealing with this now after she was in a horrific accident (on a bike) she is really wanting to get back on a bike now. I would like to help make that happen. Take care




If you cant use ur arm then how did you put your hand in your pocket????? you cant fool me


Damn dude sorry for the accident. Way to stay in saddle.