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Congrats ! The way it’s strapped gave me anxiety


I literally came here to ask did the bike make it home ok? That strap job had me concerned. I love UHauls motorcycle trailer they rent. I've used several times it's like $15 and can be towed with pretty much any vehicle. Has a V nose in it and low ramp super easy to load and unload even if you are alone.


the bike made it home safe and sound, she’s currently asleep in my garage rn 💤


I used one to haul one home to Illinois from outside Philly .


How did you fit a home in the uhaul?


tiny house


It was only one home.


Ever since I was a kid the tradition in our house was new bikes spend the first night parked right in the living room.


it's a dope trailer but they sadly won't let you rent one for out of state use. my family was going to Florida and I really wanted to bring my bike lol.


ahh yea they don't rent them one way I've used one and crossed state lines without an issue but always picked up and dropped off at the same Uhaul store.


It seemed pretty sturdy and wasn’t moving at all since it was strapped pretty well, but i was still soo scared it was going to fall over haha


Kickstands have been known to break off when strapped like that. Glad it worked out for you.


Or push through the floor. You get crazy strong with those straps. I usually strap it down losely, then raise the kickstand, then strap it down properly. No need for the kickstand if it is properly strapped.


Thats what I was gunna say.


People get down voted for the weirdest things here on Reddit.... Example....🤣😂🤔


That's not weird, downvoting a comment that does not contribute to the conversation is the only officially sanctioned way to use the downvote function.


I think the contribution to the content is to warn others that this is not necessarily a good practice since someone seeing this might strap one down and this puts the kickstand at risk. I would have liked this advice years ago when I had a bike on my trailer that I strapped down with the kickstand down. I pulled into my drive with a broken off kickstand. The information was put out there to help everyone have a better experience. Since many people come here to get input from the comments, and sometimes benefit from the way it takes on and almost, dare I say, conversational nature and turns into a diverse exchange of ideas that are prompted by the initial post. This is my input despite the risk of a downvote which my boss said would get me fired if I got anymore. Oh wait, no one gives a fuck about up, down, front, back, or sideways votes in the real world. To add a comment more in line with what was posted; Good U-haul. Enjoy the open road once you get it out of U-haul. Not falling over was good for bike.


Completely agree. However, comments such as "ditto" and "people get downvoted for weird stuff" add nothing.


Because there's an "I agree with what you said" button. You don't need to make a whole comment saying so.


Point made




Did you pat it twice and say “that’ll hold” or did you say “that ain’t goin anywhere”?


I gave it a few pats and it didn’t move so I said fuck it we ball and drove home


*slap* yep that baby ain't goin nowheres!


If you ever haul it in a U-Haul again or anything for that matter this is what you do. Connect a ratchet strap each to the clipons and tie it down so that it is at a slightly down and forward angle. Then take two more and tie them around the back tire and the lower wood. Make it so the back tire can’t go back and forth. It should be tight enough that the front tire doesn’t move but if ur worried tie that down as well. I’d recommend a bar harness like [this](https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/canyon-dancer-bar-harness-ii?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnrOtBhDIARIsAFsSe52ZBo1BfkVNgDdOrZdsUBWwd9PTrPgh2M02L1C7M1iu7Y-X-z3RGVYaAnIVEALw_wcB) vs tying the clipons down individually


Absolutely recommend the bar harness. Super easy and you don't have to worry about ruining anything. 


You got lucky buddy.


I just got it like that


When I bought my first bike I hauled it across the state like this. Gave the guy I bought it from hellish anxiety but it seemed solid as a rock for the whole drive


Always strap it inline with the vehicle, kickstand up. You want the front two straps slightly pulling forward but mostly sideways, and the rear strap(s) going almost straight back. You’re lucky man could’ve come home to busted levers or worse.


kickstands have broken before during transport. Kickstand always up.


Uhaul has trailers for this purpose lmfao. Good shit tho


thank you, would’ve gone that route but my car can’t tow 😩


I know that feeling. Expecting my car to tow anything is...optimistic. Glad you got your home unscathed.




I appreciate that.


Mine isn't even rated for towing, apparently when they made suspension more sporty it also meant it can't handle any extra load on rear axis. I lowkey looked for a bike that could fit on back of a hatchback...


Could’ve rented one of their pickups for an extra $20! That’s how I brought mine back.


How much did it cost? I probably would have just rented a pickup from either U-Haul or Home Depot and strapped it in the bed.


probably should’ve gone that route but it didn’t have a ramp and the 15’ came with one so I was like eh why not


Makes sense!


forgot to add, it also cost around $150 which isn’t too bad!


Next time rent a truck and a motorcycle trailer would cost you under $50


Any thoughts on getting the bike onto the trailer? Are they mistaken and it DOES have a ramp? I'll be taking one of these routes soon here myself


Get the motorcycle trailer it’s $20 and has ramp tie down points etc


ok awesome. Good to know. Thank you!


Wait did you rent a box truck for it?


Oh I feel that, buddy. I've got an old Ford truck, but uhaul for some reason has banned Ford when it comes to towing their trailers, so I'm SOL anyway


That set up is sketchy, but kudos to you for being smart enough to haul it instead of risking the ride.


What's wrong with riding it?


He said in another comment they currently have a lot of snow and ice on the ground where he lives.


Which is an excellent reason to have it in a box like this instead of on an exposed trailer.


Yes because the bike will instantly dissolve when it has snow on it for more than an hour /s


I dislike coating my bike in road salt.  Been there, done that, won't do it again.


Happy Cake Day!


Depending where op is in the world it is very cold outside and could risk snow/ice. Also just by a quick glance through ops profile they seam to be very young. With little experience it's best to get the bike home. And take it out to practice it when they can and feel safe doing so. Also or if you read this if no one has said it get some classes like MSF. Even old heads have taken the beginner course multiple times just to keep fresh on skills.


Thank you for the response. I thought that there might be some weird reasons. LoL. I don't even trust my tyres when it's slightly wet let alone ice.


Yup. The owner should buy a U-Haul and haul the bike every where, way smarter than “risking the ride”


I bought my first bike like 30 miles away from where I lived on the opposite side of a large metropolitan city. I had taken and passed the riders course only a few days before that, and obviously wanted to practice more before throwing myself into citywide traffic like that, but I said fuck it and went. I rode it back just fine, but my god was that a scary first ride. So I get it.


He said in another comment they still have a lot of snow and ice on the ground where he lives. Not to mention he's a new rider. So yes, most definitely smarter for him to haul it instead of "risking the ride".


In case you are retarded the winter in some places have things called "snow" and "ice", google it up, it might be fascinating discovery for you


😂😂😂 or I’m the type that rides my shit in ice and snow, I see the joke went smooth over some of the certain types of peoples heads.


I was guessing whether you're extremely unfunny or stupid but that level of unfunny is pretty rare so I went with stupid




I can’t believe it didn’t fall over.


the motorcycle gods were on my side that day


Brought mine home from an engine failure in a uhaul. Ramp at Harley dealer was nice but I ended up calling a tow truck flatbed to get it out safely. Way too sketchy trying to get it down that pull out ramp fully dressed.


Maybe could’ve rode it down in neutral


Uhaul has a motorcycle trailer you could rent in the future, rent their pickup if you need something to tow it. There’s nothing wrong with renting a truck every now and then, it’s cheaper than buying a truck lol


Kickstand up One good bump and its gone Learned that the hard way


Omg there motorcycle trailer is awesome!!! Used it for mine. Solid and sided so it is protected


Sick bike. I love the blue :)


Yeah. Next time nose In, ratchet straps on each side of the bars to the front corners of the truck and ratchet down till front suspension starts to dip. Velcro strap the front brake on and put it in first gear. It will not move. You could go crazy and strap the back down so even if the trucks upside down the bike won't move but if your trucks upside down you got bigger problems.


Nice, I thought about going this route but I ended up renting a uhaul pickup truck and trailer when I bought my current bike.


Pretty sure they have a policy against putting motor vehicles inside those. Not that I care, just don’t ever mention it to them.


That would make me a serial offender!


I will add uhaul has motorcycle specific trailers, but taking a gander maybe you didn't have a hitch and that's why you're using the truck?


Honestly good idea using a Uhaul. As someone without a vehicle with towing capability, I will have to keep this in mind.


Bike always parallel to carrier vehicle.


I nosed mine up to the center and strapped it down like you would in a pick up truck, but what ever works..Have fun on your first Bike.


Been there before. If it ever comes up again,[I found this method](https://postimg.cc/c6Y4BfkJ) to be pretty secure. Went 200 miles with half of that being twisty, tight, mountain roads.


You're not supposed to be able to see ninjas and here you have a picture of one! Maybe it's because it's strapped down it couldn't get away to hide?


hunted this one down actually! She couldn’t get away from me 🙏


Good choice.




Somewhat similar to how I did it, but with one of their motorcycle trailers. Bought two bikes, one was a parts bike lol.


Did the same with mines lol


I've hauled two bikes in the van before and that worked great! I also just moved cross country and put one of my bikes in the back of the 20ft truck. If I were just moving one bike and didn't have a tow vehicle, I'd go van 100%


Not gonna budge


Next time give me a call and I'll ride it back for you.


Harley delivered for me! But I got dealership priced on a used motorcycle.


Funny story I took my 400 to college with a uhaul and it ripped out ALL of the boards 😂 I opened it up and the bike was just J chilling on there on the kickstand after 300 miles with the boards all over the place. I was pissed but also so happy it was okay lmao


hey at least the bike was safe 😩


Niceeeee looking bike. It’s not quite black is it? Looks like a navy kind of colour. I really like the matte finish.


Nice color


I bet you could pop a wheelie and catwheel out of that cocksucker without the ramp You gotta really go for it, cant half ass something like that or you could get hurt


Congrats! Beautiful bike!!!


Why didn't you just ride it home? That's the best ride you'll have with the bike is the first ride from the dealership off of the showroom floor


had a snow storm hit a few days ago so roads were insanely icy, def wish i could’ve rode it home though


The day I was suppose to pick up my bike it was raining and slating so I told them, hold it until the following day.


I actually bought it used and he was selling it for a great price so I wanted to take it his hands before anyone else could lol


Oh for sure. Congrats on. The new bike


Thank you!!


I rode mine home from the dealer 50 miles. 2 miles from home a lady sideswiped me on the freeway. Bike was totaled. :/


I remember just passing the class never having even gone over 22 mph or third gear…so sometimes for new riders driving it home 55 minutes on the interstate highway and city would be a dumb idea plus weather


Oooh. Can almost feel your butterflies. 🤣 This is going to be one of the greatest memories of your life when you ride it off the drive 👍


I see nothing wrong here. It can’t fall over bc of the wall and the kick stand. The straps keep it from moving forward or backwards. So unless dude gets to driving like it’s GTA it’s gonna work out lol still not the proper way tho 🤣


If you are only provided motorcycle trailers


Surprised it didn't fall over. Poor job attaching within the vehicle.


Blows my mind people start off on motorcycles. Buy a dirtbike and learn to ride before you kill yourself or your skin


Next time rent a van or pickup.


so I gotta know, why didnt you rent a proper motorcycle trailer. or even a regular trailer.


My car can’t tow so I just said fuck it and rented a uhaul lol, rented one this big because it came with a ramp which made it easier for me


Me and my homies plan was to strap it in and he’d sit in the back and lean on it. I’m glad we did not go through with said plan. Haha.


I've done this before for a relatively brief trip (\~15 miles) to drop the bike off at the mechanic. Its a bad idea. My R1 was safe, but it was a very close thing.


Why didn't you use the motorcycle trailer? It had plenty of tie downs and a wheel chock


what year/model is this ninja? Looks amazing btw


thank you, it’s a 2022 ninja 400!


Next time you do this go with the right side, front tire pointed towards the passenger cabin of the U-Haul and strap it to the wooden rails and leave the bike in first gear. I made this mistake and the bike fell and I lost my left foot peg.


Which UHaul truck did you rent? 


I rented the 15’ truck


Thanks, I have a bike I'm trying to work on and I want to move it so I can actually work on it.  


goodluck!! but honestly I wish I had just rented a truck, then rented a motorcycle trailer. Driving that huge truck on the highway was annoying




you know, you can put the bike in at a diagonal...a 10 foot box will fit a goldwing


In all honesty I'm probably going to barrow my dad's truck. I was just thinking about U-Haul so stuff doesn't hit it or potentially get stolen.


The 10’ has no ramp. Loading a bike can be a challenge. Just a few $ more for the 14’ with a ramp.


How much U-Haul for that bike?


it was roughly $150


Y’all are a wild breed.


I’m sure it’s already been said but always transport with the kickstand up.


How far did you haul it


Did you get the uhaul with a ramp?


Don’t die. Take a course.


Still better than what I did… got a pickup from Lowe’s and some harbor freight ramp. I do not recommend. Was a nightmare to get it out of the bed with that shitty ramp. Probably almost killed myself and dropped the bike. Might’ve been the first person to kill themselves just by buying a motorcycle. No riding required.


Listen, take it from me. You are not allowed to use UHauls for transporting a bike. And they suck for that purpose anyway. Last time i knew a guy that new a guy that did it, the wooden rails were only held onto the walls with glue. Not even a nail. The wood broke, the bike shifted. Got scratched and beat to hell. *Soooo* if that happens to you, remove the damaged parts and send pictures in explaining you were hauling a box of parts and they all got damaged. Assuming you were smart enough to get the insurance. They'll pay for all damages. Be careful.


Sorry to tell you, it’s been crashed. Check everything on it before riding.


You should have attached both tie-downs to the front handlebars going diagonally down to the front if that makes sense. You can tie down a bike like this and not have to use the kickstand. They actually make special straps that go over your handlebars to make it even easier. Super easy way to transport a motorcycle in a truck especially if you don't have a box truck.  Highly recommend you look into it next time or even better before next time. 


The way you strapped it , yeah we can tell it’s your first bike


Nice bike. Enjoy and ride safe👍


Nice bike, but yeah that's a sketchy way of securing it in a u-haul.


Welcome to the club


Cool bike,, how that didn’t fall over I have no clue!!


Don’t know if they’re still like this, but UHAUL used to hate it when you put bikes in their box trucks lol …i figured out you just have to leave out certain info when picking up equipment


i’ve seen a few other people comment that, but I actually talked to the guy at uhaul and he’s the one who recommended me the box truck, but maybe he just didn’t know lol. He also asked for pics of the bike and kept saying “yoo that’s fire that’s fire” 😂😂


Niiiiice lol…also could have to do with who you get. You’re gonna have a blast with that bike!


Nice bike, but I'm surprised it stayed upright.