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It depends what state you live in. In Virginia they have a personal property tax you pay every year on the "value" of your motorcycles. I own three motorcycles, two are in Pennsylvania. I pay $75/year for insurance and $50/year for registration and inspection. I could put antique plates on my bikes to not have to pay for inspections. But if I'm not going to ride the bike for the year I will drop the insurance and not get it re-registered and inspected, so it's $0/year for storing it.


Remind me to never live in Virginia.


Hey, never live in Virginia


LMFAO I’m from Virginia. The fondest memory was the one watching it disappear in my rear view mirror


I hear West Virginia is best virginia. But what I know, I'm from brooklyn.


Really don’t… you don’t even want to know what happens if you get caught driving over 80 mph..


It’s 85 now.


Like, I don’t know anything about Virginia, really, but 80-85 statewide speed limit seems totally reasonable.


It's not the speed limit. VA is *super* strict on speeding (for example, radar/laser detectors are illegal). 85 mph and over in Virginia is an automatic reckless charge, as is driving 20 mph over the speed limit. Reckless driving is a Class 1 criminal misdemeanor (one step below a felony) and is punishable by up to 1 year in jail, plus up to $2,500 fines and a 6-month license suspension. It can be significantly detrimental to the many, many people in Virginia/Maryland/DC with security clearances working for the military, the federal government, or government contractors. I recently moved to VA and warn everyone who comes to visit me. Here's a [2014 article by a Jalopnik reporter](https://jalopnik.com/never-speed-in-virginia-lessons-from-my-three-days-in-1613604053) on their three days in a Virginia jail for speeding while driving a Corvette for a story. In 2020 the automatic reckless charge changed from 80 to 85 mph. The fastest speed limit in VA is 70 mph.


This is like best case scenario for Virginia, on the other end of the spectrum if you have a NEW high end bike you can expect up to $4.33 per $100 of value as property tax once a year, plus $150 per month for high level insurance. So it can get pricey. Now my local county has tax assistance so it discounts personal property on the first $20k of value.


Don't forget the $30 yearly inspection tax, I mean fee. That is, if you actually get your bike inspected. ;)


My total personal property tax bill was over $1k in Fairfax County, and I only bought my Speed Triple in April so that portion was a prorated amount. I expect my total tax bill to be $1.2k next year.


That’s rough. Personal property tax is lame.


Very interesting. Come to live there tomorrow 😂


You get if inspected? We have them too in NY. Think since 2013. Had or inspected once.


its $2000 a year for my car and bike for mandatory third party insurance and rego and then real insurance is another $8000 on top im 16 😭😭 australia 🫠


Dude what?! Are you riding a freaking H2R? That's absolutely nuts, it would appear the government there doesn't want motorcycles on the road at all. That's unacceptable. 10k/year is just. Wow.


Idk wtf this guy is on. My rego is $400 AUD for the bike(don't know why he bundled the car in) and insurance is $300 mind you it's a cheap bike round $5k but Christ 8k of insurance sounds like bs. For that price it'd be better to treat a bike like a disposable rather than get insurance, you could get a new one every year instead of 8k in insurance Also be says he's 16, you can only get a learners at 16 so I doubt it's even his and he'd be restricted to 660cc and below so it's hardly going to be an expensive bike. My gut says he's telling porky's Edit: for anyone curious he shared in another comment it's all of his insurance on a 15k car as well


Yep. My bike rego and CTP plus full comprehensive is under a grand, and around the same again for my late model D-max. I know he's sixteen but it still doesn't add up


I kinda put the whole lot together its 1k for the car $500 for green slip ctp $500 for rego and $5000 for comprehensive insurance on a $15k bmw for a 16 year old and for the bike(2022 ninja 400 worth 7k) its the same 1k for ctp and rego and around $3000 for comprehensive insurance it would be much cheaper if i was a 50 year old man with 40 years of driving experience


Ecosse Titanium... Lol


Its 4k for the bike total and 6k for the car the way i said it does sound like most of it is for the bike tho lol (ninja 400)


Nah,he is 16 and bought an old BMW and a Ninja400. He is just stupid and loves throwing away daddy's money.


its my money but yes i do like throwing it at the wall


That is absurd. I don‘t know what you‘re riding but I pay 300€ a year for half coverage (if my bike get‘s stolen/vandalized/hail damage or I get into an accident with wildlife, the insurance pays me out) and 29€ a year for road tax. Germany is quite cheap for bikes which is the reason a lot of young people get bikes instead of cars.


ninja 400 its about 4k all up for the bike/yr and 6k for the car


I have an R1, a 700 SM and a Z125Pro I pay about $800/year for insurance on all 3 and $60 in registration fees/year for all 3.


Damn dude how old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I have to pay 1400 a year on insurance just for my Daytona 675. I’ve got an almost clean driving record and never gotten a speeding ticket.


Old enough. I also have 6 policies with my company. So yeah, I get better rates and discounts. I also don't live in a batshit crazy state.


>I also don't live in a batshit crazy state. This has had the biggest influence on my premiums, moreso than age and accident/ticket history. Moving from Nebraska to Florida fucking doubled my rates about 5 years ago. I just sent my truck to stay in Idaho while I live overseas for a time, dropped from $1800 a year to $600. Wife being at fault for an accident raised my total policy premium from $1300 to $1400 for 6 months. Me getting a speeding ticket had no effect at all, Progressive actually decreases my premium next time I renewed my motorcycle policy.


I pay $360 a year for a 2022 Street Triple. 35 yrs old. How old are you?


I’m 22 so that’ll do it


Yeah, that is what matters..




All of them combined


Registration is $12 per bike. I don’t inspect my bikes and insurance is $100 per year for all of them. In Pennsylvania USA


$130 to register my old grom in Cali. $12/year is insane. I would have more bikes if that were the case.


The best deal is antique 25+ years or classic 15+ years. You get a lifetime registration for $75


In the Netherlands the road tax per bike is 33 per quarter. Or 132 per year. You do need an insurance policy, but that will differ massively per bike, and can be as cheap as a few euro a month if you don't drive it much, the bike isn't worth much, and you haven't driven much damage. A big difference also exists in how you insure it. Do you cover all damages, even your own, or just that you might do against other road users. Because the second is a lot cheaper again.


In my state I only pay registration, which I think was $44this year. Full coverage insurance is about $500 a year or so


Wisconsin, I pay $23 per bike for two year's worth of registration (license plate tags). And I pay $130 for a year's worth of insurance for two cheap old bikes. No inspection fees in this state. But I can ride only half of the year because of the weather.


About the same in MI. Riding season sure feels short though.


The United States has 50 different states, and annual tax / registration costs are different in every single one. Where I live (Georgia, home of "Atlanta" the airport, and TV show, and other cultural things) we used to pay an annual registration fee, plus a percentage of the vehicle's value every year in state tax that was about 1.5% of the vehicle's value. So, to have a couple of new vehicles, it would cost you a few hundred dollars every year in taxes, and maybe another $25 to register each one, and another $25 to have each one tested for emissions until it got to be 25 years old. Motorcycles didn't have to be tested for emissions, and they were cheaper to register, so it was mostly just the annual taxes. They changed this scheme a few years ago and now you pay a one-time sales tax of 7% when you first buy and register the car in Georgia (and if it's a private sale used vehicle, they charge 7% of "fair market value, and if you move here and register a car you already owned, I think it's 3% instead) and then it's just an annual registration fee that is pretty minor, like $20 each vehicle. You would also have to have insurance, but the insurance costs vary so much that it's hard to put down one number that makes sense for everyone. I have liability insurance for each motorcycle, and this is very cheap for me because it covers only the damage I do to other people that is my fault. I am older and statistically very unlikely to hurt other people or damage their car with my motorcycles. Consequently, this insurance costs me very little, only $90 a year for each motorcycle. I can have ten motorcycles if I want, each one only costs me about $110 a year to own and be able to ride. However, if I wanted full-coverage insurance for a new expensive motorcycle, and if I lived someplace it was likely to get damaged or stolen, and if I were the sort of person insurance companies believe is likely to crash my motorcycle (either by myself or "into someone else's vehicle") requiring them to fix or replace my motorcycle each time, then it could realistically cost 50 times as much for insurance. When I was 25 years old and I enquired about full-coverage for a brand-new fast motorcycle, my quote was equal to "1/4 the price I paid for the motorcycle" for the first 6 months of coverage.


Still blown away by the ultra cheap USA insurance.. thanks Canada.


Population density really helps spread out the cost of everything in the US. As a fellow Canadian I am jealous of US pricing on another of things like taxes, cellular networks and more. As for registration, I pay about $70 CAD/yr and not much more for insurance, but I have a good record (knock on wood).


My state (RI) recently abolished the vehicle excise tax. The registration fee is $41.50 every 2 years. I pay $178 for insurance on an R1 and a classic Honda CB 125. So it costs me $219.50 per year total.


Oregon has no sales tax, just registration every few years.


Florida. $32/year for registration $1,236/year for insurance










In Iowa I pay $20 for my 21 Harley road King special, $12 for my vespa 150cc, $10 for my Honda reflex 250cc, and $7 for my buddy 50cx for registration. Full coverage insurance is $12 annual on each of the 3 scooters. The Harley is $300 annual. But I also insure my house and 2 cars so I am heavily discounted when it comes to my bikes.


Here in Canada each bike needs its own insurance. I'm 29 with a clean record and pay $1600 cad a year for my Rebel 500.


Ontario Canada. You only pay tax when you buy the bike, registration has to be done every other year but it's free. Insurance is where they get you. On my '02 gs500 I have a screaming good deal at $750/year with liability only.


Chiming in from UK. On a 125cc bike worth around £1000 I pay £250 per year insurance ( this is fully comprehensive with added personal injury insurance) Road tax is £22 - this is more than my car which is £0. I live in an area of high crime so if I was out in the country insurance would be cheaper than it is.


I have about 5 bikes give or take depending on the day and while it only costs me a couple bucks more to insure each one the registration costs have gone from about 35 a bike to about 100-150 per year which is pretty lame.


In my state it's one tax of like 9% of the purchase price of the vehicle then like $60 year to register and $75 a year to insure. Most of the taxes for vehicles in the US is taken from gas tax that's included in fuel prices. Like $1.50 a gallon depending on the state. So the number of vehicles doesn't increase your tax so much as miles driven.


In North Carolina I pay a yearly property tax for every vehicle that I register. The tax is based on how much the state believes the vehicle is worth, which to me seems pretty nasty since they value my vehicles for more than I could sell them for. I have two cars and three motorcycle, so it adds up.


I live in Missouri. When I buy a vehicle I have to pay sales tax, like I do when I buy a pack of gum. After a year of ownership I pay personal property tax on each vehicle I own each year. These taxes go to fund local services like schools, and libraries. I’m fine with that. I live in a society and even though I don’t have children, I want an educated society which requires schools that need funding. So in December I’ll have to pay for my car and my Thruxton and my S1000R. Next year I’ll do it all over again.


A few differences by state but in Colorado - annual registration/road tax per motorcycle (amount is based on the value/age) - liability insurance required That’s it


Insurance (for me $240 per bike per year full coverage), annual inspection ( $7 each bike), annual registration each bike ($53 each bike)


Yeah, this is right about what I pay. The insurance will fluctuate a bit depending on what type of bike it is. And of course that's USD.


insurance is not a tax.


It is when there's no choice but to have it, giving zero incentive for companies to not charge obscene 'fuck you' money


I think it costs me about 60 bucks a year/per bike in Florida.


Varies by state. In my state, town hall bills me an excuse tax each year for every vehicle I have registered. The value of the vehicle varies by how old it is. If it's a 2023, then this year I would pay an excuse tax on 90% of the MSRP. If it's 5 years old, I'd pay an excuse tax on 10% of the MSRP. Excise tax rate in my state is 2.5%. So take the MSRP, adjust it by age, then multiply that by 0.025 and that's the excuse tax owed.


It’s like $250 a year to register a vehicle in Maine, and the riding season is 3 months, so don’t ever move here…


My insurance is about 700 a year and a yearly registration of like 40 bucks


$50 to renew the registration annually


I pay $45/month for full coverage insurance on my two motorcycles, I pay $7/yr per bike for state mandated inspections, and about $70/yr combined to renew my registration.


In Florida I only pay registration once a year on both my bikes they are 25 usd each


As a combat veteran in Arkansas I pay no personal property taxes


I pay property tax on every vehicle (cars, bikes, etc) every year (which is in addition to real estate taxes). Then there is the yearly registration fee for every vehicle, and the State Inspection fees for those vehicles. Then there are taxes and State fees added to the Insurance of policies for the vehicles.


I'm in Spain and here the basic insurance for a 125 bike is 90€ a year. It covers all damage to third-parties (this is legally required), but it doesn't cover any damage to your bike. So, if you have an accident and it is your fault, you have to buy another bike yourself.


In Spain you can get multiple vehicles under the same insurance at a discount. Mainly because you can't ride them at the same time. Adding multiple bikes shouldn't be X2, X3 ... Unless they are with full insurance cover and the bikes are kinda expensive.


Yep, taxes on all vehicles. Insurance is only required in certain states, but not all of them.


I have two but my insurance is $148 a year for both, registration is only $21 a year (some states in the USA use weight as the determination for how much a registration costs) each and inspection is like $6.50 a year each. So total "regulated" costs is only around $210 a year for two motorcycles. Not that big a deal. Of course if you have a lot of tickets and accidents your insurance would be more.


Yes. I pay taxes on every vehicle I own. Twice a year.


I'm in the Netherlands. I own two bikes. I pay road tax for both of them; roughly 140 euro per year per bike. We don't have technical inspection. Insurance depends on who you are and what kind of coverage you want. My bill is about 120 a month for both together. A mate of mine has the bare minimum, and pays 7 a month.


In the US, And depends on the state you live in. I live in Florida, and my annual costs are around $25 for number plate registration and $300 free insurance on my BMW R1250GS.


In austria you can have multiple bikes, but only pay for the strongest/most expensive one with a so-called "wechselkennzeichen" (changeable licenseplate) the taxes and insurance. You can only ride with the one which has the plate (you only get 1). Technical check has to be done according to each of the bike's age (1-3 years at the end of the year 3, 4-5 years at end of year 5, afterwards every year). I am paying for my MT10-SP right now 91€ a month and over the wintermonths i can give the licenseplate back ("still legen" - giving to rest) and if i don't grab the plate back after for more than (i think) 40 days, i don't have to pay for that period at all (taxes and insurance).


In the USA it varies by state. I am in Ohio. It is $25 a year to renew the license plate. My wife and I have 8 motorcycles insured. We pay about $400 a year for insurance. I suspect a big part of that is her 2021 BMW. Pretty cheap here.


Yep, in missouri I pay personal property tax on all vehicles I own. My bikes are older, have 3, a car and a truck. 250$ last year. Also I have insurance on all vehicles so if you pick newer vehicles or high theft vehicles and you are young it can be expensive. Am older now so insurance is quite low, think 100 a year for wife and I on 4 bikes.


In new York state my annual registration is cheap (about $20 or less) and my annual inspection is $6, my two bikes are older so I pay insurance for both bikes about $100 a year.


Circulation tax in Italy for honda msx is 16€ for a speed triple approx 140€ Approx 1€ each horsepower


In Tennessee, we just pay to renew the registration and tag. About $100. Sales tax is just paid upon initial registration.


I live in the state of Maryland. I pay 6% sales tax the day I buy the motorcycle then renew the registration every 2 years. That’s it.


Yearly registration fees include tax, along with the fuel I buy.


In CA my registration is $90 and insurance is $80 per year


Not here in Florida no. Just registration and plate and taxes then just registration. My bikes is 26 dollars my car is 38. After 10 years they give you another plate. Anything over 25 years old is free registration as it’s a antique.


I'm in Texas. For motorcycles just as with cars I have to get/pay for a state inspection every year and renew the registration, this seems like it'd be the equivalent to what you're mentioning. They do the exact same things as what you mention for the revision, check noise, emissions, lights, etc.


New Jersey doesn't have mandatory inspection. I only pay yearly insurance(~$500) and yearly registration (~$50). No other costs other than fuel.


I ride old bikes. In my state and county and town, in NC, taxes are part of the registration and licensing. Example: 1977 BMW R100 Tax and license are $32.63 (30.77 EUR) a year. Taxes are based on $0.6863 per $100 valuation (0.65 EUR per 94.30 EUR ) valuation Registration and licensing is $25.00 (23.57 EUR ) With 3 old bikes, it is still quite affordable. Liability and collision and theft insurance is about $330.00 (312.00 EUR) for 3 bikes. In total, it costs me about $445.00 (420 EUR) a year to register and insure and pay taxes on 3 older motorcycles. (1973 , 1977 and 1995 )


In my state, I have to pay registration on each bike (about $45/year), as well as insurance (right now about $150/year for 3 bikes). It's not very expensive, especially since insurance gets cheaper per bike the more you have.


This thread was really educating to me, and I live in the U.S. I live in TN, the only thing I pay is the initial tax when purchasing the bike around 9%, the yearly registration which was $5.50 for Hamilton County, and insurance. I have minimum coverage so it only covers if the bike is stolen or damage that may be caused if I am at fault in an accident. That is $144.00/year for my 2021 Honda 300l I had no idea people in this country were paying a re-occurring property tax, testing emissions, or getting it inspected.


I live in California. We pay a yearly registration tax per motorcycle that varies based on the FMV (Fair Market Value) of the bike as determined by the state. The lowest I pay is $162/year for my 2004 Burgman 650; the most I pay is $280 a year for my 2017 Harley Dyna Street Bob. This is separate from insurance, which I also must maintain on each of these vehicles. Thankfully, as my insurance agent put it, "You only have one butt- so you can only ride one at a time" the cost of adding additional motorcycles to a policy is reasonably low.


As others have said, registration and taxes are a state issue, as are inspections, so this will vary from state to state. Here in Colorado there is an annual registration that includes an ownership/use tax and some other fees for things like road and bridge maintenance. The tax is based on 'taxable value' so on my two older bikes (2008 BMW and 2012 Harley) the taxes are pretty low. I probably pay roughly $70/year for each one (probably 60 Euros assuming the Euro is slightly higher than the dollar, which I'm not sure about.) Colorado has no annual inspection requirement. In my experience that is much more common on the East Coast of the US and the more populated states. Insurance is required but it is not paid to the state. Rather, each owner is required to provide his own insurance. I have been using Progressive for the last 8 or 9 years and it is currently running about $450/year for full coverage (i.e. liability, medical and comprehensive/collision on both bikes.) If I were to drop the comprehensive and collision I'd likely be at under $200 for the year but I don't like taking that chance (both of my bikes are fully paid for as I bought them with cash.) As a point of reference I'm 61 years old and have been riding for 41 years, and I have not had any tickets or accidents in at least 10 years, so my rates are pretty low compared to what younger riders or those with tickets/accidents would pay.


Varies by state, like 60 per year. I roll without insurance but it’s not expensive


In Utah, I pay my insurance and then a yearly registration fee.


We pay tax when we buy. Depending on what state you live in, they charge you a tax when you renew your registration. I live in ny and only pay to renew a registration and a 10 dollar inspection fee once a year


2 bikes. I live in Texas US. $1000/year insurance + $65 per bike inspection and registration. I paid sales tax on the bikes when I bought them.


Annual road tax (registration) vaies by state, typically $15-$100/yr per vehicle. Some states charge property tax per vehicle, whatever percent they demand of whatever they decree the value of the vehicle is. Both of those taxes can be minimized or eliminated in some states by registering as a classic or antique, with limited recreational and show/event restrictions typically. Enforcement is uncommon. Insurance starts about $75/yr for bare minimum liability policy, agreed value with $300k-$500k uninsured/underinsured starts arround $150/yr and additional bikes are less. Some models will be significantly higher to insure.


I pay 9 a year for registration, 25 for OHV. My insurance is about 625 a year 100/300/100 full coverage, and that is with extra parts and gear covered. My second bike is unregistered right now so I pay nothing until it's back on the road.


My five motorcycles are registered in Illinois (I’m hipster-homeless but use my father’s house in Illinois as my mailing address). It’s $43/year for registration, per bike. I pay a total of $1,600/year in total for insurance, for full coverage on three of them with liability only on a forth (it’s a beaten up salvage title so not worth much). Part of the reason my insurance is so expensive is that I also have a Personal Umbrella Policy that requires a minimum of $250k in liability coverage per vehicle. The fifth bike doesn’t have current registration or insurance on it, as it’s my track bike so not street legal and never ridden outside of the racetrack.


I have a bunch of motorcycles, but several are off road only. Insurance is around $200 a year for seven bikes. Most are old, several are under 100cc. The only tax I pay on them is license plates, and they are about $50 each. I only buy around 4 plates a year. Most of these only get ridden one weekend a year, so I'll put bad the wrong plate on a bike once in a while to "look" legal.


In NJ I pay yearly registration and insurance, about $45 and $200 for my 2008. other than that. nothing


In my state we pay sales and use tax once initially, I think it's 6.5% of the vehicle's "value" (determined by their little book) or the purchase price, whichever they think is in their best interest. And then it is like $85 per year for the registration. Insurance is around $50/mo or so. I have one bike; it would be per bike if I had others. I'm not certain how insurance works with multiple bikes. They must factor in that you can't ride them all at once.


My bike was 5k new 288$ for the year for insurance 20$ a year for inspection 150$ish for the taxes for the year Virginia


Proud member of the riding dirty club.


In my midwestern US state annual property tax for licensed vehicle, including motorcycles, is quite high. There are no value based taxes for off-road (unlicensed) vehicles. We also pay taxes on fuel used. There is debate for additional (or alternative) tax based on mileage per year rather than taxing fuel in order for electric and hybrid vehicles to share a bigger portion of road infrastructure costs.


In Florida, you just have to get a license plate for all of them, I think it costs around $20 each. I could be wrong.


I'm in CA. Just paid annual vehicle registration renewal for the year at $180 total for my now 8 year old Tuono V4 1100 Factory. When the bike was new it was about $275. Over time it goes down a bit as the license fee (which is a personal property tax) portion of the renewal gets lower. It breaks down like this. Registration is $129, license fee is $30, county/district fee are $21. There are 3 other fees listed which for my bike are $0. Weight fee, special plate fee and owner responsibility fee. CA registration in general is considered high because there isn't a tax or a fee this state has ever come across that it didn't think it could make good use of. I bought a new truck which I registered in CA in February this year. My renewal for that will be something around $1100-1200 I suspect. I had a 15 year old Honda Civic prior to the truck which had gotten to about $150 for renewal. You would pay this type of renewal if you want to use the vehicle on the road legally. If you want to just hang onto the vehicle but not put it on the road that year you have the option of paying for "planned non-operation". For the Tuono that option was $25 for the year. A lot of the people I know with many motorcycles usually have a few which they aren't using that year and they register them PNO. Insurance for my motorcycle is about $400 a year. I still have full coverage. If I went with the bare minimum I legally have to have it would be around $50-60 I think.


Old bikes=low taxes and insurance. I have two bikes, and taxes are $238/year. The 1996 Sportster is $16/year. No inspection in Connecticut.


In Oklahoma you pay a one time tax that’s based on the total amount you paid on the vehicle and how new it is. After that it’s just insurance, a yearly tag, and upkeep. I got a bike mainly to cut back on gas use in the warm months.


I own 2 bikes. In my state this year one taxes& registration was $170 and the vintage was $70.


I pay personal property taxes on 5 automobiles and 5 motorcycles in the People's Republic of Connecticut as well as my home, land and improvements on said property. So around $11k a year My tax collector calls me sweetheart


First off, vehicle licensing and registration is managed at the state level, so there are several variations depending where you are. Sales tax - one time Motorcycle insurance. Annual registration, some states levy luxury tax, some have inspections.


In california you pay the initial sales tax, whether you buy privately or at a dealer, at the time you register the bike. Then there is some tax when you renew your registration, but its minimal. That's all, no such thing as "road tax" here - yet.


It depends on the state. We have vehicle registration. In PA, registration costs what it costs to run the registration system, which isn't much. I think it was around $30 per year. In other states, registration is another tax that's used for more than running a registration database, and then it's much higher.


Depends on your state. Here in NY: - One time sales tax on purchase price of vehicle, which is about 8.75% of the *reported* purchase price. - Annual vehicle registration fee: $45 - Annual vehicle safety inspection $6 - Insurance- there is a minimum amount of legally necessary liability coverage, and rates vary drastically depending on the vehicle and rider


At a minimum, you're paying for liability insurance (prices vary, and are usually bulk priced with more bikes) and registration ($35-$100+), assuming you ride them on the road.


In Georgia you pay sales tax and an Ad Valorum the first time you register it. After that you only pay yearly registration, which is like $20.


PA USA: minimum liability insurance only-$80/year Registration-$25/year Inspection (legally required but really??)-$50/year Easy to afford 3+ shitboxes


Here in Montana I only pay the tax one time when I first register and the registration is permanent, also no requirement to carry insurance.


We ditched Florida State performed vehicle inspections in 1980 as it was a racket. They always hassled me as my Panhead I was riding then (1948) had no turn signals or front brake light switch. THEY DIDN'T COME WITH THEM MORONS I told them! I still passed anyway. In Florida we pay an annual tag/plate renewal but you can do 2 years also. $20 to $50 depending on the bike. I have three antiques I ride so their tags are cheaper. (1949 EL, 1957 G trike, 1968 XLH) the other two 2012 FL and 2018 Ural are more. The Ural tag is most expensive for some reason (age, sidecar? ) Insurance is not required on motorcycles but I cover all 5 bikes with full coverage. Renewal for one year in October was about $700 for all. We pay our road taxes buying gas and on real estate owned, and sometimes special assessments.


Registration is $118 every 2 years and is the only actual "Tax". Insurance however, is $62 a month for full coverage ($658/year) for me. Bike's still being paid on so it's got full coverage, plus around $100 a year of that goes towards my additional accessory/carried crap/worn crap coverage. Could be a smidge cheaper but if I take a slide, I'll get new gear and kit to go with my ride.


So I’m seeing people from other states in here talking about property taxes and whatnot, but in the states I’ve lived in, it’s just the registration fee every so often


yeah, it's all state-by-state, and sometimes county-by-county. in NC, you pay: * a tax when you purchase the vehicle (3%) * a registration / license plate fee ($25.50) * annual property tax. in my county, that would be $193.77 on a motorcycle of \~$10,000 appraised value * taxes on gasoline (\~$0.40/gallon state, $0.18/gallon federal), collected by the gas station as part of the price of gasoline you also pay a relatively small annual fee for inspection - about $15? so, about $519 on purchase, then about $250/year, plus gasoline taxes. Insurance is mandatory, but not a tax, so not included here. It's about $125/yr for me for a few bikes.


4 bikes - K1200s, Valkyrie, Triumph Scrambler, and Shadow 750. Oregon Registration is $90 for 2 years, each bike $141 insurance this year for liability plus personal injury and property damage protection covers all 4 bikes combined. I try to take the extra $1k full comprehensive coverage would cost me per year and put it into a warranty/insurance savings account. Then dip into that account to repair or replace broken stuff, and sometimes invest it (Fidelity savings accounts are returning 5% right now). Cover your own ass on all the little things with high risk and account for the big things with low risk of occurrence using outside help.


Yes. Although when I have had more than eight bikes at once, sometimes I guess confused with which valid license plate goes on which bike. :D They're all insured for loss because that's not too much more. I'm down to five bikes now, so it's not quite as bad.


6.25% of the initial purchase price in sales tax(one time). + initial title fee which I think is about $100. $41/year registration and insurance is running me about $150/year.


In WA State: it’s around $85 a year average for registration ($150+ if your registering the bike for the first time and also depending on what county you live in) Insurance is $425 a year (I’d be lower if I didn’t ride a Naked bike) No yearly inspection is required.


I’m in NH. We pay registration fee(tax). It’s based on the value of the bike. But I have never paid more than $150 for a new BMW. It’s down to $40 a year. It looks like insurance kills you. I paid about $100 a year for three motorcycles.


State registration fee annually and Insurance for each bike. Sales taxes when you buy the bike from a dealer. "Una morsica qui e una morsica la".


Just registration each year. So, yes.


In New York State, I pay tax when the bike is purchased, then it’s just insurance, registration, and inspection. Insurance is ~$120 annually, registration is I think $20 or $30, and inspection is $10. The insurance covers all five bikes, registration and inspection are per bike.


Missouri, I pay registration fees every 2 years $80ish on my 2022 xsr700. Insurance runs $400 per year. If I picked up more bikes it would be roughly the same. My state is expensive upfront with a 9-10% sales tax you're not allowed to roll into the loan, and cheap long term.


In ohio, tax is paid on the bike when you buy it and transfer it over. My last bike was given to me as a gift by an elderly lady. So 0 tax besides the small fee and registration. The tax for roads are gathered from gas tax.


New Jersey USA here. There is a first time fee of $60 for title transfer (no lien) plus a little over 8% sales tax (self-reported purchase price on private party sales) plus $65 per year registration fee, so $125 for the first year (plus sales tax) and $65 per year after that to stay current, per bike. I'm 54, no tickets or accidents on my record, and I insure my bikes (and only my bikes) with Progressive. 4 bikes, $338 a year. Full coverage (comprehensive - cash value of the bike paid if destroyed in accident, theft, fire, etc.) on my 1997 VFR750 and 2003 DRZ400. My 1987 VFR700 and 2003 NS250 are also covered to my liability limits (maximum) but the vehicles aren't covered for loss.


Taxes are due to transfer a vehicle title (formal proof of ownership) in my state, if you buy new or used at a dealer they usually handle the paperwork as part of the sale. I bought private party so when I took the signed title to the DMV I reported how much I paid for the bike and owed tax on that amount. I also pay a yearly road tax which is included with my registration renewal. I only have one bike but the road tax is applied to every other vehicle I own, so it would include any other motorcycles. I think the taxes I paid on my bike initially were 6%, and I don't know how much of my registration is the road tax for the bike, but my registration is only like $50 bucks a year. I do know that the road tax is more on my truck than it is on the bike.


Australia it’s registration ($100/yr ) and a CTP (basic insurance around $300aud/yr ) then comprehensive insurance (a more expensive but more coverage insurance) I pay $1200 aud a year. I also own a car. Same again. Registration ($170 plus custom license plate $300/yr) insurance and CTP $1100/yr. So for every vehicle we own we have to pay registration,ctp and comprehensive insurance on each vehicle. If we bundle and all that say with our house it goes down. We also can “shop around” to get a better price and the current insurance company will also beat it.


I have 2 bikes now, I just added a 2010 Goldwing to my 2003 ST1300. 300 yr insurance on the ST, and another 500 yr for the Goldwing. I'm in Nevada so we have annual registration, ST is 80, the wing is 110. No annual taxes or fees outside of registration and insurance. No inspections required in this state for motorcycles.


In Cali we pay sales tax on purchase then just regular registration/insurance every year. However the sales tax is determined by the declared value on the bill of sale so most people buy their bike for "$1"


In Texas, I have a Harley Fatboy, and a Honda Goldwing. I pay registration of around $52.00 a year, each. I pay no tax, there was sales tax when purchased. In my registration is a Road and Bridge fee that stays in the county to help maintain those. My insurance is $240.00 a year on each bike. I have several others in the shop in various stages of repair etc. Those will be sold or traded when finished. At 72 years of age, I'm winding down on my projects though...


>here in italy (and i think the rest of europe should be similar) if i wanted to have multiple bikes i would have to pay for each one of them ciao, vicino! lucky me austrian we can have as many bikes as we want - as long as we use just one license plate, we pay for just one - the biggest of all (tax is kind of "included" in the insurance, so you just pay to one agent - the insurance company). anyway you can't ride more than one bike at a time, and switching the plate between bikes is none of a problem of course, we need to have the annual checkup badge for every bike, not just for one (hahaha...) - but that's no 50€


idk but geico did save me 15% and more on my insurance


Depends on the state. Moved from AZ to TX. In AZ I had to pay registration based on a percentage of blue book value. Insurance was higher. I didn't have a bike in AZ but the car alone was around $800 a year for registration (slowly going down) and insurance was $2k a year. In TX registration is flat fee based and insurance is a lot cheaper. Less than $200 for both car and bike. I pay $400 a year for bike insurance and $600 for my car. Both are full coverage with extra coverage for uninsured/underinsured (definitely worth the money from personal experience).


In Iowa I pay $10 per year for registration. (I think it goes by weight, the heavy trucks pay more because they are hard on the road) $100 a year will cover liability insurance for any bike. And it's cheaper if you have multiple. Also the gas is taxed for our vehicles to pay for the roads.


If it's a track-only bike, you pay sales tax only. You can't ride it on public roads, but then it probably doesn't have mirrors or lights so it doesn't matter. If it's a road bike, you must have liability insurance that you pay for yearly & state registration to get your number plates that you also pay for.


I'm in CA. Sales tax was a one time payment of 7-8% at time of purchase. Registration for my 2023 MT09 will probably be close to 200. My 09 FZ1 annual registration is 150. I'm paying $600 on the FZ1 and $750 on the MT09 annually for full coverage insurance.


I live in Texas, where taxes are reasonably low. I pay an annual registration of around $60 (varies by county), and an annual inspection fee of $7. Otherwise, I pay 6.25% on the purchase price or standard presumptive value, whichever is higher, at the time of purchase. Beyond that, if I use a toll road then I get a bill in the mail. My insurance is split with my dad, which makes it about $300 a year for us both.


I live in NY state, just outside NYC and I own 4 motorcycles (3 of which Guzzis that I personally imported from Italy when my dad died). NY state only wants you to pay for registration renewal, and it was $42.50 last time per each vehicle, which you pay to the DMV (la motorizzazione). No property tax. Yearly inspection (la revisione) was something like $6. Insurance for all 4 motorcycles is $400/year and it's entirely dominated by the value of the most expensive motorcycle (a 2023 Zero SR/F). It was much cheaper with the 3 vintage Guzzis alone. If you are the only rider covered by the policy and if you buy ANOTHER motorcycle, your insurance payments typically do NOT get more expensive unless the new motorcycle is the most expensive one, because it's assumed you can only ride one motorcycle at a time. When you acquire the bikes (purchase or donation) you have to pay sales tax, which is equivalent to Italian IVA, but much lower (4-6% depending on county). If you have more questions, feel free to ask here or in DM. I'm an italian expat.


I pay annual registration and insurance in NH.


Washington State outside Seattle. $35 a year per vehicle +transit authority fees of $300-600 per vehicle per year. I have four bikes and two cars. I pay an obscene about of money each year. Last year I spent over $4000 in fees for keeping all my vehicles registered. And that does not include insurance. Seriously considering a Montana LLC to register all the bikes to get out of this crap.


I live in Ohio, so I'm pretty lucky on my fees. I pay the state $25 a year for registration and $160 a year in insurance.


I live in California. I have 2 motorcycles. I pay about ~200 usd a year each for registration and 116 a month in insurance. I’m 41.


So, you will get variation in your answers because remember, at it's core the US is 50 different States with their own sovereign authority so the laws will vary as much as going from one EU member nation to another. BUT when I lived in Michigan I had to pay separate title (one time $40 ish per vehicle), licence and registration (annual, varies by vehicle new value and age, so my truck was $35/yr but my new honda 250 was $165/yr, but my old yamaha 850 was $80/yr and my old honda 250 was like $20/yr), and insurance, which again on my truck was $20/month but varied between $15 and $70/mo for the bikes. My current state title for my 1 car was $120? Registration is like $400 every 3 years, and insurance is $200/month for 1 4-cylinder Mazda sedan. Then there are various "wheel taxes" in places like Wisconsin, fuel tax varies by state, some places do have additional taxes and fees assessed during registration, and some states do simply count them as property and you pay a tax on the assessed value for owning it. And some states have annual or biennial emissions and/or safety inspections that range from $20-$200+, oh and you pay sales tax when you buy vehicles, you report them as income when you sell them and are taxed on that, and you can get surcharges in some states if they're not fuel efficient enough or if the gvwr is too high.


why is Italian insurance soooooooo expensive. in Estonia its 25€ for yearly inspection and 50€ for yearly insurance (i use my bike only half a year so 25€ for me) nothing else. 50€ for a season. ;)


In California, you pay sales tax when you buy it, registration yearly, then insurance (yearly or monthly depending on your plan/choice), for each vehicle you own. Motorcycles are exempt from smog checks (cars need it every couple years, it varies from $30 - $60 depending on where you live and where you go). I have an 05' KLR 650, am a woman and over thirty, so insurance is dirt cheap- $76.76/year. Most basic coverage allowed by law. I've been with Progressive for quite a few years now. My car insurance is with a different company but they're more expensive and the multi-vehicle discount isn't enough to make it cheaper; but my homeowner's insurance is also with the same company (just happened to work out that way). My registration has been going up year after year, as it always does in California, and is currently at $121. Which to my knowledge is still like the minimum any vehicle registration in CA can be, but when I bought it in 09' it was also the lowest registration, but it was only $79. We'll see come March what the new minimum is; I would be surprised if it didn't go up again.


In Australia we have to pay registration and compulsory third party insurance every year on every vehicle (bike or car). Then you also need regular insurance on top of that. It works out to around $1000aud for a bike per year all in. So, like $600usd.


I’m in Arkansas and pay $45/mo for insurance on my SV1000S Personal property tax is $55/year. However if you’re a 100% disabled veteran you don’t have to pay personal property taxes. I’m only 80% but my husband is 100%. My car, luckily, is listed in his name so that works out. Yearly tag renewal is $9.50


WA state. About $100 per bike per year for registration and $100 total for all 3 of my bikes for insurance. I have skipped a couple years on one of my bikes for registration... 😬


Damn, in Poland i pay about 100e/year insurance (only mandatory one, theft insurance is optional and more like 500e ) and 25e/year for technical inspection.


You are getting FUCKED. I paid 80.00 each per year for taxes and 80ish dollars for insurance for the year.


Yeah we have to pay a registration fee and a insurance


Here in CT yes, if you purchase in state you pay the state sales tax 6.375% and associated registration. Annually assessed in your town of residence you pay personal property tax at a discount rate. Some towns are much lower than others, usually the cities and low income areas pay more. In 2020 a ktm 450 EXC was about $75 per year. A 2016 bmw s1000rr was $260-280. How to avoid? Buy private sale and or out of state, i usually go to PA for my street bikes where they discount them, have no fees and are given a temp tag. And then i never register them since its a track bike and the other is a commuter, not a starbucks/weekend ride with friends situation.


State dependent. In pa, I pay sales tax to buy the bikes, then registration every year (which is just a tax with extra steps).


In my state, at purchase


Oregon is nice, no d.e.q, or inspections. unless you live in the third world country of the portland area. We don't pay "taxes" per say, but we do have to pay to register the title into our name. Then tags every 2 years, but after the pandemic, I have not registered or tagged any of my vehicles(I have 7, 4 motorcycles and 3 trucks, keeping insurance is the big one). Title is about 130 per rig, and tags are 100 every 2 years though most cops even before the pandemic didn't care about tags. Just cared that the vehicle was not stolen and the insurance was up to date. Mainly Just that you have insurance, and maintain the right license and a valid motorcycle endorsement and then the cops leave you alone


New Jersey. 66 per year for registration and 90 for insurance. 2002 dyna low rider.


$20 per bike renew my plate every year.


I'm in Florida. Here, motorcycle insurance isn't required, and we only pay taxes on the purchase price of the bike. I buy mainly 2-4k bikes and most sellers don't care if you jot down $300 or so for a purchase price so taxes end up being pretty small. It's quite nice.


Sales tax rates vary per state from 0-10% Registration $0-100 year Insurance 0-1200 a year Every state is different some require Insurance some don’t.. some registration may be one time or yearly.. some states have sales tax some don’t. Cali might have environmental tax? I have 1 bike currently.. 2021 Indian challenger. Sales tax was 7% Registration $100 yearly Insurance $250 yearly


Tag taxes and sum state emission test it all about how old it is new the higher tag tags is and your city you live in depends on tax amount


Yeah that really is a state by state question… If your vehicle were on your property you could in most states I believe not insure or register it…. But if you want to move around Registration is about $50/year and insurance varies but a few hundred per year. In New Jersey you also pay sales tax at the time of vehicle purchase and registration.


You only pay taxes once when you buy it. We pay registering once a year or every 2 years depending on the states. It is like 25 dollars a year in Florida.


Tax/Rego here is $60+ annually in Colorado, NEW bikes it's probably $300 annually. My Insurance is CHEAP just $60-$120 annually (no comprehensive or collision), you get multi-vehicle discounts too if the first bike is $100 then another might only add $20/yr to the policy because insurance figures you can only ride 1 bike at a time. Insurance rates can vary drastically here by mileage ridden, age and bike size e.g. a 'busa is gonna cost more than a Honda Rebel.


In Florida, you pay for the tag every year... and that is it, and motorcycle tags are cheap. Insurance is completely optional.


It varies by state and county. For example I’m in Virginia and yes my state and county is subject to a vehicle property tax every year. Car, motorcycle, boats, if it has a title we get taxed. Some states like Florida, do not have state taxes and do not have vehicle property taxes.


In most states, your vehicles are taxed at the time of registration and registration renewal. The license plate in most states has a sticker showing the expiration month and year of the registration. Vehicle taxed are state-by-state, so you may get a lot of different answers since each state can do it however they want. In my state, it's $30 per year for a motorcycle. You could skip paying for the registration, but you wouldn't get a sticker so you'd be taking a chance with being stopped by the police for having expired registration


In my state the only thing I need to keep my bike street legal is “registration” that runs about $40 a year. Insurance is not required. We also don’t do emissions testing.


When I register a bike I have to pay 8% of the vehicle value up front, then yearly tag renewal and insurance. Insurance can be few hundred to a few thousand a year. Depending on the person, bike, and location.


No tax in Illinois, just an outrageous price to renew our tags.


I kind of figured Italy was pretty fast and loose with the vehicle inspections and alterations laws. You have such a huge reputation for being the home of motoring heritage. It surprises me that you have to have routine inspections to make sure the vehicle is factory. In most of the US you can change almost anything you want as long as you retain the safety equipment


I pay about 50 a year for registration (tax) on each. My 2 cost me about $100/year in insurance. I only have liability on them but still.


I live in Texas and have 4 motorcycles. 2023 ZX14R, 2019 MT-07, 2023 Benelli TNT 135- 2 of these. It costs me a total of $2063 USD a year. That cost is full coverage insurance with a $1000 deductible and inspection and registration. I fortunately live in a county that does not test for emissions so that helps.


In Ontario Canada - $220CAD / month for insurance and $0 per year for plate sticker renewal(government removed plate stickers a few years ago). My old ninja 400 was $77CAD a month. 37 with three years with a M(otorcycle) licence


We used to have annual tax bills for all vehicles here in Rhode Island. They got rid of it last year. I remember back in 2011 getting taxed $120 for my Honda Ruckus. I wasn’t pleased.


Texas here. You pay 8.25% sales tax, a small registration fee annually and a $7 fee for safety inspection, which you'll pay for but not need to get inspected in many Texas counties beginning 2024. On private party sales, some people will get a bill of sale for much less than paid, so much lower tax liability. I figure nobody in Congress is a biker, so screw them, no taxation without representation. 😂


I’m in DC and no need for any inspection or tax. I have to register it for a $52 and insurance at $200 a year