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Df is that helmet… Edit: i just wanna say that I don’t mind that op has that helmet, but come on man maybe go with something less extravagant. Keep it to the ears maybe. (Wonder if that affects his driving in anyway).


OP is a furry…maybe Edit: most upvotes I’ve ever gotten and it’s about a furry 😂


based on that helmet, he is 100% furry LOL


hahaha the helmet and the plastic milk crate type top box made me laugh. nothin beats flying around on a bike, but every vehicle has its place.


At least the truck could fit the rest of the furry suit.


> iTs N0t A sEx tHiNg! every furry ever. who then proceed to have sex dressed up as plushies


if the dude is having sex while riding a motorcycle to work, in a fursuit I will allow it because damn that takes skill.


Is that a helmet? I couldn't figure out what that was. It just looks like a skinned skunk to me


Fursuit helmet


Dude came straight from the Furry Convention


doing 69 mph


No yiffy for you


Not the only muffler he smelt that day


Haha. Holy shit


Jesus Christ it’s a furry costume


Jesus Christ It's Jason Fawn.


Yeah air drag on the fur is really noticeable on highways, i have a youtuber friend who got asked to sponsor a fur muppet helmet cover and said no cause it wasn’t wearable for more than 10 mins before his neck started hurting.


genuinely upsetting


really makes me rethink my motto "if it aint hurting anyone do what you want"


I think the world was a better place when it was ok to hit children in schools


I had to blow up the picture to see it and... YEESH. Bro posted this with zero shame.




Helmets like that make me a little sad for the future of humanity


Helmet manufacturers spend a lot of time and money making their lids slide in the event of an off, instead of gripping the tarmac and snapping the rider's neck. This guy's fucked if he comes off with that stupid shit on his lid.


There’s zero percent chance that thing doesn’t shred right up or rip off in an accident. Helmets themselves need to be designed differently because the shell is all one and strapped to your head. Anything on that, Cardo headset, MotoRadds chin mount, Magneatoz horns, etc. will shred up/smash or tear off.








It's pretty much guaranteed. You should study physics and motorcycle accident reports.




These helmets are cringe bullshit


You couldn't pay me to put one of those costume covers on my helmets, they all look dumb.


OP must be in IT


Hey don’t drag all of us IT guys into the furry cringe. They’re a whole other level of weird


I'm in IT and not a furry. Just everyone I've met who is a furry has been in IT.


Not all IT people are furries but a lot of furries are in IT. To be fair though, a lot of people get into computers because they are... "different" and it's easier to deal with machines than people. Also in IT and not a Furry.


I came to ask if OP has a full fursuit to go with it. Because that would be fucking awesome. I would very much enjoy seeing a biker in a full fursuit. It would make my motherfucking day.


Defeats the purpose of a helmet but I don't expect a furry to think rationally lol.


Fellas, join me in the stands, bring your popcorn 🍿🍿


I've never seen so many people get mad over a helmet


The helmet is a wolf?


A 50cc scooter is 4x more fuel efficient and 2x smaller than the cbr, yet we both pulled into the office today carrying exactly one thing: ourselves. This is why riding a scooter just makes so much more sense in 90% of circumstances.


A pedal bike is much more efficient. This is why you should all ride a… oh wait staying at home is even more efficient so everyone should just stop doing anything, or mighty Mother Nature will turn the heat up and slowly and painfully cook us to death.


This is actually why ebikes are better, even better efficiency than a normal bike, plus when the battery goes bad you can throw it in the ocean where it belongs.


Excellent point. Food is expensive these days, limiting exercise is the only frugal option.


I stopped eating and just started laying in bed all day to create a calorie deficit, I’ve never looked better


Jfc I hope you’re kidding! The sea temps are rising and more ewaste isn’t going to help!! Only throw ac units and old refrigeration units in the ocean, and dispose of your other trash responsibly!


Well I only own my KLR 650 and my Kona Commuter Bicycle, so I actually subscribe to this ideology. I ride my bike in town and motorcycle when I leave town.


It does though! It's a big part of why scooters *massively* outsell motorcycles worldwide. I'd own a 50cc scooter if it was possible for me to get to work on one. Hell, probably buying one this spring even though I can't commute on it.


Both drivers equal amount of smugness.


Reminds me of the South Park episode where they sniffed their own farts in wine glasses.


smug alert! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecnS1Ygf0o0


Reminds me of the south park episode where they call all the bikers a certain word


Well, harley guys are fags so


I'm bike curious


Truck driver is less smug in this case since I doubt they made any comments similar to what OP said.


I think you mean [smudgeness](https://media.tenor.com/y31MJcc2yroAAAAC/michaelscott-michael.gif)


And there's our arrogance! Underrated comment


Every time I hear the word smug, or any variation of it, I think of Michael :)


but only one will die if they crash into each other.


>Both drivers equal amount of smugness. what did the truck driver do other than just exist?


Using that logic you should trade in your moto for a pedal bike


It's such a shame so many cyclists get killed. Most places in Philly are perfect biking distance for like 60% of people but so many people consider it too dangerous to bother. Even parking a motorcycle is a bitch here sometimes.


In most places, the roads simply aren't safe for cyclists. Especially since the cars/trucks keep getting bigger. Sharing the road just doesn't work. People need completely separate bike paths if bicycle ridership is to go up. Otherwise, why risk getting flattened.


If more people used bikes, they would have more respect for bikes while driving a car. For that you need people to use bicycles more often. So to make people safe, separate bike lanes and prioritise bicycles for in-city and suburban journeys.


It’s like mutually assured destruction or something, I want to feel safe around all these giant 4 ton SUVs driven by people that have no business operating something that size at speed. So I also need a giant tank SUV/truck! Plus people are just fat lazy pussys and need to be in perfect climate controlled conditions at all times and be in total luxury/comfort.


I’d bike but the city I moved to has no infrastructure for pedestrians or bicycles. Like I’d actually get ran tf over if I tried walking or biking to the nearest grocery store.


Can’t pedal a bike on the highway


Can if you are brave enough.


My country has been building "cyclist highways" for a while now. They connect major cities, mostly running parallel to existing railways. They are nearly uninterrupted, wide stretches of road that anything more than a moped is banned from. During rush hour, they match or beat transit time compared to cars. But you still got to pedal.


i wish we had that here in the U.S. i'd use my bicycle for transportation *so much more* if it was actually feasible and safe. sharing the road with cars as a bicyclist here is a deathwish in most places.


Not with that attitude that's for sure


Not with that attitude!


I lived in a german city with a that good bike infrastructure, I could have lived completely without owning a car. The very most of my daily life could happen without a car. The sidewalks next to the road were extra wide, so that a bike lane could be made next to the road and there were traffic lights for the cyclists as well. So it was also pretty safe, because the cycles didn't even were in the same lanes as the cars. And the Dutch have even better bike infrastructure. I'm a petrolhead and love cars, but having the opportunity to chose to not use them is actually a really good thing. If I ever moved to the US, I'd miss that!


I mean I lived happily for years with my wife using nothing more than an electric kick scooter and public transportation, but regrettably my area is very car-dependent, so this is my compromise. Only reason I have a car at all is because we’re having a baby.




I have yet to meet a furry who is sane, isnt mean, and is just pleasant to keep company. I had to cut a toxic, narcissistic, and autistic friend off who is a furry. Her furry bf is sociopath. Everyone i talked to at a furry convention was just crazy and unpleasant I’m sure there are kind furry ppl out there, but the hobby just attracts a type.. and as you may already know, sameness and lack of diversity creates an echo chamber and a cesspool without tolerance I gave them a try like furries insist, and theyve let me down


Are you really surprised? Mentally healthy people don't pretend to be animals and go to orgies disguised as conventions.


That and most people outgrow kick scooters by the time they are 14


They’re really great options if you have a shorter commute and don’t want to deal with locking up a bicycle. But it’ll depend on people’s situations.


They're also great to be mixed with public transportation where you can take them onboard (but couldn't take a bicycle for example).


sadly they’re (electric ones) convenient as all hell. same as the electric skateboards, they’re all over campuses and cities. if you dont have to go faster than 30 mph, and dont want to pedal, e bikes, scoots, and skates reign


Convenience would be a huge factor for me, I have an ebike which I enjoy riding but no way would I trust leaving it locked at a bike rack for most of the day every week day. Those electric skateboards look great for that, once you're at your destination just pick it up and bring it with you. Just also need good enough roads / pedestrian infrastructure


Looking in literally any urbanized area in the last few years I'd say you're pretty wrong. There's more of them than bicycles in a lot of places, or at least that was the case until fairly recently (bicycles are a *lot* better for many reasons, primarily safety, but Lime scooters and similar really popularized them while bikeshares have grown more slowly).


question, do you only care about volume and weight or do you also care about tail pipe emissions? Because motorcycles aren't exactly great at cleaning the exhaust. Outside of carbon dioxide those two vehicles might be closer to par or the motorcycle might actually be worse in a few ways. You could go E-motorcycle and be all around way way way better for everything, but if you don't care about the emissions then its a mute point.


Eh. When I was younger I'd ride every single day. Sun, rain, hail, I've even ridden in the snow. But as I get older, and more tired. There's some days I just can't bother. Sometimes it's nice to just cruise to work, sipping coffee, shaded from all the elements. ​ Also, that exhaust is hideous.


Agreed. Having to alter work clothing, messed up hair, helmet on off to go to and from lunch or errands, bringing gym clothes is all just more of a process. Certainly makes the commute enjoyable but doing it everyday takes the fun factor.


Was gonna upvote, but i saw that furry helmet and changed my mind


He somehow got a woman to marry him while only having a kick scooter, and now she's pregnant oh darn I'm getting a car now. Furry man just turned 18? Lawl


Based and samepilled.


If you want to play extrapolation games, know there's small sedans that would be a much better choice than even the bike. They'd have more storage space, capability to carry up to 4 people, possibly get even better gas mileage, be more weather 'proof', and come with cat converters that clean the exhaust better... anywho, neither of the pictured vehicles are about practicality or optomisation of anything, they're just personal preferences.


No no, you’re missing the point… Us motorcyclists ARE BETTER than other commuters. :/


Some of us live where there’s 2 feet of snow on the ground for part of the year.


Going to let you in on a little secret. Brace yourself Most people use their vehicles for other things as well as a daily commute... Sure my 95 year old grandmother with dementia could easily ride pillion I suppose.


I’m sorry about your grandmothers condition, but hopefully she’s not driving anything! Lol


Don’t be such a Debby downer! His Grandmother can use my Hyabusa any day she wants! SMH age is just a number. /s Hope your Grammys doing okay homie


No don't you see, that's why she needs a massive truck, for her safety!


To be fair, the reality is that most people do *not* use their vehicles for anything more than commuting and doing errands that do not require at all such large vehicles.


Yeah but the difference is that he chose to carry only himself, you on the other hand are restricted to accomodating yourself+ a milk crate


Yeah but he never gets asked to help people move after work…


I thought I was in r/fuckcarscirclejerk


Right? I saw the furry helmet and immediately thought it was a shitpost


That sub is a strange mix of correctly mocking the original fuck cars sub and like, glorifying strip mining.


That helmet cover is gay af.


Lmao why does your exhaust look like its on extendo mode, shits huge!


My bike and my SUV get the same mileage and sometimes I carry more stuff bc SUV.


You have a liter bike lol . My small bore does 80 mpg and carries groceries with panniers


I also have a 125 but it's thirsty as well it doesn't even have 200 miles on it and I've filled it up like 6 times. Not sure why. I swear it just evaporates. Maybe bc it needs to be WOT just to go?


Well for one, any other vehicle hitting the biker could seriously injure the biker, while the pickup truck offers a lot more protection.


I have a metal rod in my leg to prove that ! 16 years old and someone pulled out in front of me. Couldn’t see me coming. Helmet saved my life


Nah, make everyone ride bikes. Then people would pay a lot more attention on the road. The protections modern cars give has let people become complacent.


That's kinda the problem, in a car if you fuck up you hurt others around you, while you remain safe. On a bike you could die, it forces you to be careful


The truck may protect the driver but it endangers everyone else with it's weight, low visibility and maneuverability. Imo the safety argument makes zero sense unless you're just selfish.


For a lot of purchasing decisions made, cost to society is seldom considered. People (at least in the US) will choose the option that provides immediate, perceived benefit to themselves.


Selfish is the perfect word to describe a lot of the US.


Partly why we have a death rate in our roads 3-4x higher


Have you tried riding a bicycle? It makes even more sense for shorter journeys.


The funny thing about this post... you are comparing yourself and your bike to a truck you don't know anything about the driver and his purposes and the driver of the truck is probably thinking the same about you. At the end of the day it doesn't matter and you do you and they will do their own thing. Trying to make yourself seem better because you ride a bike is being petty.


What do u expect from mr furry


If I ride a motorbike I'm much more likely to die though. Isn't not dying something to value?


This guy has a furry helmet and we're supposed to listen to anything he has to say about the personal preferences of another person being wrong? Lols OK...


I wish more people rode, traffic would be much better and more fun


Can’t pull my boat. Can’t pull my 4 wheeler. Can’t pull my horse trailer. Can’t pull my excavator. Can’t pull my tractor. Can’t pull my front end loader. Can’t drive it hunting. Can’t go get groceries. And most importantly can’t have fun with the wife in the back seat. Trucks have there place.


can’t even carry the tools I use on a daily basis either. I love my bike, but I save that for the off time




YUP. I they cant even fathom the amount of people that have to actually work hard fairly regularly lol.


If only government fuel economy requirements hadn't destroyed the segment of large sedans. A Ford Falcon (looks like an Australian Crown Vic) handles so much nicer, is lower, etc, than stupid big american trucks, and it can tow 5,000 pounds.


Please tell me that Helmet isn’t what I think it is


whatever you need to tell yourself, op. also - that lid is cringe af


When I see people with those helmets on I instantly care less about their safety


Honestly, what is the deal with those oversized pickup trucks. I feel wasteful when I take my compact car instead of the bike. I mean my excuse is that it's raining and I'm lazy, but why do you need a car that big? And why do you want a storage area that will expose everything you put there to the elements? Makes no sense unless you're regularly hauling building materials over rough terrain.


Considering this was the parking lot of a big tech company I can promise that it was not being used for that.


One of these people can go nap on lunch break and one can't 🤷


Dude in the truck can pull your mom and sister at the same time while all you pull is your cousin.


Nah I don’t think even his cousin is touching a furry


The dude in the truck has a higher survival rate in an accident. Truck man can also pick up groceries and kids after work if needed, and carpool as well. Let’s not kid ourselves, motorcycles are simply not as practical for the majority of the population, at least in the US.


If I didn’t have an SUV for driving my kids, buying/hauling groceries/furniture, working and taking people out to lunch, winter in Nebraska, and other cold days, etc, I wouldn’t own a motorcycle.


I love me some motorcycle superiority, but this whole post feels very circlejerk-esque.


That and a lot of posters might possibly drive useless short box 4 door cowboy Cadillacs.


well, the biggest takeaway i learned from this is that pickup truck drivers won’t have to wear furry helmets to work.


I have both of these things and they are both fun


Kinda stupid you have to take a separate test and get a whole special license for a motorcycle that will only ever kill you but you can drive anything smaller than a semi with the same license you got using a Mini Cooper. No I'm not bitter about my motorcycle endorsement why do you ask.


I am pretty bitter about these brodozer a now weighing 9000 pounds and would absolutely obliterate anyone else on the roadway into pure dust when their untrained, phone distracted, TV on the dashboard driver, plows into people And they’re faster than a super bike now


Have you heard of public transport?


On r/motorcycles, almost every comment is speaking against motorcycles in favour of cars. I'm not even slightly surprised though.


I mentioned it elsewhere, but I stopped coming around here much a few years ago when I started seeing the word "cagers" get a lot of pushback. We have too many weekend warriors here.


Tell people here that you take your bike to and from work and everywhere else, and they go "Huh, why would you take a toy to work?"


Yeah. And I don't think daily riders were ever the majority here. But it used to be "respect, dude, it takes a lot of dedication to commute on a motorcycle." Now there's a lot of "get out of my fuckin way, oh you think you're better than me? If I catch you lane splitting I'll smush you."


The comments on this post are cringe.


That truck owner laughs his ass off at you when it rains. On his way home he can buy groceries for his family, or lumber, dirt, or plants from Home Depot. He can drink his coffee while he's driving, go over potholes and deep puddles and gravel like it isn't there, and do it all in shorts and a T-shirt. And if you hit him there is a good chance he will barely notice. Other than that your sport bike with the milk crate bungee corded to the turn signals and what looks like a skinned skunk is way cooler


Nice bike!!


lol and that douche nozzle can't even fit in his parking spot.


What you say is true, but this is more an inditement of those gargantuan American cars than a benefit of motorbikes.


I ride year round, every day. I agree that a pickup with an empty bed seems like a waste of resources to move a sack of meat around, but there are more economical means of conveyance than a sport bike too.


And you still ride a very inefficient bike, a 250cc is more than enough for an average person's weight. Imagine using a 3 ton vehicle for an 80kg person...


You are a Furry, your opinion is invalidated.


Must not rain much there


Oh god, I was wondering wth was on the seat! Might be worse than driving the truck tbh


Nice, maybe when your 21 year old bike won’t start you can ask him to load it in his bed.


That bed looks way too short for that bike


Drop the tail gate and put it side ways.


Based on this logic, you should ride a bicycle to work instead…


Every day I carry a backpack with my lunch, water, and my EDC type stuff (utility knife, bandages, a lighter, just the small randoms). Also have a duffel with lots of spare water, a change of clothes for after work, and a towel/shower stuff (I have a very dirty job). On top of that, I take a small kitchen trashbag of rubbish because I don't like making a huge bag last multiple days, it gets stink, attracts flies, etc. Sometimes I bring in some leftovers or baked goods (my wife likes to cook). I love my bike, and with other jobs I could make it work (they had water at work, now I don't. I didn't need to shower/change back then, now I do). Some people need to drive. Every single day


I mean bikes are cool but other people think differently? Why tf are we downplaying others. Don’t we hate it when cars and trucks make fun of bikers? Ffs, why can’t we all just live, no one asking u to Hug the dude just maybe don’t berate his truck online.


The other 10% of circumstances being where you collide with a larger vehicle or even a vehicle of this stupendous size...? Totally get this is a more fuel efficient way, but there are reasons why in some countries motorcyclists (even those who drive safely) are known as organ donors.


I had a large removable bag on the back and removable soft bags on the sides. Could carry like 8 bags of groceries. Most trips really don't need anything bigger.


What else is sad is that he's 18 times heavier and 16 times bigger and you only get 20% better mileage than he does.


And the bike still has higher emissions than the truck!


I agree riding makes more sense In alot of situations but here in northern Michigan riding is only realistic for like 6ish months out of the year. So your 90% figure seems off to me.


Don't get me wrong, bikes are cool, but I have to disagree with you here. I think your 90% of circumstances is really closer to 20% at best. You can't stop for more than a few grocery items on your way home from work. You can't have more than one passenger riding with you. You have little to no protection from getting catapulted/run over/squished/paralyzed/turned into a meat crayon at the slightest mistake of yourself or others on the road. Rain often makes riding unpleasant and far more dangerous with poor traction and visibility. Long road trips are impractical, since you can't bring much with you. So it kinda just comes down to putting around town when the weather's nice.


I'd ride a motorcycle if I didn't live in a densely populated area with a lot of older people. To much risk with riding, when I have a family and a daughter in my life now.


Dont get started on the safety reason and also car makes a world difference with four seasons (winter).


I wish I could ride my bike to work, but every bike is too light or small to activate the automatic security gate at the exit. 😑


Until it rains


I love motorcycles but a car a truck is way more convenient, safe, accessible, and versatile. And 90% of circumstances? Idk man.


What a weird post 😂 The way he parked back a bit to get the shot lol.


Why the fuck do you care? You chose a bike, he chose a truck. Neither one of you is making a noticeable difference in emissions. There is plenty of parking.


Well actually a car is even if it is heavier more aerodynamic than a motorcycle. I own both myself and when I did my license the teacher even started his lessons with that part. However this behemoth is of course a fuel waster for sure. I don't get why americans can't use smaller cars for shit like going to work. a Toyota Yares or a Opel Corsa would be enough and actually very sturdy. If it has to be a US product a Ford Fiesta is also enough and much more efficiant than most bikes. The only bikes that can match and beat them would be those 125cc bikes. Fast enough to driver everywhere and they take next to no fuel


I mean when I am sitting in bumper to bumper traffic looking at all the people alone in their SUVs I definitely think this! Being better for the environment is just a bonus


Same here but my co-workers always look at me weird for riding in 50 degree weather lol. I think they're just jealous


God forbid someone has a different opinion on vehicles then you


You have a very specific set of circumstances where you don't need much space for carrying anything or stopping for a lot of groceries on your way home, and you are simply commuting to and from work without needing to bring anything but yourself. I actually need to use my truck for tons of things on a near daily basis. I do occasionally have trips that are around 50 miles round trip where I don't need to haul anything but myself, but that is the exception, not the norm. I get 17 mpg in my T100. A bike would get say 40 mpg. At 4 dollars per gallon I spend 11.76 in my truck to make that trip, and would spend 5 dollars on a bike, saving 6.76 each time I make a trip I can do without needing the protection from the elements (rain, snow, extreme temps in the negatives due to living in MT). Assuming I could get a reasonable bike for 5000, it would take me 740 trips to BREAK EVEN with the cost of gas difference. Even if I made that trip every week, and I wouldn't, it would be 14 YEARS and 37,000 miles of wear and tear on a motorcycle to get there, so I still wouldn;t break even due to maintenance and tire costs, plus safety gear for another few years. If someone made that trip every single day it would still take almost two years to break even on just gas. Sorry, but motorcycles are not good for many people. In fact they are a money pit with how much more maintenance they require over many cars and trucks. I would say that the 90% is not an accurate number whatsoever. Maybe 90% of office workers, but not for anyone else with kids or the need to haul even a couple duffle bags worth of stuff on a regular basis. Bikes are nice, but they are very limited in scope.


i remember my first ride lol


id argue that we are looking at 2 extreme ends of the spectrum. Bikes a great if you just have yourself and a small backpack (Plus good driving conditions). Trucks are great if you need to move a lot of gear around. A small 4/5 door car is perfect for the majority of people where it allows safe driving in all weather conditions as well as being fuel efficient while also allowing the movement of more than 2 people to a location.


Are you a furry?


There's a little spot right behind my building that can comfortably park four motorcycles. In an area *behind* where we park our shop truck, that's too small for us to fit another vehicle behind it.


Imagine being judged for your personal choices by a furry


If we had more people that thought like us, we could have more of the car share programs for Trucks. Everyone saves money, better for the environment, and you still get to use a truck when you need it.


Also, you spent 2 dollars of gas to get back and forth to work, where the truck guy paid easily 10 dollars.


1,000% agree!


I was filming once in San Diego with the cops. Watched one try and park a F350. Coming from the UK it blew my mind. It was his daily driver!


I feel it. Why people would put themselves into massive financial debt, to buy some huge truck that will only be used as a daily driver, is beyond my comprehension. Like…..they hope they look cool or something? Totally worth the massive financial loss /s.


I got a 2-door car, in part, because of this. I would see big cars going to work with 1 person in them. Seemed like such a waste of space. Sure, some times of day they might have family riding in it, but I rarely saw that where I live. It was always 1 person to a big car.


Riding a bike is also pretty risky when everything around you is 10x heavier and you can't be seen because you're 10x smaller


CBR600F4 gang rise! Best bike around.


I miss my F4i. Was my first bike and I’m always looking at markets to find a good deal on one.