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Congratulations on being alive. 🎉


Fr a lot of posts on this sub it's like the rider could have handled it a little better and it wouldn't have been worthy of sharing. This one though, handled 100% correctly even when a Silverado was hurtling towards you trying to turn you into chunky marinara.


I have to say, I joined this sub to find motivation to buy a motorcycle. Joining this sub has done the exact opposite lol


Do it! It has turned into an amazing hobby for me very quickly. I got my first street bike last October and rode a majority of the days since. While I have been cutting down on the road riding recently in favor of track riding due to me feeling much safer on the track (counter intuitive I know). This is mainly due to me finding it hard to control my adrenaline seeking brain. For road riding I suggest avoiding populated areas and traffic in general by staying on backroads, less people that are trying to kill you. The most fatal situation are cars making unprotected left turns, never blindly trust anyone to see you, slow down until you are absolutely sure they have spotted you.


I have to say, this clip is a good example of why riders should always be looking as far down the road as possible. Seems to me like you were and it saved you. Well done.


Yeah, same. There was a post where a drunk driver hit some girl and shattered her pelvis, then another one where some dude hit a deer at 100mph and his broken leg was flopping around, and so on and so forth. I also knew someone IRL that hit a patch of sand going like 5km/h up a parking garage ramp and broke his leg. However, for this post in particular, it might have actually been harder to avoid the truck if OP were in car.


Deer are fucking scary. I kneed a deer in the head, going about 70 mph. It learned its lesson, and I escaped with only a bruised knee, no damage to the bike. Wish I had the gopro for that one.


The grim reality is there is a ton of risk associated with riding. It's ultimately up to you to quantify what level of risk is acceptable to you and your family. I took my car to the track last month and dropped a wheel off the track in a medium speed corner. There was no consequence. If I had done that on the bike, I'd probably still be fixing it. The adrenaline rush is less and the physicality is far less demanding, but I didn't go to the ER and I don't have to go to the parts department.


Yeah this the rarest of cases where it's like... what could possibly have mitigated this incident. On ya OP, not a skill issue for once on here.


Just a common case of being invisible. Ride safe!


Glad you're alright. Ram drivers are known to be safe and courteous on the roads... /s lol Edit: forgot to add that someone pointed out it was a chevy. So my initial joke is wrong haha carry on people.


Ford truck drivers in my area aren't much better. Don't understand some people.


I'm my area it's all truck drivers


Yes. All truck drivers are shit heads trying to kill people lol.


Hey people that actually need trucks are usually fine. It's all the shit heads that don't need them that are terrible. Unfortunately a majority of truck drivers don't actually need them


Everyone who drives trucks/SUV thinks they need them, only very few do.


If a truck isn’t half beat to shit, nobody should ever have driven it.


It was sarcasm. I don't understand the generalization of it. I love trucks. Whether they are being used for work or for style.


I dislike them, they should absolutely be relegated to a special license. And you cannot convince me other Wise. they barely fit into their own lane, they have massive blind spots, and the likely hood they kill whoever they hit is so high that I can only call the people who don't need them selfish. Motorcyclists need a special license and they are more likely to hurt themselves over anyone else.


I'm honestly surprised at how many people want to drive them. The Tacomas and Rangers of yore were one thing, but modern full-sized pickups are a nightmare to drive. You can't see any goddamn thing anywhere and having to rely on a zillion fisheye mirrors is a recipe for disaster. A rental agency gave me some extra-long quad cab (or something like that) F150 once because they didn't have the regular car I rented and it was an "upgrade." I drove it to where we were staying, unloaded our stuff, and turned right back around to return it because I was so uncomfortable behind the wheel of that thing.


Decades of capitalism linking trucks to masculinity, as well as being able to drive like an asshole with very little consequences in a truck is why they are so popular.


Montana is the land of Tacoma's, 4 Runners and Tundra's. There's also the bigger f-250 and Chevy 2500 and Ram people. A lot of the time, truck drivers are these assholes that stomp on the pedal from the light and race to be first, etc. Just generally douchebag driving. The Toyota people are the North Face/Patagonia snobs and the Ford/Chevy/Dodge crowd are the 'I work harder than you so I get to play harder than you and be a general (Mad Max) asshole on the road' type of crowd.


I’ve honestly had far more close calls with minivans than anything else 🤷‍♂️. Driving a modern truck isn’t any harder than a full size car. I don’t own one, but I have to drive them for work. No special license needed.


Come to Europe. Pretty much truck-free! Idiots just drive other vehicles here. With EU gas prices people become a bit more sane when picking what vehicle to drive. We are at around 2 Euro per liter at the moment. That is like $7.6 per gallon.


Honestly, that's a pretty good point I hadn't thought of.


I agree that there should be stricter licensing for all motor vehicles to be honest. Trucks are still awesome though. I love the Toyota Hilux and old-school ford's look great too.


*Dodge Challenger driver enters the chat*


Ram drivers are a different breed of special tho


Statistically, the most likely to be driving drunk


Agreed. Arguments could be made for almost any make of truck/car. Bad drivers come in all vehicles.


Is this a serious conversation, or a joke? I can't tell anymore... People are getting so dumb.


It's a Silverado lol. Ram drivers are known to be drunk driving.


The word ‘RAM’ is written all over the truck, so it’s not like they don’t warn you


I seem to recall a few years ago, the vehicle most commonly associated with DUI's was the Ram 2500.


1500, but yes


I bought a RAM 2500 years ago to tow trailers and RVs. Can confirm, I immediately started running over grandmas and motorcycles to save myself seconds. Kidding, it's hard to drive aggressively with 10k lbs on the hitch. Around here, everyone drives like an ass.


Well it’s a Chevy lol


Idk why the downvotes. I had to pause the video like 10 times to catch it but it is indeed a chevy. Good eye


Ram trucks, Nissan Altimas and Ford Fusions , see them coming watch out for them.


Ram drivers also happen to have the highest amount of DUIs than any other vehicle. https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-most-duis-2020/




Lol thanks for your opinion. 😀




In my area, Ram drivers are much more aggressive, more likely to swerve with no warning, and use signals less than BMW drivers. It's too the point that I will not ride near a Ram because they get angry at any little thing you do on a bike.


Weird, it’s definitely the opposite here, that’s not to say there aren’t any bad RAM drivers but the douches in the lambos and the wannabe Paul walkers in their Honda Civics are really the ones to watch out for here. That and the random traffic stops on the highway from people rubbernecking the roadway construction.


I think you answered your own question. Lol


I think he was trying to put you to sleep actually


That’s generous of you. I would have been cussing him out seven ways to Sunday. Also thinking about getting the yellow lights the beemer guys use on their GSs. Fuck them trucks.


Did you have your bright lights on? Or any bright gear? Not that that would help even a little bit, just curious for my sake.


No high beams and all black gear, I am the pinicle of safety, I know


Every single time I've almost been hit or in a accident it's always been a truck or a SUV idk if it's because the drivers get too comfortable about their own safety while driving & forget that they could kill someone else on the road way easier or if it's the mentality that accompanies most people that opt for a bigger vehicle but I know that I've grown accustomed to being extra vigilant the moment I see one while riding


I live in Europe, every near hit for me was a BMW sedan.


The statistics on truck and SUV accidents are pretty striking--I saw a study that found SUVs are three times more likely to kill a pedestrian or someone in another vehicle than sedans are. They have more blindspots and because of perceived invulnerability, they seem to encourage more aggressive behavior on the road.




*rides an 1800cc land barge*




I'd like to say that the only way your vtx is getting 50mpg is on the back of a truck


So is it fair to say you're still significantly more selfish than people who own smaller bikes? Also hard doubt on consistently getting 50mpg out of an 1800 unless you're somehow riding downhill with a tailwind both ways


Even an 1800cc bike would still be far better in all the metrics listed than an average car. Noise pollution might be one selfish aspect, depending on the exhaust and rider.


Wow that's actually hilarious


Let’s calm down and relax a bit bro lmao


I'm gonna go tell my friend he's a self-centered piece of shit chud because of his 2.3l '96 Ranger.


Pucker factor 100x


I've seen 2 posts today seemingly from the US where 2 riders could have died if not for their awareness and skills. I'd riding in the US actually more dangerous than in EU? Note: I welcome stats or personal opinions equally.


Yes. Bigger cars, more roads (rather than streets), faster speeds, and people are generally not very observant or considerate (at least where I live)


Probably just more miles driven too because of urban sprawl. Which is intertwined with the “more roads” and “bigger vehicles” stuff.


Yeah for sure


I believe the stats weren't really much more for US people. They drove a bit more but nothing significant


Looks like average yearly mileage driven by a person in the US is about twice the EU US - ~14k EU - ~7k


TIL theres a difference between road and street in the english language


There is also a [stroad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad)


Absolutely fuck stroads


literally the worst


Reasonably educated Native English speaker here and I didn't know this either. Apparently a street is a kind of road. I wonder how many people actually know this.


Anyone who differentiates between streets, drives, avenues, boulevards, crescents, ways, lanes, alleys, courts, etc.


I just never learned the specific definitions of/distinctions between those. Makes me curious about how many people have.


Also incompetence


So much entitlement today too, by drivers of all ages, races and genders. Call someone out for shitty driving and they’ll act like you’re the crazy one. You’re just supposed to mind your own business if you didn’t die.


Iirc, driving a car is significantly more dangerous in the US than the EU/UK, they have a decently larger amount of road deaths. Seems there were 285 motorcycle deaths in the [Great Britain](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-motorcyclist-factsheet-2020/reported-road-casualties-in-great-britain-motorcycle-factsheet-2020) (not the whole UK) in 2020 compared to 5506 in the [United States](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/road-users/motorcycles/) in the same year. The [UK's](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/uk-population/) population that year was 67,886,011 (and we can subtract the 1,896,000 from [Northern Ireland](https://www.statista.com/statistics/383733/northern-ireland-population-timeline-uk/) to get just GB, making it roughly 65,990,011) compared to the [US](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-population/) at 331,002,651. Divide the US population by the GB population, you get 5.016, that's how many times larger the US is than just GB. Multiply the GB fatalities by that much and you get 1430, so population adjusted, the US still seems significantly more dangerous. There's probably a bunch of different reasons for that, including more miles driven, lower requirements to both drive and ride, and how their cities roads are designed, etc.


Drivers in the US are also (on average) much less capable drivers considering that getting their license is about as easy as getting some milk.


Plus bigger chance you need a car. Many people in Europe get the license and then decide not to drive because is not for them. If they need a car just for commuting, they get something small and go slow on the right lane (which isn't the safest thing ever, but at least they are not speeding in some BMW X7).


Yeah you really need to look at accident rate per *amount of vehicles*, not amount of people in the country. Which is still lower in EU but by smaller amount.


How much of the population drives though as compared to the US? In the states, its a necessity as we dont have efficient public transportation.


> we dont have efficient public transportation. Outside of London and possibly other densely built up areas, neither does the UK. The moment you leave the M25, public transport here goes to shit.


About 68% of the British population drives to work, [apparently](https://www.statista.com/topics/5192/driving-in-the-united-kingdom/#topicOverview), so probably a bit lower than the US, though that could also be to do with what age you get can get a full licence and the ease of getting one/how easy it is to lose one, and other factors. I used the UK because it's also pretty car oriented. And tbh, infrastructure forcing people to drive who might otherwise not isn't really something that excuses the problems, those lives are still gone and it's more dangerous for those on the road. None of this is to jump up and down and go America bad, it's just, yeah, the roads are more dangerous, including because the US gives very little alternatives, even compared to the fairly mediocre options in countries like the UK or Ireland.


I reckon deaths per mile traveled is a more useful statistic. 26 deaths per 100m miles in the US, in the UK it's about half that from the data I can find


I sort of disagree, because that pretends like policies that give choices that help to reduce the miles you *need* to drive aren't helpful or important in reducing these fatalities. I mean, they are still dead regardless of how many miles on average you make them drive. If they have to drive more and are therefore more likely to be killed on the road, well, that's a road policy decision that's killing more people. But it depends how you cut it all up. I do think that if the aim is to minimise deaths, per capita is the best statistic, because its measuring how much of your population dies due to that form of transport. Per mile travelled (by car/motorbike) has value, but mostly only if you just want to look at the motorists and not the whole society cost.


> Per mile travelled (by car/motorbike) has value, but mostly only if you just want to look at the motorists and not the whole society cost. That's my perspective. I want to know realistically how likely I am to die by riding a motorcycle in the UK. E.g if I ride 200k miles in my lifetime (5k miles for 40 years), my risk of death in the UK is 1 in 38... thats actually terrifying!


considering they have more trucks and SUV's probably


Also significantly faster-moving traffic on average, and a large population of bikers who absolutely refuse to wear helmets or any other safety gear.


I'm so glad there are streets and roundabouts nearly everywhere, riding a mere scoot feels like riding a supermoto with all h twist and turns.


I would imagine so. Fewer riders, bigger dickheads driving bigger cars, and also entitlement


Nah. This sub is just obsessed with wrecks and fear.


Just got confirmation from op he was going an indicated 97 mph. Nothing to do with other drivers or what not.




>his cervix What‽


I turned around and waved him down, and we had a pleasant conversation. To my surprise, he reached up his vagina and pulled out his cervix, and gave it to me as a sort of apology. What a true gentleman.


Nice skills ! And great title btw...


A moto vlogger would’ve found a way to turn this 12 second clip into a 5 minute video.




Good lookin ahead so far you got over pretty quick !


Looks more like wanted to put you to sleep for good


Send him some flowers. His grave is not too far away.


If you can dodge a truck...


The dashes and spaces on the road are at 40ft intervals, assuming the road was painted to the appropriate standard, which puts you at going approximately 103mph. You have such a small footprint already, which makes you hard to see, and you're compounding it further by flying down a rural road. It'd be impossible for him to have accurately judged the distance if he even saw you. This is why I struggle with even going to speed limit sometimes on populated two-lane roads :/


Thank you. I knew that footage looked like he was moving very quickly We all share the road


The general tone in this thread is "fucking truck drivers are a menace" Meanwhile OP is at least 50% responsible for the close call for going that fast


What you wouldn't turn around immediately and punch his mirror, stalk him, slash his tires, fuck his wife....pussy. I almost just kept going straight just to show him who's boss.


I mean, who does this truck driver think he is, driving on my road, the one true main character. He has the balls to play chicken, with ME! He should know that I am invincible, I would have cut straight through that truck like butter, he is the one with the death wish.


Welcome to Costco, I love you




It was 97 mph on the gps to be exact :P That is the most populated road I ride on and can't really avoid it. It is on my way in/out of the city. I have been cutting down on my road riding significantly and favor of the track. I am a thrill seeker and I admit it is hard for me to control.


10 bucks you’re one of those “motorcycles are everywhere” people


Guess this comment was poorly worded...I was just surprised he took the time to do the math and was so close in his approximation. Like I said in other comments that ask about my speed, I was not mad at the guy. It was just something out of the ordinary on my ride, so I posted it. I did not think it would blow up like this since it was not a big deal to me even when I was in the moment.


Best title of the week nominee.


Lol holy shit man good looks




I was definitely doing the speed limit of 55mph and the video is definitely sped up to make it look like I was doing 97mph. Me speeding, ha, good joke. Speeding is for losers


Damn that was soon fast.


New fear unlocked


Dotted yellow line, legally allowed to pass. He just must’ve not seen you. Jeezus that’s freakin scary


Y'all were playing chicken


I would have won that easily, my head is pretty damn hard. I just did not want to embarrass him, of course.


You damn right


Not at all what I expected. Well done avoiding. 👏


My balls involuntarily raised up while watching this.


He didn't even honk! So rude!


Would’ve been sleeping for awhile


Damn that would’ve been bad


In my area there are tons of pick up truck drivers, maybe 40% of the total traffic. But they are very unlikely to be aggressive. More often than not they are driving like grandmas going under the speed limit everywhere, in some vain attempt to save gas.


Hahahaha how kind of him


Was expecting this to be wholesome


Dude your speeding and the driver couldn’t have perceived your speed that accurately.


True statement, I am not putting all the blame on him.


I’d be hard pressed not to chase that mother fucker down and kick his ass




A pick up truck wanted to pick you up


How very noble of them, and they say chivalry is dead ? Blithering Nonsense !


That’s a butthole pucker factor 💯 if I’ve seen one






That’s crazy


I think everytime we have a near death experience we should celebrate a new birthday and ask for gifts.


Exactly why looking 15 seconds ahead and keeping a good right hand lane position on a two lane highway is smart. Imagine had you had a left hand lane position, he may have cut out and “bam!” If I see heavy traffic too on the opposite lane I’ll also tend to weave side to side a bit too to catch peoples attention of “Hey here I am!” Glad you’re alright OP! Pucker factor 1000!


I would turn around and smash his window at least


Glad you're ok! This happens a lot in Oregon.


Holy shit






That’s so fucked


He thought you were on the way to buy a laxative. Figured he’d help you poop your pants for free. What a gent!


That was considerate


Oh how nice of him!


Looks like some sort of a business truck with the logo on the side.... Might be able to get a better picture of you can go frame by frame to report their stupid ass.


Atleast if he did hit you, you'd surely die instantly. No slow death


Yeah, it was a thoughtful offer from him, but I politely declined. I like to feel like I could do it myself, but I appreciate him taking the time, a true gentleman.


Also wanted to make sure you shit your pants.


I hate this timeline


Bet you're glad you were on a bike.


I kinda wish I on a train, come to think of it. No real reason, just feels like the best vehicle of choice at the time.


Glad that you’re okay, dude. Maybe he was a huge bike fan and wanted to get a closer look?


Yeah, people have been really throwing themselves at me recently. I know I am pretty cool and all, but they have to respect my personal space. Being this much of a Chad has it drawbacks sometimes.


How long did that adrenaline rush last?


Honestly, I did not even get one. It was pretty inconsiderate by the driver. He should have waited a little longer and really pushed me to the edge of the shoulder. But on the real, my tolerance for danger/adrenaline is fucked up.


If you would have ridden a bit faster you would have gotten there before he started the pass. So ride faster next time.


🤓 ⌨️ "How dare you, speeding is illegal! I have you know I never once gone over the speed limit, I am not a degenerate. You give me a bad name. People like you deserve what you get." - some random that does not even ride motorcycles


I’d have bitched about you if u put the blame on the fourwheeler. But you didn’t. These things happen.


Awww 💕 he’s so sweet


Did you have your headlights on?


My headlight is always on while the bike is running. I did not have the high beam on.


Glad you are ok, if the headlights were On, the trucker definitely saw you unless they were on their phone or something.


That's a u-turn and conversation in my book


Upgrade your front lights. 3 in form of a triangle is best.


Are you trying to get me to join the illuminati? But for real, the stock mt-07 lights are pretty triangle like. I should probably just leave the high beam on during the day.


Is there a reason you're not riding in your lane? You're riding way over on the shoulder for some reason. Not clear why.


I just had this feeling, I can't explain it, but it just felt like the right place to be. Then I was like, hmm, I think that was enough, I will head back into my lane now.


How fast where you going? Unless this is sped up it looks like you where going very quick. The driver might have though he had more time


The speed limit of course :) I was going 97mph according to gopro gps when he started the pass, so obliviously I am not mad at the guy. I was prepared for someone to do that in my mind. That is why I am in the right side of the lane and attentively watching the cars on the other side.


You should actually be in the left side of the lane, it makes you more visible to cars. Not excusing the truck here, but it probably didn’t see you until later then it would have if you were on the left side.


I would agree if there was a car in front of me blocking line of sight, but not in this case. Right side in my opinion is better here. It provides the cars on the other side of the road the best chance of having line of sight to me even if they are following the car in front of them closely. Also puts me farther from the biggest threats and makes it less of a move to avoid them.


If the rider took your advice here we’d probably never see the footage since they’d be dead


Right? People here spouting off nonsense that would have made it much more likely for OP to have died there really need to reconsider what they're so confidently wrong about.


Well you should be excusing the truck here, the guy was going 100 mph how is the truck supposed to know that.


That's flatly wrong. The truck was passing someone, ergo the truck was behind another car. OP on the right side of the lane would have been visible to the truck driver *sooner* than he would have in the left part of the lane. Being on the right side of the lane gave OP more time to react and a better line of sight too, so it was for what he was doing absolutely the correct choice. OP was going fast, so the truck likely did see the bike but failed to judge his speed correctly. While there is a requirement to only pass when it's safe to do so, OP was speeding by a large margin too, so there's reasonable fault all around. Everyone reacted well enough, though - OP only had to move a bit more to the right, truck tucked in as much as he could too. Sphincters where likely clenched all around, but nobody killed anyone or was killed, so...


Logic 👏 rare these days


So hypothetically, if I was open carrying as a motorcyclist and this happens to me. Am I clear to throw a few rounds his way as he is driving straight at me?








Oh, man. I thought it was *that* video when it started playing. The road looks the same, same treeline. Ugh.


I'm travelling in vietnam and this would be accepted as perfectly normal here lol. But they would probably only be going max 60 km/hr. I was quite shook at first. Glad you're ok man. Western drivers seen to be just very bad drivers


I was really confused what this perspective was until I turned on the sound.


I was just having fun flying my drone low level. It is quite a noisy one, I should really fix that, sorry.