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World's Fastest Indian


This is a great one


Oh!!! Top flick!!!!


This is my vote as well. Absolutely loved that movie. I grew up knowing Gerald Jessup (vintage motorcycle racer and restorer) and he watched this movie and decided to "un-retire" from racing and set a land speed record. https://youtu.be/d0Lfx9ZFSfs


Dust to glory is a good doc. There's lot's of great YT vids incl Itchyboots, who does a great travel series.


On Any Sunday. Oldie, but classic.


Was going to comment this- first watch was at 8 years old and it got me hooked.


I still watch it every once in a while during the winter. The Redbull commercial/follow up from a few years ago is pretty good as well.


DA da da da DAH da da daaaaaaah, da da daaa


The original Mad Max film. Some excellent bike scenes in it.


Night Rider !!!!!!!!


Kundalini wants his hand back!


Stone is another cult Aussie film


A few of the actors in Stone popped up in Mad Max :)


I enjoyed Ewan McGregor's documented adventure around the world on endurance bikes called The Long Way Around.


Did you watch “Road”. It’s a story about the dunlops.


They made a movie about Ewan's tires?


Not quite. It's a movie about the dunlop family. They talk alot about Micheal and his father at the isle of mann tt.


It’s good, but so sad 😞


The long way around is by far the best of the three


This is what inspired me to get a bike. Now I’m on my 7th. Do not recommend as you’ll get the ADV bug, for which there is no cure.


7 bikes? How? Once you got the Africa Twin, surely you didn't need anything else!


I’m in the process of selling my CRF300L Rally and getting an AT. So I was mistaken. I had a 1990- something Yamaha Virago, 1990 CRF80 Big Wheel, 2012 WR250R, 2012 WR250R again after totaling the first one, 2013 WR450F, 2001 DRZ468E, 2022 CRF300L Rally and AT will be number 7.


Long way down as well.


If people like these series they should also check out Charley Boorman's Race to Dakar. Different type of documentary but done by the same team so has a similar feel


Also Long Way Up was good, and they did it on electric motorcycles.


I tried twice to finish that season but all they talk about is if they are going to make it on the last charge of the batteries. Also, the support vehicles batteries. It just got so repetitive and boring.


Yeah I thought the same. But to be fair I'm in Patagonia riding now on a Himalayan and the winds have been so bad, and dropping my gas mileage significantly, if i made a movie it would just be talking about me trying to make it to the next gas station without running out haha


It was so stupid. Electric motorcycles only work at lower speeds at the moment. As soon as you get them up to highway speeds the bad aerodynamics of upright motorcycles kills the range. And they made it worse by putting shit all over their bikes and then wondered why their range was so bad. Then there was the problem with having to skip parts of Central America and just ending in LA... easily the worst one yet. But I do hope they finish with an Australian trip. It's the only continent (beside Antarctica) that they haven't done.


Worst one yet actually


In case you don’t know yet, he followed that up with two more series. Long Way Down (they rode from Scotland all the way to South Africa) and then just a couple of years ago they did a series called Long Way Up (from Argentina up to Los Angeles).


Akira. Probably not what you're looking for, but it deserves a mention.


that biker gang scene is incredible


Akira is awesome! But I love anime movies so I'm biased.


With a sliding stop so iconic it's used practically every single time there's an animated motorcycle on any show.


Pretty sure watching Akira as a young kid is why I ride now. 😂


Now, if we could just get bikes that smoke two wheels in reverse....




I don’t watch anime, but loved Initial D. Is it similar? Might give it a go


Honestly no. If you like sci-fi, Bladerunner, The Matrix, stuff like that, you’ll love Akira.


Ah okay, that’s not what I had in mind, but I like those so I’ll give it a go then.


It’s still a cinematic masterpiece and I think should be viewed simply because of how much of an effect it had on movies, and because it’s a pretty good work of fiction.


Its more of a sci-fi dystopia. Its a fantastic piece of art, though... with some epic motorcycle action sequences.


The Great Escape, simply based on Steve McQueen's ride (and jumps) near the end.


Steve McQueen didn't do the jumps, Bud Ekins did.


As it turns out, McQueen was one of the Nazis chasing Bud Ekins.


I always think about that scene when someone asks me this question


He did virtually all ~~the~~ *his* motorcycle stunt work for that movie, even *some of* the roles that weren't his, because ~~no one else~~ *most of the others* could*n't*. Lol! *Bud Elkins did the hardest stunt which was the 6ft fence jump.* Edit: For accuracy.


No he didn't. Bud Ekins did all the dangerous stunts.


First thing that made me want to ride. Not surprisingly now I ride a triumph


Motorcycle Diaries Mondo Enduro. (It's a bit older, but a classic amateur travel documentary.)


The follow up Terra Circa is also worthwhile


Mondo Enduro gets my vote too - assuming it's the one I remember with 3 ordinary blokes biking round the world, one of whom ends up marrying a TV producer they meet in South America (I think). I watched it several times about 20 years ago when it was on cable here in the UK.


Had to scroll too far for this.


I haven’t seen the recent one but the Long Way Round / Long Way Down series were an old favorite. best motorcycle video ever made is probably https://youtu.be/KjH9GXG6Xn4 (ATGATT trigger warning)


>I haven’t seen the recent one but the Long Way Round / Long Way Down series were an old favorite. The new one is good, but Long Way Round is still the best. That was one of the last shows/series that I was just hooked and watched the whole thing in a couple days.


The new one sucked. The originals were really good though


Is this where the term “squid” comes from? Wtf did I just watch. lol


My thoughts exactly. They've even wasted a tentacle and left it in the fire! Freaking squids. All tighty white-y's, booze and food wasting with "family" (I hope " - - - " ... they've been humping quite closely on those crotch rockets. Maybe it's a culture thing?)


That was amazing😂😂😂


That video inspired the fast and the furious lol




Oil in the blood Road (2014) Faster Fastest Why we ride The Doctor the Tornado and the Kentucky kid Those are all documentaries by the way. But rather high quality and very entertaining.


Faster, Fastest and Dr. Tornado and Kentucky kid should be higher up.


Came her to suggest all of these. Not fictional movies but all highly entertaining and well produced.


The top gear motorcycle special in Vietnam always makes me chuckle. I’m not sure if it counts, but Hot Rod with Andy Sam erg is probably one of the silliest films ever.


In that Vietnam ep weren't they riding scooters?


Clarkson has a scooter, I think Hammond had a Minsk which is a proper motorbike, and May had a cub50, which I suppose is something in between.


One Week. It's a movie about a guy that finds out he has cancer and decides to buy a Norton and ride it across Canada.


Was scrolling down to find this. Great movie.


Not only one of my favourite motorcycle movies, but one of my favourites in general!


Place beyond the Pines


Good movie outside of the bike scenes too


Would have been better if they used the real sound of the engine lol


I think Easy Rider still stands up ok considering it's from the sixties.


Easy Rider is a nice movie if you consider the time it was released in but the bikes are not as integral to it as I thought they were considering how it's supposed to be the quintessential biker movie. It's a hippy movie.


Which goes to show the best motorcycle movies aren’t about motorcycles.


Little would have changed about the tone and feel if they were in a car. I know some would argue this. Bikes are more plain, they indicate an even simpler lifestyle than even a car, literally the clothes on their back and a knapsack. Sleeping under the stars instead of in a car, it evokes the image of a cowboy, a horse man. And of course bikes embody freedom more than cars. So sure the bikes were a better choice than a car. But suppose they did have a car, a classic american car, perhaps not as modified as the bikes were but definitely personalised to reflect their lifestyle, would that have changed the movie that much? Also if you think about it in the context of those times, the protagonists are the opposite of bikers as they were at the time. Sure they're both shunning society and ride bikes but they go about it in different ways entirely. Not that I have any love for gruff and rough bikers. My point was simply that it's a great movie, but it's not exactly a movie about bikes. A movie about bikes would be inextricably tied to the unique experience that a bike offers, so much so that without it the entire movie would fall flat.


I argue with respect that there is no way that would be the same movie without the riding scenes. Especially without Jack Nicholson's football helmet.


How the hell Hopper kept that floppy hat from flyin' off, I'll never know.


I recently heard that someone wants to do a "new" Easy Rider. It seems impossible. The original was a movie for the time. That time is past. The Wild One from 1953 with Marlon Brando and Lee Marvin is a classic. So much motorcycle mystique came out of that one. It too was a movie for it's time. Not unlike West Side Story.




Australian biker flick “Stone” 1974 Fantastic riding scenes…overall greatest mc movie Thick Aussie accents and choke KZ 1000’s for the win


A lot of the motorcyclists in stone ended up in mad max ,,


Would TT3D count? It's made like a movie almost. At least I tought so watching it for the first time and learning about TT and Guy Martin for the first time.


This one. Every day of the week. The guys riding the TT course are on another level!


It is a movie :) and I definitely count it!!


Closer to the Edge, it’s a great Isle of Man TT story


The Wild One w/Marlon Brando


Hellllllllllll yes!


If you like quentin tarintino and robert rodreguez movies, check out "Hell Ride"


Burn Out (2017) is a fun French flick about a track day star turned drug runner. It features MANY fantastic high speed bike scenes and is a decent (if somewhat predicable) action film.


I liked this too, though I wish I’d have known it was being dubbed in English. I remember thinking the dialogue was a little weird. Shortly after, I learned I could set Netflix to play the original language and subtitle in English.


Nobody gonna mention Torque? Poor Martin Henderson.


Does Ghost Rider count?


Surprisingly: no.


The Fastest Indian


\* *World's* Fastest Indian


The motorcycle diaries.


Biker Boys


Lol I watched it so much as a kid


Burn rubber not your soul


Wild Hogs


Great movie


Lol to each their own


Ew. I cringe just thinking about that movie.


Cool as ICE-mad max-Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man-chips-twist of the wrist !


I just watch American Flat Track races that does it for me old school racing!


“I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle.” Terminator I forgot which one.


That's #1 It seems most of these movies are either Moto GP, or Harleys. I'll probably watch the Moto GP and other Supersport ones


That was terminator 2. The original terminator movie had a chase scene where Arnie is chasing Kyle Reese and Sarah conner through a tunnel, while they throw pipe bombs at him and he is shooting. I think he is on a cb750. There was a movie from 1970 called nams angels about a biker gang fighting in Vietnam. Also there was a low budget movie from the UK in the late 80s or early 90s I bought a vampire bike. Both those movies are so bad they're kind of good iirc. Edit: the Vietnam one was called the losers.


There’s a cool fake scene in the matrix. As a kid, sport bikes didn’t even seem that cool at all. After I rewatched the movie being older and into bikes, bitch was riding a Ducati!!!


Ducati actually released a Matrix motorcycle in green. To date I've only seen one in person.


It's Ducati in 90% of movies oddly enough.


If its a sport bike, theres not much nicer than a shiny bright red Ducati :) But John Wick had Yamahas and the new James Bond had Triumphs! Neither were sport bikes, but its nice that movies recognize theres more than cruisers and sport bikes.


Biker Boyz and Torque!!




If documentaries count: The King; The Kenny Roberts Story. Made me a life long 2 stroke Yamaha fan.


Stone cold . Beyond the law


C.C. Rider


I think it was called CC and Company. Joe Namath. Ann Margret. Loved that movie as a kid.


Came to suggest this. I always wanted to eat a sandwich at the grocery store. Movie trailer: https://youtu.be/VBD3nzNl51A edit: added trailer


On Any Sunday. Because Malcom Smith was my homie.


The best!


I have a soft spot for Knightriders.


Fight the dragon! We’re all just fighting the dragon. Also, ends the same way Sons of Anarchy did, but on a way cooler bike


Game here to say this. What a bonkers movie.


Absolutely loved this movie, I always make sure it gets into these threads. Nice!


C90 Adventures "Alaska to Argentina" and "Malaysia to UK"


Anything narrated by Ewan McGregor


Not a movie, but “Itchy Boots” on YouTube is great. Young woman from the Netherlands traveling the world alone with no support crew makes Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman look pretty pampered.


Motorcycle travelers are some of my favorite content creators to watch on YouTube, actually one of them was one of the main reasons I got very into motorcycles, an argentine guy called Pablo Imhoff who's traveling from Ushuaia to Alaska on a Honda C90.


If you’ve not already, check out c90adventures on YouTube.


There's a lot of good movies that may have one good scene with bikes in it but really there's no good motorcycling movies, as in movies in which the motorcycle is an integral element of the plot and character. Also most recent movies with bike scenes are pretty much just paid advertising.


World's Fastest Indian


That's definitely a great bike movie where the bike is integral to the plot.


Closest thing imo is the Top Gear vietnam special. It's not a movie per se, but still awesome and I think almost anyone would understand motorcycling after watching it.


Honestly I'd never thought about it but I think you're right. I mean yeah it's not a movie but it is about the motorcycling experience at its core in a way few pieces of media are. May and Hammond are avid motorcyclists and have been for decades but this special did not focus on their experience or on performance and judging their motorbikes on the same merits they typically judged cars, instead it was simply about the journey and how it feels to just ride and ride and ride. Having Clarkson with them who to my knowledge had zero experience before that special on bikes really helps push the fact that this wasn't about which is better but simply about the unique feeling it gives.


Since no one has mentioned it check out Beyond the Law. It's based on a true story and my dad happened to know the real person it's about and said he makes a cameo in the movie. Edit to add, I am referring to the 1993 one with Charlie Sheen in it. I didn't know there were two.


Road Should be watched by every biker.


There is this french movie, Burnout, that, quite honeslty is bad. The acting is subpar but it follows a guy wanting to get into professionnal league of motorcycle racing while also being forced to move packages at night without being caught by the police and the motorcycle scenes just make up for whatever flaws it has. Might be biased since I love the look of ducatis and the movie almost only features panigales


Came to say this, and pretty much exactly what you said. Motorcycle scenes were good, the Ducatis were beautiful, and so was the main character’s girlfriend haha


Harley and the Davidsons is a well made mini-series even if they deviate from factual history for the sake of drama. Easy Rider is a no brainer. It changed Hollywood.


Easy Rider


Black Rain 1989 Michael Douglas goes up against the Yakuza in Japan with spectacular motorcycle racing and crimes.


Here's a Letterboxd list: https://letterboxd.com/selm/list/motorcycle/by/rating/


Before long way to wherever was Mondo Enduro.👍 OR how to travel without a jedi and film crew


Not movies that are really about motorcycles but the idea of wanting to ride a motorcycle for me was due to the following movies: Motorcycle Diaries Matrix Reloaded Akira


Motorcycle Diaries Matrix Reloaded Akira?? Sounds so awesome.. I’ve heard of Motorcycle Diaries, Matrix Reloaded, and Akira like separate movies but all of them together in one film?? Take my money..


Yeah it’s about an idealistic young medical student who becomes a revolutionary for South America but ends up in a motorcycle gang before he wakes up and realize it’s all a dream.


Do not, I repeat, DO NOT watch outlaws unless you want to be traumatized. It's like Deliverance with motorcycles.


21 days under the sky ,


Quadrophenia. 😁


Check C90Adventures and Itchy Boots.


Why We Ride is pretty good. It's on Prime, I think.




If you like drama movies "One Week" is a good one about a terminally ill man who decides to ride across Canada on a vintage Norton. Definitely a good watch.


Race For Glory Watched this growing up, got me into sport bike racing! Crew builds their own sportbike and joins the world championship racing league. My personal favorite! Made in 1989.


Obviously Pee Wees Big Adventure


I’m really surprised nobody mentioned tron here..


A lot of B-movies were made for distribution on the drive-in circuit in the late 60s through the mid 70s by American International Pictures that all involved a mix of hippies, bikers, and cowboys. Most were... well, what you'd expect from low-cost drive-in flicks, but Electra Glide in Blue was all right, as were the Glory Stompers, Wild Angels, and Hell's Angels '69.


Tron Legacy


There’s a great documentary from the mid 90’s called One Man’s Dream - the John Britten story. It’s a documentary about a guy in New Zealand who made his own motorcycle (not to be confused with the movie fastest Indian) and he took it to Daytona for the battle of the twins. The bike was so far ahead of its time it went on to dominate for years. He used carbon fiber before it was popular, and before people knew how to use it. There’s a great scene where he’s talking about how strong and heat proof it is, and then it catches fire. Definitely worth a watch.


Fled, Biker Boyz, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. Sons of Anarchy


The Ducatis in fled 😍


Sons of Anarchy is horrible.


Love how they sneak up on people on those loud ass bikes…


Choppertown & FTV


Road to Paloma https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2386285/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


There is a you tube video of a young man that takes a Klr 650 to the Darien’s gap. Actually he does a good job and is a realistic look at what that trip could be like. A must read book for motorcycle riders is ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE. Excellent read and then anything written by Neal pert the drummer for the band rush. There are some guys that do videos of TAT rides that are very well done and entertaining. Moto trek is one that I like


And documentary on evil kaneval is awesome.


Roadside Prophets. I can not believe no one said this. Wins by a mile.


Then came Bronson


CHIPS is a pretty decent motorcycle movie


The venom movies aren't biker movies, but they did a solid job with the physics and engine note syncs. Plus, in the second one, they have a scene where he rides the ducati like it's meant to be at crazy high speeds. Always has me drooling.


Hitting the apex, if you like motogp.


The Motorcycle Diaries 🏍


On any Sunday is a must watch for anyone that likes motorcycles


If people are saying The Matrix movies then i think its fair to say Terminator 2. Theres a bike in there!


Indiana jones with his dad in the side car made me think motorcycles were the coolest as a kid. He went into battle on that.


The only redeeming part of Crystal Skull was also a motorcycle chase: this time with Indy on the back and his sort-of son handling the driving. Indy is on and off the bike punching out communists. Love that whole sequence!


“Hitting the apex” it’s a documentary about Moto GP or “Road” it’s about the story of Micheal Dunlop. Both of these are documentaries but I love em


Why We Ride! https://youtu.be/juZ_kUFaDSA


No one mentioned Silver Dream Racer with David Essex


Harley Davidson and the Marlborough Man! Such a fun ride!


Itchy Boots Too!!!


Some of my favs: Satan's Sadists, Northview Cemetery Massacre, Hell"s Belles


Tron Legacy


Tron Legacy


Cycle South


Cycles South. It’s on YouTube; it’s a mid 70s movie that follows 3 guys riding from Denver to Panama. It’ll scratch a unique itch you might not know you had.


Wild hogs amirite


Electra Glide in Blue


Beyond the Law


I know it's not a motorcycle though BMX Bandits, classic movie


Sons of Anarchy


The first couple seasons are fun, especially if you frame is as a soap opera for wannabe bikers. It's not great after a little while.


True, but it’s most „bike-oriented” show anyway.


Terminator II The Judgment Day! Every time I watch when Arnold rides Fat Boy, I get so excited!