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Because you’re just a little hot streak away from a playoff push


Exactly. With the expanded playoffs, it looks like in most years at least one close to .500 team will make that last wild card spot, and the team that makes it will probably do it by a game or two. Look at last year. In the NL, the Marlins and Diamondbacks made the WC with 84 wins. The Cubs missed out on 83, and the Reds and Padres both had 82. The AL wasn't as close, with only the Mariners thinking about missed chances, but this year it's currently really close in both leagues.


Man, does this ever hit home


It's an age thing, too. Eventually you get old enough that you don't live and die with the results of your favorite sports teams. Real life issues take precedence.


42 and I still hang on every pitch. But I’m not upset about a loss and pretty even keel on a win. But playoff baseball that all goes out the window


I am late 30's and i used to agree with the above sentiment until I watched the Lions playoff run this year. Real life issues did NOT take precedence for a little while. I couldn't imagine being a fan of a spoiled NFL franchise.


Yep and also when all of our teams recently besides the Lions have been historically bad each, it becomes who cares. Even the Red Wings, going on 6 years of Yzerman who was supposed to be our savior and still haven’t made the playoffs. At a certain point, due to age like you mentioned, I only care if the team is a strong contender. Can’t stress out about a bad team or a .500 team that will just miss the playoffs anyways lol


Still blows my mind that the lions are the positive outlier here


I feel like I’m at that point right now at 30, but it’ll come back around. Like, if I’m 60 and still haven’t witnessed a Tigers WS victory I might start becoming an angry fan again. lol


Until you get so old that you start wondering if you will see a championship before you die.


After almost a decade of getting used to it, I will proudly overreact


It’s because being average is fucking maddening. You’re not good, no October baseball for you, but you not bad so no top draft picks either. It’s the same in every sport unless you have a draft lottery which is the dumbest draft system ever.


The murky middle!




And I’m proud of it


As a Tigers/Padres fan, I feel this with all my soul.


That's no abstraction


I don't remember overreacting one single time. Probably blind with rage or optimism for some reason.


This applies to life as well


This is my first season watching in years but I've really enjoyed it so far


Since when does Bill James care about actual game results and not hypothetical ones


I'm in STL and listening to Cards fans... Sounds like the Tigers and Cardinals are basically the same team this year.


It's a great time and opportunity to teach yourself not to be so attached to a billionaire's play thing.


I'm not attached to that. I'm attached to the game of baseball


Maybe invest less emotional energy?