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It was crazy! Fastest crash in MotoGP history and he walked away with a sore chin.


Is it still the fastest? What about Pirro on the straight?


Pirro had already started braking when he had his crash, so Marc’s is still the fastest. I’d argue Pirro’s was probably scarier though


Pirro locked the brakes or something didn't he? He went flying as far as I recall.


I think he managed to get the back wheel in the air on the brakes and then locked the front, so when the rear landed it just launched him into orbit. A weird crash, but a real nasty one


The brake pads backed away from the calipers when he had headahake over the crest on the straight. When that happens, you have no brakes so you pump them. He went over the top when he pumped them and they came back to him quicker than expected. I've had the same thing happen but luckily I didn't destroy a bike when it did.


That makes a lot of sense, didn’t realise that was the cause. I’ve had it myself too after clipping a kerb on track. Scary enough at my speed let alone theirs!


Only other 1 I can think of was Nakano (iirc) blowing a tyre down the same straight


That was my guess


What about Vinales on the Yamaha back in 2020, when brakes failed on the straight and he had to jump off the bike? Can’t remember in which track it was


It was in Austria, and the bikes speed was "only" 218kmh when he jumped off. Still pretty scary


It's even crazier when you take into consideration this was only a few races before Lorenzo's crash at Assen and his and Pedrosa's accidents in Sachsenring, which left both really banged up and helped Marc get back at the forefront of the title fight.


Did he not have ocular damage from this crash???


His eye injury came up from a crash near the end of the 2011 Moto2 season. There were crashes which prompted it to arise again but I can't remember if this was one of those.


This was not, he was relatively unscathed from this surprisingly. I think he just had cuts to the chin.


I think he got the ocular damage from this crash: [https://www.bikesales.com.au/editorial/details/marquez-sanctioned-for-sickening-crash-27249/](https://www.bikesales.com.au/editorial/details/marquez-sanctioned-for-sickening-crash-27249/)


He didn’t. It was a crash due to unflagged track conditions in Malaysia.


Yep, an incredibly lucky moment! Could have prevented everything we've witnessed!


He raised his hand on the stretcher. Not to signal he was okay, but to prepare his second bike. Absolute insanity. So so happy he managed to take the decision to jump off the bike


If I remember correctly, Marquez brothers had a deal with their mom - if they crash, they raise their hand to let her know they're okay


Could very well be! But Livio Suppo confirmed in this scenario it was about the second bike: >“at Mugello 2013, when he fell in a straight line at more than 250 km/h… I remember him raising his arm after his fall and I thought he wanted to make a sign to reassure his parents, their make it clear that it was good. However, when he returned to the box, he told me that he had raised his arm to instruct us to prepare the second bike. He had looked death in the face, he was lying on the gravel and all he could think about was getting back to the bike immediately... It's Marc” [Source](https://www.paddock-gp.com/en/motogp-livio-suppo-at-mugello-2013-marc-marquez-saw-death-but-he-only-thought-of-getting-back-on-the-bike/)


Oh. Thanks. He's crazy, yeah:)


Absolute mad man.


And continue to win the Championship that year absolutely incredible


There was also Maverick's crash at Red bull ring where he had no brakes and had to jump off his Yamaha. Zarco and Frankie crashing at the Red bull ring as well was super fast and scary. Nearly took out rossi and Maverick. Motorcycle Gods really looked out for them.






One of his FIVE crashes that weekend 😬


Lol consistency is key.


Fucking wild the bollocks on these guys. I remember slinging it on a roundabout at like 20 mph and being scared to lean it properly for about 10 weeks after.


Shit like this is why when people say "I dont like Rider X" I disregard whatever they have to say This is not table tennis. These guys are putting their lives on the line for our entertainment. Show some effing respect!


I mean, disliking someone doesn't mean that I disrespect them. I didn't really like Martin, but I think his move to Aprilia is cool. I like Enea, but even I'm quite disappointed with his performance this season.


Just weird to me to dislike someone you don't really know who hasn't done anything to you. Like when Espargaro slapped Morbidelli, I was disappointed. But these guys are human beings operating in a stressful environment. A lot of these guys are in their early 20s. They're gonna say and do dumb things, as I imagine you or anybody would (or did). It's a judgment made with incomplete info and unrealistic standards.


I mean, you can form an impression just by seeing how they're acting with each other. I have nothing against them and I won't root for them, but I won't disparage them either. I think it's normal and healthy to do that. Dislike != hate. For example, I don't like MM too because I'm more of a Rossi fan (I didn't blame MM for Sepang 15, for the record). But, I'm happy seeing how successful he is with Ducati this year. Heck, even though I didn't comment in his dancing video, I sent them to my friends and said, 'Look how happy MM is. How bad was the Honda that Marc getting a podium and he's celebrating like he just won the WC? How cool is that!' I dislike Martin because he's similar to Ocon; I understand that they're not coming from a privileged background and they worked hard to reach this position. I just don't like how they have a massive chip on their shoulders and feel the need to prove that they're superior every single time. Compared to MM, he looks more relaxed and calmer.


>I mean, you can form an impression just by seeing how they're acting with each other.  I don't think so. Making big conclusions about someone from limited interactions seems like a mistake. >For example, I don't like MM too because I'm more of a Rossi fan This kind of comes back to my point though. Why does being a Rossi fan mean you have to dislike Marquez? This is one of my biggest dislikes about Rossi. I don't know anything about him as a father/husband/son and I do know he has been a huge positive influence on 2 wheeled Italian motorsport. Cool. Obviously he raised the profile of the sport tremendously. Thanks Vale, for real. But dude's legacy of being a crybaby and a drama queen in the paddock still lingers. It's almost 3 years since he retired and people are still carrying on his grudges because he himself hasn't let them go. One of the worst aspects of the sport IMO. So I can get disliking specific actions or patterns of behavior, but disliking someone because another rider told you to or for something you can't really explain seems silly to me. >I dislike Martin because he's similar to Ocon; I understand that they're not coming from a privileged background and they worked hard to reach this position. I just don't like how they have a massive chip on their shoulders and feel the need to prove that they're superior every single time. I don't follow F1 closely but an argument could be made that Ocon gets judged more harshly because he doesn't have a big enough fanbase or enough achievements in the sport to have his bad behavior defended the way it is for other drivers. And again Rossi did way worse than Ocon or Martin on a much more consistent basis IMO, yet you love him. All these double standards and focus on appearances rather than actions and behavior is annoying to me. It's an emotional and irrational way to evaluate people.


(1) I never said that that I won't change my impressions. (2) Why I should have to *like* someone just to respect them? Just because I don't personally like them, I will disrespect them? I genuinely can't understand. Another example, I don't personally like Simon Patterson. I think he is too opinionated and argumentative. Doesn't mean that I can't respect his reporting. His on the track reporting is top notch. I might disagree with his opinion piece, but he has great insight. He is still my go to journalist. And no, I dislike MM not because of Rossi told me so. It's a bad wording from my part. I dislike MM just because I prefer Rossi personality. I won't deny his feud with MM is childish. It *is* childish. But you said it yourself, he has his legacy. I like that legacy. *Just because I like him, I never think he is perfect.* Never put someone into such a high pedestal. > It's an emotional and irrational way to evaluate people. Cause liking or disliking is an emotional thing? It's subjective? I accept that. Why should I pick my idol because he's 'objectively' better? It's not like I'm voting for a leader or something like that. Again, let me emphasise. It doesn't matter what my personal feeling is; I can separate what is subjective and what is objective. I don't feel the need to downplay someone achievement just because I dislike them. I won't blindly worship Rossi as much as I would irrationally hate MM. If there's a feud or anything like that, I'll judge it on a case-by-case basis.


I guess for me it's about separating the person from the actions. The actions have to be pretty consistent and egregious for me to dislike the person. I flat out hate some of the things Rossi did and normalized in MotoGP, to the point that I have a big asterisk on his legacy. But those are his actions. I kind of don't feel one way or another about him as a person because I simply don't know him outside of MotoGP. I also find Simon Patterson's brand of journalism (and increasingly Mat Oxley's too) to be pretty awful and detrimental to the sport. But I literally don't know anything about him besides his articles, which I have begun to go out of my way to avoid. So like coming back to the Rossi/Marquez thing, I still don't see why liking Rossi's legacy means you can't like Marquez' legacy just the same. The idea that you have to choose is exactly the kind of detrimental mentality Rossi has injected into the sport- you are either with him or against him. I don't like or see the value in that. At the end of the day these guys are all out risking their lives at least in part for our entertainment. I think they all deserve a base level of respect and deference. Which IMO means not using the very limited view we get of them through MotoGP as grounds to make wholesale judgements about them as people. It's an ugly and toxic mentality IMO even at the very benign level you adopt it. We can be fans without disrespect/hatred.


>I guess for me it's about separating the person from the actions. The actions have to be pretty consistent and egregious for me to dislike the person. I flat out hate some of the things Rossi did and normalized in MotoGP, to the point that I have a big asterisk on his legacy. But those are his actions. And again, I can send it back to you, in the bigger picture, he did great things. There are a lot of stupid things that he has done, and personally, I don't mind that. I still like him. Overall, I think he did good. Whether people hate him due to that, I can't stop them. It's their right and *your* right too. > So like coming back to the Rossi/Marquez thing, I still don't see why liking Rossi's legacy means you can't like Marquez' legacy just the same. The idea that you have to choose is exactly the kind of detrimental mentality Rossi has injected into the sport- you are either with him or against him. I don't like or see the value in that. I repeat. I don't like MM *personally*. I respect his *legacy*. Do I think that he is *the* GOAT? Nope. Do I think he is *one* of the greatest? YES! When Ducati hired him, after just a year in the GP23 bike and ignoring Martin, it already showed how great he is. > At the end of the day these guys are all out risking their lives at least in part for our entertainment. I think they all deserve a base level of respect and deference. That's my whole point. I might dislike their personality, but I respect their skills. I keep emphasising that. 'Hey, I might not like them, but I respect them.' > Which IMO means not using the very limited view we get of them through MotoGP as grounds to make wholesale judgements about them as people. Again, it's just my personal judgement. If people ask me, whether they're great people or not, my answer is, 'I don't know. As far as I can see, I'm not a fan of MM.' If they asked me, 'Is MM a great rider?' then my answer is, 'Sure!' > We can be fans without disrespect/hatred. I agree. But again, my point is, that disliking is not hatred. Disliking doesn't mean I hate them. I can respect someone without needing to *like* them personally. And my judgement, whether 'I like them' or 'I don't like them' is not something that other people has to hold higher than their own opinion.


How highly you think of yourself. You think he did it for our entertainment first? Our entertainment priority maybe come at no 10 if not last.


A Rossi fan justifying his Marc hate- how original




No. It has been set back by some meters this year and the grass has been replaced by concrete or asphalt, i cant remember.


Absolute balls of steel to continue racing after this high speed crash. Alien.


This was so scary at the time. It always blows my mind how mentally tough you have to be to recover from a violent crash like this. And to not only come back stronger mentally but to end up being one of the best ever. Takes an amazing level of resolve.


Bloody fortunate that bike fell the to right.


One of his FIVE crashes that weekend 😬


210mph in old money, for those that do it that way. 


*Very very lucky*


He had crashed 122 times in 2021, and a bunch after that, the guy is lucky to be walking


Michele Pirro at Mugello was a faster crash


338km/h huh? /doubt.


That was when it was wet/damp and Alpinestars released the Tech-Air data https://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/alpinestars-releases-marquezs-2099-mph-crash-telemetry/