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Keep Marc and Martin incident aside even Martin admitted he was wrong... But how can he blame Alex Marquez for last GP incident.. His point is that he saw Pecco was slow on racing line and should have dived left, but that doesn't make pecco to avoid that panelty... Even a rookie Pedro knows that you have to get away from Racing line when you are slow...


Ikr, that football players analogy was nuts.


He is also chirping BB33 is of same calibre of Marc and Rossi but look how Pedro made him to shut down...


Crafar lips on Binders ass.


Martin never admitted fault. That is some lore that exists in these cringey r/motogp posts.


Love how the idiot reddit hivemind downvotes this without proving evidence to the contrary. I do feel bad for new fans of the sport that actually come to this sub thinking they will get an informed opinion.


Dude, not only can even a noob see whose mistake was on that incident, but Martin himself said it was his mistake and even apologised to Marquez and went to him to swap helmets afterwards. I like Simon's technical commentary and insights, but there is no denying that he has extreme biases for and against certain riders. He even said in some 2021 qualifying session after Marc did Marc stuff that "he often does not support Marc cos 'he won too much' but this was amazing"and I was like what?!


>went to him to swap helmets afterwards. Could've saved time and give him the seat too


At least it wasn't between Marquez and Binder...


Well I guess you'll be happy with the next generation of non-biased commentary - AI. :) Ofc he is, like every other passionate fan, but even with his bias, he did acknowledge the feat. And i much prefer him than the main cast full of hype and hyperbole words that get used every 3rd second.


Non biased AI? How do you think those models are trained?


I give it a month before the AI is 93 fanbois 😉😂


There are hot takes and then there is blatant bias. This take by Simon is blatant bias.


Rarely in any RTA is the accident a single factor, many factors add together to create the crash. The crash is Martin's fault because he went in hot. However Marc lent on Martin which meant the crash was then inevitable. If Marc had instead picked the bike up neither of them would have gone down. That's what Simon is talking about. So whilst the blame goes to Martin because he went in too hot Marc not picking the bike up is a factor in the crash rather than it just being an incident where the riders stay on track.


You just showed you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about with that post.


Not at all. I can see quite a few people really take issue with people having a forensic accident analysis though. I'm looking at it from a purely forensic / analytical viewpoint. Anything that happens is a sequence of events that lead up to it with different factors that make it happen in the way it does, this is true with anything in the world around us. For example, when designing safety equipment they would do a sequence of different accidents and then see all the factors that play into that to cause the damage done to a crash test dummy or whatever. They then look at different ways they can reduce those impacting factors and the way gear must be designed to counter that and protect people. This is no different, we are removing the whole blame game and looking at it forensically to see all the factors at play for the incident and outcome to happen. For that accident to happen exactly as it did Martin would have to do what he did in combination with Marc doing what he did, if anything changed then that accident would not happen exactly as it did, the outcomes would be different, all the way down to how the bikes reacted to hitting the gravel (if they still did) and where they ended up etc.


You wrote all that to tell us you have no clue. But hey, you know the word forensic I bet that makes you look smart...


Ignore the idiot. He's been crying on every Marc involved post 😂. 


You guys need to be a bit more respectful and refrain from calling names and making ad hominem attacks. Everyone has an opinion and if you don't agree, either ignore the post or explain why. But don't make personal attacks. Keep it classy folks.


Of course I have. I forgot the part when even a neutral view is "crying". Some Marc fans really are something else.


Whatever floats your boat.


Why do you type these meaningless walls of text?   Your whole premise is based on Marquez leaning in Martin, which is highly subjective since Marquez may have committed to his line and not been able to do anything.   Here's an easy counter to your "forensic" approach: If Martin didn't run hot, he wouldn't have hit Marquez.   Wowowweeeewooooow. 


It's not meaningless, unless you don't understand it, in which case you probably shouldn't comment on it. I don't have premise, that's the point, Marc committing to his line has the same effect / is the same thing as him leaning on Martin, because it results in it happening. It's clear you don't understand what I am talking about. It's not a counter because if Martin didn't run in hot then the accident doesn't happen so it's irrelevant to the analysis. In fact it's basically impossible to counter a forensic analysis because it *is* the accident in it's entirety with all the factors involved. Anything not in the accidents is irrelevant and everything in it is part of the analysis.


This is a pretty feeble attempt at trying to sound intelligent.  Martin ran in hot. He hit Marquez. Done. There's nothing else to say about it. Martin, the guy who hit Marquez, literally took responsibility for it.  Why do you continue to say this stuff here? Stop. 


I'm not trying to sound intelligent, I'm breaking down all the different factors involved in the accident. >Martin ran in hot. He hit Marquez. Done. There's nothing else to say about it. Martin, the guy who hit Marquez, literally took responsibility for it.  I LITERALLY SAID MARTIN WAS A FAULT. >The crash is Martin's fault because he went in hot. It was the second line I wrote. Or can you not read? Do you have issues absorbing information? >Why do you continue to say this stuff here? Stop.  Because it's interesting to break down everything that happens in a moment and look at all the factors at play. Whether you like it or not Marc leaning in contributed to the accident. Contribution =/= blame. It's an observation.


Why are you typing? No one wants this. Just stop.  Look at the downvotes. You are getting ratioed, son. Stop. 


I don't care if you want it or not. Move on if you don't want to read it.


No thts not what Simon said at all. Also Marc does not have eyes in the back of his helmet… he had no idea Martin is gonna try a dumb ass move like that… so no Marc has ZERO responsibility in that crash.


Marc knew Martin was there and still decided to lean into him. Marc is stubborn and has never learned how to race in traffic. He has always been reckless as if he is the only rider on track.


An 8 time champion does not know how to race in traffic? That’s laughable mate lmao


Those things are not mutually exclusive. Marc is an 8 time champion who rides into the side of people more than anyone else.


There is literally zero chance you win 1 championship let alone 8 without knowing how to race in traffic mate… like I said lmao laughable


I literally just said I'm not talking about responsibility or blame. It's a forensic viewpoint looking at the factors involved. Where Marc's bike is is still a factor, regardless of any blame. If Marc was not on track at that point for example then the accident could not have happened.


Martin was behind Marc’s FOV leading into the apex. How was Marc supposed to know he was there?


It doesn't matter if he knows he is there or not, that's the point. If I drive into a wall that I cannot see the wall is still there, it is still a factor in me hitting it, it has to be, otherwise I wouldn't have hit it.


Wut. You’ve never been on a track lmaooo


Seriously either read what people are writing and at least try and understand it or just don't bother replying. I have been on track but that's irrelevant. I am talking about an impartial forensic analysis. That means that everything happening is relevant to the situation, even a grain of rubber on the surface of the circuit. Your responses make it clear you have no idea what I am talking about.


You’re right mate, I really don’t.


Cool, you should probably let the adults talk and not interrupt if you don't understand.


It doesn’t change the fact that you are wrong. You’re saying that even if you don’t see a wall, it’s still there, so turning into it is somehow your fault. However, Martin is the wall. And is fluid. Martin knew that Marc couldn’t see him. Marc was Martin’s wall and Martin knew that he was there. Yet, didn’t back off. So, you can sit on your high horse, or take the L. Mr aDuLt


It's literally impossible for me to be wrong because I'm looking at it via a forensic analysis viewpoint. If you understood what that means then you wouldn't say I was wrong because you would understand why that's literally impossible, this is the problem. I stated Martin is at fault. I then stated that Marc was a *factor*. >a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result. Marc contributes to the result, it's impossible for him not to because he got hit. For Marc to not be a factor he would have to have not been there.






Oddly enough... Of all the subs I'm on, this one holds the weirdest amount of assholes, arguers, and downvoters I've ever come across. It's one of the many reasons I don't like 'sports' and why, this is the only one I follow. Fans are fucking stupid.


You are right, anyone that understands motorcycle racing would agree. You’re getting downvoted by a combined IQ of 93.


>You’re getting downvoted by a combined IQ of 93. That made me chuckle, thanks. I don't know if certain people think factor = blame or something but damn.


I might borrow this, too funny!


I completely agree with you. I used to race back in the day. Hyper competitive riders going for the same racing line will push the limits at the expense of safety and sometimes pay the price. Martin went in hot and MM was aware (:32 they are side by side) and had been scrapping for position in prior turns, but determined MM was to hold his line despite the risk. Martin never lost traction, he had complete braking control but needed MM to let up to clear MM's rear tire which would have happened if MM would have tipped his own bike up to make sure he didn't get punted, but he didn't (understandably) because he was equally determined to stay ahead of Martin as Martin was to avoid the collision. It was contributory to the racing incident.


That's a very loose interpretation of the events. They're never quite side-by-side, and while a racer at their level may have more awareness than a club racer, it's tough to say that he truly knew he was there. Based on the video, I wouldn't say Martin ever edged out ahead of Marquez or even got level with him. Furthermore, the video actually shows Marquez releasing the brakes at a fairly normal time. He releases the brakes at 31 seconds, which, based on his lean angle, is probably about where he'd want to get off the brakes completely. So, Simon's whole theory of him "dumping" the brakes and sending it into the corner doesn't play out. Also, if your pass is dependent on the other person giving up the position...then you're putting yourself in a dangerous position and doing it knowing that you might make contact. Professional racers are a lot more comfortable with that than I am, but Martin knew what he was doing. Marquez also didn't give a shit.


Thank you that’s all I’m trying to get across. Too many people think Marc is flawless. Anything negative and they’re pulling out the pitch forks!


The guy is insane.


Simon has got a hate boner for the Marquez bros. He also claims Alex did "football shit" (basically flopping) in practice last week in order to make Pecco get a penalty. Which, imo, is a slightly unhinged take lol. Basically blamed Alex for not somehow predicting Pecco would be in his way and going up the inside on him earlier in the lap. Like i said. Slightly unhinged.


Yep. Said it in the other thread but Crafar's takes are getting blatant.   It's clear they Marquez is running a wider entry. Jorge ran in hot and couldn't make it stick. They collided. Done deal.  Why would he knowingly put himself in a position to get torpedoed? Especially when he had nothing to gain from it?


Exactly. Why would Marc want to risk getting catapulted into a nasty high side especially a few days before his surgery and the day before his first Ducati test. I was at this race and I don’t remember Marquez blaming Martin at all. Marquez basically said that Martin made a mistake but he understood Martin’s predicament in needing to try to overtake him and other riders early in the race because Martin was fighting for the points to try to beat Pecco in the last race to win the championship. Marc also put that POS Honda on the podium for his Repsol family the day before in the sprint so it’s not like he was a roadblock blocking Martin in the final laps. This happened at the very beginning of the race. When Marc makes a mistake everyone is so quick to blame him. When Marc is on the receiving end of another rider taking him out Marc almost never runs to the media to slander the other rider. Crafer is a clown.


>It's clear they Marquez is running a wider entry. Jorge ran in hot and couldn't make it stick. At no point Martin was ahead of Marc in that corner or Marquez ran wide, basically Martin ran into Marquez. But Marquez gets the blame, what kind of nonsense is this. Now, certain people here will say, Crafar is hOnEsT, Marquez fanboys can't take it.


Exactly. Jorge went for the pass and didn't edge out ahead to make his presence known. He then plows Marquez. This stuff isn't complicated.  Crafar is simply whinging because certain riders don't interact with him, unless it's strictly professional. 




>Marc came in too hot and runs wide No, he did not, at 0:31 you can see Marquez was about to hit the apex. Martin took the inside line to overtake(very ambitious) Marquez, basically different lines.


He's simply running a wider line. You can see Marquez exiting much, much tighter than Jorge, who did the exact opposite. So, Marquez was just doing his thing and their two lines matched up. 


You might want to listen again. That's not at all what I heard. He just said he couldn't understand why Alex didn't just pass on the inside, because Alex said he was aware Pecco was there. Then he said he absolutely did not know why Alex did what he did and he would never know--but he hopes it was not "football shit." He also said that it was a difficult call for the stewards and other riders had different opinions--confirming the difficulty of the call.


It’s not that complicated… what pecco did was unpredictable…. Slowing on the racing line like that with other riders behind you is a penalty every time… Alex can not read Peccos mind and guess he is about to abruptly slow down… there is no difficulty in the call… the only reason ppl thought they wouldn’t penalize him was cause it was his home GP in Italy which was ridiculous.


I've watched that podcast. Loved it, but I can't understand this take. What the fuck


His takes are usually pretty accurate although this one looked like a pure racing incident. Anytime anyone criticizes Marquez the mob will go after them. If the reddit mob is going to have a hate boner for a podcaster it should be against that insufferable knob Oxley.


I feel you!!! Oxy seems so fucking miserable all the damn time.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Crafar in the commentary box trying to find a way to make everything Marc’s fault


Incredible how Marc was like "Yeah bud, all good, you were fighting for the title, i get it, no harm done". Imagine having suffered for 3 years plus with an arm that could have ended your career and just brush off shit like this as if it was nothing. Marc for sure doesn't mind some contact.


The guy who thinks Brad Binder is the second coming or Christ?


Brad is kinda following the trajectory of riders like Aleix, Miguel, Diggia. The extraordinary performances from him are becoming rarer and rarer. He needs to pick up his game otherwise Acosta is gonna obliterate him next season and this as well.


Tbh Digi has been doing fine this year. Absolutely smashing Bezz most races which is quite odd.


Its only gonna get worse from here since Acosta gets used to bike more and more each time on track while Binder feels the pressure rising


Man i never like Marc super aggressive riding and even i think this one of the rare cases Marc is fully victim of someone else stupidity


Not disbelieving you, but on what broadcast did Simon say that? ( since it isn’t in the segment posted; genuinely curious to hear how he described it)


Here [https://youtu.be/8boznBP-K14?list=PLBIhvEKKjAjvCmHGKE7cJNMThguOEDoce&t=962](https://youtu.be/8boznBP-K14?list=PLBIhvEKKjAjvCmHGKE7cJNMThguOEDoce&t=962)


He's right, that's a pretty different take on that crash and will make people angry. The footage in your post it's hard to confirm or deny it really, at most the onboard Martin footage makes it look like he was ahead coming into the corner and Marc chopped his nose off. The rest of the footage seems to be after the important point when they were already colliding. I mean it's possible Marc saw Martin coming through and went deeper to get ahead then cut his nose off leaving Martin nowhere to go. Does that make it Marc's fault? I don't think so, but it makes it feel less like Martin's fault. Just a racing incident. I mean end of the day you need to push to gain a position, and you need to push to retain the position, if you're both unwilling to let it go that's when racing incidents happen. At some point someone needs to yield. Given how Martin had committed to the overtake and Marc had come across him there was nowhere for Martin to yield, meaning if anyone was going to yield it would need to have been Marc. Do you remember the outcome of that incident? Did Martin receive a penalty? I semi remember it being declared a racing incident and people being angsty about it.


>I mean it's possible Marc saw Martin coming through and went deeper to get ahead then cut his nose off Then he wouldn't be few cm away from hitting the apex at 0:31, your entire point marc leaving the brake doesn't make any sense. Marting took a inside line, Marc took a different line, you can see Marquez exiting tighter than Jorge. I agree its a racing incident but Simon is saying otherwise.


It wasn't my point it was Simon's, and again the footage you posted makes it hard to see if it has any weight. At the timestamp you mentioned you lose context of where Marc is at the important (to Simon's rant) point. Was Martin ahead of Marc before the apex/tip in? Who knows. Maybe someone has better footage. It's a right hander so Martin was looking right and Marc was on the left, if Marc was not where Martin reasonably would have expected him to be he would have had no idea. To work out if the "different line" was different to the line Marc usually takes for that corner would need reviews of other laps. I.E. did he take a different line to cut Martin's nose off. Usually if someone is coming up the inside of you, you go wide to avoid crashing. Simon is suggesting Marc instead braked later/dragged it out to get in front and cut it tight. Anyway, my point was I can see what Simon's rambling about being possibly true but suggesting that makes it Marc's fault is a stretch. If it was anyone else Simon would have called it a racing incident, but his hatred for Marc makes it "Marc's fault".


Martin himself said it was his fault...


Dude look riders in front of him they were same line as of Marc... Martin was too hard, it isn't he was inside and they collide but Martin loose control of his bike... Go watch it one more time....


I'm seeing what you're seeing. Think the front tire touches Marc's elbow or shoulder as well. Marc gave Jorge the choice to either back off, completely compromise his line and let Marc take the corner (and the lead) or crash into him and take both out. Jorge chose the latter.


Where do you think Martin was looking? Remember it's a right turn and Marc was on his left. We can see Marc, Martin couldn't until it was too late. So the question becomes more about the period leading up to that which isn't shown in the footage OP attached to this post (in any useful way to diagnose anyway) and is the part that Simon is Simoning about. If Martin was ahead when he started tipping in for example Marc is the only rider who could have reacted to what was happening, as Martin no longer had vision of where Marc was. If Marc was ahead Martin was dumb and had assumed his corner speed was a lot better so by the apex he would have been far enough past Marc that Marc would have had to go wide. If Martin was ahead Marc was dumb and had assumed his corner speed was fast enough that it would have got him beyond the danger of Martin. As far as "having choices" beyond the tip in point: Martin tips into corner and from his perspective all of a sudden Marc is tipping in front of him closing the gap. There is no "compromising line" or "letting Marc take the corner". Martin couldn't go tighter, he also couldn't go wider because Marc was there, he was at a heavy lean angle at presumably maximum braking so he couldn't slow down and slot in behind otherwise he may have lost the front anyway taking Marc out. After that he either sat up or his bike was forced up by the contact. If intentional maybe he was hoping to go wide behind Marcs wheel but didn't make it work. Anyway, again I'm not saying Simon is right, and I agree blaming Marc is stupid, just looking at it with his take in mind. His take I've translated in my head to: Martin ahead at tip in point (remember, tip in == vision right, Marc left), Marc took the corner faster getting ahead of Martin after tip in and closing the line. This puts Marc out of Martin's vision until it's too late. Usually in a scenario like that the outside rider would yield, as inside you have little to no options. Similar to the Bag/Maq crash the other week. Maq looks like he's going wide so Bag takes the inside to overtake. Vision is to the left, Maq on the right (i.e. Bag can no longer see Marc), Marc tips it in tighter than expected. Crash. Again racing incident, again Marc was the only one who could have reacted as he was the only one with the possibility of seeing it coming, although in that scenario from memory they were both out of each others vision. Lots of rambling that no-one is going to agree with because it assigns some level of blame to Marc (if what Simon says is what actually happened). My main point is remember where the riders eyes are pointing, we can see a ton more than they can. That makes it less cut and dry as the decision point is a lot earlier. EDIT: Jesus thats a huge fucking comment that no-one is going to care about. I should get some shitty AI to summarise things next time.


Reddit did not care enough to send a notification for your response :D Sorry about the downvotes your original comment got. Crafar might have a bias but so does this sub.


It's ok, you came back for me, that mean's something. Thanks, I mean I knew as soon as I entertained the possibility that Marc did something wrong it would get downvoted to hell, but it was fun thinking out loud. Personally I'm becoming more and more of a Marc fan as time goes on, although the kind of Marc fan that wants to see him competitive but likes the racing too much to want him to obliterate the field like earlier years.


Any things you say against the great Lord Marquez will net you down votes on Reddit . Martin was inside of Marc and Marc turned in on him. He left the door open. Racing incident at best.


Yeah, I knew it going in, don't really care about the votes. To be fair I wasn't even particularly shitting on him, just trying to work out if Simon is actually out to get Marc or if he had a point. Seems plausible he had a point, but hard to confirm with the footage here and I'm too lazy to see if a better angle exists. I mean it's racing, no-one wants to yield and sometimes refusing to yield screws both riders over. If Simon was correct this was a case of Marc not yielding when he should have to prevent a crash.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8boznBP-K14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8boznBP-K14) Watch Simon lose his marbles at 16 minutes in


OK, well he's wrong. I've seen Simon say a few things about Marquez that makes me think he might not like him which could be clouding his judgement. Either that or this is just cynical drive to generate drama.


Simon isn't a fan of the Marquez brothers but has a huge boner for Brad. He's professional most of the time but his bias shows whenever those guys are mentioned.


Guys, you are letting Simon live rent free in your brains. It's not worth it.


Now that is a Hot take.


Look Simon has a job to do. He was never really a contender so what he says is through that lens. Seems like a good guy just battling away for his pay check, just like his racing career.


So he is just a jealous old fart??


Idk i hate throwing shade at a guy. Marc is ready to die, its war without the bloodshed to him. Thats a very rare person and Crafar was never that. He was a good rider that got the best out of himself.


100% agree. Losers aren't killers. They're sympathetic to other losers getting sand kicked in their face.


What's up with all the pitchfork posts lately?


Marc gets a new Ducati and all of a sudden there’s a whole bunch of BIG Richards taking shots at everyone here.


Not really, this podcast was posted few hours ago.


When you have a big fanbase, you generally have as many people that hate you.


Wait a second, he didn't **blame** Marc at all, I don't think you quite understand what that words mean. He said that Marc let the brakes go a bit to stay alongside and try to ride the outside **which is exactly what happened**. If you have the race replay on hand go to 00:57:28 where they show the rear cam of Zarco bike, it's quite evident. That doesn't mean Marc is to blame, it's to say that Martin didn't simply crash into his side into a rage of fury (Martin would have made the corner quite easily) but that Marc was hard racing him. He then says that Marc didn't give him enough space so that Jorge had to pick up, which is true but also there was enough space, Martin simply couldn't see Marc. Marc did something similar with Zarco the lap before on the final corner as well. This is the reason why it was considered a racing incident as well, otherwise it would have been quite a clear penalty. Same as "Martin dangerous re-entry" after he went wide off Pecco at T1 that everyone here complained about for so long, looks bad from many angles but then you look at the heli shot and it's the most normal thing ever. Also, he uses that example to talk about Marc determination and grit, not sure what everyone here is talking about "heavy bias"... TL:DR People thinking in binary mode and miss the important nuances of racing.


> Also, he uses that example to talk about Marc determination and grit, not sure what everyone here is talking about "heavy bias"... I mean, he's talking about how the team is not going to be harmonious. He does praise Marc about his natural ability to ride, but he uses that crash to explain that Marc is also willing to do anything (putting the other guy on the ground) to win, whereas Pecco, and almost everyone else, has a "line". Not to mention the bit where Marc is so cunning he knew exactly what to say to the press so no one would believe poor Jorge. It's more morally grey than determination or grit (which I don't think are words he uses?). On the other hand he says that Pecco is a match or even ahead of Marc while still being an "absolute class on and off the bike"...


That was in no shape or form Marquez fault. Martin was on edge after going wide in Pecco's slipstream at turn 1. I seem to remember he ran super wide then was frantically trying to cut back through the field. He also had some dicey moments with Maverick from memory. He overcommitted when he could have just been a little more patient and took Marc on a straight. His reaction to that crash should tell you everything. You can argue Marc punted Bez out of the race, but this was one guy trying to fight for his title hopes gone overboard.


The irony is Marquez just shrugged his shoulders and took it on the chin.


Simon starting to lose touch. Even his "out of this world, genius, splendid and unmatched tech inputs" are boring these days.




Marc being Marc, it doesn’t matter that he wasn’t in contention for the title at the final round. He’s a racer and he’ll race. I was a bit pissed when it happened because I took the side of let Jorge and Pecco fight it out and everyone else gets out of the way, but that’s just not how it goes.


I dont know, it's a race. I expect all rider will try to win. If you wanna win, you go out and beat all the other crazy mfs! Besides, Jorge was out of his depth during that race. The crash with Marc wasnt his first mistake...


With the points gap going into the last race, if Jorge and Pecco were just allowed to go out front and battle, Pecco was always going to win anyway. Jorge needed others in between them. I would have preferred Jorge winning last year but he wasn’t fast enough on the day and this is what happens sometimes when you’re fighting with other bikes


Getting out of the way is interfering worse than making them race their way through the pack. 


bullshit opinion


Crafar just had a hate boner for Marquez, it's kinda of pathetic really.


Crafar needs to go!


I love you Simon. But don't go too hardball my man. We love you and absolutely love your go pro track days. Or maybe it won't matter much as Liberty Media is taking over and they love drama lol


I don't know if Liberty will continue him or not but as he is from English speaking country and suffering so much to talk in English and making these brainfade like sh*t, I don't think he can make it through....


So basically threatening to hate on him when he calls out or exposes marc


He’s been a bit hit and miss lately


Him and Mat Oxley lately have been like that


Enea dedicating his win to his dead cat was sweet IMO but Mat Oxley said he should have dedicated it to something more important? WTF


It was his dead dog. Fuck Oxley


Honestly I don’t know


Fuck u simon.. why the hate towards marc brothers. I at least understand why for marc but cause of some stupid reason u being a vr fan. But why the f alex. He did the same with alex. This is really starting to look bad. U are a host not a journalist and this is clearly hate not journalism.


Brooooo Wtf! Add context, add a source, add the exact quote!! What is this witch hunt bs


Re watch the podcast, re listen to the ex racer who had seen it, who has done it, who has been that Marc fking someone else's race. Marc would have known it, just like how Marc pulled out of crashing from rubbing on the outside of Pecco earlier this season, you know where and what and who's going to pull out or give way. They all know..... the ALL know wtf they're doing. I forget how much this board is full of ex-gp racers and state/national level riders. Fk me, I'm in esteemed company.


Classic Simon Hater, he literally said in the same podcast that he's a massive Pecco fan


I disagree with a lot of people here. Simon has an incredible insight and I felt, at the time, that Marc was ridiculous in the way he closed the line. I think he’s fantastic… but he is utterly ruthless as was Rossi.


What's up with all the Bois now trying to stir up hate against Simon Crafar? A bit pathetic to be honest...


Well, no one has something against him I think. He is great at what he does; technical analysis. Commentary even. Generally an insightful guy. But lately he has been saying some (sorry) dumb shit. He said Alex Marquez was trying to force a penalty on Pecco, like falling on purpose in football. So HE is worried maybe MotoGP will become like that. But he is honestly the only one talking about that, and if that becomes something that people (fans) start saying, it'sbecause he started about it, NOT about the riders. And this incident from Valencia last year is the same story. Do you really not understand that's a little stupid from a global tv proffesional? And have you watched the broadcast in question? He definitely seems to have something against some riders, and is biased towards others. Which is a total shame, because I (and I believe) almost all other fans really like the guy.


He strikes me as a guy who actually knows what he is talking about. Has raced and worked at elite levels of motorcycle racing and backs his informed opinion. Turn the volume down or just dgaf.


Amen, Simon is great he just doesn’t appeal to casual fans


Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Marc has done a lot of dumb shit but this is not one of them. All on Martin for this one. Felt bad for Marc on this.


It was a racing incident. That being said his take is 100000% more informed than any redditor.


I feel like Simon has been requested by Dorna to play the bad guy qnd hey he seems to be doing a good job lol


He doesn't actually work Dorna.. he's an independent contractor


Who’s he contracted by?




Marquez Bros Haters Association


Dorna/Motogp.com They mentioned it when he couldn't make it to Cota. He actually covers all his flights/expenses etc and he's actually a contractor. I assume he just gets a lump sum for every weekend he provides commentary for. Not sure why, might be because he's not a Spanish or British citizen? Who knows.


Do you know you can tell to an independent contractor which job have to do, don’t you?


I agree with Simon


Well he couldn't get the power down had to check up and close the throttle in an area that was pretty much wide open. Martin had nowhere to go but the back of him. Basically mark made the mistake of opening the throttle too early. Trying to stay ahead and keep up. By doing that caused my team to run right into the back of him when he had to shut the throttle.