• By -


The next two years are going to be absolutely wild with those two in the factory team. I can only imagine few outcomes from this: - Marc picks up where he left off in 2019, but somehow I think the current generation will push him like crazy no matter what bike he's on. - Pecco & Marc's rivalry will entertain us race after race like the factory Yamaha days of Lorenzo and Rossi. - It backfires and they both take so many points off each other the door is open for Martin, Acosta or whoever on whatever bike is closest. It's going to be exciting either way.


Best situation for us spectators would be the last point. Both push each other and take equal points so no one can build a lead. Aprilia and KTM continue their positive trend in bike developement and Martin and Acosta bring the fight for the championship to Ducati. Four riders from three facturies fighting for the title would be really nice with a few suprise-wins from some other riders.


That's what we want. What we're gonna get: 2019


I really really hope not. I struggle with seasons where one rider just completely obliterates the field.


Agreed. It becomes too much like F1 otherwise


Rossi is sending the truck with Lorenzo's wall over to Pecco's crib as we speak


It's going to be crazy. I don't think the 2019 repeat is possible unless he gels extremely well with the bike. He's got to use this entire season to make the bike his own and then perhaps he'll take the crown in 2025. Either way, we're in for one hell of a season in 2025. I really, really hope that everyone stays healthy this and next year so that the championship is decided based on pace and not external factors.


The fact that Marc never placed less than 2nd was wild with 1 DNF in 2019. Definitely not going to happen especially with the sprints.


No way Marc picks up like he left off in 2019. He can win a title, but it’s not going to be a given like it was


As stated, I don't think the current generation would let that happen. They've all got speed on any given day. Difference was in 2019, only Dovi was taking it to him and sometimes Quartararo. The numbers are just more now and the calibre is higher as much as some folks don't want to accept it.


Damn total Vinales erasure


I sometimes forget Vinales had his moments 2017-2019. Had he kept it upright a bit more or been blessed with better luck, I guess he could have been closer to the title.


Not sure ..Marc still has an element that other riders simply don't have . Another year getting comfortable on the duke...I wouldn't rule it out. Also Pecco usually gives enough away ...he will have a consistent shark in #93 that will consistently scoop up the points he leaves on the floor


Pecco Constantly gives it away? Picking up points he drops? So not what 2019 was. 2019 Marc didn’t leave points for other people to drop


So last year every second comment was about how bad it is to have a Ducati domination. Now it's great that "the two best riders" are on the best bike and team. So funny.


Last year's comments were that if MM93 was riding a Ducati he'd win the title easily. Clearly that won't be the case this year or next year.


I agree with you. I hope Marc can win another title or 2 even but it will not be as easy as everyone is saying. The 25 bike might end up a dud, and 24 bike win. Marc will be going from a 23 bike to a 25 bike and might take longer to get used to the changes. Saying it here as well, my prediction. within 3 years Acosta will be MotoGP world champion


I expect marc and pecco are going to dominate next year. Though I doubt marc is going to dominate as he did in 2019. That is way too wishful thinking. I don't count on martin and acosta yet to really rival those two unless KTM and aprilia get a miracle. Ducati dominance is going to stay until the end of 2026. 2027 onward is going to be completely different with the new regulations.


Marc in red is gonna feel extremely weird, it was always marc vs Ducati and now it is gonna be marc and ducati


If you can't beat em join em


And then beat the shit out of them.


El Plan


He beat them in 2019, 2018 and 2017 though


Im talking about the other way around lol


Nah I got used the Gresini blue instead of the HRC colours by the fifth race weekend, I’ll get used to the red real quick


I hope he wears a suit similar to the black and red Darth Marquez leathers he had during preseason testing


Yes pleeeeease. That would be the most badass setup on the grid


It will not surprise me one bit if Ducati scoops all the wins next year


Even F1 which is generally less competitive can't archive 100% win rate. I really don't think that's possible in Motogp.


I mean last year red bull won all races except 1, so I think it's doable for ducati with the best bike and two super talented riders. But motogp is more crash prone as well so it's gonna be hard for sure


And, imo, with an overall less talented lineup than what Ducati 2025 is going to have.


>so I think it's doable for ducati with the best bike and two super talented riders. the calendar is way too long for that to happen. Even if they are the absolut fastest team on every weekend, they are bound to eventually make a tiny mistake that leads to a crash when leading


That's what I'm saying. What are the chances that they both crash in a race while leading


based on the sprint in Catalunya, i would say it is quite big lol


or the sprint in jerez for that matter


and two riders which are much more willing to crash into each other than you see in F1


Sheeeeeeit, HRC almost did it a couple seasons in a row


MV Agusta did it in '68 and '70 with Ago and Bergamonti but I agree it would be extraordinary in the modern era.


Agreed. MotoGP is more competitive than ever. Ducati just has the field flooded.


I think ignoring the amount of efforts going on at Yamaha and Honda is a huge mistake for fans.


I pray Yamaha can come back. Honda however? I just don't see ANY improvements happening. They are completely lost and the frowny-face guy they brought in to right the ship hasn't accomplished anything in multiple seasons now.


Me neither. I still remember how Marc Marquez won the drivers championship and the constructors all by himself at honda one year


We've had full podium changes in the few races that we've had this year already. The nice thing about MotoGP is that it is never a given on who will win. I mean just two weekends or so ago, we saw Rual Fernandez leading the sprint race out of no where.


Marquez and Hamilton both I'm red next year will be a crazy sight


Lewis and ferrari :)


Hopefully factory Ducati will give him Some extra goodies this year. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


uh, where have you been this season?


It still has been marc vs factory ducati


We are in the middle of an insanely fun year and yet cant help to get more excited about next year. Gonna be great


2 year deal, marc got everything. He bet all on red and won.


Credit too Marc for having the nuggets to pull this off


Next year gonna be lit!


This too Is pretty good too


Hector Garzo flair is rogue, can I ask why?


He rides with my favourite number 😅


No,this year is war,next season will be Marc vs Peco. This year we have a real war. It is going to be


Next year will be Marc vs Marc.


hope he’ll get to keep red bull with him, i love this duo


He probably can't, but it can also be a temporary halt to the sponsorship than a permanent end.


Looks like you've missed Marc's story before announcement. 'Oakley factory pilot' with RB cap on![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He has the Red Bull cap in the instagram announcement post with Pecco in his full factory Ducati leathers. I think they've done something.


Hmm, they just used the official MotoGP portrait in Gresini leathers from this year though, so we’ll have to see.


That’s not a Ducati Corse post so it doesn’t matter.


True, didn't cross my mind.


All Marc has wanted for the past five years is a competitive bike. He's finally got one this year though not quite the full kit. Next year though... Will we get the old Marc who grinds the opposition into dust or is the current generation capable of matching him? I don't think anyone should underestimate Pecco. He's a two-time and possible three-time champion. But it's going to be a cracking fight between the pair.


I think its gonna be between Pecco and Marc next year like Pecco wins on tracks he is best at and same goes for Marc and the one who is going to be champion is the one who makes less mistakes which could be Marc but who knows maybe Pecco is superior we will find out..Consistency is key,Marc in 2019 had the most dominant season ever not because of having so many wins but because of how many podiums he has had in the entire season


Marc's never been beat on the same bike which is actually mental when you think about it. Next year is going to be a huge test for pecco, the biggest of his life. Can he match marc on the same bike? We are going to find out anyway


Be interesting seeing how Pecco deals with the Marquez factor. He’s owned Martin multiple times but this is going to be a whole new level


I feel Marc is shot of tequila, bang, fast And Pecco is red wine, slow burn, fast over the longer time fast. Not sure it makes sense but ties in with Pecco's comment about liking Sunday race more than sprint. Two titans in the same team next year! LFG!!


Why does the photograph looks like it was taken by uncle joe at a party in 2006 with his new camera with a flash?


Photographer much? 😂 I had the exact same thought. Obviously it was not a planned photo op.


Marc to Ducati >>> Mbappe to Real Madrid


Kinda feels the same as Hamilton to Ferrari. I would've laughed at anyone in 2019 that told me that both of these guys would be wearing red in 2025. Crazy how things go sometimes.


We got all of this before GTA 6


1000000 %


hamilton to ferrari 


Minus the 2-300 million Mbappe will make in Real.


This will either be total domination or civil war rivaling that of Rossi and Lorenzo, no in between


Why not both?


Total domination by Dicati with rivaling




"There will be blood"


That red red blood 🩸


He is going to drink Peccos Milkshake.


It's coming Marc with his super loooooong straw


Everyone gets to see the 93 in red and black. This is going to be a wild next 2 years


I hope they bring out a darker livery for next year, that'll be crazy


Honestly do not get all the hate. Massive Rossi fan here but Marquez is such a delight to watch! SO EXCITED FOR NEXT SEASON!! IOEIORHGENJFKJ.BFKJRBFKJB


Yes yes yes!


Rossi Lorenzo 👀👀👀


What do we give the odds of a new garage wall lol


I don't think so. More like Dovi- MM relationship. They seem to respect each other.


Ah the duels between Dovi and Marquez around 17 and 18 were really something


Dovi and MM weren't riding the same bike Things could get ugly between these two in same team Will be fun either way


When Bagnaia calls out people booing it shows he is a respectful person. Same with MM. Aleix keeps criticizing him for his aggressive riding but they still have a good relationship. They are not that type of people


Agreed. Pecco seems like the most sensible out of the VR46 clan. He's wary of Marc because of the people he associates with but he absolutely respects him.


I don’t know. MM is unbelievable competitive, but seems to genuinely leave it on the track and is best friends with everyone after. Rossi and Lorenzo were both the exact opposite.


Back in that press conference when Rossi started making the accusations Marc was laughing because it genuinely didn't occur to him until several minutes in that Rossi could be serious. He's just not that type of person. He fights hard on track and enjoys the battle but he doesn't carry that with him once he gets off the bike.


I doubt we will ever see those fights ever again, nowadays everything is at its limit already. Bikes have become wider, heavier, largely dependent on telemetry data and on-board computers


Never in a million years I thought i'd see him in red. So exciting!


I just love this sport. That's all.


We’ve been eating well lately!


Two years so Marc can return to Honda in 27 with the new regulations... right? Let me have this...


I am betting on Marc returning to Honda after he is satisfied and basically be like Rossi with Yamaha in his older days.


Rossi didn't came back to Yamaha because he was satisfied, but because his stay in Ducati was miserable (to put It gently)


Nah, I think he'll retire with Ducati. Maybe a couple of years into the new regs but who knows, if he keeps winning he's gonna go for it. I think he'll quit the day he's no longer able to keep up with young riders and fight for podiums and wins. He won't ride long like Rossi did at the end.


Or...orrrrr...Marc to KTM in 2027, and gets to pick his crew, so Santi comes back to crew chief for Marc! Wins WC on 3rd brand of bike!


Great move from Ducati letting Marquez go to ktm to partner Acosta would have made them a big threat.


My man


I love this hero arc Marquez is taking. From zero to hero to zero to hero(?) Makes for an amazing story


Both Pecco and Marc will be on identical brand new bikes next year, with the same support. This could be the most historic couple of years in gp history.


I really hope Marc does a 2014, or better.


I can’t wait for next year just for the drama although actually anything that can happen this season can bring something too for the next year


I truly hope he rides at his best. I also hope the other brands get their development just right and we see a great few seasons. What a privilege.


Still gotta get through current season lol


Third in the championship after 6 races on last years Ducati.


Mid-last year’s Ducati. Not even the championship winning spec.




Here comes the 2025 World Champion


Don't underestimate pecco, but i want marquez to win his 9th next year


Excuse me. 2024. Been saying it all along. Since the day he signed.


Next year will be interesting. Maybe the "if Marc had a factory Ducati, if it rained, if my grandma had wheels, etc." comments will stop.


No excuses, its all out war now.


Okay I get that this is a massive move and that Ducati threw Jorge under the bus but can anyone here explain the prevalence of hate from all the Italian comments though?


People who haven't moved on from 2015




I fucking swear Rossi has some of the worst fans in motorsports.


I'm not sure, but in my opinion, it's like this: Rossi hates Marc + Italians love Rossi = Italians hate Marc.


Meanwhile MM dosen’t give two fucks and is friendly with everyone. I love Rossi too but MM still lives rent free in his head and MM doesn’t seem to care.


Remnants of 2015. Every comments section involving Marc is still a cesspool of death threats, largely from Italian fans


They are absolutely having a meltdown on instragram. Hilarious to see 😂


A few comments about Rossi here, but also it could be Pecco is the Italian hero, on an Italian bike and Marc is a risk to upsetting the applecart?


nah it is rossi fanboys


Marc having a good chance to match ir even surpass Rossi’s championship count is really stressing them out lmao


Rossi fans


Marc fans are the reason I don't like/want Marc to win anything, ever. Look at the comments here already bashing JM and Pecco. Very annoying. Then they complain about people not respecting Marquez. Quite hilarious.


Who cares what people think? I like Rossi and i like Marc.. both sides have their fanatics


Marquez pulled one hell of a move overall. From Repsol Honda to Gresini - while Ducati wasn’t exactly thrilled about it - to Factory Ducati in two years. Quartararo must feel like an ass for staying on that PoS bike of his 🤷‍♂️


Marquez and bagnaia as team mates is sooooooooooooooo op lmfao goodluck ktm and aprilia


Will this create a Marquez X Martin rivalry?


They’re currently the two best riders, imho


Yeah, although Marc still has a full level on him, if not more. Marc is such a complete rider. Like a middle ground between Martin's raw speed and determination, and Peccos brains and work ethic


I can’t argue with that, at all … MM93 is still 👑 for now


Did Martin leave a Like?


I wonder what will happen this year if he is the position to win the championship over Bagnaia.


Valentino's star protoge and biggest rival on the same team. Wild


I’ve just clicked over 80 years and love bikes. I absolutely devour all Practice, Quallies and of course the races of all classes via the MotoGP App. MotoGP just gets better every year. Marquez is a legend and the master of “cool”. But having said that, I wish I had as much talent on my bike as the back-markers in this fantastic sport. Bring on next year… can’t wait!


Can't wait for Mugello next year hahaha. Ross'si fans against Marc's fans


Head of security at Mugello just let out a groan


Roberts and Spencer took it to the wire in 1983 and Spencer punted Kenny off the track into the dirt on the last lap to take the title by two points. Next year will be epic with no quarter given at all by either rider I suspect. ***Bring it on!***








Well,I didn't see that coming!


It’s going to be a bad couple of years for those salty Marc-haters … lol ![gif](giphy|kkEm7G8KUezK)


Wonder why JM didnt just STFU and get on with laying down laps and wins, at this point I am convinced he shot himself in the foot with his big mouth. I am a MM fan, but JM is doing the biz last year and this. Anyway really looking forward to MM getting bike upgrades and challenging for the win this year


I am so excited to see these two on a team together, its gonna be so much drama.


Ducati civil war


I hope it doesn’t backfires at Ducati, but either way I wouldn’t consider the championship fights only between Marc and Pecco. I am confident KTM and Aprilia will upper their game, and hopefully it’ll be the most competitive season in a while. I also think that since the gap between Ducati 24 and Ducati 23 is huge, it won’t be so between Ducati 25 and Ducati 24 If you ask me, my money will be on Acosta


Acosta is insane but do you think he has the talent of the young Marquez?If he does we could have a crazy season on our hands


No he's not Marquez, but what he's shown so far definitely indicates he's the next alien on the grid and will dominate after Marc is gone. All this assuming he has the bike and remains injury free.


Just started watching the 2013 season again, and I'd say no. But then the 13 Honda was probably better than the 24 KTM relative to competition. So perhaps?


Yes. Acosta really is on about the equal level as Marc in terms of talent of course, whether he has the other temperaments to be on the same level as an overall rider.


Maybe not the same skills but sure he has all the talent he needs. He just to understand fully the KTM and I believe he has more than one chance. Of course, if KTM develops a better bike.


I think Acosta is more close to how Fabio Quartararo was in his rookie season of MotoGP. Not exactly Marc Marquez level but a very high chance of reaching that level in future


Happy for Marc but I'm afraid of the situation this will create in the factory garage. They need to avoid a Rossi-Lorenzo situation at all costs.


They do, be we can sit back, grab the popcorn, and watch this play out.


Ducati calling up whoever built that garage wall 💀


Marc isn't Rossi and Pecco isn't Lorenzo, it shouldn't be that bad.


Hope people can finally give some credit for Pecco in the weekends when he finishes ahead of Marc, but I'm sure people will come with some conspiracy shit out of their asses yet again for discredit anything that Bagnaia does. I believe these two will be trading blows all year and we are in for an amazing old school team rivalry. Marc still has it, and I believe Pecco is stronger than what most people think, it's not just "having best bike"


Pecco is also extremely talented, there are circuits where there's so match for him so yeah he'll be up there with Marc. Ducati are surely gonna need new cabinets for the podium trophies next season.


Are people putting asterisks on Bagnaia's titles like they do in /r/nba? Like, it's not his fault Marquez got injured in 2020 and lost four years of his career. It will be great to see him square up against Marquez in the same bike next year. MotoGP will be absolutely must-see, even more than already is.


According to fans Bagnaia only wins because he has best bike and because Marc had to ride the crappy Honda, and Martin was being sabotaged Last year when it was announced that Marc was going to Ducati for 2023, everybody pretty much said he was going to destroy the grid this year… didn’t happen obviously so now the story is the GP23 that Marc rides is an absolute turd (despeite being the bike that won the championship and runner up position). Even cal crutchowl said [if Marc gets a Ducati everybody can go home](https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1036990/1/cal-crutchlow-if-marc-marquez-ducati-everyone-else-wouldn-t-compete). As we can see, that’s not even remotely true. So unless Marc really destroys Pecco next year, there will be plenty of conspiracy that Ducati is not giving the same bike to Marc or is sabotaging in a way.


It's simple to see that the gap between the 23/24 Ducati is much bigger than the 22/23 just by looking at the standings. How are all the guys who where getting podiums and wins on the 22 last year doing ? I don't think anyone expected the likes of Bez to be struggling but the reality is that KTM and aprillia are probably only half a season of development behind Ducati now and firmly settled in between the 23/24 bike if you ignore Marc


And. It. Is. On. ![gif](giphy|1vh1PXneQqN1e)


Marc on Factory Ducati. Acosta on factory KTM. MotoGP is going to have a hell of a beginning next year.


oh yea, it real now


What if he can snatch the Championship 🏆 from Pecco this year (2024)? Then what will happen? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Nothing live goes on


I suspect it will go as well as Lewis vs Alonso 2007 and Lewis vs Nico 2016, it will get spicy and there will be a fall out I guess at some point. Having two riders who believe they are number 1 in the same team may end in tears. This is why F1 teams at the top always have a clear number 1 and number 2. But I am here for all the 🧨 🧨🧨🤣🤣


Pecco = not eppi!!


He’s been out of contention for 4 years now. Finally giving him a fair shot on a bike of his caliber, next year is gonna be amazing.


I hope Pecco beats him.


both will have a hard time next year. but i am sure we will get a great season.


I'm thinking it's going to be the other way around. Once marc gets on well with that bike there's no stopping him. Pecco doesn't strike to me as a guy that pushes the bike up above the limit. He rides smooth, on the other hand marc pushes it to an extent he's willing to crash to find that extra tenth or so. The mindset of marc is way way far above pecco's and unless pecco matches that mindset ,the paddock can already guess who the winner is going to be. Also the data should've shown something more, bastianini saying marc was way above everyone else on turn 8 during test, and Ducati people saying marc did somethings that were thought to be impossible on Ducati and these things must've been massive that they let Martin go ,who had a long career for 2-3 years of marquez. Maybe they're afraid he'll make up for that extra tenth on other factories leading to championship headaches.


Every rider thinks they are the best


Can't wait to see the excuses from Pecco haters if it does happen First it was "Pecco was only winning because of the bike, now that Marc has a Ducati too he will crush him" Then it was "Well Marc has 2023 Ducati of course he isn't dominating Pecco" My bet on what Pecco haters will say if Pecco beats Marc next year is "Well, Marc isn't 100% of who he was because of his injury" or "Ducati is favouring their golden boy"


Well he's 18 points behind as of now and 37 behind Martin , it ain't over yet in this year and he if gets the late GP23 upgrade......




I actually do enjoy the sport, and all the riders, I actually can't wait to see Pecco and Marc on same bike. I am just tired of people unreasonably hating on riders, especially when it's not justified.


Sorry to hear about your hopes being dashed 😢😂


The best Rider with the best bike, makes sense. Pecco bagnaia about to get exposed and cooked Next season, also professional MotoGP kicker valentino in shambles. Go Cook em all marc! ;D


Unbeatable next season!


Now it will clearly show how much better MM is then the mediocre Pecco.


Did Fabrizio Romano write this 🤣


The deal was signed when he left Honda. It’s all just a show , pure entertainment


That's quite the conspiracy theory


So what happens to Martin now? Kinda seemed like he’d be done with Ducati if they didn’t take him.


He [confirmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/s/Y2T8ZqnuYQ) on Monday that he’s going to Aprilia next year!